Document Style Template

Table of Contents

1. About This Data Dictionary 1


2.1. ANT_MAKE VARCHAR2(25) 2

2.2. ant_model varchar2(25) 2

2.3. ant_seq_id number 2

2.4. ant_type_code varchar2(1) 2

2.5. ant_type_desc varchar2(50) 2

2.6. antenna_id number(10) 2

2.7. asr_num varchar2(15) 2

2.8. azimuth number(4,1) 3

2.9. beamwidth number(4,1) 3

2.10. callsign char(10) 3

2.11. cancellation_date date 3

2.12. channel_block varchar2(6) 3

2.13. common_name varchar2(200) 3

2.14. contact_address1 varchar2(60) 3

2.15. contact_address2 varchar2(60) 4

2.16. contact_city varchar2(20) 4

2.17. contact_company varchar2(100) 4

2.18. contact_country varchar2(30) 4

2.19. contact_email varchar2(100) 4

2.20. contact_fax varchar2(30) 4

2.21. contact_name varchar2(50) 4

2.22. contact_phone varchar2(30) 4

2.23. contact_state varchar2(2) 4

2.24. contact_title varchar2(25) 5

2.25. contact_zip varchar2(9) 5

2.26. emission_code char(10) 5

2.27. emission_id number(10) 5

2.28. emission_seq_id number 5

2.29. entity_type_code varchar2(10) 5

2.30. entity_type_desc varchar2(100) 6

2.31. expired_date date 6

2.32. facility_id number 6

2.33. freq_class_station_code char(4) 7

2.34. freq_class_station_desc varchar2(50) 7

2.35. freq_seq_id number 7

2.36. frequency_assigned number(16,8) 7

2.37. frequency_id number(10) 7

2.38. frequency_upper_band number(16,8) 7

2.39. frn varchar2(200) 7

2.40. grant_date date 7

2.41. hgt_structure number(7,1) 8

2.42. last_action_date date 8

2.43. lic_address varchar2(60) 8

2.44. lic_attention_line varchar2(35) 8

2.45. lic_city varchar2(40) 8

2.46. lic_name varchar2 (255) 8

2.47. lic_state char(2) 8

2.48. lic_status_code char 8

2.49. lic_status_code_desc varchar2(40) 9

2.50. lic_zip_code char(9) 9

2.51. license_id number(10) 9

2.52. loc_city varcahar2(20) 9

2.53. loc_id number(10) 9

2.54. loc_county_code char(5) 9

2.55. loc_county_name varchar2(60) 10

2.56. loc_lat_deg number 10

2.57. loc_lat_dir char 10

2.58. loc_lat_min number 10

2.59. loc_lat_sec number(3,1) 10

2.60. loc_long_deg number 10

2.61. loc_long_dir char 10

2.62. loc_long_min number 11

2.63. loc_long_sec number(3,1) 11

2.64. loc_radius_op number(5,1) 11

2.65. loc_seq_id number 11

2.66. loc_state char(2) 11

2.67. market_code varchar2(10) 11

2.68. market_desc varchar2(50) 12

2.69. orig_id number(9) 12

2.70. polarization_code varchar2(15) 12

2.71. power_erp number(15,3) 13

2.72. power_output number(15,3) 13

2.73. radio_service_code char(2) 13

2.74. radio_service_desc char(255) 13

2.75. rollup_category_desc varchar2(100) 13

2.76. rollup_entity_code varchar2(5) 16

2.77. rollup_entity_ desc varchar2(100) 16

2.78. rollup_status_code varchar2(50) 17

2.79. rollup_status_desc varchar2(100) 17

2.80. source_system varchar2(10) 17

2.81. tolerance number(6,5) 18

2.82. unit_of_measure varchar2(5) 18

About This Data Dictionary

FCC License View is a single portal for information on the management of licenses. The data in License View can be used to conduct research and analysis on licenses in the FCC’s databases.

Typically, to be eligible for inclusion in License View, data elements had to exist in at least three of the following FCC Licensing Systems:

• CDBS (Consolidated Database System)

• COALS (Cable Operations and Licensing System).

• ELS (Experimental Licensing System)

• IBFS (International Bureau Filing System)

• ULS (Universal Licensing System)

Exceptions are data elements market_code and market_desc, which only exist in ULS.

The data in License View is available for download. This data dictionary provides the definitions for the data elements included in the file. It also includes information for formatting each data element and specifies its allowable values.

Column Definitions

1 ant_make varchar2(25)

This is the make of an antenna.

2 ant_model varchar2(25)

This is the model number of an antenna.

3 ant_seq_id number

This is the number that identifies a particular antenna in a group of antennas.

4 ant_type_code varchar2(1)

This code specifies the general classification of an antenna's use. Examples of valid values are H - Hub; P - Passive Repeater; R - Final Receiver; T - Transmitter.

5 ant_type_desc varchar2(50)

This text specifies the meaning of a given antenna type code.

6 antenna_id number(10)

This number is the unique system-generated identifier for each antenna record.

7 asr_num varchar2(15)

This number is the unique ASRN (Antenna Site Registration Number) assigned to a registered tower.

8 azimuth number(4,1)

This count measures the direction in which an antenna is pointing, relative to true north (0 degrees). The azimuth is expressed in degrees, is measured in a clockwise direction with respect to true north, and the value must be a positive number between 0.0 and 359.9.

9 beamwidth number(4,1)

This count measures the angle, measured in a horizontal plane, between the directions at which the intensity of an electromagnetic beam is one-half its maximum value. The antenna's beamwidth is expressed in degrees and is a positive number between 0 and 359.9.

10 callsign char(10)

The call sign identifies a specific authorization. A call sign consists of a combination of up to ten letters and numbers.

11 cancellation_date date

This is the date on which the authorization was cancelled by the licensee or the license was terminated by the Commission. The value in the lic_status_code column identifies which action was taken.

12 channel_block varchar2(6)

This is the frequency(ies) associated with the authorization.

13 common_name varchar2(200)

This is an entity that either wholly owns or has majority interest in the license; is the general partner of the limited partnership or manager of an LLC that holds the license; or is the name under which the service being provided via the license is marketed to the public. Currently, less than 10% of all licenses have a confirmed association with a common name.

14 contact_address1 varchar2(60)

This is the first line of the mailing address of a contact.

15 contact_address2 varchar2(60)

This is the second line of the mailing address of a contact.

16 contact_city varchar2(20)

This is the city in which the contact is located.

17 contact_company varchar2(100)

This is the company name of the contact.

18 contact_country varchar2(30)

This is the country of a contact.

19 contact_email varchar2(100)

This is the email address of a contact.

20 contact_fax varchar2(30)

This is the fax number of a contact.

21 contact_name varchar2(50)

This is the name of the individual who is serving as contact.

22 contact_phone varchar2(30)

This is the telephone number of a contact.

23 contact_state varchar2(2)

This uniquely identifies a specific state, possession, or territory within the United States of America of a contact.

24 contact_title varchar2(25)

This is the title of a contact.

25 contact_zip varchar2(9)

This is the Zip code of the contact. This can be a 5-character Zip or a 9-character extended Zip (without the hyphen.)

26 emission_code char(10)

This code represents the electromagnetic energy radiated from an antenna.

27 emission_id number(10)

This number is the unique system-generated identifier for each emission record.

28 emission_seq_id number

This number identifies a particular emission in a group of emissions.

29 entity_type_code varchar2(10)

This code specifies the entity type of the license holder.

The following table shows the existing entity type code values and descriptions as well as the code values and descriptions used in FCC License View.

|Source System |Actual Code Value |Actual Code Description |New Code Description |

|CDBS |C |For-Profit Corporation |Business |

|CDBS |E |Private Not-for-profit Educational |Business |

| | |institution | |

|CDBS |F |A limited liability company (LLC/LC) |Business |

|CDBS |I |Individual |Individual |

|CDBS |L |Limited Partnership |Business |

|CDBS |N |Not-for-profit Corporation |Business |

|CDBS |O |Other |Other |

|CDBS |P |General Partnership |Business |

|CDBS |S |Sole proprietorship |Business |

|CDBS |T |Government |Government |

|COALS |A |Association |Business |

|COALS |C |Corporation |Business |

|COALS |G |Governmental Entity |Government |

|COALS |I |Individual |Individual |

|COALS |O |Other |Other |

|COALS |P |Partnership |Business |

|COALS |T |Attorney |Business |

|ELS |A |Association |Business |

|ELS |C |Corporation |Business |

|ELS |I |Individual |Individual |

|ELS |O |Other |Other |

|ELS |P |Partnership |Business |

|IBFS |APP |Applicant |Other |

|IBFS |ASE |Assignee |Other |

|IBFS |ASR |Assignor |Other |

|IBFS |COR |Corporation |Business |

|IBFS |GOV |Governmental Entity |Government |

|IBFS |IND |Individual |Individual |

|IBFS |LIC |Licensee |Other |

|IBFS |OTH |Other |Other |

|IBFS |PAR |Partnership |Business |

|IBFS |UNA |Unincorporated Association |Business |

|ULS |B |Amateur Club |Individual |

|ULS |C |Corporation |Business |

|ULS |D |General Partnership |Business |

|ULS |E |Limited Partnership |Business |

|ULS |F |Limited Liability Partnership |Business |

|ULS |G |Governmental Entity |Government |

|ULS |H |Other |Other |

|ULS |I |Individual |Individual |

|ULS |J |Joint Venture |Business |

|ULS |L |Limited Liability Company |Business |

|ULS |M |Military Recreation |Individual |

|ULS |O |Consortium |Business |

|ULS |P |Partnership |Business |

|ULS |R |RACES |Individual |

|ULS |T |Trust |Business |

|ULS |U |Unincorporated Association |Business |

30 entity_type_desc varchar2(100)

This text specifies the meaning of a given entity type code.

31 expired_date date

This date signifies the point in time when the authorization has or will expire.

32 facility_id number

This number is the FCC-assigned identifier that uniquely identifies a facility.

33 freq_class_station_code char(4)

This is the code designated for the station class associated with the frequency.

34 freq_class_station_desc varchar2(50)

This text is the full description of the station class associated with the frequency.

35 freq_seq_id number

This number identifies a particular frequency in a group of frequencies.

36 frequency_assigned number(16,8)

This number is a specific frequency associated with an authorization. This field will be “null” for market-based licenses.

37 frequency_id number(10)

This number is the unique system-generated identifier for each frequency record.

38 frequency_upper_band number(16,8)

This number defines the upper range of a frequency block (where the lower end of the block is in the frequency assigned column).

39 frn varchar2(200)

This number is a registration number assigned to the entity or individual that holds an authorization. "FRN" stands for FCC Registration Number and is assigned to the party through CORES (COmmission REgistration System).

40 grant_date date

This is the date when the FCC granted the authorization.

41 ground_elevation number(15,7)

This is the ground elevation of the antenna structure.

42 hgt_structure number(7,1)

This is the height of the antenna structure, in meters.

43 last_action_date date

This is the date this record was last updated.

44 lic_address varchar2(60)

This is the mailing address of the licensee.

45 lic_attention_line varchar2(35)

This is the attention line in the mailing address.

46 lic_city varchar2(40)

This is the city of the mailing address for the authorization.

47 lic_name varchar2 (255)

This is the name of the license holder.

48 lic_state char(2)

This is the state of the mailing address for the authorization.

49 lic_status_code char

This code describes the current status of the license.

The following table shows the existing license status codes and descriptions as well as the code values and descriptions used in FCC License View.

|Current Codes |Current Code Description |Rolled up Code |Rolled up Code Description |

|(used in existing systems) | | | |




| |Current (based on completed date) |A |Active |

| |Closed (based on completed date) |C |Canceled |

|E |Grant Expired Due to New License or |E |Expired |

| |Expired | | |

|G |Granted |A |Active |

|A |Active |A |Active |

|D |Deleted |C |Cancelled |

|N |Not Active |C |Cancelled |

|C |Cancelled |C |Cancelled |

|T |Terminated |T |Terminated |

50 lic_status_code_desc varchar2(40)

This text describes the license status code.

51 lic_zip_code char(9)

This is the Zip code of the mailing address for the authorization.

52 license_id number(10)

This number is the FCC-assigned identifier for a license.

53 loc_city varcahar2(20)

The name specifies the city in which the location is physically situated.

54 loc_id number(10)

This number is the unique system-generated identifier for each location or facility record.

55 loc_county_code char(5)

This number is the code for the county in which the location is physically situated. The county code correlates to a county description.

56 loc_county_name varchar2(60)

This text is the county in which the location is physically situated. The county name provides a description of the county code.

57 loc_lat_deg number

This number specifies the count of degrees north or south of the earth's equator. A degree of latitude represents approximately 69 miles. The latitude degree column is an integer, and the valid values are between 0 (equator) and 90 (north/south pole).

58 loc_lat_dir char

This indicator specifies whether the latitude is in the northern or southern hemisphere. Valid values are N for North and S for South.

59 loc_lat_min number

This number specifies the count of the subdivisions of a degree of latitude north or south of the earth's equator. The latitude minute column is a positive integer, and the valid values are between 0 and 59.

60 loc_lat_sec number(3,1)

This number specifies the count of the subdivisions of a minute of latitude north or south of the earth's equator. The latitude second column is a positive number, and the valid values are between 0.0 and 59.9.

61 loc_long_deg number

This number specifies the number of degrees east or west of the prime meridian. A degree of longitude represents approximately 69 miles. The longitude degree column is a positive integer and the valid values are between 0 (Greenwich, England) and 180 (International Date Line).

62 loc_long_dir char

The indicator specifies whether the longitude is east or west of the prime meridian in Greenwich, England. Valid values are W for West and E for East.

63 loc_long_min number

This number specifies the count of subdivisions of a degree of longitude east or west of the prime meridian. The longitude minute column is a positive integer and the valid values are between 0 and 59.

64 loc_long_sec number(3,1)

This number specifies the count of the subdivisions of a minute of longitude east or west of the prime meridian. The longitude second is a positive number and the valid values are between 0.0 and 59.9.

65 loc_radius_op number(5,1)

This number is the radius of operation in kilometers for mobile locations operating around a fixed centerpoint.

66 loc_seq_id number

This number identifies a particular location in a group of locations.

67 loc_state char(2)

This uniquely identifies a specific state, possession, or territory within the United States of America for a location.

68 market_code varchar2(10)

This code identifies the designated market and is defined by a geographical area.

Examples of valid values are:

▪ BEA121

▪ BTA479

▪ MEA031

▪ CMA277

69 market_desc varchar2(50)

This text is the geographical area authorized under the license.

70 orig_id number(9)

This number is the value of the unique system-generated identifier for an authorization in the originating system. Which identifier is used depends on which system the data is coming from, as follows:

▪ CDBS: fac_id

▪ COALS: license_id

▪ ELS: license_id

▪ IBFS: filing_key

▪ ULS: license_id

71 polarization_code varchar2(15)

This code describes the orientation of the electric field as radiated by the antenna.

Examples of valid values are:

▪ A – Elliptic, Left

▪ B – Elliptic, Right

▪ D – Rotating

▪ E – Elliptical

▪ F – 45 degrees

▪ H--Horizontal

▪ J – Linear

▪ L – Left Hand Circular

▪ M – Oblique Angled, Left

▪ N – Oblique Angled, Right

▪ O – Oblique Angled, Crossed

▪ R – Right Hand Circular

▪ S – Horizontal and Vertical

▪ T – Right and Left Hand Circular

▪ V – Vertical

▪ X – Other

72 power_erp number(15,3)

This number specifies the effective radiated power or the product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to the isotropic antenna. Power output is measured in watts.

73 power_output number(15,3)

This number specifies the maximum radio frequency power output capability (peak or average) of a transmitter, under optimum conditions of adjustment and operations, as specified by the manufacturer.

74 radio_service_code char(2)

The 2-character radio service code uniquely designates a telecommunication service licensed within the United States. For example, the CF radio service covers applications in Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave in the Microwave service.

75 radio_service_desc char(255)

This code is a description of the 2-character radio_service_code.

76 rollup_category_desc varchar2(100)

This text is the high-level service category description that appears on the FCC License View web page.

The following table shows the categories and category descriptions, as well as the radio service codes under which the categories falls.

|Category |Radio Service Code |Description |

|Safety of Life |AA |Aviation Auxiliary Group |

|Broadcast Support |AB |Aural Microwave Booster |

|Safety of Life |AC |Aircraft |

|Safety of Life |AF |Aeronautical and Fixed |

|Broadcast Support |AI |Aural Intercity Relay |

|Broadcast |AM |AM Station |

|Personal Use |AR |Aviation Radionavigation |

|Broadcast Support |AS |Aural Studio Transmitter Link |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |AW |AWS, 1710-1755/2110-2155 MHz bands |

|Fixed Wireless |BA |1390-1392 MHz Band, Market Area |

|Fixed Wireless |BB |1392-1395 and 1432-1435 MHz Bands, Market Area |

|Fixed Wireless |BC |1670-1675 MHz Band, Market Area |

|Satellite Earth Station |BES |Blanket Earth Station |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |BR |Broadband Radio Service |

|Broadcast |CA |Class A TV |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |CA |Commercial Air-ground Radiotelephone |

|Paging and Messaging |CB |BETRS |

|Paging and Messaging |CD |Paging and Radiotelephone |

|Fixed Wireless |CE |Digital Electronic Message Service - Common Carrier |

|Fixed Wireless |CF |Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |CG |General Aviation Air-ground Radiotelephone |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |CJ |Commercial Aviation Air-Ground Radiotelephone (800 MHz band) |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |CL |Cellular |

|Safety of Life |CM |Commercial Operator |

|Paging and Messaging |CN |PCS Narrowband |

|Paging and Messaging |CO |Offshore Radiotelephone |

|Paging and Messaging |CP |Part 22 VHF/UHF Paging (excluding 931MHz) |

|Paging and Messaging |CR |Rural Radiotelephone |

|Broadcast Support |CT |Local Television Transmission |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |CW |PCS Broadband |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |CY |1910-1915/1990-1995 MHz Bands, Market Area |

|Paging and Messaging |CZ |Part 22 931 MHZ Paging |

|Broadcast |DC |Digital Class A TV |

|Broadcast |DT |Digital TV |

|Fixed Wireless |DV |Multichannel Video Distribution AND Data Service |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |ED |Educational Broadband Service |

|Satellite Earth Station |ESV |Earth Stations on-board Vessels |

|Broadcast |FB |FM Booster |

|Satellite Earth Station |FES |Fixed Earth Station |

|Broadcast |FL |Low Power FM |

|Satellite Earth Station |FLE |Fixed Land Earth Station |

|Broadcast |FM |FM Station |

|Broadcast |FX |FM Translator |

|Land Mobile Radio |GB |Business, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional |

|Paging and Messaging |GC |929-931 MHz Band, Auctioned |

|Safety of Life |GE |PubSafty/SpecEmer/PubSaftyNtlPlan,806-817/851-862MHz,Conv |

|Safety of Life |GF |Public Safety Ntl Plan, 821-824/866-869 MHz, Conv. |

|Land Mobile Radio |GI |Other Indust/Land Transp, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Conv. |

|Land Mobile Radio |GJ |Business/Industrial/Land Trans, 809-824/854-869 MHz, Conv. |

|Land Mobile Radio |GM |800 MHz Conventional SMR (SMR, Site-specific) |

|Land Mobile Radio |GO |Other Indust/Land Transp, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conv. |

|Safety of Life |GP |Public Safety/Spec Emerg, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conv. |

|Land Mobile Radio |GR |SMR, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Conventional |

|Paging and Messaging |GS |Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz |

|Land Mobile Radio |GU |Business, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Conventional |

|Land Mobile Radio |GX |SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional |

|Personal Use |HA |Amateur |

|Satellite Earth Station |HBT |Temporary Fixed VSAT Hub Station |

|Satellite Earth Station |HUB |VSAT Fixed Hub Station |

|Personal Use |HV |Vanity |

|Land Mobile Radio |IG |Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional |

|International Broadcast |IHF |International HF Broadcast |

|Land Mobile Radio |IK |Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional |

|Safety of Life |IQ |Intelligent Transportation Service (Public Safety) |

|Broadcast |LD |Digital Translator or Digital LPTV |

|Fixed Wireless |LD |Local Multipoint Distribution Service |

|Paging and Messaging |LN |902-928 MHz Location Narrowband (Non-multilateration) |

|Broadcast Support |LP |Broadcast Auxiliary Low Power |

|Paging and Messaging |LS |Location and Monitoring Service, Multilateration (LMS) |

|Broadcast Support |LV |Low Power Wireless Assist Video Devices |

|Paging and Messaging |LW |902-928 MHz Location Wideband (Grandfathered AVM) |

|Safety of Life |MA |Marine Auxiliary Group |

|Safety of Life |MC |Coastal Group |

|Satellite Earth Station |MES |Mobile Earth Station |

|Fixed Wireless |MG |Microwave Industrial/Business Pool |

|Safety of Life |MK |Alaska Group |

|Fixed Wireless |MM |Millimeter Wave 70/80/90 GHz Service |

|Radar |MR |Marine Radiolocation Land |

|Fixed Wireless |MS |Multiple Address Service, Auctioned |

|Safety of Life |MW |Microwave Public Safety Pool |

|Paging and Messaging |NC |Nationwide Commercial 5 Channel, 220 MHz |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |NN |3650-3700 MHz |

|Satellite Earth Station |OTH |(catch all for anything that doesn't fit our categories) |

|Safety of Life |PA |Public Safety 4940-4990 MHz Band |

|Safety of Life |PC |Public Coast Stations, Auctioned |

|Fixed Wireless |PE |Digital Electronic Message Service - Private |

|Safety of Life |PW |Public Safety Pool, Conventional |

|Paging and Messaging |QA |220-222 MHz Band, Auctioned |

|Paging and Messaging |QD |Non-Nationwide Data, 220 MHz |

|Paging and Messaging |QM |Non-Nationwide Public Safety/Mutual Aid, 220 MHz |

|Paging and Messaging |QO |Non-Nationwide Other, 220 MHz |

|Land Mobile Radio |QQ |Intelligent Transportation Service (Non-Public Safety) |

|Paging and Messaging |QT |Non-Nationwide 5 Channel Trunked, 220 MHz |

|Broadcast Support |RP |Broadcast Auxiliary Remote Pickup |

|Safety of Life |RR |Restricted Operator |

|Land Mobile Radio |RS |Land Mobile Radiolocation |

|Safety of Life |SA |Ship Recreational or Voluntarily Equipped |

|Safety of Life |SB |Ship Compulsory Equipped |

|Safety of Life |SE |Ship Exemption |

|Safety of Life |SG |Conventional Public Safety 700 MHz |

|Safety of Life |SL |Public Safety 700 MHZ Band-State License |

|Safety of Life |SP |700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Nationwide License |

|Satellite Space Station |SSG |Geostationary Space Station |

|Satellite Space Station |SSN |Non-Geostationary Space Station |

|Safety of Life |SY |Trunked Public Safety 700 MHz |

|Broadcast Support |TB |TV Microwave Booster |

|Satellite Earth Station |TFE |Temporary Fixed Earth Station |

|Broadcast Support |TI |TV Intercity Relay |

|Fixed Wireless |TN |39 Ghz, Auctioned |

|Broadcast Support |TP |TV Pickup |

|Broadcast Support |TS |TV Studio Transmitter Link |

|Broadcast Support |TT |TV Translator Relay |

|Broadcast |TV |Television |

|Broadcast |TX |TV Translator or LPTV station |

|Fixed Wireless |TZ |24 GHz Service |

|Satellite Earth Station |VST |VSAT Network |

|Safety of Life |WA |Microwave Aviation |

|Fixed Wireless |WM |Microwave Marine |

|Radar |WR |Microwave Radiolocation |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |WS |Wireless Communications Service |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |WU |700 MHz Upper Band (Block C) |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |WX |700 MHz Guard Band |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |WY |700 MHz Lower Band (Blocks A, B, E) |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |WZ |700 MHz Lower Band (Blocks C, D) |

|Experimental |XC |Experimental Contract |

|Experimental |XD |Experimental Developmental |

|Experimental |XE |Experimental Export |

|Experimental |XR |Experimental Research |

|Experimental |XT |Experimental Testing |

|Land Mobile Radio |YB |Business, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |YC |SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Auctioned |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |YD |SMR, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Auctioned |

|Safety of Life |YE |PubSafty/SpecEmer/PubSaftyNtlPlan,806-817/851-862MHz,Trunked |

|Safety of Life |YF |Public Safety Ntl Plan, 821-824/866-869 MHz, Trunked |

|Land Mobile Radio |YG |Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked |

|Mobile/Fixed Broadband |YH |SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Auctioned (Rebanded YC license) |

|Land Mobile Radio |YI |Other Indust/Land Transp. 896-901/935-940 MHz, Trunked |

|Land Mobile Radio |YJ |Business/Industrial/Land Trans, 809-824/854-869 MHz, Trunked |

|Land Mobile Radio |YK |Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Trunked |

|Land Mobile Radio |YM |800 MHz Trunked SMR (SMR, Site-specific) |

|Land Mobile Radio |YO |Other Indust/Land Transp. 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked |

|Safety of Life |YP |Public Safety/Spec Emerg, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked |

|Land Mobile Radio |YS |SMR, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Trunked |

|Land Mobile Radio |YU |Business, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Trunked |

|Safety of Life |YW |Public Safety Pool, Trunked |

|Land Mobile Radio |YX |SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked |

|Personal Use |ZA |General Mobile Radio (GMRS) |

|Paging and Messaging |ZV |218-219 MHz Service |

77 rollup_entity_code varchar2(5)

This code is the high-level entity type code that appears on the FCC License View web page.

The following table shows the applicant type codes and descriptions.

|Applicant Type Code |Applicant Type Description |

|B |Business |

|G |Governmental Entity |

|I |Individual |

|O |Other |

The “Other” option allows users to enter a free-form description.

78 rollup_entity_ desc varchar2(100)

This text is the high-level entity type description that appears on the FCC License View web page.

79 rollup_status_code varchar2(50)

This text is the high-level license status code that appears on the FCC License View web page.

The following table shows the existing license status codes and descriptions as well as the code values and descriptions used in FCC License View.

|Current Codes (used in exiting|Current Code Description |Rolled up Code |Rolled up Code Description |

|systems) | | | |




| |Current (based on completed date) |A |Active |

| |Closed (based on completed date) |C |Canceled |

|E |Grant Expired Due to New License or |E |Expired |

| |Expired | | |

|G |Granted |A |Active |

|A |Active |A |Active |

|D |Deleted |C |Cancelled |

|N |Not Active |C |Cancelled |

|C |Cancelled |C |Cancelled |

|T |Terminated |T |Terminated |

81 rollup_status_desc varchar2(100)

This text is the high-level license status description that appears on the FCC License View web page.

82 source_system varchar2(10)

This column identifies the FCC licensing system from which the data came, as follows:

|Licensing Source System Code |System Description |

|CDBS |Consolidated Database System |

|IBFS |International Bureau Filing System |

|ELS |Experimental Licensing System, |

|ULS |Universal Licensing System |

|COALS |Cable Operations and Licensing System |

83 tolerance number(6,5)

This number identifies the maximum allowable frequency deviation from a specified nominal frequency at ambient room temperature (25°C +/- 3°C). Frequency tolerance is expressed in percent (%).

84 unit_of_measure varchar2(5)

This is the unit of measurement for a frequency.

Values include:

|Unit of Measure |

|KHz. |

|MHz. |


FCC License View

Data Dictionary

Version 1.0

September 9, 2010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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