PRECEPTOR’S HANDBOOK Primary Care & Subspecialty Components Integrated ...

PRECEPTOR'S HANDBOOK Primary Care & Subspecialty Components Integrated Clerkship for Primary Care and Psychiatry

Yale University School of Medicine 2015-2016

Co-Director for Primary Care Walter N. Kernan, M.D.






Faculty and Staff 2015-2016


About the Clerkship


Course Learning Objectives




A Brief Primer on Office-Based Precepting


Guidelines for Evaluating Student Performance


Guidelines for Evaluating Visit Notes


Faculty Appointments




Appendix 1: Knowledge Learning Objectives


Appendix 2: Emergencies Learning Objectives


Appendix 3: Checklist for observing the interview


Appendix 4: Criteria for pass/fail


Revised 3/8/16

Clerkship Website: In Construction


PREFACE This handbook is written for physicians who teach office-based internal medicine, family medicine and pediatrics to third-year medical students at Yale. It has two purposes:

1. To assure that preceptors know about the clerkship and the educational objectives for students.

2. To suggest teaching strategies preceptors can use to help students achieve those objectives.

Ambulatory care education is inherently decentralized. In the Primary Care Component for the Integrated Clerkship for Primary Care and Psychiatry at Yale, students are dispersed across more than 50 primary care sites and 30 subspecialty offices. No two sites are the same. They employ different physicians to serve different patient populations. Some practices employ one physician while others employ many. Within the decentralized structure of ambulatory education, a major educational challenge is to assure that each student receives high-quality instruction under a uniform curriculum. Wherever students are assigned, they should encounter preceptors who are capable of helping them achieve the objectives of the clerkship rotation. The purpose of this handbook, therefore, is to inform preceptors of the educational objectives for the Integrated Clerkship for Primary Care and Psychiatry. In addition, the handbook reviews basic strategies for successful office-based precepting. In the 30 years since office-based teaching has made its comeback, much has been learned about how to make it work for patients, students, and preceptors. The suggestions in this handbook are derived from many sources to help new preceptors hit the road running and to help veteran preceptors master new skills. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to facilitate your work and boost your satisfaction with clinical teaching. Thank you for teaching in this clerkship.

Walter N. Kernan, M.D.



Co-Director for Primary Care Walter N. Kernan, M.D. Professor of Medicine Office: 203-688-4545 Cell: 203-530-1756 Email:

Co-Director for Psychiatry Kirsten Wilkins, M.D. Associated Professor of Psychiatry Office: 203-688-4545 Email:

Associate Director for Family Medicine Cosmo Filiberto, M.D. Office: 203-372-4065 Email: cosmo.filiberto@

Associate Director for Internal Medicine Peter Ellis, M.D. Assistant Professor of Medicine Office: 203-785-7411 Email:

Associate Director for Pediatrics Ada Fenick, M.D. Associate Professor of Pediatrics Office:203-688-2475 Email:

Associate Director for Psychiatry Andres Barkil-Oteo Assistant Professor Psychiatry Office: 203-974-5800 Email:

Program Coordinator for Primary Care Ms. Maria Volpe Tel: 203-688-4545 Fax: 203-737-4875

Program Coordinator for Psychiatry Ms. Jennifer Dolan-Auten Associate Director of Medical Education A d min is tratio n Tel 203-785-2089fax 203-785-7357


Walter N. Kernan, MD (co-chair)

Kirsten Wilkins, MD (co-chair)

Professor of Medicine

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Aniyizhai Annamalai, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Medicine, and Nu rs in g

Cosmo Filiberto, MD Family Practice, NEMG

Andres Barkil-Oteo, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Matthew N. Goldenberg, MD Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Eve Colson, MD Professor of Pediatrics

Bradley Richards, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine

Peter Ellis, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine

Giulio Rottaro Yale Medical Student

Nkemba Esiobu Resident, Department of Psychiatry

David S. Smith, MD Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine

Ada Fenick, MD Associate Professor of Pediatrics


Broa dway Medical Group Lorenzo Galante

General Medicine Teaching Faculty 2015-2016 (SD=Site Director) Internal Medicine of Dr. Ka rka nitsa Leoni d Ka rkanitsa

Ca remedica Fa usto Petruzziello (SD) Renu Bazaz-Kapoor Antoni o Lopez

Centra l Medical Unit Jul i a Shi (SD) Jea nette Tetrault

Internal Medicine Stamford (NEMG)

Fra nkin Loria (SD) Rya n Da dsovich

Pa mela Jackson (NEMG)

Stony Creek Internal Medicine Emily Nolfo

Shoreline Internal Medicine (NEMG) Ed Dill Jodi Indes (SD) Fra s er La wrence Ma ry Schei mann

Bel inda Cha n (NEMG)

La keview Medical Group Ma rk Perrotti (SD)

Cha pel Medical Group (NEMG) Wa yne Warren (SD) Pa tri ck As iedo Suni l Menon

Conne cticut Me dical Group (NEMG) Cha rl es Rethy

Si -hoi La m Jol a nta Lukawski (NEMG)

Conne cticut Me dical Group ? Ne w Ha ven (NEMG)

Andrew Wormser Serl e Epstein

Norwa lk Medical Group Ri cha rd Huntley

Opti mus Health Care Ri cha rd Torres (SD) Ka ri n Mi chels-Ashwood Luz Omondi

Shoreline Medical Associates El i n Christensen (SD) Jennifer Swenson Hel en Ede Joe Sl ater Ai mee Cri scuolo Suza nne Scofield

Sa vi n Medical Pra ctice Ga rth Ol iver (SD) Ati nuke Abijo

Southern Connecticut Internal Medicine (NEMG) Sa m Geller (SD) Judy Kl einstein Da vi d Antonetti Lee Jung Ed Pri or

Stephen Saunders (SD) Ni ta i Riegler

Vi l lage Medical Group Bjorn Ri ngstad (SD) Xi a oming Hong Suni ta Chhabra


Fa i rfield Medical Group Peter Tortora (SD) Peter Ci mi no

Fa mily Pra cti ce IM ? West Haven (NEMG)

Wi l liam Rosner

Fa mily Pra cti ce Internal Medicine Angelo Accomando

GI a nd IM of Ora nge (NEMG) Ma ri a nne Va hey

General Medicine Teaching Faculty 2015-2016 (Continued)

Ora nge Internal Medicine

Wes t Haven VA ?Firm A

Na s iha Fahmi (SD)

Del ly Al cantara (SD)

Anne Hys on

Douglas Olson

Anna Reisman

Chri s topher Ruser

Ka thl een White

Pri ma ry Ca re Center at Bridgeport Wes t Haven VA ? Fi rm B

Ma ni sha Gupta

Ja cqueline Satchell (SD)

Ya w Amoeteng-Adjepong

Luci l le Burgo-Black

Adi ba Geeti

Don Curra n

Kevi n Pa nzer

Seonid Hay

Mi cha el Smith (SD)

Ja ck Hughes

Sus an Kashaf

Mehra n Pouresmail

Amy Schwa rtz

Jul i ette Spelman

Pri ma ry Ca re Center, SRC

Wes tside Medical Group

Bra dford Richards

Ma rk Kra us

Jul i e Rosenbaum

Pri med Stratford (NEMG)

Whi tney Internal Medicine (NEMG)

Luci a Chou (SD)

Ma rc Ma nn (SD)

Ka ri ne Toumanian

Ka ren Brown

Hol ly Cra i g

Cynthi a Togawa

Greenwich Internal Medicine (NEMG) Rebecca Newman (SD) Ki yoko Tomita

Pri Med Phys icians ? Stra tford (NEMG)

Mi cha el Connolly (SD) R. Scott Prewi tt

Greenwich Pri mary Ca re Center Stephen Jones El l ika Ma rdh (SD) Donna Phanumas Cha rl es Seelig

Pri Med Phys icians - Trumbull (NEMG)

Stephen Urciuoli Emma nuel Logiadis

Ya l e Health Da vi d Smith (SD) Da niel Geisser Rhonda Gold Rol and Jermyn Ma tthew Lynch John Toksoy

Joel Zaretsky

Robert Henry (NEMG) Hi l l Health Center

As ha Tota-Maharaj

Ja mes Zumpano Ya l e Internal Medicine Associates Lydi a Dugdale Peter El lis (SD) Ma tthew Ellman Ka therine McKenzie Li s a Puglisi



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