Business 3304

Business 3305Global Business Environment – IrelandSpring 2020Instructor:Laird SmithOffice:Room 233, CoBAPhone:(915)747-6057Office hours:by appointmentE-mail:Lrsmith2@utep.eduTextbookCharles Hill and Thomas Hult, International Business, McGraw-Hill, 12th Edition, 2018. Course Description:An examination of the issues confronting business enterprises in the global economy. Topics will include understanding cultural and ethical issues; the influence of social, political and economic systems; the impact of environmental and technological issues in the global business environment. These will be studied in the context of doing Global Business in Ireland, the EU, and the US.Course Objective:Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to understand and apply your knowledge of the following points:1.The external forces underlying the global transformation of organizations and economic systems, as well as the social / political / economic consequences of globalization.2.The ethical dilemmas and problems of cultural relativism furthered by business operating in a global environment – how these issues affect managerial decisions and leadership, to act unethically or illegally.3.The development of analysis and judgment, and the ability to express these acquired skills in an organized and cogent manner.4.Increased sensitivity to the bias and limitations of global business.Grading Policy:Student understanding of the course and the material associated with the course will be measured by participation and the quality of a written essay/project.Grades will be assessed as follows:Participation 20 PointsA = 90-100 pointsEssay 125 PointsB = 80-89.99 pointsEssay 2Final Project25 points 30 pointsC = 70-79.99 pointsD = 60-69.99 pointsF = Below 60 points100 Total Academic Dishonesty Statement:“Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Proven violations of the detailed regulations, as printed in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP) and available in the Office of the Dean of Students, may result in sanctions ranging from disciplinary probation, to failing grades on the work in question, to failing grades in the course, to suspension or dismissal, among others.”“It is a violation of copyright laws to copy any portion of the textbook.”Course Content:Session 1 (2/7/2020)Ch. 1: GlobalizationCh. 2: National Differences 1 Ch. 3: National Differences 2Ch. 4/5: Differences in Culture/EthicsSession 2 (2/14/2020)DUE – Essay 1 - Comparison of US and Ireland in terms of CH1, 2, 3, and 4 dimensions (max 3 pages )Session 3 (2/21/2020)Ch. 6-8DUE Essay 2 - history of Ireland, its effects on current day Ireland, and the impact of EU, euro crisis, Brexit, Northern IrelandMarch 14-22 IrelandSee Itinerary in BlackboardApr 3Present Final ProjectAttendance:Although attendance is not taken, it is important because of the focus on class discussions and issues. Daily active participation in class discussions is part of the course gradePunctuality:Arriving on time is important because students arriving late disturb the focus of the class. Written Assignments:Written assignments are to be submitted electronically. Submit the electronic copy on to me via e-mail (do not use Blackboard) to by 11:59 p.m. MST on the due-datesLate Assignments:Late submittal of assignments will result in 20 % deduction for each day late – if the late period is 5 or more calendar days, the paper will receive a zero (0).Statement on Disability:If you feel that you may have a disability that requires accommodations, please contact the Center for Accommodations and Support Services (CASS) at 747-5148, go to the Union Building East, Room 106, or e-mail Note:As a student within the College of Business Administration, you are requested to maintain a classroom behavior that will promote an environment conducive to learning. The expectations include but are not limited to: punctuality, courteous behavior, respect for fellow students and faculty. Please refrain from using your phones during the period of the class. E-mail Policy:I will communicate with you regarding the assignment, exams, upcoming classes, changes to the syllabus and other course-related issues by announcement in class, as well as via your Blackboard and / or UTEP e-mail account. Please check these venues frequently so as not to miss any important announcements or information.Professionality:You are representing COBA and UTEP. Behavior that is not deemed professional will not be tolerated and may affect grades negatively.I reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus.Essays - I have posted a rubric that will give you an idea on how I will grade your essays.Final Project: See instructions on BlackboardLearning ObjectivesBloom’s TaxonomyCourse ActivitiesAssessmentsWritten communication – students produce written work that clearly, completely and precisely conveys information to target readers1. Understand / summarize1. Exit ticketsEvaluate accuracy, thoroughness2. Create / execute2. Essay draftEvaluate structure vs. exemplars3. Analyze 3. Essay key points -discussionsParticipation & depth / specificity of questions4. Critique4. In-class essay-review sessionsAnalysis of peer submittals5. Conceptual and procedural knowledgeFinal essays submissionEvaluated for structure, accuracy, idea development, thoroughnessRetention of course concepts and vocabularyFactual & conceptual knowledgeParticipative group work, individual workExit tickets, group project ................

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