Positive Effects of Western Culture on Indian Culture

Positive Effects of Western Culture on Indian CultureIndian culture has been significantly affected by Western culture, primarily due to British Colonialism in India for over 300 years. In the 1660s, The British East India Company organized?trading?posts in India. Gradually, the empire expanded its role in India, eventually controlling Indian industry and commerce. Most scholars and historians blame the British colonists for degrading and dividing Indian society. However, Western culture positively impacted Indian culture, although some of the positive effects were not realized until India achieved its independence in 1947.ModernizationDuring British occupation, India was modernized and industrialized. British industrialists invested huge amounts of capital?in the region. The British East India Company built the world's third-largest railroad network, which connected regions and enabled the country to develop a modern economy. Western culture also improved Indian culture with the development of a road network, telephone and telegraph lines, many dams and bridges and irrigation canals. During British occupation, these developed systems of transportation and communication benefited the British, rather than Indians. But they were put in place for Indian culture to take advantage of when the country finally achieved its independence.Public HealthDue to Western influence, Indian culture benefited from improved sanitation and public health. Many Western doctors emigrated to India and introduced the region to Western medicine. Further, many wealthier Indians were trained and educated abroad in Western medicine and then returned to their home country to practice. Western medicine significantly reduced disease and sickness, in large part because health care became accessible.LaborThe presence of Western?traders?in India increased the demand for goods and services in India. As a result of the British living in India, Indian artisans, weavers and craftsmen were steadily employed. Although they were deprived of the full profits of their labors, these artisans and craftsman grew in numbers, and the Indian labor force became more skilled and handy. By the time the British left the subcontinent, a greater percentage of Indians had acquired skills to make a living.EducationIndian culture benefited from Western culture in the area of education. During British occupation, many schools and colleges were built throughout India. Literacy increased and, for the first time, the poorest classes of society had access to knowledge.Political RestPrior to British colonization, India was ruled by the Mughal Dynasty. In fact, it was only when that empire began to collapse that the British were able to gain control over the subcontinent. India was afflicted by much infighting for and against the dynasty. The British troops cleared India of many bandits and ended local warfare between the country's competing political rules. The British also introduced India to parliamentary democracy, upon which the independent nation was eventually founded.Western Culture Influence Indian SocietyIndia?is a secular country where the people have the freedom to practice any religion and also to convert into another religion of their choice. So, all the cultures are freely accepted and respected by the Indians.?It’s an environment to cultivate or build oneself ethically, socially and in all other aspects that lead an all over human development.Every culture is a combination of some good and bad features. All in one, culture means ‘a way of life’. Every geographical body has its own custom viz. culture. People of different nations are recognized by their culture. One should be proud on its impressive traditions. It is the responsibility of all citizens to preserve their own ethnicity.Indian culture is richly known in other parts of the world since the ancient age. Its?multi-diverse flavour has been consistently unique in its very own way. Manners, traditions, living and trading patterns etc. are one of the graceful components of Indian culture. The most important feature of Indian culture is its values. These values are deeply rooted within the heart, mind, body and soul of its dwellers.But, the influence of western culture started in India during the 19th century when the british established their colony in the country. Western culture, considered as the most advanced culture on globe, has started surmounting its flavour on Indian roots. Western culture has always shown its influence on Indian society. This could be for the multiple reasons like fascination, dreamy autonomy etc., which are somehow absent in Indian culture. Western culture conveys and promotes the ideas and values of advanced civilization across people of India.There are ample of good things found in the western culture, which every Indian should proudly learn and adopt. But what about the negative influences of the western culture? Every package comes with pros and cons. Indians should definitely use the culture strain before getting diluted under the flow of any cultural influence. The leading reasons for such impact are pursuit of wealth and power of Western media.The?culture of?India?has been shaped not only by its long history, unique geography and diverse demography, but also by its ancient heritages. Regarded by some historians as the “oldest living civilization of Earth”, the Indian tradition dates back to 8,000 BC and has a continuous recorded history for over 2,500 years.?Westernization should not affect the core traditions of Indian society but may change the lifestyle and apparent characteristics of the society with the graceful add-ons like punctuality, trustworthiness, loyalty, professionalism should be welcomed and adored.These changes are like the betraying our old way of life, which we obtained through our ancestors. Updating is necessary but getting washed-off in influence is wide of the mark. If this continues, days will not be far away when the famous Indian civilization would be buried not by others but by the Indian themselves.Due to globalization the rich culture of India is disappearing. The most impact is of western culture on India culture. Western culture is based more on materialistic factors where as our culture has a spiritual base.The culture of India is been disappearing by many ways the youths in India do not respect their elders, the families in India live separate. And thus have lost contacts with their other relatives?the big point which is making the culture of India to disappear in bollywood the dressing style of the actresses, the slang word used in movies are been influenced the youth to bad step of life. The young ones try to act the same as these actors do which is very bad to the culture of India.The lack of morals, the lacking faith in God, having late night parties, the influence of drugs and alcohols, least interest in Indian languages like Sanskrit, Hindi, Celebrating mothers day, fathers day, valentine day, fools day etc rather than celebrating our Indian festivals and thus wasting their precious time of life, Thinking to be independent at an early ageWesternization in IndiaQUESTIONRESPONSEWhat is “Westernization?”Positive Effects?Negative Effects?What do you think???Is the Westernization of India positive or negative? ................

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