Social 10-2 Key Terms

Social 10 Key Terms Children’s Storybook Activity


Sometimes teaching others can be the best way to learn a new idea or concept. In this assignment you will work with a team to create a children’s book. Your book will need to explain important key terms in a way that young children will understand.

STEP ONE – choosing a project

Choose either book one or book two

Book One


Collective Identity


Cultural Diversity




Individual Identity

Linguistic Identity

Media Convergence



Universalization of Pop Culture

Book Two





Cultural Revitalization









STEP TWO – brainstorming ideas

Make sure you understand what each of those key terms means. In your group, discuss how you would explain that idea to a child? Brainstorm any ideas that come up; right now you are not trying to find the perfect idea, you are just getting ideas out there so that you can create the best explanation. In your brainstorming, try to think of examples or images that can also help to describe the words you have been given.

STEP THREE – creating and editing

Write down your new definition for each word, or the story you would tell to explain these ideas. You may want to assign a person to do the creative writing, and another person to do the illustrations. In this step the writing will need to be edited and refined. Share your writing and illustrations with people in your group, and with people in other groups so that you can make sure the ideas you are trying to express are clear.

*you do not have to give each of the definitions in the order they have been listed (alphabetically). In fact, it may be more effective to group complimentary terms together.

STEP FOUR – publishing

Once you have refined your book, and your teacher has looked it over and given you feedback, it is time to create the final product. Your teacher will explain if there are expectations (like page size or number of pages) at this stage that you need to follow. If there is an opportunity, this stage will also include the sharing of your product with children, whose feedback will let you know if you have accomplished this task successfully.

* please attach this sheet to your book

Evaluation Rubric

| |Poor |Satisfactory |Excellent |

|Key Terms |Few or no key terms have been explained |Most key terms have been explained |All key terms have been explained |

|/3 | | | |

|Explanation of Key Terms |Explanations are confusing or contain |Explanations are straight-forward, although |Explanations are clear and accurate|

|/9 |serious errors |there may be some minor confusion | |

|Appropriate Language |Limited effort has been taken to ensure |The language level is appropriate for the age |The language level is appropriate |

|/6 |that the language level is appropriate to|group, although there may be times the reader |for the age level reading the book,|

| |the target age group, causing confusion |will need some assistance |ensuring that the reader |

| |for the reader | |understands the key terms |

|Effort/Creativity |Limited effort and creativity is shown by|An appropriate level of creativity and effort |A high level of creativity and |

|/6 |the lack of editing done before the final|are evident in the finished product. There may|effort are evident in the finished |

| |product is submitted, leading to serious |be some unclear graphics or grammatical |product, as seen in the quality of |

| |errors and an unpolished document |mistakes but they do not detract from the final|language, graphics and overall |

| | |product. |presentation |

My group members Their assignment Their email address/phone number


My Assignment: ________________________________

Our initial ideas for this project



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