Grammar and Language Workbook 10 - Henry County Schools


Grammar and Language Workbook



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Handbook of Definitions and Rules .........................1 Troubleshooter ........................................................21

Part 1 Grammar ......................................................45 Unit 1 Parts of Speech 1.1 Nouns: Concrete, Abstract, and Collective 47 1.2 Nouns: Proper and Common ......................49 1.3 Pronouns: Personal and Possessive;

Reflexive and Intensive...............................51 1.4 Pronouns: Interrogative and Relative;

Demonstrative and Indefinite .....................53 1.5 Action Verbs: Transitive and Intransitive..55 1.6 Linking Verbs ..............................................57 1.7 Verb Phrases ................................................59 1.8 Adjectives ....................................................61 1.9 Adverbs........................................................63 1.10 Prepositions.................................................67 1.11 Conjunctions: Coordinating, Correlative,

and Subordinating.......................................69 1.12 Conjunctive Adverbs and Interjections......71 Unit 1 Review ..........................................................73 Cumulative Review: Unit 1 .....................................74

Unit 2 Parts of the Sentence 2.13 Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates.....75 2.14 Complete Subjects and Complete

Predicates ....................................................77 2.15 Compound Subjects and Compound

Predicates ....................................................79 2.16 Order of Subject and Predicate...................81 2.17 Complements: Direct and Indirect

Objects .........................................................83 2.18 Object Complements and Subject

Complements...............................................85 Unit 2 Review ..........................................................87 Cumulative Review: Units 1?2................................88

Unit 3 Phrases 3.19 Prepositional Phrases..................................89 3.20 Appositives and Appositive Phrases..........91 3.21 Participles and Participial Phrases.............93 3.22 Gerunds and Gerund Phrases .....................95 3.23 Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases ...............97 Unit 3 Review ..........................................................99 Cumulative Review: Units 1?3..............................100

Unit 4 Clauses and Sentence Structure 4.24 Main and Subordinate Clauses.................101 4.25 Simple and Compound Sentences ...........103 4.26 Complex and Compound-Complex

Sentences ...................................................105 4.27 Adjective Clauses ......................................107 4.28 Adverb Clauses..........................................111 4.29 Noun Clauses.............................................115 4.30 Kinds of Sentences....................................119

4.31 Sentence Fragments ..................................121 4.32 Run-on Sentences......................................123 Unit 4 Review ........................................................125 Cumulative Review: Units 1?4..............................126

Unit 5 Diagraming Sentences 5.33 Diagraming Simple Sentences ..................127 5.34 Diagraming Simple Sentences with

Phrases .......................................................129 5.35 Diagraming Sentences with Clauses.........133 Unit 5 Review ........................................................137 Cumulative Review: Units 1?5..............................138

Unit 6 Verb Tenses and Voice 6.36 Regular Verbs ............................................141 6.37 Irregular Verbs...........................................143 6.38 Verb Tenses: Present, Past, and Future ....145 6.39 Perfect Tenses: Present, Past, and Future 147 6.40 Distinguishing Tenses ..............................149 6.41 Progressive and Emphatic Forms .............151 6.42 Compatibility of Tenses ............................153 6.43 Voice of Verbs: Active and Passive ..........155 Unit 6 Review ........................................................157 Cumulative Review: Units 1?6..............................158

Unit 7 Subject-Verb Agreement 7.44 Subject-Verb Agreement ...........................161 7.45 Agreement: Intervening Prepositional

Phrases .......................................................163 7.46 Agreement: Linking Verbs ........................165 7.47 Agreement: Inverted Sentences ................167 7.48 Agreement: Special Subjects ....................169 7.49 Agreement: Compound Subjects ..............171 7.50 Agreement: Intervening Expressions........173 7.51 Agreement: Indefinite Pronouns as

Subjects......................................................175 Unit 7 Review ........................................................177 Cumulative Review: Units 1?7..............................178

Unit 8 Using Pronouns Correctly 8.52 Personal Pronouns: Case...........................181 8.53 Pronouns with and as Appositives; After

Than and As ..............................................183 8.54 Who and Whom in Questions and

Subordinate Clauses..................................185 8.55 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement:

Number and Gender..................................187 8.56 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement:

Person .......................................................189 8.57 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement:

Indefinite Pronoun Antecedents ..............191 8.58 Clear Pronoun Reference ..........................193 Unit 8 Review ........................................................195 Cumulative Review: Units 1?8..............................196

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Table of Contents iii

Unit 9 Using Modifiers Correctly 9.59 Modifiers: Three Degrees of

Comparison ...............................................199 9.60 Modifiers: Irregular Comparisons.............201 9.61 Modifiers: Double and Incomplete

Comparisons ..............................................203 9.62 Using Good and Well; Bad and Badly ......205 9.63 Double Negatives.......................................207 9.64 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers ..........209 Unit 9 Review ........................................................213 Cumulative Review: Units 1?9..............................214

Part 2 Usage .........................................................217 Unit 10 Usage Glossary 10.65 Usage: a to altogether................................219 10.66 Usage: amount to could of ........................221 10.67 Usage: different from to regardless...........223 10.68 Usage: this kind to reason is because.......225 10.69 Usage: respectfully to where at .................227 Unit 10 Review ......................................................229 Cumulative Review: Units 1?10 ...........................230

Part 3 Mechanics .................................................233 Unit 11 Capitalization 11.70 Capitalization of Sentences ......................235 11.71 Capitalization of Proper Nouns ................237 11.72 Capitalization of Proper Adjectives..........239 Unit 11 Review ......................................................241 Cumulative Review: Units 1?11 ...........................242

Unit 12 Punctuation, Abbreviations, and Numbers 12.73 End-of-Sentence Punctuation ..................245 12.74 Colons ........................................................247 12.75 Semicolons ................................................249 12.76 Commas: Compound Sentences ...............251 12.77 Commas: Series and Coordinate

Adjectives ..................................................253 12.78 Commas: Nonessential Elements..............255 12.79 Commas: Interjections, Parenthetical

Expressions, and Conjunctive Adverbs....257 12.80 Commas: Introductory Phrases, Adverb

Clauses, and Antithetical Phrases ...........259 12.81 Commas: Titles, Addresses, and

Numbers ....................................................261 12.82 Commas: Direct Address, Tag Questions,

and Letters .................................................263 12.83 Commas in Review....................................265 12.84 Dashes to Signal Change and to

Emphasize .................................................267 12.85 Parentheses................................................269 12.86 Quotation Marks for Direct Quotations....271 12.87 Quotation Marks with Titles of Short

Works, Unusual Expressions, and with Other Marks of Punctuation .....................273 12.88 Italics (Underlining)..................................275

12.89 The Apostrophe.........................................277 12.90 The Hyphen...............................................279 12.91 Abbreviations ............................................281 12.92 Numbers and Numerals ............................283 Unit 12 Review ......................................................285 Cumulative Review: Units 1?12 ...........................286

Part 4 Vocabulary & Spelling..............................289 Unit 13 Vocabulary and Spelling 13.93 Building Vocabulary: Learning from

Context.......................................................291 13.94 Building Vocabulary: Word Roots............293 13.95 Building Vocabulary: Prefixes and

Suffixes ......................................................295 13.96 Basic Spelling Rules I ...............................297 13.97 Basic Spelling Rules II ..............................299 Review: Building Vocabulary ...............................301 Review: Basic Spelling Rules ...............................303

Part 5 Composition ..............................................305 Unit 14 Composition 14.98 The Writing Process: Prewriting ..............307 14.99 The Writing Process: Drafting ..................311 14.100 The Writing Process: Revising .................315 14.101 The Writing Process: Editing ...................317 14.102 The Writing Process: Presenting ..............319 14.103 Outlining ...................................................321 14.104 Writing Effective Sentences .....................323 14.105 Building Paragraphs .................................327 14.106 Paragraph Ordering ..................................331 14.107 Personal Letters .........................................333 14.108 Business Letters: Letters of Request or

Complaint ..................................................337 14.109 Business Letters: R?sum?s and Cover

Letters .......................................................339 Index ...................................................................343

TAE Tests Unit 1: Parts of Speech .......................................349 Unit 2: Parts of the Sentence ..............................353 Unit 3: Phrases ....................................................355 Unit 4: Clauses and Sentence Structure ............359 Unit 5: Diagraming Sentences ............................361 Unit 6: Verb Tenses and Voice ...........................363 Unit 7: Subject-Verb Agreement.........................367 Unit 8: Using Pronouns Correctly ......................369 Unit 9: Using Modifiers Correctly......................371 Unit 10: Usage .......................................................373 Unit 11: Capitalization .........................................375 Unit 12: Punctuation, Abbreviations, and

Numbers ..................................................377 Unit 13: Vocabulary and Spelling........................381 Unit 14: Composition ............................................383 Answer Key ...........................................................387

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iv Glencoe Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 10

Handbook of

Definitions and Rules

Handbook 1


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1. A singular noun is a word that names one person, place, thing, or idea: brother, classroom, piglet, and joy. A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea: brothers, classrooms, piglets, and joys.

2. To help you determine whether a word in a sentence is a noun, try adding it to the following sentences. Nouns will fit in at least one of these sentences: I know something about ________. I know something about a(n) ________. I know something about brothers. I know something about a classroom.

3. A collective noun names a group. When the collective noun refers to the group as a whole, it is singular. When it refers to the individual group members, the collective noun is plural. The class meets two days a week. (singular) The board of trustees come from all walks of life. (plural)

4. A common noun names a general class of people, places, things, or ideas: soldier, country, month, or theory. A proper noun specifies a particular person, place, thing, event, or idea. Proper nouns are always capitalized: General Schwartzkopf, America, July, or Big Bang.

5. A concrete noun names an object that occupies space or that can be recognized by any of the senses: tuba, music, potato, and aroma. An abstract noun names an idea, a quality, or a characteristic: courage, sanity, power, and memory.

6. A possessive noun shows possession, ownership, or the relationship between two nouns: Raul's house, the cat's fur, and the girls' soccer ball.


1. A pronoun takes the place of a noun, a group of words acting as a noun, or another pronoun.

2. A personal pronoun refers to a specific person or thing. First person personal pronouns refer to the speaker, second person pronouns refer to the one spoken to, and third person pronouns refer to the one spoken about.

First Person, Singular

Nominative Case I

Possessive Case my, mine

Objective Case me

First Person, Plural


our, ours


Second Person, Singular you

your, yours


Second Person, Plural


your, yours


Third Person, Singular

he, she, it

his, her, hers, its

him, her, it

Third Person, Plural


their, theirs


3. A reflexive pronoun refers to the subject of the sentence. An intensive pronoun adds emphasis

to a noun or another pronoun. A demonstrative pronoun points out specific persons, places,

things, or ideas.


They psyched themselves up for the football game.


Freddie himself asked Julie out.

Demonstrative: That is a good idea! Those are my friends.

4. An interrogative pronoun is used to form questions. A relative pronoun is used to introduce a

subordinate clause. An indefinite pronoun refers to persons, places, or things in a more general

way than a noun does.

Interrogative: Which is your choice?

With whom were you playing video games?

2 Glencoe Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 10


Relative: Indefinite:

The cake that we baked was delicious.

Everyone has already voted.

No one should enter without knocking.

5. The antecedent of a pronoun is the word or group of words referred to by the pronoun. Ben rode his bike to school. (Ben is the antecedent of his.)


1. A verb is a word that expresses action or a state of being and is necessary to make a statement.

Most verbs will fit one or more of these sentences:

We _________. We _________ loyal. We ________ it. It ________ .

We sleep.

We remain loyal.

We love it!

It snowed.

2. An action verb tells what someone or something does. The two types of action verbs are

transitive and intransitive. A transitive verb is followed by a word or words that answer the

question what? or whom? An intransitive verb is not followed by a word that answers what? or


Transitive: Children trust their parents.

The puppy carried the bone away.

Intransitive: The team played poorly.

The light burned brightly.

3. A linking verb links, or joins, the subject of a sentence with an adjective, a noun, or a pronoun.

The concert was loud. (adjective)

I am a good card player. (noun)

4. A verb phrase consists of a main verb and all its auxiliary, or helping, verbs.

My stomach has been growling all morning.

I am waiting for a letter.

5. Verbs have four principle parts or forms: base, past, present participle, and past participle.

Base: I eat.

Present Participle: I am eating.

Past: I ate.

Past Participle: I have eaten.

6. The principle parts are used to form six verb tenses. The tense of a verb expresses time.

Simple Tenses

Present Tense: She eats. (present or habitual action)

Past Tense:

She ate. (action completed in the past)

Future Tense: She will eat. (action to be done in the future)

Perfect Tenses

Present Perfect Tense: She has eaten. (action done at some indefinite time or still in effect)

Past Perfect Tense: She had eaten. (action completed before some other past action)

Future Perfect Tense: She will have eaten. (action to be completed before some future time)

7. Irregular verbs form their past and past participle without adding -ed to the base form.

Base Form be beat become begin bite blow break bring


Past Form was, were beat became began bit blew broke brought

Past Participle been beaten become begun bitten or bit blown broken brought

Base Form catch choose come do draw drink drive eat

Past Form caught chose came did drew drank drove ate

Past Participle caught chosen come done drawn drunk driven eaten

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Handbook 3


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Base Form fall feel find fly freeze get give go grow hang

have know lay lead lend lie lose put ride ring rise

Past Form fell felt found flew froze got gave went grew hung or

hanged had knew laid led lent lay lost put rode rang rose

Past Participle fallen felt found flown frozen got or gotten given gone grown hung or

hanged had known laid led lent lain lost put ridden rung risen

Base Form run say see set shrink

sing sit speak spring

steal swim take tear tell think throw wear win write

Past Form ran said saw set shrank or

shrunk sang sat spoke sprang or

sprung stole swam took tore told thought threw wore won wrote

Past Participle run said seen set shrunk or

shrunken sung sat spoken sprung

stolen swum taken torn told thought thrown worn won written

8. Progressive forms of verbs, combined with a form of be, express a continuing action. Emphatic

forms, combined with a form of do, add emphasis or form questions.

Kari is scratching the cat.

Loni has been washing the walls.

We do support our hometown heroes. (present)

He did want that dinner. (past)

9. The voice of a verb shows whether the subject performs the action or receives the action of the verb. The active voice occurs when the subject performs the action. The passive voice occurs when the action of the verb is performed on the subject. The owl swooped upon its prey. (active) The ice cream was scooped by the cashier. (passive)

10. A verb can express one of three moods. The indicative mood makes a statement or asks a question. The imperative mood expresses a command or request. The subjunctive mood indirectly expresses a demand, recommendation, suggestion, statement of necessity, or a condition contrary to fact. I am overjoyed. (indicative) Stop the car. (imperative) If I were angry, I would not have let you in. (subjunctive)


1. An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by giving a descriptive or specific detail. Adjectives

can usually show comparisons. (See Using Modifiers Correctly on pages 9 and 10.)

cold winter

colder winter

coldest winter

2. Most adjectives will fit this sentence: The _________ one looks very _________. The dusty one looks very old.

3. Articles are the adjectives a, an, and the. Articles do not meet the above test for adjectives.

4 Glencoe Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 10


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