Cultural Competence

Culture and Diversity Activity

Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to

1. Recognize diverse and cultural variations among people.

2. Describe how information obtained in relation to diversity and culture can be used to provide patient care that is based on a patient’s preferences, values or needs?

3. Recognize and state what nursing as a profession and individuals can do to learn more about people who represent all aspects of human diversity.

QSEN Competency Category: Patient-centered care

Learner Level: Beginning

Assignment Description:

Attend a diversity and/or culture activity. Purpose is to help students appreciate and recognize the many dimensions of culture and diversity in everyday life.

Evaluation Description:

See Below

Culture and Diversity Worksheet

Purpose: To help students appreciate and recognize the many dimensions of culture and diversity in everyday life.


1. Attend a diversity and/or culture activity or session on campus. Ideas are posted on the homepage.

2. Required to wear community uniform and nametag.

3. Ask questions appropriate to nursing care or the topic of discussion.

4. Have the speaker/group leader/attendant etc. sign below as proof of attendance.

5. Write a brief (1-2 paragraphs) descriptive summary that portrays an image of the activity that you attended and answer the questions below.

6. This is not a graded assignment, but will be taken into consideration at the end of the semester when grades are calculated.

1. Descriptive summary (1-2 paragraphs):

2. What specific details did you learn about culture and/or diversity after attending the session?

3. What important or new information did you uncover in relation to culture and/or diversity?

4. How did this activity influence your thinking about culture and/or diversity?

5. What information obtained can be used to provide patient care that is based on a patient’s preferences, values or needs?

6. What do you think nursing as a profession or you personally can do to learn more about people who represent all aspects of human diversity and/or culture?

Title of session/activity_____________________________________

Date_________Proof of attendance signature___________________________________

To help me assess this activity please answer the questions below.

1. After attending this session my desire to learn more about culture and/or diversity has: (circle one number)

1- Decreased greatly

2- Decreased somewhat

3- Remained the same

4- Increased somewhat

5- Increased greatly

2. After attending this session my thoughts about culture and/or diversity have: (circle one number)

1- Decreased greatly

2- Decreased somewhat

3- Remained the same

4- Increased somewhat

5- Increased greatly


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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