International Business - Weebly



Preparing to do business in an international environment requires a lot of work and research! The biggest problem with selling products to different countries is a lack of awareness of that culture. Canadian businesses should never assume that a product that is successful in Canada will be successful anywhere else. We will be having a cultural fair in class in order to learn about the culture, politics and economics of various international countries.


You will be using iPads/smart phones in class to create an informative video on behalf of the Ministry of International Trade to promote doing business with your country. Your audience is Canadian businessmen and women who are planning to travel to your chosen country and are unfamiliar with the culture and customs. This project is designed to allow you to research various working environments in different countries in order to ensure success in the international marketplace. Students will choose an international country to research and in groups of 4-5 people create an effective and engaging presentation. Individual members are required to take responsibility for a specific topic which they will be evaluated on. Students are reminded to demonstrate respect and affirm the diversity and interdependence of the world’s cultures.

Your Task:

1. Choose a Group

• Students are to work in groups of 4-5 students on this assignment.

• Note that students will be marked individually based on their contribution to the group presentation

• You may not work in the same group make-up as the business culture skit.

2. Select a Country

• Countries will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis (you cannot choose the same country that any of your group members did for the business culture skit).

• All groups must choose different countries and since the point of this assignment is to find out more about international cultures, you cannot choose Canada or USA

3. Choose a Topic

Your research must include information from BOTH chapter 3 (on culture) and chapter 4 (on politics and economics). Each group member must choose one of the following topics:

• Networking and Conversation Topics

• Introductions and Business Card Etiquette

• Business Communications (Making Appointments and Negotiating)

• Entertaining, Dining and Gift Giving (MANDATORY TOPIC)

• Public Behavior and Dress

• Political Climate (MANDATORY TOPIC)

• Economic Environment (MANDATORY TOPIC)

4. Choose a Role

Members must contribute equally to the success of the group and as such they must take on different roles. Please delegate the following roles:

• Task Manager: Ensures that there is a master list of group member jobs, that job allocation is fair and reminds members each day of tasks to complete to help them stay on task. Reports to the teacher at the end of each class on the group’s progress.

• Record Keeping Guru: Keeps track of who is doing what and what was accomplished each day.

• Sweeper (catch all). Responsible for filling in if another group member is unable to complete their tasks

• iMovie Guru: Becomes an expert on making iMovies, so they can act as an iMovie coach to the rest of the team.

• Videographer: involved in recording the group’s videos

• Movie Editor: Ensures that movies are professionally edited before being shown to the class.

• Movie Director: Ensures that the group’s vision of the film follows the vision that the group created in their storyboard

• Storyboard Guru: Becomes is in charge of drawing/organizing the storyboard

• On-Set Artist: Gathers any props that are needed for shooting the video. Ensures that all visuals elements, including assigning people to bring in food, are ready for the presentation day.

5. Do Some Research

• You will research factors that Canadian business people need to know when doing business in your country of choice.

• You are responsible for doing your individual research and having it complete before your group starts filming.

• You must submit your individual research on one of the above topics, using MLA citation. This should be done in a Google Doc and shared with Mrs. Driscoll.

6. Plan Your Presentation

• Your group will be presenting your country’s information together to the class.

• As part (or all) of your presentation you will be creating a video to promote your country.

• You must ensure that you upload your video on YouTube and double check the privacy settings for your video.

• Note that food is often a key focal point for business gatherings. As part of your presentation you are required to pick one of the food/beverages that native to your country and bring in some for the class to sample.

• Be as creative as you want! You can perform a role-play of a business meeting whereby you can incorporate making appointments, introductions and negotiating a business deal, etc. You can choose to incorporate the food portion in a role-play activity where you would replicate a business dinner gathering and focus on proper protocol for dining, entertaining and gift giving.

7. Reflect

• Each group member must complete a 360 peer evaluation which means that you are writing a personal reflection of your contribution to the group presentation as well as your other group members.

• Your reflection should be approximately a page in length and explain in detail how each group member contributed to the group’s successes/failures.

Stay on track:

Day 1: The Storyboard

• Plan out the parts, camera angles, etc.

• Note that most of your individual research must be done BEFORE class on this day

Day 2: Recording the scenes

• You will be recording your video so make sure that you are prepared with whatever props you need and that you know your information

Day 3: Editing your movie

• Make sure that your film is polished and professional.

• You can add creativity by adding sound, special effects, etc.

• Take the time to ensure that it is professionally finished and correctly uploaded to YouTube

You will need to submit:

1. The link to your YouTube video which you created

2. Your research for your individual topic and your work cited list

3. Your 360 Peer Evaluation

On the day of the presentation:

Make sure that:

• You present your information in a practiced, polished and creative manner

• All group members should take an active part in the presentation

• Share food from the country which you have chosen

Additional Resources:

1. ExecutivePlanet -

This site provides business etiquette, culture and profiles about different countries.

2. IB Etiquette and Manners -

Etiquette, manners, and cross cultural, or intercultural communication have become critical elements required for all International and Global Business executives, managers, and employees.

International Trade Data Network -

ITDN is the one and only service that provides easy access to all your export and import, trade related, information needs. From current events to comprehensive country, industry and market reports, ITDN has been the nationally recognized aggregation and distribution leader for more than 15 years.

Free public access is available by completing a simple, trial membership form and is valid for one month.

Click on:

- Country Report

- Select your country from the pull-down menu

- Click Business Travel

3. Austrade -

Produced by the Australian Trade Commission to help Australian companies find overseas business for their products and services. At the “Industry and Country Info” section of this Web site, you can find useful and reliable information about doing business and visiting different countries.

Click on:

- For Australian Exporters

- Industry and country information

- Select a country

International Business


Group members: ______________________________________________________________

Country: _________________________________

|Criteria |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |MARKS |


|Overall quality and clarity of information with accurate citations. Note that your peer reflection is part of this mark. |

|Note that this part of the |Thorough treatment and |Understands the topic |Had some knowledge of the|Demonstrates limited |/10 Marks |

|assignment is an individual |understanding of all |well. |topic. |knowledge of the topic. | |

|mark |aspects of the topic. | | | | |


|Communicates information and ideas effectively, with confidence and with clarity. |

|Note that this part of the assignment is an individual mark |

|note that this part of the |Creative and |Clear and somewhat |Lack in creativity. |Lack in creativity. No |/10 Marks |

|assignment is a group mark |interesting |creative introduction. |Visual aid(s) does not |visual aid(s). | |

| |presentation. |Visual aids used |enhance the presentation.| | |

| |Visual aids used |intermittently. | | | |

| |effectively. | | | | |





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