CITY COUNCIL - Silver Bay, Minnesota


7:00 P.M. June 1, 2015

Present: Scott M. Johnson

Carlene Perfetto Richard DeRosier – excused

Shane Hoff Dustin Goutermont – excused

Lana Fralich, City Administrator

Pete Morris, City Attorney

Mike Miller, Utilities Supt.

Doug Frericks, Police Chief

JT Starkovich, Robert Hakala, Alex McGrath, Thomas Fread, Police Officers

Greg Olmscheid, Lake County Sheriff Deputy

Dean, Michael and Carla Floen, Silver Bay Cub Scouts

Kitty Mayo, North Shore Journal

Ken Vogel, Lake County News Chronicle

Paul and Cathy Fread, Chad Streiff, Bill and Sandy Cavallin, Amy McGrath,

Steve and Marilyn Peterson, Ken and Lynnea Jones

Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Agenda – Summer Employment was removed from administrator, and DWI Prosecution was added to attorney. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED.

Consent Agenda – Motion by Hoff, second Perfetto to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2015 public hearing and regular Council meeting, and the March 2015 Treasurer’s Report. MOTION CARRIED.

Oath of Office, Presentation of Badge – Mayor Johnson administered the oath of office for police officer to Alex McGrath, and the Police Chief presented him with his badge.

Oath of Office, Presentation of Badge – Mayor Johnson administered the oath of office for police officer to Thomas Fread, and the Police Chief presented him with his badge.

Petitions, Requests and Communications

Heart of the Continent Recognition – The Council reviewed the Heart of the Continent Geotourism Program recognition of Victus Farms and the Scenic Overlook.

Award of Appreciation – The Council reviewed a plaque from the Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association in appreciation of the 2015 Veteran’s Appreciation Ride.

Golf Course Open House – It was noted that there will be an open house at the golf course on June 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

City Administrator

Bay Days / Cub Scouts Request – The Council reviewed a request from the Bay Days Committee and the Silver Bay Cub Scouts to close the City Shop Road on July 12 from

9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. for a soap box derby event. It was noted that the Public Works Dept., Northshore Federal Credit Union, and Blazer’s Repair have approved of this request. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve the closing of City Shop Road on July 12, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. MOTION CARRIED.

Library Fee Structure – The Council reviewed a fee structure that has been approved by the Library Board, and is consistent with the Arrowhead Library System guidelines. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve the Library Fee Structure to be effective, July 1, 2015. MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution 2015-25 – Miller reviewed the water booster station project, and the change order to have the water pumps have a soft start, and it was noted that this change would add $4,850 to the project costs. There was discussion as to why this item was not in the original engineering report. It was also noted that the foundation of the old booster station is deeper than projected, and the cost to remove the foundation would add $4,950 to the project, for a total increase to the contract of $9,800. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve Resolution 2015-25, authorizing amendment of the contract with Rice Lake Construction Group for the work of the water booster station project.

Member Perfetto – aye Member Hoff – aye

Mayor Johnson – aye Member Goutermont – absent

Member DeRosier – absent

RESOLUTION 2015-25 WAS ADOPTED. 3 aye, 0 nay, 2 absent

It was also noted that a 4 inch drain pipe will be added to this project, at no extra cost.

Twin Ports Testing – It was noted that the old footing for the booster station being deeper than anticipated affects the geotechnical testing, and that the cost of this testing was in the original project budget. Motion by Hoff, second Perfetto to approve to contract with Twin Ports Testing, for up to $9,081, for geotechnical testing in the water booster station project.


Full-Time Police Officer Eligibility List – The Council reviewed an advertisement for an eligibility list for full-time police officers, that is recommended by the Police Chief. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve an advertisement for an eligibility list for full-time police officers. MOTION CARRIED.

Paid Administrative Leave – It was noted that upon recommendation of the Police Chief and Personnel Committee, the Administrator has approved a paid administrative leave for Officer Noel Lillis, on May 25th and 26th, due to medical reasons. Motion by Hoff, second Perfetto to authorize a paid medical leave for Officer Noel Lillis for May 25 and 26, 2015, retroactive to May 25, 2015. MOTION CARRIED.

Budget Workshops – The Council reviewed the budget process. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to hold budget workshops at 5:00 p.m. on August 3, August 17, September 8 and September 21, prior to the regular city council meetings. MOTION CARRIED.

City Attorney

DWI Prosecution – It was noted that the City contracts with the Lake County Attorney to prosecute misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor DWI offences, that the City attorney prosecutes all other misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor offences, and that the County Attorney prosecutes all criminal felony charges. Morris stated that the Costly and Morris Law Firm are able and willing to prosecute misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor DWI offences for the City. It was noted that this change was originated from the Mayor. Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to cancel the agreement with the Lake County Attorney for prosecution of misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor DWI offences. MOTION CARRIED.

OLD BUSINESS – No old business was presented.

NEW BUSINESS – No new business was presented.

Claims – Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to approve payment of $107,370.71 paid claims and $36,478.97 in unpaid claims. MOTION CARRIED.

Motion by Perfetto, second Hoff to adjourn at 7:34 p.m. MOTION CARRIED.

Minutes taken by Lance K Beachem

_____________________________ ___________________________

Scott M Johnson, Mayor Lana Fralich, City Administrator


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