Folk and Popular Culture TEST 2009

___1. The frequent repetition of an act, to the extent that it becomes characteristic of a an entire group of people is a

a. custom

b. folk custom

c. habit

d. taboo

e. complex

___2. A repetitive act performed by an individual is a

a. custom

b. folk custom

c. habit

d. taboo

e. complex

___3. Which of the following paired items is NOT considered part of a definition of culture?

a. beliefs: mentifacts

b. ancestry: phenotype

c. institutions: sociofacts

d. technologies: artifacts

e. all of the above are part of culture

___4. The use of a horse and buggy by the Amish in the United States is an example of a

a. folk custom

b. habit

c. popular custom

d. taboo

e. complex

___5. Which of the following fencing types represents popular culture?

a. Viriginia, or snake fence

b. stone fence

c. barbed wire

d. hedgerow

e. x-post rail

___6. Which of the following terms is closest in meaning to “material culture”?

a. built environment

b. habits

c. taboos

d. customs

e. construction methods

___7. Popular customs are more likely than folk customs to

a. evolve from the isolation of different groups

b. rapidly diffuse through modern communication systems

c. reflect the unique characteristics of the landscape

d. have an unknown source of origin

e. be different from surrounding customs

___8. The main effect of modern communications on social customs has been to

a. preserve folk customs, by increasing awareness of their uniqueness

b. stimulate the diffusion of folk customs around the world

c. increase the similarity of social customs in different locations

d. have little effect on the diffusion of social customs

e. emphasize the differences between places

___9. Folk customs usually originate from

a. the availability of more leisure time

b. the application of industrial technology

c. familiar events in daily life

d. a famous historical event

e. urban areas

___10. Popular customs most frequently originate in

a. relatively developed countries

b. developing countries

c. less developed countries

d. equally likely in all of the above

e. agricultural areas

___11. Soccer originated as a folk custom. Which of the following support the fact that it has today become and element of popular culture?

I. its rules are taught in schools

II. competitive leagues exist in most countries

III. it is an Olympic Event

IV. clothing other equipment is manufactured

a. I, II, and III

b. II, III, and IV

c. II, II, and IV

d. II and III

e. all

___13. Geographers sometimes refer to the cultural landscape as the “built environment.” Which of the following sociological terms – used to describe culture - is closest in meaning to “built environment?”

a. mentifacts

b. sociofacts

c. artifacts

d. culture complex

e. habit effects

___14. Which concept are contemporary geographers likely to reject?

a. the physical environment causes people to adopt social customs

b. people in similar environments adopt different social customs

c. people do not ignore their physical environment

d. people in different environments adopt similar social customs

e. cultures around the world are becoming similar

___15. Pioneer farmers settling the grasslands of the American West often built houses of sod, while early settlers of the eastern forest built wooden structures like log cabins. This suggests that building materials

a. are strongly influenced by local sources

b. are commonly imported long distance because of local folk customs

c. are chosen because of the diffusion of popular customs

d. may seem to make no sense when considering climate

e. all of the above

___16. A restriction on behavior imposed by social custom is a

a. custom

b. folk custom

c. habit

d. taboo

e. complex

___17. Typically, a popular custom

a. originates in a number of locations at the same time

b. reflects the characteristics of a distinctive physical environment

c. diffuses rapidly to many locations

d. is anonymously developed

e. all of the above

___18. One significant impact of popular customs is to

a. create a more varied and less uniform landscape

b. inhibit the retention of folk customs

c. modify the physical environment

d. encourage commercialism

e. all of the above

___19. The number of television sets per person is greatest in

a. Africa

b. Asia

c. Europe

d. Latin America

e. Middle East

___20. The choice of clothing in Western, developed countries is influenced primarily by

a. occupation

b. level of income

c. knowledge of fashion elsewhere

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

___21. Features of the U.S. landscape, such as gas stations, supermarkets, and hotels contribute to the phenomenon known as

a. placelessness

b. contextualization

c. cultural convergence

d. environmental determinism

e. possiblism

___22. Most people in the developed world who still practice folk customs despite familiarity with popular customs do so primarily because of

a. the high cost of popular customs

b. concern for the physical environment

c. strong desire to preserve unique customs

d. lack of exposure to the media

e. legal protection of popular culture

___23. The core-domain-sphere model examines a culture region and attempts to designate frequency or intensity of

a. elements of folk culture

b. elements of popular culture

c. certain specific customs

d. change over time

e. mentifacts and sociofacts


___25. What type of fence is seen in the photo above?

a. Virginia, or “snake”

b. popular

c. folk

d. wattle and daub

e. impossible to tell

____26. Which of the following is one of the fence’s advantages?

a. no holes are necessary

b. little wood is used

c. fairly simple to move

d. few tools are necessary

e. all of the above are advantages


___27. A Cape Cod style house is shown in the image above. Which of the following descriptors does NOT apply to it?

a. 1 ½ stories

b. gable to the front

c. single, central chimney

d. originated in the Northeast

e. folk housing style


___28 The barn shown in the image above is known as a “corn-crib” type. Where did this type of structure originate?

a. New England

b. Midwest

c. Pennsylvania

d. Virginia/Appalachia

e. the South

___29. Which region of the United States is noted for having had few barns?

a. New England

b. Midwest

c. Pennsylvania

d. Virginia/Appalachia

e. the South

___30. Which of the following pairs represents the major cultural elements which are used to divide the world into generic cultural “realms” such as East Asia, South Asia, and Latin America?

a. government and language

b. language and ethnicity

c. ethnicity and religion

d. language and religion

e. government and ethnicity

___31. Glocalization is the process by which a widely diffused trait of popular culture

a. becomes a permanent fixture in the new area.

b. becomes an element of folk culture in the new area.

c. adapts to the new area by exhibiting some local characteristics.

d. becomes subsumed in local culture and disappears.

e. returns to the original cultural hearth in a new form.

32. During the process of assimilation, what happens to the folk culture of the group which is being assimilated?

a. it disappears as the dominant popular culture replaces it

b. it blends with the popular culture, with each affecting the other

c. it becomes a part of cultural landscape as it is expressed in the built environment

d. it remains strong in the home of the culture but absent in the public life

e. it is modified by the popular culture and takes on a new, local form


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