Configuration Approach - Time Reporting Codes - Core-CT

Item Overview:

Time Reporting Codes (TRCs) are used for reporting purposes. They represent the level at which an organization needs to track employee time to support all of its administrative and compensation needs. TRCs are an element of compensation or several elements in which the system collects labor data, hours, amounts, or units worked. For example, TRCs can be created to account for all versions of REG time such as sick, late, meeting, etc. TRCs that are associated with paid time are mapped to an Earnings Code that is used for payroll. TRCs are incorporated into TRC Programs which are assigned to workgroups. The TRC table is used to define TRC attributes and map TRCs to Earnings Codes. This table is also used to set up compensation and interface options.

Menu Path:

Define Business Rules / Define Time and Labor / Setup 1 / TRC



Record Information:


|TL_ERNCD_TBL |Earning Code Table |This object is a child table that records the pay systems and |

| | |corresponding earnings code for a particular TRC. |

|TL_TRC_TBL |TRC Table |A Time Reporting Code (TRC) is used to classify a worker's time, |

| | |primarily as the time is applied to an employee's compensation. |


TRCs are used to report the labor data, hours, amounts or units worked such as sick, vacation, overtime. A standardized list of TRCs will be developed based on agency needs the Office of the State Comptroller input and DAS approval. The vast majority of TRCs will be associated with an Earnings Code that will be mapped to the NA Payroll System to affect gross pay. TRCs will have rules (i.e. how a code is calculated) associated with them that will determine how they are used based on state regulations, bargaining unit contracts and other circumstances. When a TRC is generated the majority of information will need to be closely coordinated with the Payroll work unit for Earnings. The State will utilize a many to one relationship between Time Reporting Codes and Earnings Codes. For example, there may be four varieties of vacation time reporting codes defined to support rules and detailed reporting that map to a single earnings code to affect payment.

Information Source:

• Agency SMEs and/or payroll offices.

• State regulations and bargaining unit contracts.

• Comptroller’s Central Payroll

Data Entry Method:

______ On-Line Pages

__X___ Excel Spreadsheet

Fields on Record:




|TRC |Time Reporting Code |A five character upper case key field. Required. This code is |

| | |used to report time that represents the level an organization needs|

| | |to track employee time to support all administrative and |

| | |compensation needs. The TRC is an element of compensation or a |

| | |bucket of several elements in which the system collects labor data,|

| | |hours, amounts or units worked. The first three bytes of the TRC |

| | |will correspond with the Earnings Code that the TRC is being linked|

| | |with as much as possible. The final two bytes of the TRC will be |

| | |used to accommodate the variations that are required in Time and |

| | |Labor for rules processing and detailed reporting. |

|EFFDT |Effective Date |A 10 digit date key field. Required. Identifies the date the TRC|

| | |became active or inactive. You cannot delete an effective-dated |

| | |row if it invalidates the association with a TRC program. You |

| | |cannot delete an effective-dated row if it invalidates the |

| | |association with a Compensatory Time Off Plan. When creating a new|

| | |TRC, the current system date becomes the effective date. This |

| | |effective dated row will remain after synchronizing the NA Earnings|

| | |Code. The row will inherit the attributes of the maximum |

| | |effective-dated row on the NA Earnings Code that is less than the |

| | |effective date on the TRC. Initially this field should always be |

| | |set to ‘01/01/1901’. |

|PAY_SYSTEM |Payroll System |A four character upper case key field that is prompted from the |

| | |TL_PAYSYS_TBL. Used for Global Payroll System (GP) and North |

| | |American Payroll System (NA). The State of CT will use ‘NA’ for |

| | |PeopleSoft Payroll for North America (NA Payroll System). |

|TL_ERNCD |Earnings Code |A 22 character upper case field that is prompted from the |

| | |GP_ERN_DED_SRCH table. Used to identify different types of |

| | |earnings (REG regular earnings, OVT overtime, VAC vacation, SCK |

| | |sick, HOL holidays, jury duty, bonuses, retro earnings, etc). Since|

| | |this is only used by Global Payroll this field should be left |

| | |blank. |

|TL_COPY_FROM |Map to NA Earning Code |A three character upper case field. When you choose the Map to |

| | |NA Earnings Code feature, and click on the Sync button, all the |

| | |effective-dated rows of that earnings code are carried over to the |

| | |TRC Definition. There is no difference in effective dated rows on |

| | |the TRC and the NA Earnings Code. The field values carried over |

| | |from the NA Earnings Code to the TRC are Effective Date, |

| | |Multiplication Factor, Rate Adjustment Factor, Flat Amount, |

| | |Unit/Override Rate, Description, Short Description, Add to Gross |

| | |Flag. Prompt Table = EARNINGS_TBL. The Earnings Code Table is |

| | |established and maintained by Payroll. |

|EFF_STATUS |Status as of Effective Date |A one character upper case field used to identify the TRC status of|

| | |Active/Inactive. Xlat Value: A for active or I for inactive. Accept|

| | |the default of ‘A’ for Active. |

|TL_TAKECD |Global Payroll Take Code |This is a 20 character field that is prompted for the GP_PAY_SRCH |

| | |record. Since the State of CT will not be using Global Payroll this|

| | |field should be left blank. |

|TL_TRC_TBL | | |

|TRC |Time Reporting Code |A five character upper case key field. Required field. This code|

| | |is used to report time that represents the level an organization |

| | |needs to track employee time to support all administrative and |

| | |compensation needs. The TRC is an element of compensation or a |

| | |bucket of several elements in which the system collects labor data,|

| | |hours, amounts or units worked. |

|EFFDT |Effective Date |A 10 digit date key field. Required. Identifies when the TRC |

| | |became active or inactive. You cannot delete an effective-dated |

| | |row if it invalidates the association with a TRC program. You |

| | |cannot delete an effective-dated row if it invalidates the |

| | |association with a Compensatory Time Off Plan. When creating a new|

| | |TRC, the current system date becomes the effective date. This |

| | |effective dated row will remain after synchronizing the NA Earnings|

| | |Code. The row will inherit the attributes of the maximum |

| | |effective-dated row on the NA Earnings Code that is less than the |

| | |effective date on the TRC. This field should be set to ’01/01/1901 |

| | |for the initial setup. |

|EFF_STATUS |Status as of Effective Date |A one character upper case field. Required. Used to identify the |

| | |TRC status of Active/Inactive. Xlat Value = A for active or I for|

| | |inactive. Accept the default of ‘A’ for Active. |

|DESCR |Description |A 30 character mixed case field that provides a long label to |

| | |describe the TRC. Key field. Required field. |

|DESCRSHORT |Short Description |A 10 character mixed case field that provides a short label to |

| | |describe the TRC. Value defaults to the TL_TRC_TBL.DESCR. This |

| | |field value should be meaningful. |

|TRC_TYPE |Type |A one character upper case field. Required field. A code to |

| | |identify valid values for TRC type as Amount, Hours or Units. Xlat|

| | |Values = A (amount), H (hours), or U (units). If you select a Type|

| | |of “Amount” you cannot enter a rate in the Rate field; also the |

| | |Rate Adjustment Factor and Multiplication Factor will become |

| | |unavailable for entry. Only a TRC Type of Hours can be used for |

| | |Labor Dilution. Once the earnings code is selected above this field|

| | |should be set to the same value as the earnings code that it |

| | |corresponds to. |

|UNIT_OF_MEASURE |Unit of Measure |A three character upper case field. UOM. Prompt Table = |

| | |UNITS_TBL. Increments by which you measure time worked, pay |

| | |periods or other elements to be reported. In the Unit Type TRC a |

| | |specified unit such as Piecework, Quart, Pounds, Work Week, Work |

| | |Hour. If PeopleSoft Projects is used, the Unit of Measure values |

| | |are established directly in the PeopleSoft projects application. |

| | |This field is only available if the TRC_TYPE is set to a value of |

| | |‘U’. The State will not use this field, therefore the field should |

| | |always be left blank. |

|CURRENCY_CD |Currency Code |A three character upper case code. Prompt Table = |

| | |CURRENCY_CD_TBL. USD, US dollars will be the currency used. Used |

| | |to define the decimal position. This field should always be set to |

| | |‘USD’. |

|SEND_TO_PAYROLL |Send to Payroll |A one character upper case field. Short name is “Pai”. Required |

| | |field. Edit = Y/N. Defaults to N. The system selects this flag if|

| | |any Earnings Code is mapped to the TRC. The system only extracts |

| | |Payable Time for a pay system that has the Send to Payroll Flag |

| | |selected. This field should be set to ‘Y’ unless the TRC is |

| | |specifically identified as information only (not affecting pay, |

| | |benefits, deductions, taxes, or leave). |

|MAX_QTY |Maximum Quantity |A 12.6 digit number field. Use Max Qty to define the maximum |

| | |limits for time entry for any TRC Type. (If the maximum is set as |

| | |8 and 10 is entered, the system will generate an exception.) This |

| | |element should not be used if the TRC is synchronized with a Flat |

| | |Amount NA Earnings Code. Although not frequently required the State|

| | |will utilize this field where appropriate. |

|MIN_QTY |Minimum Quantity |A 12.6 digit sign field. Use Min Qty to define limits for time |

| | |entry for any TRC Type. (If the minimum is set at 4 and 2 is |

| | |entered the system will generate an exception.) This field should |

| | |not be used if the TRC is synchronized with a Flat Amount NA |

| | |Earnings Code. Although not frequently required the State will |

| | |utilize this field where appropriate. |

|FACTOR_MULT |Multiplication Factor |A 5.4 digit sign field. Use this field to calculate hourly |

| | |earnings such as overtime or double time when the earnings are |

| | |multiplied by a specific number or factor: 1.5 for overtime, 2.0 |

| | |for double time) This element is factored into the calculation of |

| | |estimated gross for hours and unit TRC types. This field will |

| | |always be based on the FACTOR_MULT from the EARNINGS_TBL for the |

| | |ERNCD that is linked to this TRC. |

|FACTOR_RATE_ADJ |Rate Adjustment Factor |A 5.4 digit sign field. Use this field to establish a dollar |

| | |amount to apply to adjustments in pay rates. (A $0.30 per hour |

| | |cost of living adjustment, entered as .3 could be applied to |

| | |earnings such as regular, overtime, vacation, etc. The employee |

| | |will be paid $.30 in addition to regular earnings.) This element |

| | |is factored into the calculation of estimated gross for hours and |

| | |unit TRC types. This is an informational only field that does not |

| | |affect payment in any way. Therefore it should always be left |

| | |blank. |

|PER_INSTANCE |Quantity per instance |A 12.6 digit sign field. An example of per instance, On Call. The|

| | |Per Instance field is visible when the TRC is mapped to an earnings|

| | |code with a flat amount. Therefore, this field will remain blank |

| | |except where the ERNCD field maps to a PAYMENT_TYPE of ‘F’ for flat|

| | |amount. Then the field value between the PAYMENT_TYPE on the |

| | |EARNINGS_TBL and the PER_INSTANCE on the TL_TRC_TBL will be the |

| | |same. |

|PER_INST_OVR_FLAG |Is per_instance overridable? |A one character upper case field. Edit = Y/N, defaults to Y. |

| | |Accept the default. When the TRC is synchronized to a Flat Amount |

| | |the Per Instance Overrideable field is hidden and defaults to ‘N’. |

|RATE |Rate |A 12.6 digit sign field. This field is only displayed if |

| | |synchronizing the TRC to a NA Earnings Code with a Unit/Override |

| | |Payment Type. This will assist in knowing how the Earnings will be|

| | |paid. If an Override Rate differs from the defined Rate, a |

| | |delivered rule can be made to replace the Override Rate with the |

| | |defined Rate on the TRC. This element is factored into the |

| | |calculation of estimated gross for hours and unit type TRCs. The |

| | |system handles this field differently depending on the Sync |

| | |elections. The rate field is coming from Payroll when the TRC is |

| | |synced to an earnings code with a Unit/Override Payment Type. The |

| | |value in this field will always be synced up with the Unit Override|

| | |Rate from the EARNINGS_TBL. |

|RATE_OVR_FLAG |Is rate overridable? |A one character upper case field. Edit = Y/N, defaults to N. |

| | |Accept the default. If you report an Override Rate that differs |

| | |from the defined Rate, you can include a delivered rule in the Rule|

| | |Program that will replace the Override Rate with the defined Rate |

| | |on the TRC. When the TRC is sync to an Earnings Code the Rate |

| | |Overrideable field is hidden and defaults to ‘N’ |

|ADD_GROSS |Distribute Costs |A one character upper case field. Edit = Y/N, defaults to Y. |

| | |Accept the default. If this field is enabled in the system the TRC |

| | |will participate in the Labor Distribution process when costs are |

| | |returned from the Payroll System. During the sync process, the |

| | |value of this field will default from the Add to Gross Flag on the |

| | |Earnings Code. (This can be changed after the sync process.) In |

| | |most cases earnings Add to Gross Pay, however certain types may not|

| | |such as the value of a company-supplied automobile. |

|DILUTE_LBDST_FLAG |Used In Labor Dilution |A one character upper case code. Edit Y/N. Enable this field if |

| | |the TRC is to be used during Labor Dilution. The TRC Type of Hours|

| | |must be selected otherwise it will unavailable for entry. Labor |

| | |Dilution reallocates labor-distributed costs for a given day, so |

| | |that payroll costs are evenly distributed over payable time entries|

| | |for hourly TRCs flagged as eligible for dilution. Calculates an |

| | |average hourly (diluted) amount and applies it evenly across all |

| | |hours reported for day. The State of CT will not use labor |

| | |dilution and therefore this field should be set to ‘N’. |

|HRS_REPRESENT_IND |Hours Represent Indicator |A one character upper case code. Xlat Value = A (Actual Hours) |

| | |and C (Compensation Only Hours). Select Actual Hours to specify |

| | |that the reported hours represent Actual Hours worked. Select |

| | |Compensation Only Hours to specify whether the reported hours |

| | |represent Comp. Only Hours. Ex: In administering OT you can define|

| | |a rule stipulating that employee is entitled to time and a half for|

| | |hours beyond 8. If the employee works 10 hours, they get a premium|

| | |for the 2 extra hours worked – the premium being the half of time |

| | |and a half. We will want to be able to report the premium hours as|

| | |Compensation Only Hours. Unit and Amount TRCs should be |

| | |Compensation Only. These options provide info only for the time |

| | |that reported and are not used in rules processing. Use these |

| | |options for reporting purposes. |

|SEND_TO_TCD |Send to TCD |A one character upper case field. Required field. Edit=Y/N. |

| | |Default is N. Should be set to “Y”. Select this flag if to send a|

| | |particular TRC to a Time Collection Device. A TRC Program is |

| | |connected to a TCD and if the TRC is part of that TRC Program, the |

| | |time will get sent. |

|COMP_LEAV_IND |Effect on Comp/Leave |A four character upper case field. Required field. Xlat Values =|

| | |CERN (Comp Time Earned), CTKN (Comp Time Taken), LTKN (Leave |

| | |Taken), NO (No Comp Time Effect). LTKN is for TRCs such as |

| | |vacation, sick or leave time. These values cannot be changed if the|

| | |TRC is attached to an active Comp Time Plan. This field will be set|

| | |according to the specific TRC that is being setup. |

|USED_COPY_FROM |Copy From Payroll |A one character upper case code. Xlat Values = A (Altered from |

| | |Payroll Copy), C (Copied from Payroll (Synced), N (Not from |

| | |Payroll) Default equals N. This field should always be set to ‘C’ |

| | |unless the TRC is not linked to an ERNCD in Payroll. Then, the |

| | |field should be set to the default value of ‘N’ |

|TL_COPY_FROM |Map To NA Earning Code |A three character upper case code. Prompt Table EARNINGS_TBL. This|

| | |field should be set to the three digit ERNCD that the TRC will be |

| | |synced with. |

|GP_ABSENCE_FLG |GP Absence Flag |The State of CT will not use Global Payroll. Therefore this field |

| | |should be left blank. |

|COMMENTS |Comment |An unrestricted field used to describe details about the TRC when |

| | |used in reporting time. If necessary this field will be used to |

| | |store detailed information about a particular TRC. |

Dependencies and Timing:

• Agencies time reporting codes currently used will need to be analyzed in order to develop a standardized list for the TRC Table.

• The Earnings Code Table will need to be established before the TRCs can be mapped to the Payroll System for paid time for TRCs such as sick, vacation, PL, Holiday, etc.

• Leave Plans will need to be in place for sick, vacation, PL and Holiday accrued, taken and holidays hours banked.

• Compensatory Time Off Plans and Holiday Compensatory Plans will need to be in place to earn and/or take compensatory time.




Testing Considerations:

• Should not be able to inactivate a TRC that is associated with a TRC Program

• Should not be able to delete an effective-dated row if it invalidates the association with a TRC program.

• Should not be able to inactivate a TRC if it is associated to a Comp. Time Off Plan

• Should not be able to delete an effective dated row if it invalidates the association with a Comp. Time Off Plan

• Test Sick, Vac, PL. and other TRCs to determine if they are adding to gross earnings when mapped to NA Payroll

• Test Comp. Time Earned (does not add to gross earnings) and Comp. Time Taken (adds to gross earnings.)

• Test using a TRC with an effective date earlier than the date the TRC became active.

• Test using a TRC with an effective date later than the date the TRC became inactive.

• Ensure that TRC rules are working properly

• Test TRCs that are mapped to a Reduce from Reg Earnings Code


• The State of CT does not plan to use Labor Dilution.

• A standardized list of TRCs will be developed based on State and agency requirements.

• TRCs may have to be duplicated as the same TRC will map to a No affect on Gross earnings for Exception Hourly employees and those same TRCs may need to be mapped to a Reduce from Reg earnings code for Salaried employees.

• TRCs will be mapped to Earning Codes.

• The State of CT will not use Global Payroll.

• The full 5 bytes of the TRC will be used.

• TRCs will be closely coordinated with the Earnings work unit.

• Minimum and maximum quantities will be used for specific TRCs.

|Revisions: |

|Date: |

|Comments: |

| |

|Name: |

|Changes Needed: |

| |

|Reasons: |

Input Provided By:

|Name |Title, Department |

|Dottie Enos |DMR- Time and Labor |

|Ryan Oakes |Configuration Team Lead, Accenture |

|Ron Kuehner |Configuration Team Lead, DOIT |

|Lee Stolzman |Time and Labor Team |

|Diane Anzellotti |Time and Labor Team |

|Mark May |Time and Labor Team |

|Judd Nielsen |Time and Labor Lead, Accenture |


Configuration Team

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

Configuration Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Ryan Oakes Ron Kuehner

Module Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Rajeev Sharma Anne North


Sue Martin





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