Our Environment

Cultural Diversity

Classroom Projects

Cultural Diversity

Classroom Projects

The impact of globalization on every country in the early part of the 21st century has taken many people by surprise. Geographical and historical divisions which were at the heart of global markets are becoming increasingly irrelevant. It has changed core economic concepts, and some would say the world is getting “smaller and flatter” as a result of technological advancements.

This project encourages students to explore different cultures in the world, as well as understand the impact of globalization. Globalization leads to migration, so let’s get to know our neighbors.


Primary School Lessons (5-10 years) 3

Lesson 1: Globe Trotter 3

Lesson 2: One World 5

Assessment Opportunities 6

Additional Resources 7

Primary School Lessons (5-10 years)


Essential Question

Why must we be aware

of other cultures and religions?

Time: 120 minutes

Technical Requirements

▪ Microsoft Photosynth () – synthesizes photo collections into a 3D online experience

▪ Fling the Teacher (fling) – create an interactive quiz/game

▪ Microsoft Word (version 2003 and higher)

▪ Internet access

▪ Optional: a digital camera

Student Activities

1. Explore 3D experiences of some famous locations using Photosynth:

o The Taj Mahal

o The Pyramids

o The Leaning Tower of Pisa

o Vatican City

o Machu Picchu

2. For each location, discuss:

o Where is this in the world?

o What do you know about this country and its people?

o Why is this location important?

o What does this location represent for this country’s culture?

3. Log into the Photosynth website. This requires a Windows Live ID, which you can create during the process if you don’t already have one.

4. Download these nine images and unzip the folder[how to]

5. Using these images, create a new Photosynth [how to]

6. What do you know about this location? For a hint, skip to the Additional Resources section of this document.

7. Use to find out:

o To what religion is this location connected?

o What do you know about this religion?

o What are their beliefs?

o What is the name of their holy scriptures?

o What else can you find out?

8. Share your findings with the class.

9. Complete a reflection sheet. Download the template.

Extension Activity:

▪ Design an interactive quiz/game on different religions and cultures [how to]

Primary School Lessons (5-10 years)

Lesson 2: ONE WORLD

Essential Question

What is common between

almost every major religion in the world?

Time: 180 minutes

Technical Requirements

▪ Bing 3D Maps Viewer (maps/help/VE3Dinstall/)

▪ A wiki service such as Wikispaces ()

▪ Internet access

▪ Microsoft Word (version 2003 and higher)

▪ Optional: Windows Live Movie Maker (compatible with Windows Vista or Windows 7, download at Desktop/MovieMaker)

– OR –

Microsoft Photo Story (compatible with Windows XP, download at Photo Story)

Student Activities

1. Click and explore this interactive map covering six major world religions. Click a religion on the left to travel to a location. When the pushpin appears on the map, click on the “more info” link to learn about the religion. Complete this for all 6 religions.

2. Organize in groups and decide what religion/culture your group may want to find out more about. Create a wiki site to record your research information. Each student in a group can work on a different part of the wiki. See an example of a wiki and list information you might want to find out to complete your wiki page. [how to]

3. Present your wiki to the class.

4. Discuss what the different religions have in common.

5. Highlight 5 facts about any religion which you have discovered as a result of this research project.

6. Complete a reflection sheet. Download the template.

Extension Activity:

▪ Using , search for a video that is relevant to your wiki, or create your own using Microsoft Photo Story or Windows Live Movie Maker. Link to the video from your page (see an example at ). [how to]

Assessment Opportunities

Each of these lessons provides opportunities for assessment. Rubrics provide students with a better understanding of what is being assessed, and how to improve through the help of ongoing monitoring and assessment for learning — rather than an end-of-project summative assessment. Use your school or region’s standard assessment scheme, or assign a scale and use visual approaches to feedback on progress.


| |Excellent |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |

| |(3 points) |(2 points) |(1 point) |

|Participation |Student displays |Student contributes to|Student does not listen |

| |enthusiasm in listening |class discussions or |to the input of others |

| |to others and provides |group work |Student does not |

| |constructive feedback |Student listens to |contribute to discussion|

| |Student displays |other students and |or activities |

| |confidence in leading |provides his or her |Student displays |

| |work |own input |hostility towards others|

| |Student is able to turn | |with different ideas |

| |ideas into actions | | |

|Creativity/ |Student is especially |Student displays |Student does not |

|Critical Thinking|adept at using IT skills|eagerness to use IT |contribute creative |

|& Problem-Solving|to create original and |skills, imagination, |input |

|Skills |compelling work |or critical |Student gives up on |

| |Student is able to solve|problem-solving skills|challenges and problems |

| |problems using critical |throughout lesson and |Student uses other |

| |thinking skills |in discussions |people’s work or ideas |

| |Student approaches |Student assists others|as their own |

| |challenges with original|in pursuing their | |

| |and creative thought |critical or creative | |

| |Student encourages |goals | |

| |others to be creative | | |

|Lesson |Student displays greatly|Student completes |Student does not |

|Proficiency |increased understanding |activities |complete work or |

| |of subject matter or IT |Student displays |completes it after the |

| |skills |increased |deadline |

| |Student shares previous |understanding of |Student does not display|

| |understanding to enhance|subject matter and/or |increased understanding |

| |the lesson for others |IT skills |of subject matter or IT |

| |Student engages in all |Student displays pride|skills |

| |aspect of the lesson and|in their work and |Student is disruptive to|

| |looks for ways to take |understanding |activities (i.e. aims to|

| |activities further | |prevent other students |

| | | |from learning) |

Additional Resources


▪ Website: Wikipedia: Major world religious groups

▪ Website: Religion Facts

▪ Website: BBC guide to World Religions

▪ Website: Wikipedia: An overview of globalization

▪ Website: The Globalist: Guide to globalization

▪ Website: Tutorial on globalization

▪ Website: A project from the Levin Institute:

▪ Website: International Monetary Fund: Globalization, a brief overview

▪ Website: Fair trade foundation

▪ Website: BBC site on religious festivals


▪ How To: Extract files from a zip file

▪ How To: Create a photo story/movie with Microsoft Photo Story or Windows Live Movie Maker

▪ How To: Create a Photosynth

▪ How To: Use Bing Maps

▪ How To: Record a podcast with Microsoft Sound Recorder

▪ How To: Store and share files using Windows Live SkyDrive

▪ Guide: Windows Live Movie Maker in the classroom

▪ Guide: Windows 7 in the classroom

▪ Guide: Office 2007 and 2010 in the classroom

▪ Guide: Free Microsoft tools in the classroom

▪ Video: TED Talk: Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality maps (Photosynth, Bing Maps, and WorldWide Telescope)

▪ Video: TED Talk: Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos Photosynth

Globe Trotter Hint:

This location is in the northern part of India.

It has four entrances.

It is a place of worship.

The water around the main building is sometimes called pool of nectar.


Cultural Diversity Classroom Projects

For more resources for teachers and professors, visit Educators.

Cultural Diversity Classroom Projects

Learning Outcomes

▪ To gain an understanding of globalization, religions and cultures

▪ To develop research, synthesis and evaluation skills

▪ To develop presentation skills

▪ To develop collaborative skills

▪ To understand interdisciplinary themes through the use of technology in the classroom

Project outputs

▪ Create a Photosynth

▪ Develop an interactive quiz

▪ Presentation and feedback

▪ Self-reflection

Cultural Diversity Classroom Projects

Learning Outcomes

▪ To gain an understanding of globalization, religions and cultures

▪ To develop research, synthesis and evaluation skills

▪ To develop presentation skills

▪ To develop collaborative skills

▪ To understand interdisciplinary themes through the use of technology in the classroom

Project outputs

▪ Create a Photosynth

▪ Develop an interactive quiz

▪ Presentation and feedback

▪ Self-reflection

Cultural Diversity Classroom Projects

Learning Outcomes

▪ To gain an understanding of globalization, religions and cultures

▪ To develop research, synthesis and evaluation skills

▪ To develop presentation skills

▪ To develop collaborative skills

▪ To understand interdisciplinary themes through the use of technology in the classroom

Project outputs

▪ Develop a Wiki with research information about different religions/cultures

▪ Group work

▪ Group discussions

▪ Self-reflection

Cultural Diversity Classroom Projects

Cultural Diversity Classroom Projects

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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