BTEC 2012 - Edexcel

The table lists all assessment criteria in the following units of the Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Diploma in Children’s Learning and Development (Early Years Educator) (QCF). 64 credits are required for this qualification. Unit 1 to Unit 9 are Mandatory; Edexcel Unit numbers are given firstUnit 1: Understand Children’s Early Years Education and Development Unit 2: Implementing Early Years Foundation Stage Unit 3: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Early Years Settings Unit 4: Plan and Provide Effective Teaching and Learning in Early Years Settings Unit 5: Make Accurate and Productive Use of Assessment in Early Years Settings Unit 6: Develop Effective and Informed Professional Practice in Early Years Settings Unit 7: Promote the Health, Safety and Well-being of Children in Early Years Settings Unit 8: Child Protection and Safeguarding Unit 9: Partnership Working in Early Years (Total for Mandatory units 46 credits)Optional units which align closely to the Diploma in Children’s Play, Learning and Development from which an additional 18 credits must be achieved: Unit 10: Understanding How to Promote Play and Learning in the Early Years (9 credits) Unit 11: Support Children’s Outdoor Play (4 credits)Unit 19: Support Children at Meal or Snack Times (3 credits)Unit 20: Care for the Physical and Nutritional Needs of Babies and Young Children (6 credits) Unit 21: Support the Development of Positive Behaviour in Children (3 credits) The table shows links to units in the BTEC National CPLD EYE (2014) qualifications and indicates how you can ensure that learners generate any additional evidence needed to achieve the Diploma in CLD (EYE) without unnecessary duplication.Unit 11 assignment and the Practical Evidence Portfolio will form a significant basis of this RPL process and the mapping document shows where there is a potential match. However, an assessor must make the final judgement about the suitability of the evidence presented. Learners need to take an active role in identifying appropriate evidence within their CPLD portfolio.This grid also indicates where additional teaching or classroom discussion could be incorporated to cover any missing knowledge requirements.Finally, this matrix allows you to keep track of evidence generated by learners.CLD Unit 1Understand Children’s Early Years Education and DevelopmentAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Explain expected children’s development from birth to 5 yearsLearning activities from CPLD Unit 1Unit 1, Learning aim AUnit 1 Task 1a, 1b1.2Explain expected children’s development from 5 up to 8 yearsLearning activities from CPLD Unit 1Unit 1, Learning aim AUnit 1 Task 1a, 1b1.3Explain the importance to children’s holistic development of: Speech, language and communication Personal, social and emotional development Physical developmentUnit 2 AssignmentUnit 2, Learning aim BUnit 1 Task 21.4Analyse how children’s learning and development can be affected by: personal factors external factorsUnit 1 Task 31.5Describe how atypical development may impact on areas of developmentUnit 9 Observations / PEP observation recordsUnit 9 Unit 1 Task 41.6Analyse how children’s learning and development can be affected by their stage of developmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 9 observationsUnit 9 1.7 Evaluate how interventions can promote positive developmentUnit 9 Observations PEP ReportsUnit 9 Learning aim B, C, D2.1Explain how babies and children learn and developUnit 16 AssignmentUnit 16, Learning aim B and C2.2Evaluate theories and models of child developmentLearning activities from CPLD Unit 1 Unit 9 Observations and Activities / PEPUnit 1, Learning aim B Unit 1 Task 52.3Explain how to apply theories and models of child development to support children’s developmentUnit 1Unit 9 Observations and Activities / PEP Unit 1, Learning aim C2.4 Evaluate how evidenced based approaches can inform own practiceUnit 11 Assignment Unit 4 Learning Aim C P6PEP Unit 11 Learning aim C3.1Explain theories of attachmentUnit 1 Learning aim C / PEPProfessional DiscussionUnit 1 Unit 1 Task 63.2Explain why positive attachment is important for childrenUnit 7 assignmentUnit 8 assignmentPEPProfessional DiscussionUnit 7 Learning aim AUnit 8 Learning aim C3.3Analyse the impact on children of not forming positive attachmentsLearning activities from Unit 1 Professional Discussion Unit 1 Task 63.4Analyse strategies for promoting positive attachmentsProfessional Discussion Unit 1Task 64.1Identify the communication development needs of children from: Birth to 2 years 2 to 5 years 5 up to 8 yearsUnit 6 assignmentUnit 6, Learning aim A14.2Explain early intervention criteriaUnit 9 PEPProfessional DiscussionUnit 9 Learning Aim A4.3Explain how multi-agency teams work together to support speech, language and communicationUnit 6 assignmentUnit 14 AssignmentUnit 6 Learning Aim BUnit 14 Learning Aim C4.4Explain systematic synthetic phonics associated with readingUnit 10 assignmentUnit 10 Learning Aim B 4.5Evaluate strategies for developing early literacy and mathematicsUnit 10 assignmentUnit 9 ObservationsSkill 52Unit 10 Learning Aim C 4.6Explain how play and activities support speech, language and communication developmentUnit 2 AssignmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 9 Learning Aim B 5.1Analyse the potential effect that transitions and significant events have on childrenUnit 2 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentUnit 2 Learning Aim AUnit 7 Learning Aim A and B5.2Explain how to prepare and support children through transitions and significant events in their livesUnit 7 assignmentUnit 7 Learning Aim B5.3Explain the effect on children of having stable relationships during periods of transitionUnit 7 assignmentUnit 7 Learning Aim A and CCLD Unit 2Implementing Early Years Foundation StageAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)Workbook ActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Describe the scope and legal status of the EYFSUnit 12 assignment Unit 12 Learning Aim A 1.2Explain the overall structure of the EYFSUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim B1.3Explain the principles and themes of the EYFSUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim A1.4Explain how early years settings are inspected to check their delivery of the EYFSUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim A1.5Describe how children’s development is assessed at different pointsUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim B2.1Identify the EYFS safeguarding and welfare requirementsUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 competencePEPUnit 12 Learning Aim DUnit 12 Learning Aim D 2.2Explain the rationale behind the safeguarding and welfare requirementsUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 competenceUnit 12 Learning Aim DUnit 12 Learning Aim D 2.3Evaluate the practical implications of the safeguarding and welfare requirements within the EYFSUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 competenceUnit 12 Learning Aim DUnit 12 Learning Aim D 3.1Describe the scope of the areas of learning in the EYFSUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim C3.2Evaluate how the four specific areas of learning relate to the three prime areas of the EYFSUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim C3.3Facilitate play activities for a given child that allows opportunities for the prime areas of learningUnit 12 assignmentSkill 54PEPUnit 12 Learning Aim B3.4Use observations of a given child’s development to plan for progress within the EYFSUnit 12 assignmentUnit 9 Observations PEPUnit 12 Learning Aim C3.5Balance adult-led and child-initiated activitiesUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 competencePEPSkill 54Unit 12 Learning Aim CUnit 12 Learning Aim C 4.1Identify the EYFS outcomesUnit 12 assignmentPEPUnit 12 Learning Aim C4.2Evaluate children’s progress within the EYFSUnit 12 assignmentPEPUnit 12 Learning Aim C4.3Plan an adult-directed activity, which takes into account: the identification of children’s needs and interests links to the areas of learning the need for activities to be playfulUnit 12 assignmentSkill 18, 54PEPUnit 12 Learning Aim CCLD Unit 3Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Early Years SettingsAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Explain what is meant by: Diversity Equality InclusionUnit 12 assignmentUnit 20 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim CUnit 20 Learning Aim B1.2Explain how legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and inclusion apply to own work roleUnit 12 assignmentPEP CPLD 2 Unit 12 Learning Aim A1.3Describe how prejudice and discrimination may affect a child’s life chancesUnit 7 assignmentUnit 5 assignmentUnit 19 assignmentUnit 7 Learning Aim CUnit 5 Learning Aim A2Unit 19 Learning Aim C1.4Describe potential barriers to implementing equality in early years settingsUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim A1.5Explain how to support others to promote diversity, equality and inclusionUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim C2.1Interact with others in ways that respects their beliefs, culture, values and preferencesUnit 11 assignmentPEP CPLD 22.2Show behaviour that models inclusive practiceUnit 2 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 3 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 2 Learning Aim DUnit 12 Learning Aim AUnit 3 Learning Aim B and Learning Aim D3.1Challenge discrimination in a way that supports changeUnit 11 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Task 73.2Apply anti-discriminatory legislation and codes of practice to own behaviour within the early years settingUnit 11 assignmentUnit 12 PEP CPLD 2 Unit 12 Learning Aim C3.3Reflect on the impact of legislation and codes of practice on the promotion of equality of opportunity in own settingUnit 11 assignmentPEP Unit 19 Unit 19 Learning Aim C4.1Apply additional needs legislation, regulations and codes of practice to own practiceUnit 6 assignmentUnit 3 assignmentUnit 19 assignmentProfessional Discussion PEPSkill 4Unit 6 Learning Aim CUnit 3 Learning Aim BUnit 19 Learning Aim B4.2Analyse how models of disability influence own practiceUnit 19 assignmentSkill 4Unit 19 Learning Aim B4.3Plan to meet individual children’s needsUnit 19 assignmentSkill 4PEPCPLD 2Unit 19 Learning Aim B4.4Lead activities that meet children’s individual needsUnit 12 competencePEPUnit 19 assignmentSkill 4Unit 12 Learning Aim C P6Unit 19 Learning Aim C4.5Identify who to approach when specialist expertise may be neededUnit 19 assignmentSkill 4PEPUnit 19 Learning Aim CCLD Unit 4Plan and Provide Effective Teaching and Learning in Early Years SettingsAssessment criterionCYPW Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Apply the principles and themes of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to own practiceUnit 12 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 12 Learning Aim C1.2Implement strategies to develop and extend children’s learning and thinking, including sustained shared thinkingUnit 12 assignmentUnit 2 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 12 Learning Aim CUnit 2 Learning Aim D1.3Plan activities that include the learning and development areas of current early education curriculum requirementsUnit 12 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 12 Learning Aim C1.4Lead activities that include the learning and development areas of current early education curriculum requirementsUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 competencePEPCPLD 2Unit 12 Learning Aim CUnit 12 Learning Aim C P62.1Prepare the environment within own setting to support and extend children’s learning and developmentUnit 9 assignmentUnit 9 activity plansPEP CPLD 2 Unit 9 Learning Aim D2.2Evaluate how effective the environment within own setting has been in extending children’s learning and developmentUnit 9 assignmentUnit 9 activity plansPEP CPLD 2 2.3Explain how the environment in own setting meets the needs of individual childrenUnit 9 assignmentUnit 9 activity plansPEP CPLD 2 3.1Plan activities which support children’s group learning and socialisationUnit 2 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 2 Learning Aim DUnit 7 Learning Aim C3.2Implement activities which facilitate children’s group learning and socialisationUnit 2 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 2 Learning Aim DUnit 7 Learning Aim C4.1Plan activities that show differentiation to support children’s individual learning and development needsUnit 2 assignmentUnit 9 activity plansPEPCPLD 2Unit 2 Learning Aim A4.2Evaluate plans to ensure they reflect children’s: Age Stage of development Individual circumstances Group needsUnit 9 activity plansPEPCPLD 25.1Describe the importance of modelling and promoting positive behaviours for childrenUnit 7 assignmentUnit 7 competenceUnit16 assignmentUnit 7 Learning Aim CUnit 7 Learning Aim D P85.2Apply boundaries and rules for children’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the settingUnit 25 assignmentPEPUnit 7 assignmentUnit 7 competenceCPLD 2Unit 25 Learning Aim B2Unit 7 Learning Aim CUnit 7 Learning Aim D P85.3Role model the standards of behaviour expected of children within the settingUnit 5 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentUnit 7 competenceUnit 16 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 5 Learning Aim AUnit 7 Learning Aim C Unit 7 Learning Aim D P8, P9Unit 16 Learning Aim C6.1Provide realistic, consistent and supportive responses to children’s behaviourUnit 7 assignmentUnit 16 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 7 Learning Aim DUnit 16 Learning Aim B6.2Apply skills and techniques for supporting and encouraging children’s positive behaviourUnit 7 assignmentUnit 7 competencePEPCPLD 2Unit 7 Learning Aim CUnit 7 Learning Aim D P8, P96.3Apply skills and techniques for supporting children to manage their own behaviour in relation to otherUnit 7 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 7 Learning Aim C7.1Describe the indicators of a child being in need of additional supportUnit 19 assignmentUnit 19 Learning Aim BTask 87.2Explain how to adapt resources and approaches to provide additional supportUnit 19 assignmentPEPUnit 19 Learning Aim BTask 87.3Develop strategies for working in partnership with parents and/or carers and others with children with additional needsUnit 19 assignmentUnit 5 assignmentUnit 5 competence Skill 4PEPCPLD 2Unit 19 Learning Aim BUnit 5 Learning Aim CP9, P10Task 8CLD Unit 5Make Accurate and Productive Use of Assessment in Early Years SettingsAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Analyse the value of a child-centred model of assessmentUnit 2 assignmentUnit 2 Learning Aim C and D1.2Describe assessment techniques appropriate to the current early education curriculum frameworkUnit 9 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 9 Learning Aim B and CUnit 12 Learning Aim C1.3Evaluate how observations and assessments are used to inform planningUnit 9 observationsUnit 11 assignmentPEPUnit 9 Learning Aim B and C1.4Explain the importance of parental involvement in observation and assessmentUnit 5 assignmentUnit 9 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 5 Learning Aim B and CUnit 9 Learning Aim DUnit 12 Learning Aim C1.5Explain how to relate theories of play and development to assessmentUnit 9 assignmentUnit 9 Learning Aim C 2.1Ensure issues of permission, confidentiality and participant bias are addressed when carrying out assessmentUnit 9 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 9 Learning Aim A2.2Carry out observational assessmentUnit 9 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 9 Learning Aim CUnit 12 Learning Aim C2.3Complete assessment records for a given childUnit 9 assignment Unit 9 competenceUnit 11 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 9 Learning Aim CUnit 9 Learning Aim B 2.4Review the effectiveness of plans and planning methodsUnit 9 assignment PEPUnit 9 Learning Aim D3.1Use assessment to identify the needs of individual childrenUnit 9 assignment PEPUnit 9 Learning Aim A3.2Use assessment to identify the interests of individual childrenUnit 9 assignment PEPUnit 9 Learning Aim A3.3Use assessment to identify the stages of development of individual childrenUnit 9 assignment PEPUnit 9 Learning Aim A4.1Collaborate with children and others in expressing their needs and aspirations to inform planningUnit 9 assignmentPEPUnit 9 Learning Aim D4.2Use formative assessment to shape learning opportunitiesUnit 9 assignmentPEPUnit 9 Learning Aim C4.3Use summative assessment to shape learning opportunitiesUnit 9 assignmentPEPUnit 9 Learning Aim C4.4Explain how the goals and targets for a given child will support the achievement of positive outcomesUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim C4.5Explain the action to take if atypical development is identifiedUnit 9 assignmentUnit 9 Learning Aim C5.1Discuss children’s progress and plan next stages in their learning with: the key person colleagues parents and/or carersUnit 5 competenceUnit 9 activity plansUnit 9 CompetencePEPUnit 11 assignmentUnit 5 Learning aim C Unit 9 Learning Aim AUnit 9 Learning Aim B 5.2Develop a plan with a child and others to meet their needs to achieve positive outcomesUnit 9 assignmentUnit 9 competencePEPUnit 9 Learning Aim AUnit 9 Learning Aim B P35.3Support children and others to understand and agree: the goals targets outcomes of a development planUnit 9 activity plansPEPUnit 9 Learning aim A 5.4Review the achievement of goals and targets to track children’s progressUnit 9 assignmentPEPUnit 9 Learning Aim D5.5Review plans and planning methods to evaluate their effectiveness in ensuring the progress of children’s play and developmentUnit 9 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 9 Learning Aim DCLD Unit 6Develop Effective and Informed Professional Practice in Early Years SettingsAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Identify any barriers to communicationUnit 6 assignmentPEPUnit 6 Learning Aim A 1.2Communicate using standard English in written documentsUnit 6 competenceUnit 8 assignmentUnit 9 observations and activity plansPEP CPLD 2Unit 6 Learning Aim B Unit 8 Learning Aim CUnit 9 Learning Aim B and C1.3Communicate effectively using standard English when speaking to: Parents and/or carers ColleaguesUnit 5 assignmentUnit 5 competencePEPCPLD 2Unit 5 Learning Aim a and BUnit 5 Learning Aim C 1.4Develop an action plan for improvement for areas of own communication requiring developmentUnit 11 assignmentPEPCPLD 1 Unit 11 Learning Aim A Task 1 2.1Analyse requirements relating to maintaining current and competent practiceUnit 11 assignmentCPLD 1Unit 11 Learning Aim C Task 32.2Explain the importance of continued professional development to improve skills and early years practiceUnit 11 assignmentCPLD 1Unit 11 Learning Aim C Task 32.3Analyse the importance of reflective practice in relation to working with childrenUnit 11 assignmentPEPCPLD 1Unit 11 Learning Aim A Task 12.4Explain the importance of understanding the limits of personalcompetenceUnit 11 assignmentCPLD 1Unit 11 Learning Aim C Task 33.1Use professional supervision in order to improve practiceCPLD 3 reportsPEP3.2Identify areas for developmentPEP Unit 11 assignmentCPLD 1Unit 11 Learning Aim C Task 33.3Develop and implement an action plan to improve own: skills practice subject knowledgeCPLD 1 FormsPEP4.1Identify sources of information to access to gain awareness of own practiceUnit 11 assignmentsPEPCPLD 1Unit 11 Learning Aim C Task 34.2Evaluate the effectiveness of own early years practice with childrenUnit 11 assignmentsPEPCPLD 1Unit 11 Learning Aim A,B, C Task 1, 2, 34.3Identify factors that might affect own practiceUnit 11 assignmentsPEPCPLD 1Unit 11 Learning Aim A,B, C Task 1, 2, 3CLD Unit 7Promote the Health, Safety and Well-being of Children in Early Years SettingsAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)Workbook ActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Explain how health and safety legislation and regulations are implemented in own work settingUnit 4 assignmentUnit 8 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 competenceUnit 14 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim A and B Unit 8 Learning Aim A and CUnit 12 Learning Aim A Unit 12 Learning Aim D Unit 14 Learning Aim A 1.2Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environmentsProfessional Discussion2.1Identify the physical care routines which may be carried outUnit 3 assignmentUnit 3 competenceUnit 4 assignmentUnit 16 assignmentSkill 61Unit 3 Learning Aim C Unit 4 Learning Aim C Unit 16 Learning Aim B 2.2Describe how to plan and carry out physical care routines suitable to the age, stage and needs of the childUnit 3 assignmentUnit 3 competenceSkill 10, 67, 68, 69 Unit 3 Learning Aim BUnit 3 Learning Aim C 2.3Explain potential dilemmas between the rights and choices of children and health and safety requirementsUnit 4 competenceUnit 12 competenceSkill 10Unit 4 Learning Aim C P6Unit 12 Learning Aim D P8Task?3.1Analyse the importance of health and well-being for babies and childrenUnit 3 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentUnit 14 assignmentUnit 3 Learning Aim BUnit 7 Learning Aim CUnit 14 Learning Aim A and C3.2Describe ways of promoting healthy lifestyles for babies and childrenUnit 3 assignmentUnit 5 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentUnit 3 Learning Aim DUnit 5 Learning Aim C and DUnit 7 Learning Aim D4.1Analyse the role of practitioners in keeping children safe and secureUnit 8 assignmentSkill 53Unit 8 Learning Aim A4.2Identify own responsibilities in relation to health and safetyUnit 12 assignmentCPLD 1Unit 12 Learning Aim D4.3Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintainedUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim A, B and C4.4Describe how people in own work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safelyUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim C5.1Identify accidents and emergency situations which may occur in an early years settingUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim B5.2Explain how to respond to accidents and emergency situationsUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim BUnit 4 Learning Aim C5.3Explain how to avoid injuries in early years settingsUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim BUnit 4 Learning Aim C P65.4Describe the procedures for recording and reporting accidents and other emergencies in own settingUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim B6.1Explain how to prevent the spread of infection in early years settingsUnit 3 assignmentUnit 4 assignmentSkill 10Unit 3 Learning Aim C and D1Unit 4 Learning Aim A and C6.2Identify childhood infectionsUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim A6.3Describe how infection may be spread in early years settingsUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim A6.4Describe legislation, regulations and guidance that apply to infection prevention and control in early years settingsTask 96.5Explain the immunisation programme for children and its role in infection controlUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim A7.1Explain the risk assessment processUnit 4 assignmentSkill 9, 11Unit 4 Learning Aim B7.2Describe how to carry out a risk assessment and risk management in line with policies and proceduresUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 competenceUnit 4 Learning Aim C Unit 4 Learning Aim C P67.3Explain how to assess infection and safety risksUnit 4 assignmentSkill 8, 9, 11, 19Unit 4 Learning Aim C8.1Explain the importance of maintaining accurate and coherent records and reportsUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim B8.2Explain how to maintain records and reportsUnit 4 assignmentUnit 8 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentSkill 5Unit 4 Learning Aim BUnit 8 Learning Aim AUnit 12 Learning Aim D8.3Explain the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of recordsUnit 5 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentUnit 8 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 5 Learning Aim A2 and BUnit 7 Learning Aim C Unit 8 Learning Aim CUnit 12 Learning Aim DCLD Unit 8 Child Protection and SafeguardingAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)Workbook ActivityPortfolio ref. 1.1Analyse legal requirements and guidance relating to the safeguarding of childrenUnit 12 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim A and D1.2Evaluate the impact of legal requirements and guidance on own roleUnit 8 assignment Unit 12 assignmentUnit 12 CPLD 2 FormUnit 8 Learning Aim A and CUnit 12 AAB Task 4Unit 12 Learning Aim A and D1.3Explain children’s right to be safe, with reference to: the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child duty of care safe recruitment Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)Unit 8 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim AUnit 12 Learning Aim D2.1Explain own responsibilities in relation to: confidentiality of information safeguarding promoting the welfare of children protection of self and othersUnit 8 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentCPLD 1Unit 8 Learning Aim A, B and CUnit 12 Learning Aim D2.2Maintain accurate records relating to children’s overall welfareUnit 8 assignmentUnit 9 competenceUnit 12 assignmentPEPUnit 8 Learning Aim AUnit 9 Learning Aim B Unit 12 Learning Aim D2.3Explain why it is important to ensure children are protected from harm within the work settingUnit 5 assignmentUnit 8 assignmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 5 Learning Aim CUnit 8 Learning Aim AUnit 3 Learning Aim A, B and D2.4Listen actively to children and value their contributions, opinions and ideasUnit 8 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentPEPUnit 8 Learning Aim A and CUnit 7 Learning Aim C3.1Explain the different types of abuseUnit 8 assignment Unit 8 Learning Aim B3.2Explain indicators of types of abuseUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim B3.3Explain the importance of observing and reflecting on changes in children's behaviourUnit 8 assignmentCPLD 1Unit 8 Learning Aim B3.4Explain own setting’s procedure for passing on concerns about the practice of others that may impact on the welfare of childrenUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim C3.5Explain how abuse can take place by a range of people who have contact with childrenUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim B3.6Explain why it is important to work with children to ensure they have strategies to protect themselvesUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim A and C4.1Describe how to respond to concerns from colleagues, parents and/or carers that a child has been abused or harmedUnit 5 competenceUnit 8 assignmentCPLD 2Unit 5 Unit 8 Learning Aim A and C4.2Explain why it is important to believe a child and avoid judgementsUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim A 4.3Describe the roles and responsibilities of the organisations that may be involved when a child has been abused or harmedUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim C4.4Explain how agencies work together to develop policies and procedures for safeguardingUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim C5.1Explain the processes used by own setting to comply with data protection and information handling legislationUnit 5 assignmentUnit 8 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 5 Learning Aim A, B and CUnit 8 Learning Aim A and CUnit 12 Learning Aim A5.2Explain when information can be shared in relation to safeguardingUnit 8 assignmentUnit 8 Learning Aim C6.1Carry out a risk assessment in line with organisational policies and proceduresUnit 2 assignmentUnit 4 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentSkill 9PEPUnit 2 Learning Aim D Unit 4 Learning Aim B and C Unit 12 Learning Aim D6.2Implement policies and procedures for keeping children safe in own work settingUnit 4 assignmentPEPUnit 4 Learning Aim C 6.3Explain how children’s resilience and well-being are supported in own work settingUnit 7 assignmentUnit 7 Learning Aim C6.4Identify own setting’s reporting procedure for poor practice or safety concernsUnit 8 assignmentPEPUnit 8 Learning Aim ACLD Unit 9Partnership Working in Early YearsAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Explain the policies, procedures and current guidance of the setting relating to partnership workingUnit 3 assignmentUnit 5 assignmentUnit 15 assignmentUnit 19 assignmentPEPUnit 3 Learning Aim DUnit 5 Learning Aim A and CUnit 15 Learning Aim AUnit 19 Learning Aim C1.2Evaluate how integrated working practices deliver better outcomes for children and familiesUnit 5 assignmentUnit 14 assignmentPEPUnit 5 Learning Aim BUnit 14 Learning Aim C1.3Analyse the responsibilities of early years professionals to work in partnershipUnit 5 assignmentCPLD 1Unit 5 Learning Aim B1.4Explain the roles and responsibilities of colleagues in early years settingsUnit 5 assignmentUnit 5 Learning Aim B and C1.5Explain why partnership working may be difficult in a multidisciplinary teamTask 101.6Analyse the impact of parental rights on partnership workUnit 5 assignmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 5 Learning Aim A1.7Analyse the impact of parental views and experiences on partnership workProfessional DiscussionUnit 5 Learning Aim A2.1Work in partnership with colleagues and other professionals in early years settingsUnit 5 assignmentCPLD 2 PEPUnit 5 Learning Aim B and C2.2Follow legislation and codes of practice relating to confidentiality when working in partnershipUnit 5 assignmentPEPCPLD 2Unit 5 Learning Aim A3.1Provide guidance to parents and/or carers to enable them to take an active role in the child’s: play learning developmentUnit 5 assignmentUnit 5 competencePEPCPLD 2 Skill 7Unit 5 Learning Aim AUnit 5 3.2Provide support to parents and/or carers to help them to recognise and value the contributions they make to the child’s: health well-being learning developmentUnit 3 assignmentUnit 5 assignmentUnit 5 competencePEPCPLD 2 Skill7Unit 3 Learning Aim CUnit 5 Learning Aim B and CUnit 5 3.3Communicate effectively with parents and/or carers to share information about children’s needs and developmentUnit 5 competenceUnit 7 assignmentPEPSkill 5, 7Unit 5 Unit 7 Learning Aim C3.4Review own performance in giving advice to parents and/or carersUnit 5 competenceReflective accountCPLD 1PEPSkill 7Unit 5 Learning Aim C Task 113.5Develop an action plan for improvement in giving advice to parents and/or carersUnit 5 competenceReflective accountPEPUnit 5 Learning Aim C Task 11CLD Unit 10 Understanding How to Promote Play and Learning in the Early YearsAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Analyse the theoretical perspectives taken to learning and development through playUnit 1 learning activitiesUnit 2 assignmentUnit 2 Learning aim CTask 121.2Explain how children are competent learners from birth to five yearsUnit 2 AssignmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 2 Learning Aim C2.1Analyse the types of play that support the areas of learning and development outlined in statutory early years curriculaUnit 2 AssignmentUnit 6 competenceSkills 23, 26, 27, 28,29,30, 31, 33, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,48, 49, 50,Unit 2 Learning Aim BUnit 6 Learning Aim B 2.2Explain the effect that a lack of play can have on learningUnit 2 assignmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 2 Learning Aim D2.3Explain why children require a personalised approach to their play and learning needsUnit 6 competenceUnit 9 assignmentUnit 9 observationsProfessional DiscussionUnit 6 Learning Aim B 2.4Analyse the key features of an effective play based learning environmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 2 assignment Unit 2 Learning aim A B C D 2.5Explain why both adult initiated and child initiated play and learning activities are important for children from birth to five yearsUnit 2 assignmentUnit 6 competenceUnit 9 ObservationsUnit 9 ActivitiesSkill 53, Unit 2 Learning Aim DUnit 6 Learning Aim B P43.1Identify the main barriers to play based learning within early years provisionUnit 20 assignmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 20 Learning Aim BLink to Task 17 – see also assessment guidance for CLD Unit 103.2Analyse how barriers to play can be overcomeProfessional DiscussionLink to Task 17 - see also assessment guidance for CLD Unit 103.3Explain ways in which children with additional needs can participate fully in play and learning activitiesUnit 3 assignmentUnit 9 assignmentUnit 3 Learning Aim BUnit 9 Learning Aim A4.1Explain how to plan a play based approach to learning for early years childrenUnit 2 assignmentUnit 9 assignmentUnit 9 ActivitiesPEPUnit 2 Learning Aim B and CUnit 9 Learning Aim D4.2Explain how to support a play based approach to learning for early years childrenUnit 2 assignmentSkill 53, Unit 2 Learning Aim B and D4.3Evaluate different materials and equipment to support play based learning opportunities for children in their early yearsUnit 2 assignmentUnit 20 assignmentSkill 24, 25. 32, 35, 37, 41, 47, 51, Unit 2 Learning Aim B and CUnit 20 Learning Aim B4.4Explain the role of the adult in supporting children’s play based learningUnit 2 assignmentUnit 4 competenceUnit 6 competenceUnit 19 assignmentUnit 20 assignmentUnit 9 observations and activitiesSkill 9Unit 2 Learning Aim B and DUnit 4 Learning aim CUnit 6 Learning Aim B Unit 19 Learning Aim CUnit 20 Learning Aim B5.1Explain why children need to be able to take risks in playUnit 2 assignmentSkill 53Unit 2 Learning Aim D 5.2Analyse the role of play in enabling children to learn to manage risk for themselves and othersUnit 6 competenceProfessional discussionUnit 6 Learning Aim B Task 135.3Identify risks and hazards in an early years settingUnit 4 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim C 5.4Explain the principles of risk and benefit assessment pro forma for an early years settingUnit 4 assignmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 4 Learning Aim C 5.5Explain the legal framework and current national guidelines for safety in early years settingsUnit 4 assignmentCPLD 2Unit 8 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 15 assignmentUnit 19 assignmentSkill 9Unit 4 Learning Aim A and BUnit 4 Learning Aim Unit 8 Learning Aim A and C Unit 12 Learning Aim AUnit 15 Learning Aim B Unit 19 Learning Aim C CLD Unit 11Support Children’s Outdoor PlayAssessment criterionCYPW Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Analyse the benefits of outdoor play on children’s Health Learning DevelopmentUnit 2 assignmentUnit 3 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 25 assignmentUnit 2 Learning Aim BUnit 3 Learning Aim BUnit 12 Learning Aim CUnit 25 Learning Aim A and B1.2Explain how outdoor play is linked to other areas of learning and developmentUnit 2 assignmentUnit 25 assignmentUnit 2 Learning Aim CUnit 25 Learning Aim A1.3Explain how holistic plans support access to outdoor play for every child in the setting, including those with specific requirementsProfessional discussionTask 141.4Explain why children need to experiment, explore and take risk through outdoor playUnit 2 assignment Unit 25 assignmentSkill 57, 58, 60Unit 2 Learning Aim AUnit 2 Learning Aim A and B1.5Explain how the development of outdoor play is supported through the combination of adult-led activities and child-initiated activitiesUnit 12 competenceProfessional DiscussionSkill 58,Unit 12 Learning Aim C Task 151.6Explain the importance of making an assessment of children’s outdoor playUnit 4 assignmentUnit 25 assignmentSkill 60,Unit 4 Learning Aim CUnit 25 Learning Aim B2.1Make an assessment of a given child’s outdoor playUnit 9 activity plansPEPSkill 57, 60,Unit 9 Learning Aim D2.2Use assessments as a basis for both short term and long term planning for the development of outdoor playUnit 9 observationsProfessional DiscussionPEPUnit 9 Learning Aim B2.3Identify sources of information to support the development of outdoor playTask 16 3.1Develop a holistic plan with input from a given child, which incorporates outdoor play, to include: Environments within the work setting Environments outside of the work settingUnit 9 activity plansSkill 57, 60Unit 9 Learning Aim DTask 17 3.2Deliver a holistic plan which incorporates the development of outdoor playUnit 9 activity plansSkill 60Unit 9 Learning Aim DTask 173.3Plan play activities that make the best use of outdoor spaceUnit 9 activity plansSkill 57Unit 9 Learning Aim DTask 173.4Use outdoor play with children in everyday activities and routines to support their learning and developmentUnit 9 activity plansSkill 59Unit 9 Learning Aim DTask 173.5Provide both structured and spontaneous opportunities and activities that develop children’s outdoor playUnit 9 activity plansSkill 58Unit 9 Learning Aim DTask 173.6Encourage and praise children in their creative use of outdoor playUnit 9 activity plansSkill 59Unit 9 Learning Aim DTask 174.1Evaluate how own practice has contributed to the development of children’s outdoor playProfessional Discussion4.2Plan how to adapt own practice to support children’s outdoor playProfessional Discussion4.3Identify training and development needs for the improvement of own practiceProfessional DiscussionPEPTask 18CLD Unit 19Support Children at Meal or Snack TimesAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)1.1Outline the nutritional requirements of a healthy diet for childrenUnit 3 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 15 assignmentUnit 3 Learning Aim AUnit 12 Learning Aim DUnit 15 Learning Aim A1.2Describe examples of healthy meals and snacks for childrenUnit 15 assignmentSkill 70Unit 15 Learning Aim AUnit 15 AAB M11.3Describe how culture, religion and health conditions impact on food choicesUnit 15 assignmentUnit 15 Learning Aim A2.1Describe the benefits of healthy eating for childrenUnit 15 assignmentUnit 15 Learning Aim A2.2Describe the possible consequences of an unhealthy dietProfessional discussion2.3Identify sources of information and advice on dietary concernsTask 193.1Describe how to recognise allergenic reactions to foodProfessional DiscussionTask 20 3.2Describe how to deal with allergenic reactions to foodTask 204.1Review the effectiveness of the food policy of own setting in encouraging children to make healthier food choicesUnit 12 assignmentUnit 15 assignmentUnit 12 Learning Aim DUnit 15 Learning Aim A4.2Plan strategies for encouraging children to: Make healthier food choices Eat the food provided for themUnit 15 assignmentSkill 1, 14, 15Unit 15 Learning Aim A5.1Model good hygiene practice in relation to own role in food handling and waste disposalUnit 15 assignmentSkill 13,14,15, 70Unit 15 Learning Aim B5.2Plan strategies for encouraging children’s personal hygiene at meal and snack timesUnit 15 assignmentSkill 13,14,15,16,70Unit 15 Learning Aim B6.1Describe the setting’s code of conduct and policies for meal and snack timesProfessional DiscussionSkill 71PEP6.2Apply skills and techniques for supporting and encouraging children’s positive behaviour in the dining areaUnit 7 competencePEPSkill 1Unit 7 Learning Aim D 6.3Apply skills and techniques for dealing with inappropriate behaviour in the dining areaPEPSkill 1CLD Unit 20Care for the Physical and Nutritional Needs of Babies and Young ChildrenAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Show behaviour that models cultural and ethnic awareness when caring for babies and young children’s: Skin Hair Teeth Nappy areaPEPProfessional DiscussionSkill 611.2Plan strategies to ensure the preferences of carers are taken into account in the provision of physical careUnit 3 assignmentUnit 3 Learning Aim C1.3Show respectful behaviour when working with babies or young childrenUnit 3 assignmentSkill 2, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68 Unit 3 Learning Aim C1.4Provide personalised physical care tailored to individual babies or young children’s needsUnit 3 assignmentSkill 61, 63, 64, 66, 68 Unit 3 Learning Aim C1.5Provide personalised physical care that follows organisational and regulatory procedures that protect babies, young children and practitionersUnit 3 CPLD 2 FormPEPSkill 5CPLD 3 reportsUnit 3 Learning Aim C2.1Plan daily and weekly routines for babies and young children to meet individual needsUnit 3 assignmentUnit 7 assignmentUnit 9 assignmentUnit 3 Learning Aim CUnit 7 Learning Aim CUnit 9 Learning Aim D2.2Plan strategies for incorporating effective toilet training into routinesUnit 3 competencePEPProfessional DiscussionUnit 3 Learning Aim C 3.1Plan how to support babies or young children’s exercise and physical activityUnit 9 competenceUnit 9 Learning Aim D Task 214.1Identify policies and procedures that cover health, safety and protection of babies and young childrenUnit 4 assignmentUnit 8 assignmentUnit 12 assignmentUnit 4 Learning Aim AUnit 8 Learning Aim A and CUnit 12 Learning Aim A4.2Evaluate the safety features within the environment for babies and young childrenSkill 8, 9Task 224.3Supervise babies or young children in own settingSkill 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 714.4Apply a balanced approach to risk management in own settingReflective accountCPLD 3 reportsSkill 604.5Identify current advice on minimising sudden infant death syndrome in everyday routines for babiesUnit 3 assignmentUnit 3 Learning Aim C5.1Identify current government guidance the nutritional needs of babies until they are fully weanedUnit 16 assignmentUnit 16 Learning Aim A and B5.2Plan a programme of weaningUnit 16 assignmentUnit 16 Learning Aim ATask 235.3Prepare formula feeds hygienically following current guidanceSkill 625.4Evaluate the benefits of different types of formula that are commonly availableProfessional DiscussionTask 246.1Plan meals for young children that meet their nutritional needs based on: Current government guidance Information from carersUnit 16 assignmentPEPSkill 13, 14Unit 16 Learning Aim A6.2Identify food allergies and intolerances that a young child may experienceUnit 15 assignmentUnit 15 Learning Aim A6.3Review plans to ensure parent and/or carer’s instructions on the needs of their child are accounted for.Unit 15 assignmentProfessional DiscussionUnit 15 Learning Aim ACLD Unit 21Support the Development of Positive Behaviour in ChildrenAssessment criterionCLD Assessment CriteriaPossible sources of evidence Relevance to CPLD Unit(s)WorkbookActivityPortfolio ref.1.1Outline theories of behaviour development in childrenUnit 1 Learning ActivitiesProfessional DiscussionSkill 1Task 252.1Communicate with a child about their behaviour according to their level of ability and understandingUnit 7 assignment PEPUnit 7 Learning Aim D2.2Explain to a child the expectations about their behaviourPEP2.3Explain to a child why goals and boundaries must be set for their behaviourPEPUnit 7 Learning Aim CUnit 25 Learning Aim B2.4Identify behavioural goals and boundaries that will support positive behaviour with: A child Key people OthersUnit 7 assignmentPEPUnit 7 Learning Aim D2.5Record agreed behavioural goals and boundaries in line with work setting requirementsPEPSkill 1, 33.1Communicate with a child to develop understanding of when their behaviour is acceptable and when it is unacceptablePEPReflective account3.2Work with a child to develop understanding of the consequences of: Acceptable behaviour Unacceptable behaviourUnit 7 assignmentPEPCLPD 2 3.3Work with a child to develop recognition of the benefits of positive behaviour for Themselves Key people OthersUnit 7 assignmentPEPCLPD 2 3.4Communicate with a child to develop an understanding of why they behave in certain waysUnit 7 assignmentPEPCLPD 2 3.5Work with a child to develop an understanding of how they are feeling when they engage in unacceptable behaviourUnit 7 assignmentPEPCLPD 2 4.1Work with a child to identify behaviours that show that they are meeting behavioural goalsUnit 7 assignmentPEPCLPD 2 4.2Work with key people and others to provide consistent support to a child to help them meet behavioural goals and agreed boundariesUnit 7 assignmentPEPCLPD 2 4.3Use stimulating and achievable activities to engage children to support them to meet agreed behavioural goals and boundariesPEPSkill 14.4Provide constructive feedback to a child on meeting behavioural goals and agreed boundariesPEP4.5Use praise to reinforce positive behaviour in a childUnit 7 competencePEPSkill 1Unit 7 Learning Aim D 4.6Support the positive behaviour of children through own actionsUnit 7 competencePEPSkill 1Unit 7 Learning Aim D 4.7Use agreed interventions to help a child end an instance of unacceptable behaviourPEPSkill 34.8Work with a child to develop their understanding of why they engaged in unacceptable behaviourPEPSkill 34.9Work with a child to develop their understanding of how they might have behaved differentlyPEPSkill34.10Record progress towards the achievement of behavioural goals in line with work setting requirementsPEPSkill 34.11Record instances of unacceptable behaviour in line with work setting requirementsPEPSkill 34.12Identify sources of help and support where there are concerns about the behaviour of a childProfessional DiscussionTask 26Assessor Name:Assessor signature:Date:Internal Verifier Name:Internal Verifier SignatureDate: ................

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