Curriculum Vitae - Marc Lamont Hill

Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D.


Ph.D., 2005, University of Pennsylvania

B.S., 2000, Temple University


2005 – Present Assistant Professor of Urban Education – Temple University

Affiliated Professor of Anthropology

Affiliated Professor of American Studies

2004 - Present Lecturer of Africana Studies – University of Pennsylvania


English (Native Fluency)

Spanish (Fluent)

Egyptian and Modern Standard Arabic (Functional)


My primary research interests are: anthropology of education, ethnography of reading, youth culture studies, African American literacies, out-of-school literacies, hip-hop studies, masculinity, public pedagogy, and qualitative methodology.


American Anthropological Association

American Educational Research Association

American Studies Association

Cultural Studies Association

National Council for Teachers of English


Finalist – Spencer Dissertation Fellowship

Highest Distinction – Dissertation

Highest Distinction – Dissertation Proposal

William E. Arnold Award for Outstanding Accomplishment in a Doctoral Program (University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education)


Pennsylvania Department of Education ($350,000).

Co-Principal Investigator: Governor’s School of Excellence/Urban Teaching Academy.

Jan 2008-July 2008.



Hill, M.L. (in press). Beats, Rhymes, and Classroom Life: Hip-Hop, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Identity. New York: Teachers College (Columbia University) Press.

Hill, M.L. & Vasudevan, L. (eds.) (2008) Media, Learning, and Sites of Possibility. New York: Peter Lang. [Part of the New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies series]

Hill, M.L. (Ed.) (under review). The Anthropology of Education Reader.

[Completed manuscript under review with Stanford and Duke University Press]

Non-Refereed Books

Hill, M.L. & Barnes-Johnson, J. (2008). Learning Stormwater: A guide for urban educators. Philadelphia: Songhai Press.

[A curriculum guide/workbook published for the American Cities Foundation]

Refereed Articles

Hill, M.L. (in press). Bringing back sweet (and not so sweet) memories: The cultural politics of memory, hip-hop, and generational identities. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Hill, M.L. (2009). Wounded healers: Forming a community through storytelling in Hip-Hop Lit. Teachers College Record, 111(1), 248-293.

Hill, M.L. (2009). (Homo) thuggin’ It: Hip-hop, outing, and the pedagogy of queerness. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. 31(1), 1-26.

Leonard, J. & Hill, M.L. (2008). Using culturally relevant texts to facilitate classroom science discourse. Journal of Black Studies, 39(1), 22-42.

Hill, M.L., Perez, B., & D. Irby (2008). Street fiction: What is it and what does it mean for English teachers?. English Journal, 97(3), 76-81.

Hill, M.L. (2006). Representin(g): Negotiating multiple roles and identities in the field and behind the desk. Qualitative Inquiry, 12(5), 926-949.

Hill, M.L. (2006). Using Jay-Z to reflect on post 9/11 race relations. English Journal. 96(5), 25-29.

Hill, M.L. (provisionally accepted). “Free” to read: Prison literacies and the politics of masculinity. Men and Masculinities. [invited piece for special issue]

Hill, M.L. (revised and resubmitted). Talking out of school: Educational

researchers as public intellectuals. Educational Researcher.

Hall, H.B. & Hill, M.L. (under review). Building community through spoken word poetry. Urban Review.

Articles In Preparation

Hill, M.L. (in preparation). “Sponsored conversions”: Entry points into the practice of reading for Black males. For Reading Research Quarterly

Hill, M.L. & (in preparation). “Educational Anthropology and the Call to Public Intellectualism. For Anthropology of Education Quarterly

Hill, M.L., Berry, P., & Starsky, J.B. (in preparation). “Street Fiction as an extension of African American literacies” For Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy

Book Chapters

Hill, M.L. (in press). Critical pedagogy comes at halftime: Nas as Black public intellectual. In M.E. Dyson & S. Daulatzai (Eds.), Born to use mics: Reading Nas’s Illmatic. New York: Basic Civitas.

Hill, M.L. (2008). The future of intercultural competence in an era of globalization. In M. Moodian (ed.), Contemporary leadership & intercultural competence: Exploring the cross-cultural dynamics within organizations (pp. 281-282). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Hill, M.L. (2008). Toward a pedagogy of the popular: Bourdieu, hip-hop, and out-of-school literacies. In A. Luke & J. Albright (Eds.), Bourdieu and Literacy Education (pp. 136-161). New York: Routledge.

Vasudevan, L. & Hill, M.L. (2008). Moving beyond dichotomies of media engagement in education. In M.L. Hill & L. Vasudevan (Eds.), Media, Learning, and Sites of Possibility (pp. 1-12). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.

Book Reviews

Hill, M.L. (2004). African American Literacies by Elaine Richardson. Journal of Literacy Research. 36(1), 110-115.

Audio Review

Hill, M.L. (2005). Jay-Z Blueprint 2: The Gift and The Curse. Journal of Popular Music and Society.

Invited Commentaries/Op-Eds

Hill, M.L. (June 15, 2007). Should hip hop artists produce material that is socially uplifting to African Americans? Congressional Quarterly Researcher 17(23), p.545.

Hill, M.L. (March 8, 2006). Talented Tenth revival. Amsterdam News.

Hill, M.L. (May 5, 2006). Frat Member’s situation wasn’t a Greek tragedy. Philadelphia Inquirer.

Hill, M.L. (May 25, 2006). Standing up to Cosby’s harsh attacks on poor blacks. Baltimore Sun. [Syndicated in more than 100 national newspapers]

Recent Conference Papers, Presentations, and Invited Lectures

April 2007, Forming a Storytelling Community within Hip-Hop Lit, Paper Presented at 2007 American Educational Research Association Annual meeting in Chicago, IL.

April 2007, Representing Urban Schools in Film: Freedom Writers, Invited Panelist at West Chester University.

March 2007, The Cultural Politics of the N-Word, Invited Panelist at NYU Law School Legal Implications of the N-Word Conference.

March 2007, Urban Schooling and the Threat of Neo-liberalism. Invited Panelist at Princeton University State of Black Men in American Conference.

February 2007, From Slavery To Hip-Hop. Keynote Address at Federal Bureau of Investigation (Newark Divison) Black History Celebration.

February 2007, Teaching For, To, and About Diversity in the 21st Century University. Invited Lecture at Delaware County Community College.

January 2007, The Future of Black Leadership in America. Invited Panelist at University of Pennsylvania Martin Luther King Day Celebration.

November 2006, The Institutional Causes and Consequences of Snitching in Urban Neighborhoods. Invited Lecture at Howard University Law School.

November 2006, The Evolution of Hip-Hop Culture. Invited Panelist at Rutgers University (Newark).

October 2006, Representations of Black men in media. Invited Panelist at Lincoln University.

October 2006, Race, Youth Culture, and the Challenge of Diversity in the 21st Century. Keynote Address at Delaware County Community College.

October 2006, Hip-Hop Culture and the Politics of Black Masculinity. Invited Talk at University of Pennsylvania.

September 2006, The Political Future of the Hip-Hop Generation: Hopeful or Hopeless? Invited Lecture at Lincoln University.

September 2006, Race, Schooling, and Neo-liberalism. Invited Talk at Temple University Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought.

September 2006, Mobilizing the Hip-Hop Generation for Social Change. Invited Panelist at MIT Urban Leadership Forum. [other panelists include Michael Dukakis and Jay Williams, mayor of Youngstown, OH]

July 2006, To Snitch or Not to Snitch, Invited Speaker at National Organization for Blacks in Law Enforcement National Youth Conference.

April 2006, Reconsidering Black Masculinity in the New Millennium. Invited Lecture at Oberlin College.

April 2006, A Hip-Hop Revolution? Invited Panelist at Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. [other panelists included Cornel West, Imani Perry, and Greg Tate]

April 2006, Race and Media Representations, University of Pennsylvania Souls of Dubois Conference

April 2006, The Politics of Memory in Hip-Hop Lit. Paper Presented at 2006 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California.

March 2006, The Hip-Hop Generation Has Something To Say. Invited Panelist at Temple University/Center For American Progress.

March 2006, TD Jakes or TD Fakes? Black Religion and the Hip-Hop Generation. Invited Panelist at Princeton University State of Black Men in America Conference.

January 2006, The Legacy of Martin Luther King: Lessons for the Hip-Hip Generation. Invited Lecture at Neumann College.

January 2006, The Importance of Ideological Training in the New Millenium. Invited Speaker at Polymathematic University (Political Education Progam for the Poor Righteous Communist Party)

November 2004, (Homo) Thuggin’ It: Hip-hop, masculinity, and the politics of queerness. Paper presented at the American Studies Association Annual Meeting.

September 2004, Witnessing Jay-Hova: Religious counter-narratives in Jay-Z lyrics. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association of the South Annual Meeting.

April 2004, Negotiating power in curriculum deliberations. Paper presented at the University of Pennsylvania Fontaine Society Spring Conference.

March 2004, Hip-hop in the literacy classroom. Paper presented at the Wesleyan College Annual Urban Education Conference.


Graduate Courses Taught

Youth Culture Formation

Anthropology of Education

Anthropology of Reading (Fall 2009)

African American Literacies (Fall 2009)

Research Design

Introduction to Urban Schools

Undergraduate Courses Taught

Education, Schooling, and the Individual in American Society

Introduction to Hip-Hop Studies (Honors)

Special Topics in American Culture: Nas & Jay-Z

Dissertations Chaired

Decoteau Irby (in preparation), Examining Youth Resistance to School Disciplinary Policy Within Alternative Education Settings (Urban Education)

Rebekah Buchanan (in preparation), Literacy Practices and Identity Development: How Girls Use ‘Zines to Explore and Construct Identities. (Urban Education)

Patricia Creegan (in preparation), Youth with Intellectual Disabilities Going to College: The Role of Liberal Learning in Student Development and Identity at a Small Liberal Arts College. (Urban Education)

Dissertation Committee Membership

Anthony Cardoso (2007), An Analysis of Bullying in the Philadelphia School District. (Educational Psychology)

Chika Nwadiora (2006), West African Immigrant Women: An Afrocentric Analysis. (Department of African American Studies)

Will Boone (in preparation), Not Bad Meaning Bad But Bad Meaning Good: An Examination of Hip-Hop Aesthetics and Iconography. (Department of African American Studies)

Kenneth Ehrensal (in preparation), The Cultural Logic of Undergraduate Business Education. (Department of Anthropology)

Neha Navsaria (in preparation), Patterns of Acculturation and Resilience within the Asian Indian Diaspora. (Department of Educational Psychology)

Catherine D’Ignazio (in preparation), Female Sport in Philadelphia Public Education 1930-1980 (Urban Education)

Master Theses Chaired

Biany Perez (2007), The Politics of Gender in Hip-Hop Fiction (Urban Education)

Jeana Morrison (2007), Sex, Violence, and Female Representation in Hip-Hop Fiction (Urban Education)

Leteef Street (2007), The Use of Chess Interventions as a Pedagogical Tool (Urban Education)



2006-Present, Member, Board of Directors for My Fifth [non-profit organization devoted to political education about Black and Latino youth and their constitutional rights]

2006-Present, Advisor, American Civil Liberties Union, Drug Law Reform Project

2006-Present, Advisor, National Hip-Hop Political Convention

2004-Present, Paper Proposal Reviewer for Division G (Social Context of Education) of the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

Editorial Board – Journal of Negro Education (beginning January 2009)

Journal Manuscript Reviewer – American Educational Research Journal (Social and Institutional Analysis; Teaching, Learning, and Human Development), Teachers College Record, Journal of Black Studies, Qualitative Inquiry, Foundations of Education, English Journal, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Modern Language Studies, International Journal of Multicultural Education

Book Manuscript Reviewer – University of Mississippi Press, State University of New York Press, Corwin Press


2006 – Present, Advisor, State of New Jersey Anti-Gang Committee

2005 - Present, Advisor, City of Philadelphia Crime and Violence Committee

2003-2005, Curriculum Advisor, Mastery Charter High School


2007 – Present, Graduate Board Member

2007 – Present, Diamond Awards Selection Committee

2006 – Present, American Studies Program Advisory Committee


2007 – Present, Collegiate Steering Committee

2005 – 2007, Academic Program Committee

2005 – Present, Scholarship Committee


2007 – Present, Urban Education Admissions Committee

2006 – Present, Coordinator of Urban Education Program Development

2005 – 2006, Educational Leadership Program Review Committee


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