Dannel P. Malloy


Nancy Wyman

Lt. Govemor

Connecticut Office of

Early Childhood

Linda Goodman

Acting Commissioner

I, Linda Goodman, Acting Commissioner of the Office of Early Childhood, an Agency of the State of Connecticut, hereby certify that:


On April 10, 2012, the Department of Public Health ("DPH") gave notice in the Connecticut Law

Journal of its intention to amend regulations concerning Youth Camps. A true copy of the notice

is attached in section 6.


The purpose of the Regulations is to include changes in the regulations as proposed by the Youth

Camp Safety Advisory Council, expand the list of acceptable providers of cardiopulmonary

resuscitation, establish requirements for challenge courses, establish standards for the storage of

emergency medications, eliminate the requirement to petition the department to administer certain

medications, and make technical corrections.


Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes? 10-500 (d), the Office of Early Childhood ("OEC") is

a successor department to the Department of Public Health "for the purpose of the conduct of

regulation of youth camps, pursuant to sections 19a-420 to 19a-434, inclusive." Consequently, the

oversight of the Regulations was transferred to the OEC effective May 28, 2014.


On July 19, 2016, the OEC gave electronic notice to each joint standing committee of the general

assembly having cognizance of the subject matter of the proposed regulations.


The Agencies did not receive any advance requests of notice of the regulation-making



However, the agencies did provide a copy of the proposed regulations to those persons requesting

it after the process was begun.


On December 22, 2011, the DPH prepared a fiscal note, including an estimate of the cost or of the

revenue impact on the state or any municipality of the state and on small businesses in the state as

required by Conn. Gen. Stat.? 4-168 (a). A true copy of the fiscal note is attached in section 4.

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165 CapitolAvenue

Hartford, Connecticut 06106


Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer


On December 22, 2011, the DPHprepared a small business impact statement which indicated that

the regulatory action will have an effect on small businesses, but will not have an adverse effect on

such small businesses. A true copy of the small business impact statement is attached in section 5.


All interested persons were given until 4:30 p.m., May 10, 2012 to submit data, views or

arguments concerning the proposed regulations and to inspect and copy the small business impact

statement and fiscal note referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8.

(10) The agencies did not receive any comments from the public and therefore, determined that no

revision of the small business impact statement and fiscal note is needed.

(11) A public hearing on the proposed regulations was not requested within fourteen days after the date

of publication of the notice by fifteen persons, by a governmental subdivision or agency or by an

association having not less than fifteen members. Therefore, no hearing was held by the agencies

concerning the Regulations.

(12) No persons submitted data, views or arguments in writing. Because there was no public hearing,

no persons made statements or oral argument at any such hearing.

(13) No person made submissions to the agencies under section 4-168(a)(6) or statements or oral

arguments concerning the proposed regulation and requested notification. Section 4-168(d) is

therefore not applicable.

(14) Pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat.? 4-169, the OEC is hereby submitting the Regulations to the Office

of the Attorney General for formal review.

Date: 112112/12016

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Acting Commissioner


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