Culture is defined as the pattern of behavior of a specific group of people, and the values, ideas and feelings behind the behavior, and the material objects that are used by that group of people. Culture is passed on from one generation to the next, generally with change taking place very slowly. If we dissect this definition we can see that:

Patterns of behavior are vastly different across the world. For example, in the U.S. we eat with some form of silverware. In other parts of the world people eat with their hands.

The values, ideas, and feelings behind that behavior in the U.S. result from our desire to keep our hands clean throughout messy meals and to avoid spreading germs.

The material objects we use to preserve our value would be silverware.

In the United States it is appropriate to eat with silverware. We don’t stick our hands in a common bowl. In fact, we think that is pretty disgusting!

In other cultures it is believed that eating with your hands will put you closer to the food and make the food taste better. We have a different value about eating but that doesn’t make our value the “universally correct” value. It is a different value and that’s it!

The next story is a good example of cultural differences.

Robert had just arrived in the country where he would be working on a short-term mission assignment. He planned to get to know the young people of the community by playing basketball with them. He was proud of his basketball skills and did not think his lack of knowing the language would be any problem.

Robert started the game in high spirits, but was surprised to find that every time he got the ball and went in for a shot, the referee would blow the whistle, take away the ball, and give it to the opposing team. The players, knowing that Robert could not speak their language, tried to explain through hand motions the rules of the game. Robert could not understand the rule he was violating. Halfway through the game he became so frustrated that he picked up his shirt and went home.


What can you do in a similar situation?

The rules are different. Learn the rules and accept the diversity.

You have a great opportunity to try something different!!


What was the problem?

What could Robert have done to avoid frustration?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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