Knox County Schools

S-team Instructional Strategies and Dyslexia Characteristics OverlayThis overlay is designed to be used as a tool for assisting with identifying strategies that may assist students who exhibit characteristics of dyslexia should you decide an S-team is necessary. ~ KCS RTI2 DepartmentS-team Instructional StrategiesThe numbers in parenthesis are hyperlinks that will take you to the corresponding accommodations recommended for students with characteristics of dyslexia from the International Dyslexia Association (2017). General Academic StrategiesAgenda signed by teacher and parent ( REF _Ref409191206 \r \h 13, REF _Ref409191256 \w \h 26)Arrange non-verbal cues ( REF _Ref409191349 \w \h 28)Assign a study buddy ( REF _Ref409191452 \w \h 32)Break assignments into small steps ( REF _Ref409191464 \w \h 1, REF _Ref409191483 \w \h 16)Change criteria for success ( REF _Ref409191508 \w \h 22, REF _Ref409191516 \w \h 35)Change instructional groups ( REF _Ref409191528 \w \h 19)Clarify directions ( REF _Ref409191464 \w \h 1, REF _Ref409191550 \w \h 12)Compacting Extra box near student desk for things ( REF _Ref409191206 \w \h 13)Frequent checks by teacherGive students responsibilities in classroom Have student work as a peer tutorHelp student prepare study guide ( REF _Ref409191749 \w \h 8, REF _Ref409191757 \w \h 14)Independent research Limit answer choices on testsModeling ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11)Modify length of assignments ( REF _Ref409191798 \w \h 2)Modify type of assignments ( REF _Ref409191508 \w \h 22, REF _Ref409191516 \w \h 35)Post-it notes for routines ( REF _Ref409191206 \w \h 13)Provide alternative/additional materials ( REF _Ref409191846 \w \h 6, REF _Ref409191855 \w \h 7, REF _Ref409191862 \w \h 20, REF _Ref409191869 \w \h 29, REF _Ref409191516 \w \h 35)Provide extra time/credit ( REF _Ref409191913 \w \h 33)Provide rewards for task completionProvide study carrelRead test orallyReduce distracting stimuli ( REF _Ref409191927 \w \h 3)Tutoring: peer/volunteer/assistant ( REF _Ref409191846 \w \h 6)Use a timerUtilize technology for reinforcement/remediation ( REF _Ref409191948 \w \h 10, REF _Ref409191508 \w \h 22)Write a contract specifying expectations Reading/Language Arts StrategiesAllow mobilityAlternative reading materials ( REF _Ref409191927 \w \h 3)Flexible small groups ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409191528 \w \h 19)Frequent breaksHelp from peer/volunteer/assistant tutorIncrease communication with parentsIncrease positive reinforcementIncrease use of technology for reinforcement ( REF _Ref409191948 \w \h 10, REF _Ref409191508 \w \h 22)Individualized approachLimit answer choices on testsProvide oral directions ( REF _Ref409191464 \w \h 1, REF _Ref409192209 \w \h 9, REF _Ref409191550 \w \h 12)Provide study carrels/screens/dividers ( REF _Ref409191927 \w \h 3)Provide study sheets for review ( REF _Ref409191846 \w \h 6, REF _Ref409192253 \w \h 21)Read aloud with studentReduce length of assignments ( REF _Ref409191798 \w \h 2)Reduce length of tests ( REF _Ref409191798 \w \h 2)Reduce paper/pencil tasksSkill-based learning groups ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409191528 \w \h 19)Use a timerUse graphic organizers ( REF _Ref409191749 \w \h 8, REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409192351 \w \h 15, REF _Ref409192360 \w \h 23, REF _Ref409192367 \w \h 24)Use reading markers/highlighters ( REF _Ref409191927 \w \h 3, REF _Ref409192384 \w \h 4)Reading/Language Arts Strategies (continued)Use visual presentations ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409192403 \w \h 17, REF _Ref409192311 \w \h 18) Work as peer tutorWriting StrategiesArrange sentences in orderAssign peer proofreaders ( REF _Ref409191452 \w \h 32)Assign pen palsGenerate work list before writingProvide picture stimuliProvide practice with open-ended sentences ( REF _Ref409191846 \w \h 6, REF _Ref409192461 \w \h 34)Provide practice with open-ended stories ( REF _Ref409191846 \w \h 6, REF _Ref409192461 \w \h 34)Provide proofreading with sample papers ( REF _Ref409192492 \w \h 31)Provide sample of finished paper ( REF _Ref409192492 \w \h 31)Record stories - then write from tape ( REF _Ref409192209 \w \h 9)Tape list of basic writing rules to deskTeach outlining principles ( REF _Ref409191749 \w \h 8)Write in daily log/journal ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11)Math StrategiesAllow extended time for completion ( REF _Ref409191913 \w \h 33)Allow mobilityCheck work on a calculator ( REF _Ref409192565 \w \h 30)Give credit for partial work completed ( REF _Ref409191508 \w \h 22)Help from parent/peer/volunteer tutor ( REF _Ref409191846 \w \h 6, REF _Ref409191452 \w \h 32)Highlight answer location ( REF _Ref409191464 \w \h 1, REF _Ref409192384 \w \h 4)Highlight cue words in word problems ( REF _Ref409192384 \w \h 4)Increase positive reinforcementIncrease repetition and drillIncrease use of manipulatives ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409192565 \w \h 30)Provide alternative math materials ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409191869 \w \h 29, REF _Ref409191516 \w \h 35)Provide frequent breaksReduce number of problems required ( REF _Ref409191798 \w \h 2)Teach in skill-based learning groups ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409191528 \w \h 19)Use a timerUse an individualized approachUse calculator for word problems ( REF _Ref409192565 \w \h 30)Use flexible small groups ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409191528 \w \h 19)Use graph paper for proper alignment ( REF _Ref409192758 \w \h 27)Use technology for reinforcement ( REF _Ref409191948 \w \h 10)Use variety of manipulatives ( REF _Ref409191784 \w \h 11, REF _Ref409192565 \w \h 30)Use written reminders for steps ( REF _Ref409191464 \w \h 1, REF _Ref409191483 \w \h 16)Work as peer tutorBehavioral StrategiesArrange positive reinforcement from principal/staffArrange small group experience with counselor ( REF _Ref409191528 \w \h 19)Brief time-outs within the classroomChange class scheduleClarify expectations which student restates ( REF _Ref409191464 \w \h 1, REF _Ref409191550 \w \h 12)Clear expectations ( REF _Ref409191464 \w \h 1)Consult appropriate specialistDetermine consequences togetherBehavioral Strategies (continued)Establish non-visual cue as reminderHave frequent student/teacher conferencesIncrease communication with parentsIncrease direct supervisionModel/teach organizational skillsPreferential seating ( REF _Ref409245653 \w \h 25)Provide frequent praise/positive reinforcementSeat away from influential classmates ( REF _Ref409245653 \w \h 25)Stand near student during critical timeUse a timer for task completionUse behavior contractUse incentive systemUse level/point systemBehavioral Strategies (continued)Use planned ignoringUse proximity control ( REF _Ref409245653 \w \h 25)Use study carrelUse visual graphing of behaviors ( REF _Ref409192403 \w \h 17)Use weekly/daily checklist ( REF _Ref409191256 \w \h 26)Assessment StrategiesChange criteria for success ( REF _Ref409191508 \w \h 22)Give additional time for testing ( REF _Ref409191913 \w \h 33)Modify testing format ( REF _Ref409191508 \w \h 22, REF _Ref409191516 \w \h 35)Provide flexible seating ( REF _Ref409245653 \w \h 25)Use abbreviated concepts ( REF _Ref409191798 \w \h 2, REF _Ref409191862 \w \h 20)Use taped or oral testing ( REF _Ref409192209 \w \h 9)Accommodations for Students with Characteristics of DyslexiaAccommodations involving MaterialsClarify or simplify written directions - some directions are written in paragraph form and contain many units of information. These can be overwhelming to some students. The teacher can help by underlining or highlighting the significant parts of the directions. Rewriting the directions is often helpful. Present a small amount of work - The teacher can tear pages from workbooks and materials to present small assignments to students who are anxious about the amount of work to be done. This technique prevents students from examining an entire workbook, text, or material and becoming discouraged by the amount of work. Block out extraneous stimuli - If a student is easily distracted by visual stimuli on a full worksheet or page, a blank sheet of paper can be used to cover sections of the page not being worked on at the time. Also, line markers can be used to aid reading, and windows can be used to display individual math problems. Additionally, using larger font sizes and increasing spacing can separate sections. Highlight essential information - if an adolescent can read a regular textbook but has difficulty finding the essential information, the teacher can mark this information with a highlight pen. Use a placeholder in consumable material - In consumable materials in which students progress sequentially (such as workbooks), the student can make a diagonal cut across the lower right-hand corner of the pages as they are completed. With all the completed pages cut, the student and teacher can readily locate the next page that needs to be corrected or completed.Provide additional practice activities - Some materials do not provide enough practice activities for students with learning problems to acquire mastery on selected skills. Teachers then must supplement the material with practice activities. Recommended practice exercises include instructional games, peer teaching activities, self-correcting materials, computer software programs, and additional worksheets.Provide a glossary in content areas - Students often benefit from a glossary of content-related terms.Develop reading guides - A reading guide helps the reader understand the main ideas and sort out the numerous details related to the main ideas. A reading guide can be developed paragraph-by-paragraph, page-by-page, or section-by-section.Use an audio recording device - Directions, stories, and specific lessons can be recorded. The student can replay the tape to clarify understanding of directions or concepts. Also, to improve reading skills, the student can read the printed words silently as they are presented on tape. Use of assistive technology - Assistive technology products such as tablets, electronic readers/dictionaries/spellers, text to speech programs, audio books, and more can be very useful tools.Accommodations involving Interactive InstructionUse explicit teaching procedures - Many commercial materials do not cue teachers to use explicit teaching procedures; thus, the teacher often must adapt a material to include these procedures. Teachers can include explicit teaching steps within their lessons.Repeat directions - Students who have difficulty following directions are often helped by asking them to repeat the directions in their own words. The student can repeat the directions to a peer when the teacher is unavailable. If directions contain several steps, break down the directions into subsets. Simplify directions by presenting only one portion at a time and by writing each portion on the board. Maintain daily routines - Many students with learning problems need the structure of daily routines to know and do what is expected. Provide a copy of lesson notes - The teacher can give a copy of lesson notes to students who have difficulty taking notes during presentations.Provide students with a graphic organizer - An outline, chart, or blank web can be given to students to fill in during presentations. This helps students listen for key information and see the relationships among concepts and related information.Use step-by-step instruction - New or difficult information can be presented in small sequential steps. This helps learners with limited prior knowledge who need explicit or part-to-whole instruction.Simultaneously combine verbal and visual information - Verbal information can be provided with visual displays.Write key points or words on the board - Prior to a presentation, the teacher can write new vocabulary words and key points on the board.Use balanced presentations and activities - An effort should be made to balance oral presentations with visual information and participatory activities. Also, there should be a balance between large group, small group, and individual activities.Use mnemonic instruction - Mnemonic devices can be used to help students remember key information or steps in a learning strategy.Emphasize daily review - Daily review of previous learning or lessons can help students connect new information with prior knowledge.Accommodations involving Student PerformanceChange response mode - For students who have difficulty with fine motor responses, such as handwriting, the response mode can be changed to underlining, selecting from multiple choices, sorting, or marking. Students with fine motor problems can be given extra space for writing answers on worksheets or can be allowed to respond on individual boards.Provide an outline of the lesson - An outline enables some students to follow the lesson successfully and make appropriate notes. Moreover, an outline helps students to see the organization of the material and ask timely questions.Encourage use of graphic organizers - A graphic organizer involves organizing materials into a visual format. To develop a graphic organizer, the student can list the topic on the first line, collect and divide information into major headings, list all information relating to major headings on index cards, organize information into major areas, place information under appropriate subheadings, and place information into the organizer format.Place students close to the teacher - Students with attention problems can be seated close to the teacher, board, or work area and away from distracting sounds, materials, or objects.Encourage use of assignment books or calendars - Students can use calendars to record assignments due dates, list school related activities, record test dates, and schedule timelines for schoolwork. Students should set aside a special section in an assignment book or calendar for recording homework assignments.Have students turn lined paper vertically for math - Lined paper can be turned vertically to help students keep numbers in appropriate columns while computing math problems.Use cues to denote important items - Asterisks or bullets can denote questions or activities that count heavily in evaluation. This helps students spend time appropriately during tests or assignments.Design hierarchical worksheets - The teacher can design worksheets with problems arranged from easiest to hardest. Early success helps students begin to work. Allow use of instructional aids - Students can be provided with letter and number strips to help them write correctly. Number lines, counters, calculators, and other assistive technology can help students compute once they understand the mathematical operations.Display work samples - Samples of completed assignments can be displayed to help students realize expectations and plan accordingly.Use peer-mediated learning - The teacher can pair peers of different ability levels to review their notes, study for a test, read aloud to each other, write stories, or conduct laboratory experiments. Also, a partner can read math problems for students with reading problems to solve.Use flexible work times - Students who work slowly can be given additional time to complete written assignments.Provide additional practice - Students require different amounts of practice to master skills or content. Many students with learning problems need additional practice to learn at a fluency level.Use assignment substitutions or adjustments - Students can be allowed to complete projects instead of oral reports or vice versa. Also, tests can be given in oral or written format.International Dyslexia Association (2017). Dyslexia in the classroom: What every teacher needs to know. . ................

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