BLOG 24I chose to find sources on 3-D printing. This was not only my original source, but it is something I am strongly interested in because of its effects on the scientific world. One of the sources I found was another news informational video, only it was a presentation on how 3-D printing effects the medical world. They used strong pathos in the video, displaying how 3-D printing was used to save a baby’s life. There was ethos present by interviews done by doctors in order to accredit the fact that 3-D printing is going to help save more lives. The audience was for anyone interested in this process, and the genre was informative; considering it was a news broadcast. It is different considering this is a newer technology, and it will make profound changes on the world. This means that many people will be helped in a different and more effective way. It showed how printing organs from CT scans or MRIs allow doctors to physically evaluate their surgical processes. As an engaged citizen in the world, this will better the health care that is provided for me, by improving health care and saving more lives. source I found was an online shop to buy or sell 3-D printed objects called Shapeways. This site also possesses an area where you can upload an idea you have and allow them to make the 3-D printed objects and ship them to you. This site is made to push this new technology. It is full of information that accredits what they’re doing through ethos. Ethos is also presented through the array of 3-D printed objects they have for sale on the website, as a way to prove that it works and is used by many. The logos is present in the way they logically explain what is being done by the website through video guides and other information. The use of pathos is the way they relate to not only the common person, but they really try to pull in the intuitive designers. It’s presented in a way that is easy to understand for both. The genre of this website is informative, as well a sort of technological market through the information they provide on the site as well as the fact that there are products being sold on it. This new technology will have the effect on the everyday citizen. It is such a futuristic idea that is coming to life sooner than most thought. It already has begun to change the world today and how we think. next source I found as an article written by a man about whether or not 3-D printing is real, or just some form of a hoax. The article if full of information from visuals to YouTube videos to accredit the fact that 3-D printing is legitimate. This not only creates ethos for the idea of 3-D printing, but also the article itself. The logos within the article is presented by the logic of 3-D printing, tied with the ethos. It goes through the history and social implications that it may have on the world and on us as citizens of the world. The history is another form of ethos and logos. The logical break-down by the history accredits the article and 3-D printing. The purpose is to accredit and inform the public about 3-D printing. It is written in a format that is very informal and conversational, to draw in the common public. It is different because it is so informal, and generated for the common audience, but also because it is used in a way to discredit any denial of the concept and its applications. last source I found was another article written on Forbes. The name Forbes already brings strong ethos and logos to the table. As a well-known and accredited magazine, the website brings such accreditation. The information within the article is presented in a manner that is much more formal than the last article I sourced. It is informative and less persuasive towards the idea of 3-D printing. Little to no pathos was found in the article. Although, it was full of ethos and pathos. There was a lot of information on the daily push that is present for 3-D printing. Information about the cost, current entrepreneur uses, and sourced information connecting the two creates strong ethos and logos for the process. Audience is styled for more of a manufacturing and entrepreneur individual, interested in the how to and effects of 3-D printing. This article is yet another different representation on where the world can and most likely will go with this concept. ................

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