Figure 6-1: Use Case Description Example


System Request

Project Name:

Project Sponsor:






Business Need:


Expected Value:



Special Issues or Constraints:

Feasibility Analysis

Technical Feasibility: Can We Build It?

• Familiarity with Application

• Familiarity with Technology

• Project Size

Economic Feasibility: Should We Build It?

• Development Costs

• Annual Operating Costs

• Annual Benefits (Cost Savings and Revenues)

• Intangible Costs and Benefits

Organizational Feasibility: If We Build It, Will They Come?

• Project Champion(s)

• Senior Management

• Users

• Other Stakeholders

Function Point Estimation Worksheet

| |Complexity | |

|Description |Low |Medium |High |Total |

|Inputs |___ x 3 |___ x 4 |___ x 6 |___ |

|Outputs |___ x 4 |___ x 5 |___ x 7 |___ |

|Queries |___ x 3 |___ x 4 |___ x 6 |___ |

|Files |___ x 7 |___ x 10 |___ x 15 |___ |

|Program Interfaces |___ x 5 |___ x 7 |___ x 10 |___ |

Total Unadjusted Function Points (TUFP): _______________

(0=no effect on processing complexity; 5=great effect on processing complexity)

| |0-5 |

|Data communications |___ |

|Heavily use configuration |___ |

|Transaction rate |___ |

|End-user efficiency |___ |

|Complex processing |___ |

|Installation ease |___ |

|Multiple sites |___ |

|Performance |___ |

|Distributed functions |___ |

|On-line data entry |___ |

|On-line update |___ |

|Reusability |___ |

|Operational ease |___ |

|Extensibility |___ |

Processing Complexity (PC): ______

Adjusted Processing Complexity (PCA) = 0.65 + (0.01 * ____________)

Total Adjusted Function Points (TAFP): ___________ * ____________ =


|Step |Deliverables |Estimated Hours |Actual Hours |Assigned to |

|Planning Phase | | | | |

|Analysis Phase | | | | |

| |Examine Current System |Behavioral Models | | | |

| | |Structural Models | | | |

| |Identify Improvements |Ideas for system | | | |

| |Develop Concept for New System |Behavioral Models | | | |

| | |Structural Models | | | |

|Design Phase | | | | |

| |Develop Factored Models |Factored Models | | | |

| |Design System Architecture |System Architecture | | | |

| |Design Infrastructure |Infrastructure Design | | | |

| |Design Interface |Windows Navigation Diagram | | | |

| | |Interface Standards | | | |

| | |Interface Design | | | |

| | |Use Scenarios | | | |

| | |Real Use Cases | | | |

| |Design Data Storage |Data Storage Design | | | |

| |Program Design |Restructured Models | | | |

| | |Class Design | | | |

| | |Contracts | | | |

| | |Method Design | | | |

|Implementation Phase | | | | |

| |Construction |Test Plan | | | |

| | |Documentation | | | |

| | |Completed System | | | |

| |Implementation |Implementation Plan | | | |

| | |Change Management Plan | | | |

| | |Training Plan | | | |

| | |Implemented System | | | |

Analysis Plan

|Step |Technique |Specific Activities |

| |Gather Information | |

| | | |

|Understand the As-Is System | | |

| |Develop Behavioral Model | |

| |Develop | |

| |Structural Model | |

| |Problem Analysis | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Identify Improvements | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Root Cause Analysis | |

| |Duration Analysis | |

| |Activity-based Costing | |

| |Informal Benchmarking | |

| |Formal Benchmarking | |

| |Outcome Analysis | |

| |Breaking Assumptions | |

| |Technology Analysis | |

| |Activity Elimination | |

| |Proxy Benchmarking | |

| |Process Simplification | |

| |Gather Information | |

|Develop a | | |

|To-Be System Concept | | |

| |Develop Behavioral Model | |

| |Develop | |

| |Structural Model | |

Interview Report

Interview Notes Approved By: _________________________

Person Interviewed:



Primary Purpose:

Summary of Interview:

Open Items:

Detailed Notes:

Use Case Description

|Use Case Name: |ID: |Importance Level: |

|Primary Actor: |Use Case Type: |

|Stakeholders and Interests: |

| |

|Brief Description: |

|Trigger: |

|Type: |

|Relationships: |

|Association: |

|Include: |

|Extend: |

|Generalization: |

|Normal Flow of Events: |

|SubFlows: |

|. |

|Alternate/Exceptional Flows: |

CRC Card


|Class Name: |ID: |Type: |

|Description: an individual that needs to receive or has received medical attention |Associated Use Cases: |

|Responsibilities |Collaborators |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |


|Attributes: |

|_____________________________ _____________________________ |

|_____________________________ _____________________________ |

|_____________________________ _____________________________ |

|_____________________________ _____________________________ |

|_____________________________ _____________________________ |

|_____________________________ _____________________________ |

|Relationships: |

|Generalization (a-kind-of): __________________________________________ |

|_______________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Aggregation (has-parts): _________________________________________________ |

|_______________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Other Associations: __________________________________________ |

|_______________________________________________________________________ |

Sample Contract Format

|Method Name: |Class Name: |ID: |

|Clients (Consumers): |

|Associated Use Cases: |

|Description of Responsibilities: |

|Arguments Received: |

|Type of Value Returned: |

|Pre-Conditions:: |

|Post-Conditions: |

Method Specification Form

|Method Name: |Class Name: |ID: |

|Contract ID: |Programmer: |Date Due: |

|Programming Language: |

|( Visual Basic ( Smalltalk ( C++ ( Java |

|Triggers/Events: |

| |

| |

|Arguments Received: | |

|Data Type: |Notes: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Messages Sent & Arguments Passed: | | |

|ClassName.MethodName: |Data Type: |Notes: |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Argument Returned: | |

|Data Type: |Notes: |

| | |

|Algorithm Specification: |

|Misc.Notes: |

Class Test Plan

|Class Test Plan Page ___ of ___ |

|Class Name: ________________ Version Number: _____ CRC Card ID: __________ |

|Tester: _________________ Date Designed : ________ Date Conducted : ________ |

|Class Objective: |

| |

|Associated Contract IDs: __________________________________________ |

| |

|Associated Use Case IDs: __________________________________________ |

| |

|Associated Superclass(es): _________________________________________ |

|Testing Objectives: |

|Walkthrough Test Requirements: |

|Invariant-Based Test Requirements: |

|State-Based Test Requirements: |

|Contract-Based Test Requirements: |

Class Invariant Test Specification

|Class Invariant Test Specification Page ___ of ___ |

|Class Name: ________________ Version Number: _____ CRC Card ID: __________ |

|Tester: _________________ Date Designed : ________ Date Conducted : ________ |

|Testing Objectives: |

|Test Cases |

|Invariant Original Event New Expected Result |

|Description Attribute Attribute Result P/F |

|Value Value |

|Attribute Name: |

|1) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |

|2) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |

|3) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |

|Attribute Name: |

|1) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |

|2) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |

|3) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |

|Attribute Name: |

|1) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |

|2) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |

|3) ____________ _________ _______ ________ ________ ____ |

| |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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