NCASBO Executive Council Meeting

NCASBO Executive Council Meeting

January 17, 2020

DPI, Raleigh, NC

The NCASBO Executive Council Meeting was called on Friday, January 17, 2020 with President Ken Chilcoat presiding.

Attendance: Secretary Julie Masten conducted a roll call. The attendance was as follows:

Ken Chilcoat – President, Hyde Co. Schools

Tony Messer – President-Elect, Chatham Co. Schools

Clyde Locklear – Vice President, Cumberland Co. Schools

Julie Masten – Secretary, Person Co. Schools

Jeff Hollamon – Immediate Past President, Onslow Co. Schools

Pam Satterfield – Executive Director, NCASBO

Mark Winters – Affiliations Committee, Wake Co. Schools

Sharon Penny – Best Practices Committee, Bladen Co. Schools

Freya Cahill – Professional Development, Brunswick Co. Schools

Ashley Sutton – Website, Duplin Co. Schools

John Kachmarik – Photographer, Retired

Debra Baggett – Region 1 Rep, Pitt Co. Schools

Candy Tilley – Region 1 Rep, Dare Co. Schools

Eric Adams – Region 2 Rep, Lenoir Co. Public Schools

Paul LeSieur – Region 3 Rep, Durham Public Schools

Beth Day – Region 3 Rep, Granville Co. Schools

Wannaa Chavis – Region 4 Rep, Hoke Co. Schools

Kelly Jones – Region 4 Rep, Lee Co. Schools

Todd Lowe – Region 5 Rep, Randolph Co. Schools

Seth Prevette – Region 7 Rep, Wilkes Co. Schools

Heidi Kerns – Region 8 Rep, Rutherford Co. Schools

Bernie Sochia – Region 8 Rep, Henderson Co. Schools

Alexis Schauss – DPI Liaison, NCDPI

Scott Powell – Past President, Thomasville City Schools

Shirley Bess – Retired, Union Co. Schools

Karen Rogerson – Past President, Martin Co. Schools

Approval of Minutes: President Chilcoat asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the October 9, 2019 Executive Council Meeting. A motion to accept the minutes came from Tony Messer with a second from Scott Powell. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: President Chilcoat presented the Treasurer’s Report in the absence of Faye Perry. He reported a balance of $48,697.75 in the checking account; a balance of $481,900.15 in the money market account; and a balance of $27.33 in the share account; for a total of $530,625.23 as of December 11, 2019.

Executive Director Communication: Executive Director Pam Satterfield reported the following:

● 2019 School Business Academy cohort completed the curriculum. Graduation is set for Thursday, February 13, 2020 at conference.

● Annual Conference – 420 registered.

● 2020 School Business Academy applications are now being accepted. Currently, 19 in Directors and 40 in Managers/Specialists.

● NCASBO Summer Conference – Wednesday, July 15, 2020. Please send suggestions for session topics.

● Fall Leadership Conference – Meadowbrook Inn in Blowing Rock. Projected date for conference is October 21-23, 2020.

● 2020 Regional School Treasurer classes – classes start in March 2020. A google form was emailed to Finance Officers.

● Meeting with Jack Hoke and representatives with EDMarket regarding their conference (ED Spaces – the Future of Educational Facilities) in Charlotte, NC November 11-13, 2020.

Committee Reports:

NCASA: Mark Winters reported NCASA has released their 2020 priorities including, but not limited to, salary increases for all employees and significant investment in school facilities. The full report is posted on their website.

Joint Allotment Task Force: Jeff Hollamon reported the legislative joint allotment task force study is on hold due to no state budget being passed. West Ed has released a report on state funding as it applies to the Leandro case and we need to monitor the impact it could have on future school funding discussions.

Best Practices: No report.

Budget: No report.

Bylaws/Policy: No report.

Chart of Accounts/Financial Reporting: No report.

Conference: Tony Messer reported that 420 participants have registered for the conference. This will be the last year that paper handouts will be given at the conference. A new conference app will be introduced in 2021.

Financial Software: No report.

Historian: No report.

Membership: No report.

Nominations: Jeff Hollamon presented the Slate of Officers for 2020-2021:

President: Tony Messer, Chatham County Schools

President-Elect: Clyde Locklear, Cumberland County Schools

Vice-President: Ashley Sutton, Duplin County Schools

Treasurer: Faye Perry, Retired Finance Officer

Secretary: Julie Masten, Person County Schools

A motion to accept the nominations came from Jeff Hollamon with a second from Sharon Penny. The motion carried. This office slate will be carried to the membership at the annual conference in February for approval.

Professional Development: No report.

SASBO: Executive Director Satterfield reported in the absence of Adam Steele. The SASBO Annual Conference will be held in Louisville, Kentucky April 21-23, 2020.

Scholarship: No report.

School Business Modernization: No report.

Website: No report.

Regional Reports:

Region 1: Region 1 met on November 20 and will meet again on January 23, 2020.

Region 2: Region 2 met in Jones County for a school tour on November 2. They will meet again on March 20, 2020.

Region 3: Region 3 met on October 31 where Alexis Schauss provided an update on the state budget. They will meet again on January 23, 2020.

Region 4 and Region 5: Region 4 and 5 met on November 1 in Chatham County and December 6 in Alamance County. They will meet again February 21, 2020 in Lee County.

Region 6: No report.

Region 7: Region 7 met on January 15 where NCSBA presented information on crowd funding. They will meet again in March in Alexander County.

Region 8: Region 8 met on December 12 in Asheville for a holiday lunch where Campbell Shatley provided a school law update. They will meet again at the February Annual Conference in Greensboro.

DPI Liaison: No report.

Unfinished Business: None.

New Business:

Clyde Locklear made a motion to approve the following EPSAC Committee members: Mark Winters, Ken Chilcoat, Ashley Sutton and Clyde Locklear. Ken Chilcoat provided a second motion and the motion carried.

President Chilcoat announced Scott Powell from Thomasville City Schools as the Lou Thompson Recipient for 2020. He will be recognized and present with the award on February 12, 2020 at the annual conference.

Seth Prevette presented information on the general statue that requires schools to hold no more than $250 in the school building overnight. This statue was passed in the 1970s. With inflation, the suggested equivalent for today would be approximately $1200. The suggestion was made to work with NCASA and Katherine Joyce to revise the language in the statue to allow individual LEA’s to determine the amount held overnight in their prospective school buildings.


February 10-13, 2020 Annual Conference

May 15, 2020 Finance Forum/Executive Council Meeting

July 15, 2020 NCASBO Summer Conference (6/17 Hotel Cutoff)

July 16, 2020 DPI Summer Conference

July 21, 2021 NCASBO Summer Conference

July 22, 2021 DPI Summer Conference

Adjournment: President Chilcoat adjourned the meeting.


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