Configuration Approach - Action Reason Codes

Item Overview:

The ACTN_REASON_TBL is an edit table used to record combinations of action codes and the reason codes that are valid for that action. Action / Action Reasons also drive key benefits functions including eligibility and event processes.

Menu Path:

Go / Administer Workforce / Administer Workforce (GBL) / Setup / Action Reason Table


Record Information:


|ACTN_REASON_TBL |Action Reason Table |Used to associate valid reasons to actions so that when an action |

| | |is inserted into an employee’s data a valid reason for the action |

| | |can also be added. |


• Although the HR Team is leading the effort to configure this table, participation will be required from both the Benefits and Payroll Teams since the values affect system processing for all modules. Representatives from each team will meet on an ongoing basis to review, validate, and refine the existing and new values. HR will initially populate the configuration spreadsheet by comparing screen prints of the actions and reasons in APS to the report of actions and reasons delivered in PeopleSoft. Actions will not be changed. However, additional reasons will be added if necessary. Delivered reasons that will not be used will be set to an effective status of ‘I’ (inactivate) to prevent accidental use.

Although PeopleSoft delivers over 190 action/action reason combination a sample of the action reasons associated with the Hire action are listed below.

HIR HAF Hired from Affiliate

HIR LNP Loan from Parent Company

HIR NGR New Graduates

HIR NPS New Position

HIR PIT Permanent Int Cpny Transfer

HIR TMP Temporary Assignment

HIR TRN Trainee

HIR XFR Transfer

Information Source:

• All of the information from this table should be gathered from the Department of Administrative Services (DAS).

Data Entry Method:

__Y___On-Line Pages

_____ Excel Spreadsheet

Fields on Record:




|ACTION |Action |XLAT. 3 upper characters in length. This is a required field that is |

| | |used to indicate current employee status. For example, HIR = Hire, REH =|

| | |Rehire, PRO = Promotion. The information contained within this field |

| | |impact Benefits and Payroll |

|ACTION_REASON |Reason Code |Required field consisting of 3 uppercase characters used to describe the |

| | |reason for the action. For example, for a Leave of Absence action, the |

| | |reason may be MAT = Maternity/Paternity. This information is useful for |

| | |reporting and for determining benefit eligibility. The information |

| | |contained within this field impact Benefits and Payroll; therefore, a |

| | |joint effort in configuring this table is necessary. |

|EFFDT |Effective Date |Required date field. 10 characters in length. Default date to |

| | |01/01/1901. This date indicates when the action occurred and is |

| | |important because it will impact such things as employee and job history.|

| | |Please note that since PS delivers multiple dates for action reasons the |

| | |State of Connecticut must be careful to ensure that the effective date |

| | |logic matches. |

|EFF_STATUS |Status as of Effective |Required 1-digit uppercase character field. Defaults to ‘A’ for active. |

| |Date |Configure to “A”. Shows the employee’s status as of a specific effective|

| | |date. This field will be set to a value of ‘I’ for those action /action |

| | |reason combinations that the State of Connecticut does not want to use. |

|DESCR |Description |This field consists of 30 mixed characters. This field is used as a long|

| | |description of the action reason code. |

|DESCRSHORT |Short Description |10 mixed characters. This field is used as a short description of the |

| | |action reason code. |

|BEN_STATUS |Benefits Employee Status |XLAT. 5 uppercase characters in length. Depending on the Reason Code, |

| | |an employee’s benefit status is determined and is coded in this field. |

| | |Some examples of benefit status are Active, Suspended, Leave with |

| | |Benefits, and Terminated. |

|BAS_ACTION |Benefits Administration |3 uppercase characters. This field is used to link the Action and Reason|

| |Action |Codes to determine the rules under which the event should be processed |

| | |for event maintenance and open enrollment. To set the actual values for |

| | |this field the HR team will need to confer with Benefits Team. |

| | |Specifically, once the Eligibility and Event Rules work units are |

| | |complete this field must be considered. |

|COBRA_ACTION |COBRA Action |3 uppercase characters. This field is used by the Benefits |

| | |Administration module to link Actions and Actions Reasons to the Event |

| | |Class to determine eligibility for COBRA. |

|ACTRSN_CAN_SBR | |Canada uses. |

|ROE_REASON |Canadian ROE Reason |Canada uses. Use default of ‘K’. |

|ACTRSN_GER_SBR | |Germany uses. |

|WRKS_CNCL_APPR_GER |Works Council Approval |Germany uses. Use default of ‘N’. |

|SPK_MAN_APPR_GER |Spokesmen Committee |Germany uses. Use default of ‘N’. |

| |Approval | |

|COMP_DR_APPR_GER |Company Doctor’s Approval|Germany uses. Use default of ‘N’. |

|DECISIONGRP_GER |Works Council Decision |Germany uses. Use default of ‘N’. |

| |Grp | |

|ACTRSN_FED_SBR | |Federal Gov’t. uses. |

|GVT_JOB_BAS_ACTVTY |Trigger JOB BAS Activity |Federal Gov’t. uses. Use default of ‘Y’. |

|BN_MJ_WORKFLOW |Notify Benefits |1 uppercase character. Defaults to ‘N’. This field indicates (Y or N) |

| |Administrator |whether a workflow to the Benefits Administrator should be initiated for |

| | |a Job action that may have an impact on the determination of an |

| | |employee's primary job for benefits. Since the State of Connecticut will |

| | |not be using eBenefits functionality initially, this field should be set |

| | |to ‘N’. |

|ACTRSN_MEX_SBR | |Mexico uses. |

|IMS_TER_REASON_MEX |IMSS Termination Reason |Mexico uses. There is no default. Leave blank. |

|INF_REASON_MEX |INFOAVIT Reason |Mexico uses. There is no default. Leave blank. |

|SUA_REASON_MEX |SUA Reason |Mexico uses. Use default of ‘0050’. |

|IMS_PRN_FORM_MEX |IMSS Print Form |Mexico uses. |

|MAINT_VAR_SDI_MEX |Maintain Variable SDI |Mexico uses. Use default of ‘0040’. |

|ACTRSN_AUS_SBR | |Australia uses. |

|APS_MOVE_CD_AUS |Movement code |Australia uses. There is no default. Leave blank. |

|SYSTEM_ DATA_FLAG |System Data Flag |Required Edit Field, 1 Upper Case, Defaults to ‘N’. Field value should be|

| | |set to ‘N’. |

Dependencies and Timing:

• The Setup of the specific Benefits related Action/Action Reason combinations depends on the setup of the Eligibility and Event Rules work units/tables.

Testing Considerations:

• Verify that the page can be viewed without error.

• Validate that the action/action reason combination display properly on the Job Data pages.

• Verify that the action reason codes work with the automated benefits and payroll functionality.

• Verify that the COBRA events tie to the correct action/action reason combinations.


• Limited COBRA functionality is being used by the State of Connecticut only to generate initial COBRA notification letter.

• Ben Admin functionality is being used by the State of Connecticut

• Action reasons codes will be reviewed with agencies that have their own legacy systems such as UCONN, UCONN Health, Judicial, Dept of Education, Dept of Mental Retardation

• That the State of Connecticut will not use any international functionality.

|Revisions |

|Comments: |

| |

|Name: |

|Changes Needed: |

| |

|Reasons: |

Input Provided By:

|Name |Title, Department |

|Shari Grzyb |PPO, DAS |

|Bette Jenak |PPO, DOSR |

|John Woodyard |Benefits Team Lead, Accenture |

|Lisa Lagus |HR Team Lead, Accenture |

|Lina Simonu |HR Team Lead, DAS |


Configuration Team

_________________________ _________________________

_________________________ _________________________

Configuration Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Ryan Oakes Ron Kuehner

Module Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Team Leads

_________________________ _________________________

Rajeev Sharma Anne North


Sue Martin





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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