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Entomological Society of America

North Central Branch

Linnaean Games Committee 2013 Activities Report

The NCB/ESA Linnaean Games Committee membership for 2012-2013 is listed at the Branch website as follows:



* Dr. Daniel Young replaced Dr. Susan Weller as Committee Chair and Panel

Review Member at the end of 2012; Dr. Weller rotated off the committee.

* Alice Harris (Kansas State University) replaced Amy Willmott on the student

affairs committee for 2013 and was informed that also made her the student

representative for the Linnaean Games Committee.



The major task of the committee is to provide, and vet, the question bank with which to challenge our entered teams at the NCB meetings – this year 16-19 June, in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Gamesmaster, Dr. W. Wyatt Hoback, contacted me in early April, 2013 to inform me that he had begun amassing questions and I began to do same. I contacted the committee several weeks later. For the 2013 meetings, we have12 teams entered:


That adds up to 11 matches (16 toss up questions/match = 176 questions + a bonus for each correct toss up). We calculated we needed about 300 questions in all (toss up & bonus).



Questions and answers for The Games are prepared by the NCB/ESA Linnaean Games Committee.

Toss-up questions are categorized according to the following sections and subject areas:

PBT (Physiology, Biochemistry & Toxicology)

PIE (Plant-Insect Ecosystems)

MUVE (Medical, Urban & Veterinary Entomology)

SysEB (Systematics, Evolution & Biodiversity)

Subject areas: Apiculture, Biological Control, Ecology, Economic Entomology, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, Physiology and Biochemistry, Taxonomy, and Toxicology.

Bonus questions draw heavily on the areas of history and people. In NCB, we also draw heavily on popular media and current events. On the average, two toss-up questions in each game will come from each subject-area category.

Additional guidelines for question writing:

1. Toss-up questions should test core knowledge at the advanced undergraduate, beginning graduate level (it’s fine to have some “easy” questions to build team confidence & audience excitement);

2. No true-false, format is “fill in the blank”, short essay kinds of questions;

3. References for answers should be provided (gives judges and Gamesmaster a source of comfort as we are being heckled - but the most current sources help!);

4. Bonus questions can/should be more difficult

(*if a scientific term or name is pretty weird, phonetic help is appreciated)

When writing questions, we encourage writers to, where possible, include sources (trying to be current & “cutting edge” - not our Introductory Entomology text from 20+ years ago!) ... and/or photo credits.



I requested 25 toss up questions from the area of specialty for each committee member (noted on the NCB/ESA committee list following their name). They were also asked to submit as many bonus questions as they wished (the hope was for 5-10 questions).

I asked anyone with field or travel schedule conflicts that absolutely precluded their participation in this most critical phase of our 2013 NCB Linnaean Games preparations to contact me as soon as possible so that I could look for other members to help in their area of expertise.

I requested to have questions submitted to me for a vetting process by not closer than two weeks prior to the start day of the meetings: I set that day as Monday, 3 June (questions, answers, and sources for all questions to me by that date). I would then vet them before pushing them along to Wyatt for his filter & final screening.

Several committee members did respond that they have conflicts and would not be able to participate, several did not return my messages, and a few requested that they be replaced at the end of the current committee charge.

The question set for the Rapid City meetings is now prepared, and we are trying to develop a question bank for the future.


1) One or two committee members had not recollected the indefinite term of service for this committee – they, as well as a few other members feel they are now dipping into the same old pot of questions and they would like to be replaced to get some new members & questions involved.

2) A concern was raised regarding participant eligibility. The national rules state that a player is eligible for up to a year post graduation. The rule was presumably instituted to make a student eligible to play at nationals if the team won or was runner-up at the Branch, and the student then graduated prior to the national meetings. However, the following scenario was unclear: (1) the student participates at the branch and possibly national meetings; (2) the student graduates; (3) within a year, the next branch meeting is held. As the rule stands, that [graduated] student would be an eligible team member for the branch meetings. Question: Should this student still be eligible for the next branch meeting, AND are all ESA branches operating under the same rule interpretation?

3) It was a complete mystery to me, as committee chair, and to the new student representative exactly what the role of the student member is on the committee. This year, the student member was not on a Linnaean team, but there could certainly be an inherent conflict of interest with student members commonly coming from departments entering a Linnaean team. It was also unclear to both the student member and me (this being my first year as committee chair) that the student serving on the Student Affairs Committee became, de facto, the student member of the Linnaean Games Committee.


(1) As President Fuller observed, it is quite challenging to get experts in some of the Linnaean Games question areas (that is why those willing to serve as experts were added to the committee – as indefinite, “long term” positions).  Conversely, no one should be expected to serve longer than they desire.  As committee chair, I have begun to canvas the current committee and I am developing a list of those members who are willing to remain, and those who wish to be replaced. I will try to have this list assembled for the 2013 meetings and present it to President Fuller and/or Vice-President Blodgett so we can seek replacements in the specialty areas needed. [NOTE: I am willing continue to serve as Chair; Dr. Hoback is willing to stay on as Gamesmaster.]

(2) After the Branch meetings next week, I will contact the ESA (national office) to seek feedback regarding the “recently graduated” student eligibility issue. My preference would be to follow the [understood?] current interpretation: exclusively to make a student eligible only to play at nationals if the team won or was runner-up at the Branch, and the student then graduated prior to the national meetings. However, it is imperative to make sure all ESA branches are interpreting the rule in the same manner.

(3) It is important to clarify the position of student member of the NCB Linnaean Games Committee: (a) do we need a student member of this committee (is that dictated by other Branch rules?); (b) if we need/wish to retain the student member, we need to clarify the role of the student in the process. Currently, the student essentially has no role and this does not promote a healthy relationship. I will try to meet with President Fuller and/or Vice-President Blodgett during the Rapid City meetings to discuss this as time & schedules allow. If we can not resolve the issue, I will engage them later this summer so we have a clear mandate for the student in the future.

Respectfully submitted,

(12 June 2013)


Dr. Daniel K. Young

Chair, NCB-ESA Linnaean Games Committee

Professor of Entomology and

Director, UW Insect Research Collection (WIRC)

445 Russell Laboratories

Department of Entomology

1630 Linden Drive

University of Wisconsin

Madison, WI 53706

ph. 608-262-2078

fax 608-262-3322


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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