INTERNET RESOURCES DIRECTORY for Chapter 14 on Sustainable Development (Prepared by Morgan Pollard, for the Bioethics Education project).

Academic Research and Literature:

Academic Information:

Australian Bureau of Statistics: .au

Botanical Resources: IDB/ and

Calculators Online:

Census Bureau (U.S.) web site:

Data Libraries & Archives Online:

Dictionaries Online (links to 800 dictionaries in most languages): ~rbeard/diction.html

Earth Science Information Network (C.I.E.S.I.N.):

Encyclopaedia Britannica:

Environmental Education Directory: .au/net/aeen.html

Environmental Journals & Serials Online:

Kluwer Academic Publishers:

LINK (Springer journals):

Media Finders: and

Medline (U.S. National Library of Medicine): MEDLINE/

National Academy Press (full texts online):

OneLook Dictionaries (500 dictionaries):

Political Resources:

Rand (U.S. research directory):

Refdesk directory:

Religion Studies: religindex.html

Routledge textbooks:

S.P.A.R.K. (research institutions & libraries): sparc

Study Web:

Sustainability Web Ring (sustainability directory):

Tourism Journals:

Activism and Charities:


Amnesty International: and ~amnesty/

Animal Liberation Australia:

Anti Online:

Anti Slavery International:


Australian Conservation Foundation (A.C.F.): peg.~acfenv/

Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers: .au/~atcv/

Blatant Propaganda: .au/~eye/

Campaign Against the Arms Trade: .uk

Center for Media and Democracy:

Clean Up Australia Day: .au

Corporate Watch:


Direct Action Network (D.A.N.):


Eat the Rich: e-t-

Fair (media watch):

Free the Children:

Free Tibet: and


Friends of the Earth:

Global Exchange:

Green Cross International:

Green Net (green charities): .au

Greenpeace International:


Human Rights Watch:

Hunger Site (‘click to donate’ World Food Program):


International Forum on Globalization:

Jubilee 2000 (forgive third world debt): and

Multinational Monitor: monitor/


Noam Chomsky Archive: archive/

The Onion (news satire):

Open Secrets :

Oxfam International:

People and Planet:

Positive News: positive_news

Protest Net:

Public Citizen:


Rainbow Tribe World Gathering: worldgathering@

Rainforest Action Network:

Reclaim The Streets: and

Red Cross: and eng/issues

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan:

Ruckus Society:

Sierra Club:

Sweatshop Watch:

Solidarity (includes East Timor projects): .au/etccp

United Nations Volunteers (U.N.V.):

Wilderness Society (Australia): .au

World Trade Organization Watch:

World Wildlife Fund:

Agriculture Resources:

AgriWeb (directory):

Bush Telegraph (A.B.C. rural news): .au/rural

Factory Farming: eggs.htm

F.A.O. (Food and Agriculture Organization):

Factory Farming: eggs.htm

F@rming Online: .au/farming/

InFARMation: .au

Land Care Web:

Meat and Livestock Australia: .au

National Farmers Federation (Australia): .au

Permaculture Magazine:

Permaculture Research Institute: .au

Vegetarian Frequently asked Questions: faq

Bio-Technology Companies:

Australian Biotechnology Companies: Amrad, Autogen, Axon Instruments, Bionomics, Biota, Circadian Technologies, Cochlear, C.S.L., Gradipore, Novogen, Polartechnics and ResMed.

Celera Genomics (mapping the human genome):

Deloitte Biotech Index (Australian directory): .au

Exelixis Pharmaceuticals:

GenBank (humane genome data) web site: ncbi.nlm.

HapMap Project (haplotype mapping): 10001688

Human Genome Project: nhgri. and ncbi.nlm.



International Biotechnology Companies: Affymetrix Inc. (gene function), Ciphergen Biosystems Inc., Gemini Genomics (validation), Gene Logic, Glaxo Wellcome (pharmaceuticals), Human Genome Sciences, Hyseq Inc., Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR), Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Nycomed Amersham (gene sequencing), Orchid Biosciences (gene-hunting).

Nanodot (nanotechnology news):

Nanospot (nanotechnology index):

P.E. Corporation (PE Biosystems and Celera Genomics): pe-

Business Resources and Services: (see also ‘Ethical Investments’):

Accounting Web:

Australian Business Online: .au

Australian Financial Services Directory: .au

Australian Securities & Investment Commission: .au

Australian Stock Exchange: .au

Australian Taxation Office (online tax returns): .au

Business Index:

Business Resource Software Inc.:

Companies Online:

Currency Converter: converter/classic

Earnings Whispers:

Ecredit (business-to-business services):

E. F. Schumacher Society:

Equity Café (investor forum - beware scams): .au

E-Shares (internet trading):

Ethical Investment Research Service:

Ethical Investments: and and and .au

Fair Trade Foundation: .uk

Internet Marketing World:

Investment Charts: and

Investment Information: and .au and .au and and

Investor Words (financial dictionary):

MetaStock (analysis software): metastock/

NASDAC (Powerplay analysis software): nasdaq/index.html

Online Banking Report:

Online Brokers: .au and .au and .au and .au and

Rate Net (U.S.):

Time Zone Calculator: .au/worldtime.html

Coastal and Marine Management Resources:

A.S.I.C. (Australian Seafood Industry Council): .au

Australian Coastal Atlas: .au/marine/coastal_atlas

Australian Marine Data Information Service: .au

Australian Marine Environment: .au/marine/

Australian Oceanographic Data Centre: .au

Australia’s Antarctic Research Program: .au/misc/science.html

Biodiversity (Australian Government): plants/threaten/action_plans/

Catalogue of Marine Fish & Invertebrates:

Coastal Management (journal):

Coastal Management Policy Programme (South Africa):

CoastNet (Australia): .au/marine/coastnet

Congress on Coastal & Marine Tourism:

Coral Reef Hotspots:

Coral Reefs (U.S. State Department): www/global/ global_issues?coral_reefs?990305_coralreef_rpt.html

Council Net (local government issues, Australia): .apc/~Councilnet/

Deep Edge (U.S.):

E-Diver (Scuba diving):

Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association:

Fishery Bulletin (U.S. journal):

Fishing Info Online: .au

Fishing Network: the-fishing-

FishNet Fishing Info Line: .au/FIL.html

Florida Keys Online Guide:

Global Hydrology Resource Center: w

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (G.B.R.M.P.A): .au

Great Barrier Reef Visitors Bureau web site: great-barrier-

Guidelines for Assessing the Sustainability of Australian Fisheries: environment.

International Rivers Network:

Marine & Coastal Community Network (Australia): .au/~mccnet

Marine Network (Australian marine products):

Marine Stewardship Council:

N.O.A.A. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S.):

N.S.W. Fisheries:

Oceanographic Society (access to ‘Oceanography’ journal):

Oceans Information:

Pacific Congress on Marine Science & Technology (PACON):

Pacific Institute:

Physical Oceanography Archive Center (NASA):

Project Seahorse: and also

Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science:

Stream Watch (Melbourne): .au/

Water Quality and Ecosystem Modeling:

World Data Center-A for Oceanography (NOAA): nodc.NODC-dataexch.html

Decision-Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence: (see also ‘Modelling’)

American Association for Artificial Intelligence:

Botspot of the Week Archive: daily-bot/archive.htm


Business Objects Inc. (BusinessQuery for Excel):

Carnegie Mellon University (A.I. research):

Case-Based Reasoning:

CLIPS (tool for building Expert Systems): jsc.~clips/CLIPS

Comshare’s Visual IFPS/Plus and Commander Decision Web:

Crayon (intelligent agent for newspaper creation):

Daniel Power’s DSS Web Tour:

Distributed Artificial Intelligence:

Electronic Brainstorming Tool:

Expert Systems: Ginesys Corp. and Exsys Corp.

Expert Systems Shells (frequently asked questions):

Groupware Central:

I.B.M. Research: research.

InfoTEST International (enhanced product realisation):


Intelligent Agents: and working.iag/iaghome.html and

Knowledge Management Software: and and and

Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language:

Knowledge Science Institute:

Machine Learning: .~kdd/ and siftware.html

Management Science Packages:

Negotiation Facilitation Software: GENIE, Dealmaker, MEDIATOR, Co-Op, NEGO, Negotiator Pro (Negotator Pro Co.), The Art of Negotiation (Experience in Software Inc.)

Organizational Learning: and

PC AI Magazine: pcai/New_Home_Page/ai_info/

Proasis Ltd’s Planning Workbench:

Qualitative Reasoning: and and

Trapeze Software Group (operations planning):

Turban & Aronson’s D.S.S. and Intelligent Systems: turban

Ventana Corporation (group decision support systems):

Dictionaries Online: (see also ‘Encyclopaedias’)

Aussie Slang and Phrase Dictionary:

Cliché Finder: cliche/

DICT Development Group Online Dictionary Query: bin/Dict

Dictionaries Online (800 dictionaries):

Ethnologue Database:

Living Dictionary of Bioethics (UNESCO/IUBS/EUBIOS Ethics Institute):

Macquarie Online (Australia):

OneLook Dictionaries (500 dictionaries):

Roget’s Thesaurus:

Sign Language Dictionary (A.S.L.): ~randys/

Strunk’s Elements of Style:

Systran (translation dictionaries):

Travlang (travel dictionary):

Education and Training Online:

Acquire Intelligence Inc. (Canada): ai/acquire/acquire.html

Australasian Institute:

Australian University Online: .au/

Australian National Training Authority: .au/anta_prod/default.asp

Big Tree Online (N.S.W.): .au

Computer Aided Education Training Initiative:

Degree Net (U.S., includes course evaluation advice):

Directory of Online Colleges, Internet Universities and Training Institutes (U.S.):

Distance Learning Channel:

Education Network Australia (EdNA):

EdSurf (budget education):

In Learning (Queensland): .au/store/product.cfm

International School Directory:

Open Learning Australia:

Southern Cross University:

Telecampus (database: 13,000 online courses):

Toolbox Development Project:

University of Asia:

University of Sydney:

Election Services Online:




Employment Opportunities Online:

Australian Job Search:

Career Builder (International): and

Careers Online Australia: .au

Employment Opportunities Australia: .au

Fairfax @ Market:

Future Step (International):

Hospitality Net Virtual Job Exchange:

Job Consultancy Seek: .au/index.htm

Job Network (Aust. Govt.): .auefault2.htm#Gateway

Jobnet Australia: .au

Job Search (U.K./Europe): and see also: and

LAWN Ads (land and water conservation jobs): .au

Monster Board (International):

Morgan & Banks (International): .au

Newsclassifieds: .au/nc20/sec/employ/home.htm

Top Jobs (International): and see also:

Yahoo Employment (U.S.):

Encyclopaedias Online: (see also ‘Dictionaries’)


Bible Gateway (bible database):

Electric Library Encyclopedia:

Encyclopaedia Britannica:

Encyclopedia Mythica:

Funk & Wagnalls Knowledge Centre: and

Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia:

Information Please (almanac and encyclopedia):

Notable Citizens of Planet Earth (biographical dictionary): users/parallax/

PC Webopaedia (technology encyclopedia):


What Is?:

Environmental Directories and Data: (see also ‘Coastal’ and ‘Sustainable’)

A.C.F. (Australian Conservation Foundation) web site: peg.~acfenv/

American Library Association Task Force on the Environment: alaorg/rtables/srrt/tfoe/

Australian Coastal Atlas web site: .au/marine/coastal_atlas

Australian Geographer:

Australian National Trust: .au

Bat Conservation International:

Best Environmental Directories (for over 600 environmental subjects):

Biodiversity (Australian govt.): /threaten/action_plans/


Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN):

Columbia Earthscape:

Community Biodiversity Network (Earth Alive!): .au

Data Libraries & Archives Online:

Destination Earth Program (NASA): earth.

Earth Day Network:

Earth Garden Books: .au/earthgarden

Earth Network:

Earth Observing System (NASA):

Earth Viewer:

Earthquake Information:

Earthwatch: and

Ecology Action Centre:

Ecotourism Society web site:

Eco-Village Information Service:

EnviroLink: and :/start_web.html

EnviroNet (E.R.I.N. Australia): .au/net/neid.html and .au/net.environet.html

Environment Australia (Australian Government): .au

Environment Education Resource Directory (Australia): .au/net/aeen.html

Environment Canada:

Environmental Defense:

Environmental Journals & Serials Online:

Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide: elaw/

Environmental Network Room (environmental scepticism links):

Environmental Organisation Directory and Search Engine:

Environmental Weeds Home Page (Australia):

The Environmentalist (journal):

E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency, U.S.):

E.R.I.N. (Environmental Resources Information Network, Australia): .au

E.R.I.N. Environment Portfolio: .au/portfolio/environment/env_port.html

Gaia Forest Conservation Archives:

Geographical Society of NSW:

Geological Society of America (GSA):

Global Change Data and Research Program: gcdis. and

Global Change Research Information Office:

Global Change Master Directory (NASA): and

Gould League:

Green Cross International:

Green Net (green charities): .au

Green Net (UK/European Focus): gn.

Green Page: enviro/greenpg.html

Greenpeace International web site:

Journal of Bioeconomics:

Journal of Environmental Planning & Management:

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty:

N.A.S.A. (U.S. National Aeronautics & Space Administration):

National Parks & Wildlife Service (N.S.W. Plans of Management):

Natural Resources Management Project:

N.S.W. Environmental Impact Assessments:

Planet Ark (Reuters environmental news):

Planet Earth Home Page: .html and planet_earth/info.html

Rainforest Action Network:

Remotely Sensed Land Data:

Science (journal):

Society of Environmental Journalists:

Space Calendar: jpl.calendar/

State of the Environment & Indicators Technical Papers: .au/environment/epcg/soe.html

State of the Environment Report (Australia): .au/epcg/soe/soe96/soe96.html

Urban Ecosystems:

Water Quality and Ecosystem Modeling:

World Conservation Monitoring Centre: .uk/

World Data Center-A for Remotely Sensed Land Data:

World Wide Web Resources - Environment (directory):

Worldwatch Institute:

Ethical Investment Funds:

Australian Ethical Investments: .au

Calvert Group Ltd:

Dicksons (online broker, small company focus):

Domini Social Index (U.S.)

Environmental Solutions International Ltd

Ethical Investment Advisor (Australia): peg.~dei/

Ethical Investment Co-operative:

Ethical Investment Research Service:

Ethical Investors Group:

Fair Trade Foundation: .uk

Friends Provident:

Green Money: greenmarket/gmj/index1.html

Goodmoney Magazine:

Social Investment Forum:

Socially Responsible Investment:

Tower Life Ethical Growth Trust (Australia)

Trillium Asset Management:

Tyndalls Ethical Balanced Investment Trust (Australia)

Ethics Directories and Resources:

Access Excellence (National Health Museum): /AE/AEPC/WWC/1992/

Alliance for Bio-Integrity (genetically modified organisms):

Behaviourome Project:

Bioethics Education for Informed Citizens Across Cultures:

Bioethics Net (organisations directory): bioforbegin/organizations.html

Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research: .au/~cafmr

Canadian Bioethics Society:

Council for Responsible Genetics: gene-

Ethical Consumer:

Eubios Ethics Institute:

Foundation for Ethics and Meaning:

GenEthics News:

Human Genetics Commission: .uk/

Institute for Global Ethics:

International Association of Bioethics: and

International Society for Environmental Ethics:

International Movement for a Just World:

Joint Center for Bioethics:

Library of Bioethics and Medical Humanities Texts & Documents:

Living Dictionary of Bioethics (UNESCO/IUBS/EUBIOS Ethics Institute):

News in Bioethics & Biotechnology:

Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science:

Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research:

U.N.E.S.C.O.’s International Bioethics Committee: ibc/

Global Warming and Climate Change:

Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) web site: .au

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center:

Climate Change Talks: igc.climate/Eco.html

Consequences of Climate Change: global/climate/climate report.html

Global Climate Change Research & Policy (U.S.): /units/sel/bio/ecochange.html

Global Warming Warning Signs:

I.P.C.C. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change):

National Center for Atmospheric Research (U.S.):

Skeptics (global warming debate): global_warming/ index.html

U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change:

U.N.E.P. Climate Change Information Kit:

University Corporation for Atmospheric Research:

World Meteorological Organisation:

Internet Newspapers and Magazines:

The Age: .au

Australian Financial Review: .au

The Big Issue:

Business Review Weekly: .au

El Pais (Spain):

The Ecologist:

The Economist:

E Magazine:

E-Zine Lists: ~johnl/e-zine-list/ and

Financial Times:

Independent (U.K.):


Le Monde (France):

Media Finders: and

Metagrid (directory):

Mother Jones:

Multinational Monitor:


Nikkei Weekly (Japan):

New Internationalist: and ni/

New Scientist:

New York Times:

News Corporation (Australia): .au

News Directory: and

News Limited (includes The Australian and Daily Telegraph): .au

Prevailing Winds Research Catalogue:

The Progressive:

Positive News from Around the World: positive_news

Publist (directory):

Red Pepper: .uk

Reuters News Service:


Science Magazine:

Scientific American:

Society of Environmental Journalists:

Sydney Morning Herald: .au

Times (U.K.):

Times of India:

U.K. Media Directory: directory/

Ultimate Collection (directory):

Wall Street Journal:

Washington Post:

Web Magazine (U.S.):

Wired Magazine Reference Archive: cybrarian/

Whole Earth Magazine:

YES! A Journal of Positive Futures:

Internet Privacy Information:

Cookie Central:

Gibson Research ShieldsUp:

HushMail (encrypted e-mail service):

InterMute (filters out ads):

OptOut (checks for unwanted spy-channels):

P.G.P. (encryption software):


Privacy Choices:

PrivacyNet’s Anonymizer:

Privacy Principles (Aust. Govt.): .au/hreoc/privacy/natprinc.htm

Privada Proxy:

Webroot Window Washer (purges cookies):

Zero-Knowledge Systems:

Internet Radio Stations: (may require free RealPlayer software from: )

3D FM (Adelaide Student Radio):

ABC NewsRadio: .au/newsradio

Appna Sangeet (Canada/India):

Audio-Reading Network for the Blind: intouch.html

BBC World Service:

Citylite (Philippines): .ph/~citylite/

Classical Music: classical/

Croatian Radio:

Gospel FM (Brazil): .br

Imagine Radio:

Islamic Republic News Agency:

Joy FM (Ghana): .gh

M.I.T. Station List:

NetRadio Network:

New York ethnic/talkback:

On Now (live events):

Pirate Radio (U.K.):

Radio Australia: .au/ra/

Radio Directory: live-

Radio Gogaga:

Radio New Zealand: and see also:

Radio Raw (Sydney):


SRA-FM (Melbourne Student Radio): .au

Super Estacion (Colombia): 889.889.htm

Taiwanese Radio: .tw

Virtual Tuner:

Voice of America:

Internet TV Channels & Movie Directories:

ABC News (Australia): .au/news/

America’s Health Network:

BBC News (U.K.):

Channel V: .au

Click TV (Canada):

CNN News (U.S.):

Court TV (U.S.): schedule/

Discovery Channel:

Internet Movie Database: and see also: and .au and and

Microsoft Business TV: video/windowsmedia/mstv/

Netscape Netcenter: au/

New Zealand Net News:

NineMSN (Australian): .au


S.B.S. (Special Broadcasting Service, Australia): .au

Screen Network Australia: .au

Script-O-Rama (film & TV script directory): script-o-

Sofcom (Australia): .au/tv/

Toaster (U.K.):

TV Guide (U.S.):

Ultimate TV: /

Urban CineFile (Australia): .au

The Well:


Legal Information Services:

Australian Legal Information Index: .au/~dan/law/

C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency, U.S.): cia/

Crime Net (Australia): .au

Dumb Laws (U.S.):

Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide: elaw/

F.B.I. (Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S.): foipa/main.htm

FindLaw (International):

Free Legal Advice:

Law (U.S.):

Police Service (Australia): cops.

U.N. Department of Disarmament Affairs: Depts/dda/CAB

Libraries and Book Collections Online:

Academic Information:

Amazon: and

American Library Association web site:

Australian Online Bookshop: .au

Banned Books Online:

Barnes & Noble (U.S.):

Bibliofind (old / rare books):

BiblioFuture: bibliofuture.

Book Finder:

Classic Bookshelf:

Dymocks (Australia): .au

Electric Library:


Internet Bookshop (U.K.):

Internet Public Library:

Librarians Against Intellectual Property: aip.html

Library of Congress (U.S.):

National Academy Press (full texts online):

Net Library:

Online Books: and

OzBooks (Australia):

Project Gutenburg:

Script-O-Rama (film & TV script directory): script-o-


S.P.A.R.K. (research institutions & libraries): sparc

U.S. National Library of Medicine: MEDLINE/

Medical and Health Information:


Alternative Medicine: altmedicine.

Association of Reproductive Health Professionals:

Biorhythm Generator: attraction/biorhythm/ and

British Medical Journal:

Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research: .au/~cafmr

Centre for Disease Control & Prevention:

Centre for Internet-Addiction:

Clinical Information Access Project (NSW):

Disabilities Webring: users.crash/c/calemont/dawn.html

Disability Cool: HotSprings/7319/discool.htm

Drugs Information (pharmaceutical): and

Ergonomic Resources: CapeCanaveral/1129/

Ergonomics Society of Australia:

Ergonomics Society of Australia Journal:

Ergonomics (Australia): .au

Eye Stress Minimisation: ~poynton/notes/reducing_eyestrain

Fitness Resource Directory: links.html

Health Insite (Australian Government): .au

Health World:

Herbal Encyclopedia: waltzark/herbenc.htm

Mayo Clinic:

Medical Journal of Australia: .au/

Medical Matrix: Index.asp

Medline (U.S. National Library of Medicine): MEDLINE/

Medscape (medical forum):

Mental Health: and

Nutritional Supplements:

R.A.C.G.P. Virtual Resource Centre (Australia): .au/

Recreational Drugs Information: drugs/

Red Cross: and eng/issues

Reuters Health:

Typing Injury (frequently asked questions):

Virtual Hospital:

Womens Health:

W.O.N.C.A. (World Organisation of Family Doctors):

Yoga: yoga.htm and

Modelling and Systems Analysis: (see also ‘Decision-Support’):

Analytical Processing and Multi-Dimensional Analysis Software: BrioQuery (Brio Technology Inc.), DataFountain (Dimensional Insight Inc.), D.S.S. Web (MicroStrategy Inc.), Focus Fusion (Information Builders Inc.), InfoBeacon Web (Platinum Technology Inc.), Oracle Express Server (Oracle Corp.), Pilot Internet Publisher (Pilot Software Inc.) and WebOLAP (Information Advantage Inc.)

Auto Simulations (3D manufacturing models):

CogniScope (global systems analysis methodology): index1.htm

CSE Systems’ Workflow:

Data Warehousing Institute (database technology): tpi/tdwi

Ecological Modelling Software: EcoPATH and EcoSIM

Expert Choice:

Fuzzy Logic (frequently asked questions): /faqs/ai/fuzzy/part1/faq-doc-? (where ? = 0,1,2,3…etc.)

Geographical Information Systems: Arc/Info and Arc/View (Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc.), FirstMap, G.I.S. ProServer (MapInfo Corp.), G.I.S. World Sourcebook (G.I.S. World Inc.), Idrisi, Infomark (Equifax Marketing Decision Systems Inc.), and MapObjects (E.S.R.I. Inc.).

Geographical Information Systems Software Directory: /~vinton/gis_gip_list.html

Orca Visual Simulation Environment:

Occupational Health & Safety’s Web Run Time Engine: Wren/csa.html

ProModel Corp’s MedModel and ServiceModel:

Simile (forest modelling):

Museums of Art Online:

24 Hour Museum (U.K.): .uk

American Museum of Photography:

Art Museum:

Life’s Picture of the Day: Life/

Museums Around the World (directory): vimp/world.html

Museum of Modern Art (New York):

Photodisc (60,000 images):

Time’s Picture Collection:

World Wide Arts Resources (directory):

Sustainable Development: (see also ‘Environmental’)

Alternative Technology Association: .au

Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research:

Clock of the Long Now (10,000-year clock and library edited by Stephen Brand):

CogniScope (global systems analysis methodology): index1.htm

C.S.I.R.O. (Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation, Australia): and

Environment, Development and Sustainability (journal):

Environmental and Resource Economics (journal):

Foresight Institute:

Global Change Research Information Office:

Guidelines for Assessing the Sustainability of Australian Fisheries: .au/marine/fisheries/assessment/main.html

Institute for Global Ethics:

Institute for Local Self Reliance:

Institute for Policy Studies: ips.

Institute of Development Studies (Devline):

International Council for Science:

International Geosphere-Biosphere Program:

International Institute for Environment & Development (I.I.E.D.):

International Institute for Sustainable Development (I.I.S.D.):

International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology: susdev/home.html

International Society for Environmental Ethics:

I.U.C.N. (World Conservation Union):

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty:

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (journal): /journals/mitigadap

Multinational Monitor: monitor/

National Science Foundation (U.S.): geo/egch/

Nobel Prize Archive: nobel

One World (sustainability news and business directory):

Political Resources:

Science Applications International:

Socio-Economic Data Application Center:

SustainAbility Ltd:

Sustainability Web Ring (sustainability directory):

United Nations web site:

U.N.D.P. (United Nations Development Program):

U.N.E.P. (United Nations Environment Program):

U.N.E.S.C.O. (United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation):

U.N.F.P.A. (United Nations Population Fund):

U.N.I.C.E.F (United Nations Children’s Fund):

White House Fact Sheet: Policy Declaration on Environment and Trade:

World Data Center-A for Human Interactions in the Environment: /home-page/WDC.html

Workers Rights Consortium:

World Bank:

World Database of Happiness:

World Development Movement: .uk

World Intellectual Property Organisation: eng/main.htm

World Resources Institute: meb

World Trade Organisation (W.T.O.): wto

Worldwatch Institute:

Translation Technology:

Babel Fish (web-page translator): ?


E-Lingo (e-mail translation): e-

Ethnologue Database:

Free Translation:

InterTran (translation dictionary): :2000/InterTran

Language Technologies Institute (Carnegie Mellon Univ., U.S.):

Systran (includes 20 specialised dictionaries):

Voila Translate (multi-language portal, Europe): services/translate

Web Browsers:

Browserwatch (browsers for other platforms):

Netscape Communicator:

Microsoft Internet Explorer: ie/

Web Metasearch Agents: (query multiple directories simultaneously):



Internet Sleuth:



Sherlock (Apple Mac): sherlock/

Super Seek: super-


and see also: All-In-One, Savvy Search, Spider and Web Compass.

Web Page Design Help & Tips:


Free-Help: free-

Free Web Space:

Geocities: join/freehp.html

Getting Started: and

Internet Traffic Report:

Media Probe: and see also

NetCarta (web site mapping):

Publishing Essentials Design Café: .au

Spiff: spiff

Tek Tips: tek-

Tripod: planet/membership/signup/

Web Monkey:

Web Page Builder: and

Web Page Design for Designers:

Web Page Gallery: and

Web Pages That Suck:

Web Tracker (Web-site traffic counter): tracker

Webby Awards (web site design awards) web site:

Web Search Directories: (mostly human-designed):


Aussie (Australian): .au


Cowleys (Australian): .au/





Web Wombat (Australian): .au



Web Search Engines: (mostly automated):




Northern Light:

OzSearch: .au

Search Engine Watch (comparisons):

Web Telephone and E-Mail Directories:

Ask Jeeves:

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