Read Me First

Weekly Overview

Week 5


Through this course, many elements of organizational behavior have been discussed and at this point, you should have a basic understanding of organizational behavior and what impacts it. This week, you will learn how cultures can be fluid, and with the rapid rate of change in health care, the culture can change quickly. Internal and external forces can require organizations to respond to change; therefore, it is important that you have the ability to analyze the impact of change and create strategies to implement and manage change.

With the need for more productive workers in the future, continuing to invest in your personal development will prepare you to stay current. Staying up-to-date on leadership and organizational behavioral trends, you will be better prepared to meet the demands of the ever-changing health care environment.

What you will cover

1. Organizational Change

a. Explain what impact internal and external influences have on culture and organizational behavior.

1) External

a) Technology: Health care technology is constantly advancing based on scientific knowledge and impacting processes and services.

b) Governmental regulations: Increasing regulations and constantly changing regulations often results in the need to change processes in health care organizations.

c) Politics: Different perspectives of government leaders can have an impact on health care organizations through executive orders, regulations, and interpretation of the law.

d) Economy: Patterns of health care services usage and consumer trends change with the economy.

e) International influence: International competition and interdependence may drive organizations to behave differently.

f) Elements of labor force to consider:

1) Quality of the available workforce

2) Union or nonunion environment

3) Labor availability

g) Changing consumer trends can impact organizational behavior:

1) Educated consumers: availability of information via the internet, phones, etc.

2) Expectations of the consumer

2) Internal

a) Strategy: Organizations can respond to environments based on different strategies that may foster change.

b) Finances: Financial stability or lack thereof may have an impact on the policies and spending habits of an organization.

c) Organizational life cycles: Where an organization is on the organizational life cycle (birth, growth, maturity, decline, and death) will have an impact on the behavior of the organization.

d) Leadership: Leadership styles and preferences, especially those at the senior level, can drive change.

b. Discuss the impact of change in culture on an individual and teams.

1) Organizational Development Model for identifying impact

a) Diagnosis

1) Surveys

2) Interviews

3) Systems analysis

4) Focus groups

b) Intervention

c) Progress monitoring

c. Suggest strategies that can be used for leading change in organizations.

1) Planned change

a) Lewin’s Three Stage Process

1) Unfreezing

2) Transforming

3) Freezing

2) Building a change team considerations

a) Position power: soliciting people with formal power positions

b) Informal credibility: team members with respect who can help with selling the change

c) Expertise: knowledge and problem-solving skills to accomplish the task

d) Proven leadership: people who can lead others through the change

3) Tactical choices

a) Speed of change

1) Considerations should include degree of support, complexity, skills of the team, finances, and need for urgency

b) Style of change

1) Top down

2) Participatory

c) Resistance to change

1) May be active or passive

2) Influences

a) Lack of understanding

b) Different assessments of costs and benefits

c) Self-interest: people may think they will lose something

d) Low tolerance for change or fear of the unknown

d. Explain the importance of continuing education.

1) Enhancing the ability to meet the changing health care environment

2) Improving patient outcomes

3) Enhancing productivity for you and your team

e. Describe the future of organizational behavior.

1) More productive workers will be needed to meet future demands requiring a continued focus on organizational behavior


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