NURS 1327 – Transition from Vocational to Professional Nursing

Unit II – Associate Degree Nursing Competencies

Part C – Interpersonal Skills

|Behavioral Objectives |Content Outline |Clinical Objectives |Learning Opportunities |

|Discuss the influence of culture on the development |Culture |Utilize therapeutic communication |Read: |

|of the nurse’s interpersonal and communication |Transcultural nursing |skills when interacting with clients. | |

|skills. |Definition | |Berman & Snyder (2012) |

| |Implications | | |

| |Cultural awareness | |McKinney (2009) |

| |Orientation to space and time | | |

| |Diet and nutrition | |Varcarolis (2010) |

| |Socioeconomic factors | | |

| |View of health/illness | |Estes (2010) |

| |Communication | | |

| |Physiologic characteristics | |Required: MyNursingLab |

| |Factors affecting cultural sensitivity | |Module 1: Nursing Foundations |

| |Religious and spiritual considerations | |Lesson 5: Documentation |

| |Cultural stereotyping | |Do Pre-test, content and post-test |

| |Development of cultural competence in nursing practice | | |

|Review the development and use of therapeutic |Communication Skills | | |

|communication skills in the delivery of nursing care.|Development of communication skills | |TVCC Library – Nursing Education in Video |

| |Conversation skills | | |

| |Listening skills | | |

| |Silence | |Cultural Awareness in Healthcare Communications |

| |Interviewing techniques | | |

| |Assertiveness skills | | |

| |Forms of communication | | |

| |Therapeutic vs. conversational | | |

| |Therapeutic vs. problem solving | | |

| |Verbal vs. nonverbal | | |

| |Factors influencing communication | | |

| |Factors promoting/inhibiting effective communication | | |

| |Communication techniques | | |

| |Techniques promoting effective communication | | |

| |Techniques inhibiting effective communication | | |

| |Appropriate form of touch | | |

| |Developmental considerations | | |

|Discuss the components of a process recording used |Process Recording | | |

|for the development of therapeutic communication |Purpose | | |

|skills. |Components | | |

| |Client’s verbal/non-verbal behavior | | |

| |Nurse’s verbal/non-verbal behavior | | |

| |Communication techniques | | |

| |Interpretation | | |

| |Evaluation | | |

N:Syllabus/Transition/Transition Unit II Part C Revised 03/13


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