[[Chapter 5: Eurasian Cultural Traditions, 500 b.c.e.–500 c.e.]]

[[RESOURCE TYPE: Note Taking]]

CHAPTER 5: Eurasian Cultural Traditions, 500 b.c.e.–500 c.e.

o China and the Search for Order

• The Legalist Answer

• The Confucian Answer

• The Daoist Answer

o Cultural Traditions of Classical India

• South Asian Religion: From Ritual Sacrifice to Philosophical Speculation

• The Buddhist Challenge

• Hinduism as a Religion of Duty and Devotion

o Moving Toward Monotheism: The Search for God in the Middle East

• Zoroastrianism

• Judaism

o The Cultural Tradition of Classical Greece: The Search for a Rational Order

• The Greek Way of Knowing

• The Greek Legacy

o Comparing Jesus and the Buddha

• The Lives of the Founders

• Establishing New Religions

• Creating Institutions

o Reflections: Religion and Historians

o Documents—Considering the Evidence: The Good Life in Classical Eurasia

• Document 5.1: China: Reflections from Confucius

• Document 5.2: Reflections from the Hindu Scriptures

• Document 5.3: Reflections from Socrates

• Document 5.4: Reflections from Jesus

o Visual Sources—Considering the Evidence: Representations of the Buddha


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