Resume of Dr. Sriparna SahaADDRESSDr. Sriparna Saha Associate ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology PatnaBihta 801103, Bihar, IndiaE-mail: Tel : +91-612-302 8028Mobile: +91-8809559190Home page: ~sriparna/ Date of birth: January 19, 1982.Brief biodata: Dr. Sriparna Saha received the M.Tech and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, India, in 2005 and 2011, respectively. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India. She is the author of a book published by Springer-Verlag. She has authored or coauthored more than 212 papers. Her current research interests include machine learning, multiobjective optimization and biomedical information extraction. Her h-index is 26 and total citation count of her papers is 3752 (according to Google scholar). She is also a senior member of IEEE. She is the recipient of Lt Rashi Roy Memorial Gold Medal from the Indian Statistical Institute for outstanding performance in MTech (computer science). She is the recipient of the Google India Women in Engineering Award, 2008, NASI YOUNG SCIENTIST PLATINUM JU- BILEE AWARD 2016, BIRD Award 2016, IEI Young Engineers’ Award 2016, SERB WOMEN INEXCELLENCE AWARD 2018 and SERB Early Career Research Award 2018. She is the recipi- ent of Humboldt Research Fellowship, Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM (WISTEMM) Women Overseas Fellowship program 2018 and CNRS felloship. She had also received India4EU fellowship of the European Union to work as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the University of Trento, Italy from September 2010-January 2011. She was also the recipient of Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia (EMMA) fellowship of the European Union to work as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Heidelberg University, Germany from September 2009-June 2010. She had visited University of Caen, France as a visiting scientist during the period October 2013, December 2013, May-July, 2014 and May-June, 2015; University of Mainz, Germany as a visiting scientist from April-September 2016, April-August 2017; University of Kyoto, Japan as a visiting professor from June-July 2018. She won the best paper awards in CLINICAL-NLP workshop of COLING 2016, IEEE-INDICON 2015, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2012).CURRENT STATUSServing as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar, India.Research domain: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Multi-modal Machine Learn-ing, Bio-Text Mining, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining, Soft Computing, Bioinformatics. h-index (according to Google Scholar): 26; total number of citations: 3752.ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS?Ph.D. thesis titled “Single and Multiobjective Approaches to Clustering with Point Symme- try” submitted to Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India on 26th August, 2009; viva voce examination held on January 21, 2011. Ph.D period: August, 2005–August, 2009.Supervisor: Prof. (Dr.) Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Director, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India (home page: ~sanghami/)?Master of Technology in Computer Science, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, 2005,Ranked First with 87.42% marks. Period: August, 2003–July, 2005.?Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, India, 2003, Ranked Third with 85.88% marks (1st class). Period: July, 1999-May, 2003.Passed Higher Secondary (10+2 level) Examination in 1999 with 89.0% marks.Passed Madhyamik (10 level) Examination in 1997 with 90.5% marks.WORK/RESEARCH EXPERIENCE?Serving as Associate Dean Research and Development of Indian Institute of Technology Patna since 10th April 2019.?Serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Patna, India since July 23rd, 2018.?Served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Patna, India from January 27th, 2011 to July 22nd, 2018.?Visiting Scientist of Department of Computer Science, University of California San Diego, USA for the period December 2018-February 2019.?Visiting Scientist of Department of Intelligent Science and Technology, Kyoto University, Japan for the period June-July, 2018.?Visiting Scientist of Institute of Informatik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz for the periods April 25-September 25, 2016; April 1- August 16, 2017.?Visiting Professor of Human Language Technology Team of University of Caen Basse-Normandie, F-14032, Caen Cedex, France during the months October 2013, December, 2013, May-July, 2014, May-June, 2015.?Postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Italy from September, 2010-January, 2011.?Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Image Processing and Modeling, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), University of Heidelberg, Germany from 1st September, 2009 to 30th June, 2010.?Senior Research Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, from August 2007 to 31st August, 2009.?Junior Research Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, from August 2005 to August 2007.RECOGNITIONSAwarded the prestigious “Young Faculty Research Fellowship” under Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT.SERB Women in Engineering Award 2018.Chosen as the Associate Editor of ACM Transaction on Asian Low Resource Language Information Processing ().Recipient of NASI-YOUNG SCIENTIST PLATINUM JUBILEE AWARDS for the year 2016 in the field of Electronics, Computer Science and Engineering.IEI Young Engineers’ Award 2015-2016, Computer Engineering Discipline.BIRD Award (Bioclues Innovation, Research and Development (BIRD) awards), 2016. Chosen as Research Advisors of Nan Yang Academy of Sciences, Singapore, 2018.Best paper award in long paper category at Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (CLIN- ICAL NLP) of COLING 2016 held at Osaka, Japan in December 2016 sponsored by Philips Re- search.Best paper award in IEEE INDICON 2015. Elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior member.Granted the Humboldt research fellowship in the year 2015.Best paper award in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2012).Recipient of “Google India Women in Engineering Award, 2008”.ISIAA Rashi Ray Memorial Medal from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, for being ad- judged the First Class First in M. Tech Examination in Computer Science in the year 2005.Received the offer from Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata to join as an “Assistant Professor (Regular)” in Machine Intelligence Unit in the year 2014.Selected as most inspiring Women Engineer/Scientist for the year 2014 by Engineering Watch Magazine.VENUS International Young Faculty Award 2016 for outstanding contributions in Pattern Recog- nition field.Offered the post of “Visiting Professor” at University of Caen Basse-Normandie, FRANCE for a period of six months (granted by French National Research Center (CNRS)). [Visited University of Caen, France three times: in October 2013, December 2013, May-July, 2014, May 2015]One of the papers in the journal “Data and Knowledge Engineering” titled “Combining multiple classifiers using vote based classifier ensemble technique for named entity recognition” received the tag of “most downloaded article”.Selected as Freelancer to conduct Machine Learning Training on behalf of Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (TCS) in the year 2014.Obtained GATE percentile of 99.26 in the year 2004. Stood first class third in the B.Tech course.Stood district first among girls and district second among all in Higher Secondary Examination in the year 1999.Stood district first among girls and district second among all in Madhyamik Examination in the year 1997.FELLOWSHIPSGranted DUO-India fellowship 2020 to visit University of Stuttgart, Germany.Granted Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM (WISTEMM) Women Overseas Fellowship program 2018.Granted Humboldt research fellowship in the year 2015 to work as a “visiting scientist” in the Institute of Informatik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, Germany.Granted Erasmus+ mobility grant to visit Dublin City University, Ireland in 2019.French National Research Center (CNRS) fellowship to work as a guest scientist in the University of Caen Basse-Normandie, FRANCE for a period of six months in 2013.Recipient of EMMA (Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia program) fellowship to carry out post-doctoral research in Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, Germany from September, 2009 to June, 2010.Recipient of Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Project India4EU to carry out post- doctoral research in University of Trento, Italy from September, 2010 to January, 2011.Recipient of IAPR travel grant to attend ICPR 2016 held at Cancun, Mexico in December 2016.Travel grant received to attend Indo-U.S. Symposium on Women in Engineering entitled “Women Engineers Leading Global Innovation”, held from 29th to 31st August, 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Whitefield, Bangalore.Recipient of IAPR travel grant and Google fellowship to attend ICPR 2008, held at Tampa, Florida during December 8-11, 2008.Adobe Fellowship to attend ICAPR-2007, held at ISI, Kolkata, in January, 2007ISI scholarship, received as Junior Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow of ISI (Indian Statistical Institute), Kolkata from 2005 to 2009.ISI scholarship received during the study of Master of Technology, 2003-2005.MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES?Member of Expert Committee (EC) under CURIE (Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence in Women Universities) Programme on Artificial Intelligence, CURIE Programme of Department of Science and Technology (DST).?Jury member of CoE-DSAI, NASSCOM to determine best-in-class AI applications impacting social sector.?Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Membership id: 92981362.?Life membership (no. L-177) to Indian Unit for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IUPRAI).?Core Committee Member of Bioclues Organization (An affiliate of International Society for Computational Biology and Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Network).?Member, The Association of Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE), Mem- bership id: 7000077.Member, Association for Computing Machinery, Membership id: 0058815.?Senior Member, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Senior Membership id: 80350477.Member, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Membership id:153510.SUBJECTS TAUGHTDatabase and Data Mining (Theory: M.Tech Maths and Computing Core Course)Database (Theory; BTech core course)Automata Theory (Theory; B.Tech core course)Databases (Theory and Lab; B.Tech core course)Machine Learning (Open elective for B.Tech and M.Tech students)Operating Systems (Theory and Lab; B.Tech core course)Introduction to Computing (Theory and Lab; B.Tech core course)Programming and Data Structures (Theory and Lab; B.Tech core course)Artificial Intelligence (M.Tech and B.Tech elective)Pattern Recognition (M.Tech and B.Tech elective)Digital Design (Theory; B.Tech core course)Advanced Machine Learning (Open Elective for B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D. students)ACADEMIC ACTIVITIESProjects:“IIT Patna Centre of Excellence in Cyber Crime Prevention against Women and Children-Al based Tools for Women and Children Safety by IIT Patna” by Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India (approx. 284 lakhs).“Multi-modal Summarization”, by LG Soft, Bangalore (approx. 16 lakhs).“Time Series Forecasting”, by LG Soft, Bangalore.“Autonomous Goal-Oriented and Knowledge-Driven Neural Conversational Agents”, by Accenture Solutions Pvt Ltd. (approx 21 lakhs).“Dynamic Natural Language Generation”, by Samsung, Bangalore (approx. 14.50 lakhs).“Sentiment, Emotion, Sarcasm and Hate Speech Detection” by CDOT, New Delhi (ap- prox. 33 lakhs).“Development of Adaptive Algorithms for Solving Many-Objective Optimization Prob- lems: Application in Machine Learning”, Early Career Research Award, Department of Science and Technology (approx. 15 lacs).“Development of CDAC Digital Forensic Centre with Artificial Intelligence based Knowl- edge Support Tools” (Rs. 92 lacs).SkyMap Global Private Limited, Singapore (Rs. 17.37 Lacs). PIs: Prof. Pushpak Bhat- tacharyya (lead), Dr. Asif Ekbal, Dr. Sriparna Saha.“LG-Soft Restaurant Recommendation Project”, Consultancy project by LG-Soft, Ban- galore (approx. 16 lakhs) (completed).Training-program on “Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning” at C-Dot Delhi. PIs: Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya (lead), Dr. Asif Ekbal, Dr. Sriparna Saha (completed).Consultancy project by LG-Soft (Rs. 7.5 Lacs). PIs: Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya (lead), Dr. Asif Ekbal, Dr. Sriparna Saha (completed).ATL IIT AI Lab, Sponsored by Accenture Pvt. Limited-(Rs. 65 Lacs). PIs: Prof. Push- pak Bhattacharyya (lead), Dr. Asif Ekbal, Dr. Sriparna Saha (completed).Center of Excellence for Natural Language Processing IITP (Elsevier, Rs. 213.00 Lacs) PIs: Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya (lead), Dr. Asif Ekbal, Dr. Sriparna Saha (com- pleted).ezDI Research Lab on Health Informatics at IITP (ezDI, Rs. 145.00 Lacs) PIs: Prof. Push- pak Bhattacharyya (lead), Dr. Asif Ekbal, Dr. Sriparna Saha (completed).Three GIAN approved courses (MHRD, Rs. 19.00 Lacs) PIs: Prof. Pushpak Bhat- tacharyya, Asif Ekbal, Sriparna Saha (completed).Received two PhD students under Visvesvaraya Scheme funded by DEITY.Member of Society “Incubation Centre IIT Patna”.Workshop proposal “Optimization Techniques for Human Language Technology” of Rs. 4.5 Lacs -Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) of round 6 (executed).Industrial consultancy: “Data Science Programs” on Machine Learning, Sponsoring Agency: TCS, Rs. 1.1 Lacs.“Development of Some Novel Methods for Semi-supervised Machine Learning and its Applications to Language Technology” DIT (Working Group in principle recommended the proposal for implementation; budget Rs. 30 Lacs).“Development of Automated Tools using Machine Learning and Soft Computing for Information Extraction from Biomedical Domains” – Center for Advanced System En- gineering, IIT Patna (budget: Rs. 5.9 Lacs).Workshop Organized:Organizer of the GIAN workshop titled “Unsupervised Data Mining: From Batch to Stream Mining Algorithms”, held at IIT Patna from April 1- April 5, 2019 (foreign expert: Prof. Stefan Kramer, full professor, head of department of the institute of com- puter of Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz, Germany, and honorary professor of The University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand).Organizer of the GIAN workshop titled “Big Social Data Analysis”, held at IIT Patna from 26th February-2nd March, 2018 (foreign expert: Dr. Erik Cambria, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore).Organizer of the GIAN workshop titled “Neural Machine Translation”, held at IIT Patna from December 5-9, 2017 (foreign expert: Prof. Andy Way, Dublin City University, Ireland).Organizer of the GIAN workshop titled “Introduction to Natural Language Processing”, held at IIT Patna from May 2-8, 2016 (foreign expert: Prof. Sadao Kurohashi, Kyoto University, Japan).Organizer of the GIAN workshop titled “Multiobjective Optimization”, held at IIT Patna from December 15-22, 2016 (foreign expert: Prof. Carlos A. Coello Coello, Mexico).Organizer of the workshop titled “Cognitive Science for Computational Linguists” held at IIT Patna from March 27-31, 2017 (foreign expert: Prof. Massimo Poesio, University of Essex, United Kingdom).Organizer of the workshop titled “1st International Workshop on Optimization Tech- niques for Human Language Technology” held on December 9, 2012 at IIT Bombay; it is a collocated event at the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2012) that is organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), at IIT Bombay (Mumbai, India), from 8-15 December anizer of the workshop titled “Indo-Australia Workshop on Optimization Techniques for Human Language Technology” held at IIT Patna on December 16, anizer of the Workshop titled “Workshop on Cryptography” held at IIT Patna from April 06-07, anizer of the “Workshop on High Performance Computing and Smart Buildings” held at IIT Patna on April 19, 2013.Invited TalkTalk on “Summarization techniques, dialogue systems” at NIT Patna in February, 2020.Guest lectures on “Multiobjective Clustering Techniques: Applications to Summariza- tion” at NIT Goa on 20-21 January, 2020.Talk on “Decision Trees, Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analy- sis” in Short Term Training Program on Machine Learning Algorithms with Python Implementation, held during 15-19 January 2020 at Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar.Talk on “Microblog Summarization” at Workshop on “Combating Fraud Activities using Data Science” held at IIIT Delhi on January 11, 2020.Talk on “Applications of Machine Learning for Solving Health Problems” at Winter school on Health Technology Innovation held at IIT Patna on December 20, 2019.Talk on “Summarization and Dialogue Systems” at NIT Patna on January 8 and January 10, 2020.Talk on “Unsupervised Classification” at Faculty Development Programme on Innova- tions and Research trends in Artificial Intelligence held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Ra- jasthan, India on October 19, 2019.Talk on “Multiobjective Optization” at International Conference on Modeling, Machine Learning and Astronomy held at PES College, Bangalore from November 21-November 23, 2019.Talk on “Unsupervised Techniques for Search Result Clustering and Summarization” at Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Its Applications (15 November 2019) at IIT-Roorkee.Talk on “Unsupervised Techniques for Search Result Clustering and Summarization” at International Conference on Computational Mathematics and its Applications (CMA 2019) held at IIT Indore from November 12-14, 2019.Talk on “AI Activities at IIT Patna” held at IIM Bodhgaya on November 24, 2019.Talk on “Unsupervised Classification” in Five Days Workshop on “Machine Learning and Data Science (MLDS-2019)” at Vinoda Bhave University, Hazaribag on August 22, 2019.Talk on “Unsupervised Classification Techniques” at Guwahati University, Assam, India on 16th August, 2019.Talk on “Unsupervised Techniques for Search Result Clustering and Summarization” at Dublin City University, Ireland on 25th July, 2019.Talk on “Multiobjective Based Approaches for Solving Clustering Problem: Application to Information Retrieval, Bioinformatics”, at 5-Days Workshop on Machine Machine Learning and IoT [MLI 2019] during 17-21 June, 2019 at NIT Durgapur, India .Talk on “Multiobjective Based Approaches for Solving Clustering Problem: Applica- tion to Information Retrieval, Bioinformatics”, at Jadavpur University as a part of the workshop “Machine Learning and Applications” on March 29, 2019.Talk on “Image Segmentation” at Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior on March 16, 2019.Talk on “Unsupervised Classification” at “Artificial Intelligence workshop” on 30th Oc- tober, 2018 at NCE, Chandi.Tutorial on “Machine Learning” at NPOL, Kochin, 25-26 October, 2018.Talk on “Summarization Techniques” at NIT Mizoram on October 9, 2018.Talk on “Machine Learning” in short-term course entitled “Component and Applications of IOT (CAIOT)” on 27th September 2018.Keynote Speech on “Multiobjective Optimization in Clustering and Classification” at ICACCI 2018, Bangalore on September 21, 2018.Talk on “Machine Learning” at Patna Women College on August 18, 2018.Talk on “Multiobjective clustering” at Thapar University, Patiala on August 13, 2018.Talk on “Multi-view Clustering Techniques” at Kyoto University, Japan on July 4, 2018.Resource person of FDP on “Machine Learning and Applications” at ABV-IIITM Gwalior March 26-30, 2018.Delivered talk on “Big Data and Analytics” at Bihar Industries Association, Patna on February 15, 2018.Delivered talk on “Application of Multi-objective Optimization in Bioinformatics” at Max Health Care, New Delhi on January 19, 2018.Delivered key-note speech in the “Symposium on Clustering and Text-mining” held at UPES Dehradun on December 21, 2017.Talk on “eHealth” at Department of Statistics, Patna University on 30th October, 2017.Talk on “Clustering Algorithms” at Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Bihta, Patna on 19th September, 2017.Talk on “Multiobjective Multi-view Clustering” at Department of Informatics, University of Mainz, Germany on June 28, 2017.Invited talk “Multiobjective Based Approaches for Solving Clustering Problem: Appli- cation to Search Result Clustering” at University of Darmstadt, Germany on June 15, 2016.Talk on “Multiobjective Semi-supervised Clustering” at Department of Informatics, Uni- versity of Mainz, Germany on May 10, 2016.Invited speaker for AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Image and Data Security” held at Government College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Berhampore, West Bengal on February 20, 2017.Invited speaker of short-term course on “Data Structures and Algorithms” at NIT Patna, December 19-20, 2015 (2 days).Invited speaker of IEI National Convention of Computer Engineers, held at Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamilnadu, February 18, 2016.Tutorial speaker on “Natural Language Processing” at International Conference at Uni- versity of Allahabad (IAC3T-2016), March 25, 2016.Invited speaker of 1st International Conference on Recent and Emerging Trends in Com- puter Science and Computational Sciences (RETCOMP) held during January 11-13, 2013, PES College of Engineering, Bangalore.Visits AbroadVisited Dublin City University, Dublin in July 2019.Visited University of California San Diego for the period December 2018-February, 2019.Visited University of Kyoto, Japan for the period June-July, 2018.Visited Institute of Informatik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz during the period April-August, 2017; April 25-September 25, 2016.Visited Human Language Technology Team of University of Caen Basse-Normandie, F-14032 Caen Cedex FRANCE during the months October 2013, December, 2013, May- July, 2014, May-June, 2015.Visited University of Trento, Italy during the month December, 2013.Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Image Processing and Modeling, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), University of Heidelberg, Germany from 1st September, 2009 to 30th June, 2010.Postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, University of Trento, Italy from September, 2010-January, 2011.Students’ GuidancePhD: Ongoing-9 (among which for 3 students I am the main and single supervisor, for 6 students I am one of the joint-supervisors; one student has registered in part-time mode at IIT Patna ); graduated: 5.Table 1: PhD Students under My GuidanceStudent NameDomain of ResearchYear of EnrollmentCo-supervisorModeDr. Abhay AlokSemi-supervised Clusteringin Multiobjective Optimization FrameworkGraduatedin September, 2016Dr. Asif Ekbal(joint-supervisor)Full-timeDr. Utpal SikdarEvolutionary Approachfor Entity Extraction and Anaphora ResolutionGraduatedin December, 2016Dr. Asif Ekbal(joint supervisor)Full-timeDr. Sumit MishraDevelopment and Analysis of Entity MatchingTechniques using Evolutionary AlgorithmsGraduatedin July 2017Dr. Samrat Mondal(joint supervisor)Full-timeDr. Sudipta AcharyaMulti-objective clustering frameworks for solvingreal-life problems of diverse domainsGraduatedin November 2018NilFull-time(TCS research fellow)Dr. ShwetaInformation Extractionfrom Biomedical DomainsGraduatedDr. Asif Ekbal(joint supervisor)Full-timeSayantan MaitraMulti-view Clusteringgraduated on 2.4.20NilFull-timePratik DuttaProtein-protein interaction2016 (January)NilFull-timeVisveswariya-fellowNaveen SainiSOM based clusteringthesis submittedProf. PushpakBhattacharyya (joint supervisor)Full-timeTulika SahaDialogue Act Classification2016 (July)Prof. PushpakBhattacharyya (joint supervisor)Full-timeDipanjyoti PaulOnline Clustering Techniques2017 (July)Dr. Jimson Mathew(joint supervisor)Full TimeSantosh MishraImage captioning2018 (January)Prof. PushpakBhattacharyya (joint supervisor)Full-timeChanchal SumanAuthorship Identification2018 (July)Prof. PushpakBhattacharyya (joint supervisor)Full-timeKanchan JhaMultiobjective Optimization2018 (July)NilFull-timeMrinalini TiwariTransfer learning2019 (January)Dr. Jimson MathewFull-timeNikhil AryaBioinformatics2019 (July)Full-timeApoorvaFederated Learning2019 (July)Full-timeAbhisek TiwariDialogue Management2019 (July)Prof. Pushpak BhattacharyyaFull timeAbhijit KaranBi-clustering of gene expression data2016 (January)NilPart-timeVisveswariya-fellowRanjita DasDevelopment of SomeClustering Techniquesusing Swarm and Evolutionary Computationsgraduatedfrom NIT Mizoram in October 2018Dr. Partha Pakray(co-supervisor)Part-timeB.Tech Projects: Completed (35) [A student got the “Proficiency in Project Work Prize” in the year 2013], On-going (5).M.Tech Projects: Completed (14), On-going (2) [A student got the “Proficiency in Project Work Prize” in the year 2015].Other Academic ActivitiesPhD Thesis Examiner of IIT Kharagpur, IIT Guwahati, NIT Patna, IIT Bombay, Anna University, JNTU Hyderabad.PhD Thesis Examiner of West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT), West Bengal, India.B.Tech Project Examiner of Department of Computer Science, NIT Patna in the year 2015.MCA Project Examiner of Department of Statistics, University of Patna.Question Paper Setter for Vivekenandha College of Engineering for Women, Tiruchen- gode.Reviewer of Project Proposals submitted under the scheme of “Extra Mural Research Funding (Individual Centric)” of Department of Science and Technology.Session chair for the conference, second International Conference on Advances in Com- puting, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2013), organised by Sri Jayachama- rajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), Mysore, India during August 22-25, 2013.Session chair for International Conference at University of Allahabad (IAC3T-2016), March 26, 2016Visiting Faculty of National Institute of Technology Mizoram, India.Serve as a technical assistant for “Sankhya”, the Indian Journal of Statistics from 2005 to August, 2009.A member of “National Advisory Committee” in International Joint Journal Conference in Engineering, IJJCE 2009, (Kerala, India), scheduled for March, 2009.A member of “National Advisory Committee” in International Conference on Advances in Computing, Control & Telecommunication Technologies, ACT 2009, scheduled for 28-29 December, 2009.Conferences/ Workshops/ Schools AttendedAttended ICONIP 2019, Sydney, Australia during December 12-15, 2019.Attended IEEE CEC 2019, Wellington, New Zealand during June 10-13, 2019.Attended Research/Technical Workshop at State Forensic Laboratory, Tripura during April 11-12, 2019.Attended NITI-IIT Workshop on NLP Stack, held at IIT Delhi on March 30, 2019.Attended and presented papers in GECCO 2018, held at Kyoto, Japan during July 15-19, 2018.Attended and presented papers in ICPR 2016, held at Cancun, Mexico during December 4-8, 2016.Attended Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA 2016), held at IIT Patna during January 23-25, 2015.Attended ICON 2015, Twelfth International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2015) held at IIITM-Kerala, Trivandrum during December 11-14, 2015.Attended and presented paper in COLING 2012, the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), at IIT Bombay (Mumbai, India), from 8-15 December 2012.Attended and presented paper in 12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS- 2012), Pune, India, December 4-7, 2012.Attended and presented work at Indo-U.S. Symposium on Women in Engineering enti- tled Women Engineers Leading Global Innovation. The Symposium was supported by IUSSTF and was held from 29th to 31st August, 2012 at Vivanta by Taj, Whitefield, Bangalore.Attended and presented paper in first International Conference on Advances in Com- puting, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2012) held in Chennai, India during August 3-5, 2012.Attended and presented paper in SEMCCO 2011: Swarm Evolutionary and Memetic Computing Conference, Dec 19, 2011-Dec 21, 2011, Visakhapatnam, India.Attended and presented paper in the seventh international conference on Language Re- sources and Evaluation (LREC) 2010, 19-21 May 2010, Malta.Attended and presented paper in Seventh International Conference on Advances in Pat- tern Recognition, ICAPR 2009, 4-6 February, 2009, Kolkata, India.Attended and presented papers in ICPR 2008, 8-11 December, 2008, Tampa, Florida.Attended and presented papers in IEEE TENCON 2008, 18-21 November, 2008, Hyder- abad, India.Attended Second International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelli- gence (PReMI’07), 18-22 December, 2007, Machine Intelligence Unit, Kolkata.Attended and presented paper in the IEEE WIE National Symposium on Emerging Technologies (WieNSET 2007), 29-30 June, 2007, West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata.Attended and presented paper in the Platinum Jubilee International Conference on Com- puting: Theory and Applications, ISI, India from March 5-7, 2007.Attended and presented paper in the Sixth International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR-07), ISI, India from January 2-4, 2007 (recipient of the Adobe Fellowship to attend ICAPR-07).Attended and presented papers in 9th International Conference on Information Technol- ogy, Bhubaneswar, India from December 18-21, 2006.Attended “National Workshop on Support Vector Machines (NWSVM)” conducted by Center for Soft Computing Research (CSCR), ISI from November 9-11, 2006.Attended a winter school named Winter School on Soft Computing Tools, Simulations and Application conducted by Center for Soft Computing Research (CSCR), ISI from 10th -14th January, 2006.Attended PreMI’05, First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Inteligence, 2005 organized by Machine Intelligence Unit, ISI, Kolkata from December 18-22, 2005.Attended and presented paper in EAIT’06, First International Conference on Emerging Technologies of IT, 2006 organized by Computer Society of India, Kolkata held at Science City, Kolkata from 10th -11th February, 2006Administrative ActivitiesAssociate Dean Research and Development, IIT Patna since April 2019.Chairperson, Women Grievance Cell, IIT Patna from December 2018–July 2019.Branch Counselor, IEEE student branch, Indian Institute of Technology Patna since August 2017.Department Academic Program Committee Secretary since August 2017–April 2019.Visvesvaraya Nodal Officer of IIT Patna since March, 2016–April 2019.Guest house in-charge of IIT Patna from January 2013-May 2017.Senate Member of Indian Institute of Technology Patna from 2012-2015.Associate Hostel warden of IIT Patna Girls’ Hostel from January, 2012-December, 2012.Center Supervisor of Indian Statistical Institute Selection Test at IIT Patna for the year 2013.Member of the Convocation Committee of IIT Patna, 2012, 2013.Member of committee to frame policy and prepare future plans regarding External peer reviews of IIT Patna.Faculty advisor of different B.Tech and M.Tech batches.Member of the committee for preparing the M.Tech Computer Science course curriculum at IIT Patna.Member of different Institute and Departmental committees for the overall development of the Institute.Presented the activities of department of computer science in front of peer-review com- mittee in the year 2014.Reviewers of papers of several International journals/ conferences includingProgram Committee members of ECAI 2020, IJCAI 2019, IEEE CEC 2019, GECCO 2019, GECCO 2018.Applied Soft ComputingNeurocomputing.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B.Knowledge-Based Systems.IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration.IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C.Pattern RecognitionIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringInformation SciencesIEEE Transaction on Evolutionary ComputationInternational Journal of Imaging Systems and TechnologyMemetic ComputingEngineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceApplied IntelligenceIEEE CEC 2017 to be held at Spain in June, 2017.IEEE WCCI 2016 held at Canada in July, 2016.ICON 2016 held at IIT-Banaras in December 2016.6th International Conference on Information Technology, CIT 2006, held at Bhubaneswar, December, 20067th International Conference on Information Technology, CIT 2007, held at Rourkela, 17-20 December, 2007Second International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI’07) held at Kolkata, 18-22 December, 20074th International Symposium on Visual Computing held at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA during December 1-3, 2008.IEEE Colloquium and the third IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Infor- mation Systems (ICIIS 2008) held at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India during 08–10 December, 2008.22nd International Conference on VLSI Design (8th International Conference on Em- bedded Systems), held at New Delhi, India during January 5-9, 2009.2009 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2009) to be held on September 16-19, 2009 in Ulsan, Korea.International Workshop on Natural Language Processing (NLP’12) August 3-5, 2012, Chennai, IndiaFirst International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISI’12), August 4-5, 2012, Chennai, India.2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Infor- matics (ICACCI’13), August 22-25, 2013, Mysore, India.International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Modelling, Techniques and Ap- plications (CIMTA- 2013) during 27-28 September 2013, Kalyani University, India.2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics [ICACNI-2014], 24-26 June 2014, organized by St. Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology, Kolkata, India.5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Decem- ber 10-14, 2013, organized by Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India.Fourth National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Process- ing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), held at Jodhpur, Rajasthan, organized by the Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur (IIT-J), from 18-21 December, 2013.Workshop on Techniques on Basic Tool Creation and Its Applications (TBTCIA 2013), organized in parallel with 10th International conference on Natural Language Process- ing (ICON-2013), held from Dec 18-20, 2013 at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Noida, India.Design and Development of Computer SoftwaresSeveral research softwares have been developed in the following domains:Archived Multiobjective Simulated Annealing (AMOSA) developed during my M.Tech dissertation at ISI, code available for download at~ sriparna r/software.html#RP (downloaded by atleast 800 researchers all over the world).Genetic point symmetry based clustering softwares developed during my Ph.D. work at ISI.VGAPS: a variable string length genetic point symmetry based clustering technique for automatic evolution of clusters, developed during my Ph.D. work at ISI.Some Single and Multiobjective Based Classifier Ensemble Techniques developed at IIT Patna ( a-engineering/people/faculty/dr-sriparna-saha.html).CITATION COUNTAccording to Google Scholar total citation count is 3751 (according to Google scholar; h-index: 26). Top 5 cited papers and their citations (according to Google scholar) are as follows:“A simulated annealing-based multiobjective optimization algorithm: AMOSA”: Total cita- tions 759.“GAPS: A clustering method using a new point symmetry-based distance measure”: Total citations 192.“A point symmetry-based clustering technique for automatic evolution of clusters”: Total citations 161.“A symmetry based multiobjective clustering technique for automatic evolution of clusters”: Total citations 156.“Unsupervised classification: similarity measures, classical and metaheuristic approaches, and applications”: Total citation 126.COLLABORATING SCIENTISTSOverseas:Prof. Massimo Poesio, University of Trento, Italy and University of Essex, UK.Prof. Gael Dias, University of Caen Basse-Normandie, France.Prof. Stefan Kramer, Institute of Informatik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, Germany.Dr. Olga Uryupina, University of Trento, Italy.PD Dr. Christoph S. Garbe, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), University of Heidelberg, Germany.Dr. Diego Molla Aliod, Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia.Dr. Mark Dras, Department of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia.Dr. Chris Biemann, Technische Universitt Darmstadt Department of Computer Science, Germany.In India:Prof. Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Director, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Director, Indian Institute of Technology Patna.Prof. Ujjwal Maulik, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.Dr. Asif Ekbal, Indian Institute of Technology Patna.Dr. Samrat Mondal, Indian Institute of Technology Patna.Prof. Susmita Sur-Kolay, Indian Statistical Institute, PLETE LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF DR. SRIPARNA SAHA AFTER JOINING IIT PATNA(Reported impact factors are taken from journal web-sites and reported h5-indices are taken from Google Scholar).According to Google Scholar, total citations of my papers: 3753, my h-index: 26.BOOK1. S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Saha (2013), “Unsupervised Classification - Similarity Measures, Clas- sical and Metaheuristic Approaches, and Applications”. Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-32450-5, Pages. I-XVIII, 1–262 (total citations: 67).List of Journal PublicationsJournal Papers (Accepted)D. Paul, S. Saha, J. Mathew (2020), “Improved Subspace Clustering Algorithm using Multi- objective Framework and Subspace Optimization”, Expert Systems with Applications (impact factor: 4.292)( accepted).R. Sengupta, M. Pal, S. Saha, S. Bandyopadhyay (2020), “Uniform Distribution driven Adap- tive Differential Evolution”, Applied Intelligence (impact factor: 2.882) (accepted).S. Mitra, S. Saha, M. Hasanuzzaman (2020), “A Multi-view Deep Neural Network Model for Chemical-Disease Relation Extraction from Imbalanced Datasets”, IEEE Journal of Biomed- ical and Health Informatics (impact factor: 4.217) (accepted).R. K. Sanodiya, J. Mathew, S. Saha, M. Tiwari, P. Tripathi (2020), “Particle Swarm Op- timization based Parameter Selection Technique for Unsupervised Discriminant Analysis in Transfer Learning Framework”, Applied Intelligence (impact factor: 2.882) (accepted).C. Suman, R. Chaudhari, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2020), “Emoji helps! A Multi-modal Siamese Architecture for Tweet-user Verification”, Cognitive Computation (impact factor: 4.287) DOI: . A. Qureshi, G. Dias, M. Hasanuzzaman, and S. Saha (2020), “Improving Depression Level Estimation by Concurrently Learning Emotion Intensity”, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (Impact Factor: 5.857) (accepted).N. Arya and S. Saha (2019), “Multi-modal classification for human breast cancer prognosis prediction: Proposal of deep-learning based stacked ensemble model”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (impact factor: 2.428) (accepted).P. Dutta, S. Saha, S. Pai, A. Kumar (2020), “A Protein Interaction Information-based Gen- erative Model for Enhancing Gene Clustering”, Scientific Reports, a journal of the Nature Research family, 10 (1), 665 (impact factor: 4.5), doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-57437-5..T. Saha, D. Gupta, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2019), “Emotion aided Dialogue Act Classi- fication for Task-Independent Conversations in a Multi-Modal Framework”, Cognitive Com- putation (impact factor: 4.287), doi: . Yadav, P. Ramteke, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2020), “Exploring Disorder- aware Attention for Clinical Event Extraction”, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (impact factor: 2.25), Vol. 16, No. 1s, Article 31, DOI: . Saini, S. Saha, V. Potnuru, R. Grover, P. Bhattacharyya (2019), “Figure-Summarization: A Multiobjective optimization based approach”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, PP(99):1-1 (im- pact factor: 4.464).S. Mishra, S. Saha, S. Mondalc, Carlos A. Coello Coello (2019). “Divide-and-Conquer Based Non-dominated Sorting with Reduced Comparisons”. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Volume 51, December 2019, 100580 (impact factor: 6.330).N. Saini, S. Saha, D. Chakraborty, P. Bhattacharyya (2019). “Extractive single document summarization using binary differential evolution: Optimization of difference sentence qualitymeasures”. Plos One(h5 index: 180, impact factor: 2.766), 14(11): e0223477. . Saini, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2019). “Multi-objective Based Approach for Microblog Summarization”. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Vol. 6, No. 6, De- cember 2019.S. Maitra, M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Saha (2020). “Unified Multi-view Clustering Algorithm using Multi-objective Optimization Coupled with Generative Model”. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (impact factor: 1.489), Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 2:1-2:31.N. Saini, S. Saha, C. Soni, P. Bhattacharyya (2019). “Automatic Evolution of Bi-clusters from Microarray Data using Self-Organized Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm”. Applied Intelligence (impact factor: 2.882), Vol. 50, pp. 10271044.N. Saini, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya H. Tuteja (2020). “Textual Entailment based Figure Summarization for Biomedical Articles”, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Com- munications and Applications (impact factor: 2.25), Vol. 16, No. 1s, Article 35, DOI: . Qureshi, S. Saha, Md. Hasanuzzaman, Gal Dias (2019), “Multitask Representation Learn- ing for Multimodal Estimation of Depression Level”, IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 45-52, 1 Sept.-Oct. 2019 (impact factor: 2.596).D. Paul, S. Saha, J. Mathew (2019): “Fusion of Evolvable Genome Structure and Multiob- jective Optimization for Subspace Clustering”, Pattern Recognition (impact factor: 3.962), Volume 95, November 2019, Pages 58-71.P. Dutta, S. Saha, S. Chopra, and V. Miglani (2019): “Ensembling of Gene Clusters utilizing Deep Learning and Protein-protein Interaction Information”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (accepted) (impact factor: 2.428).S. Maitra and S. Saha (2019): “A Multiobjective Multi-view Cluster Ensemble Technique: Application in Patient Subclassification”, Plos One, 14(5): e0216904 (h5 index: 180, impact factor: 2.766).R. Salgotra, U. Singh, S. Saha (2019): “On some improved version of whale optimization algorithm”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (accepted) (impact factor: 1.092).R. K. Sanodiya, S. Saha, and J. Mathew (2019) : “Semi-supervised Orthogonal Discriminant Analysis with Relative Distance : Integration with a MOO Approach”, Soft Computing, 24, pp. 15991618 (impact factor:2.367).R. K. Sanodiya, J. Mathew, S. Saha, and M. D. Thalakottur (2019) : “A New Transfer Learning Algorithm in Semi-supervised Setting”, IEEE Access (impact factor:3.557), vol. 7, pp. 42956-42967.P. Dutta, S. Saha, and S. Gulati (2019): “Graph-based Hub Gene Selection Technique using Protein Interaction Information: Application to Sample Classification”, IEEE Journal on Biomedical and Health Informatics (impact factor: 3.850), 23(6):2670-2676.R. K. Sanodiya, S. Saha, J. Mathew (2019): “A Kernel Semi-supervised Distance Metric Learning with Relative Distance: Integration with a MOO Approach”, Expert Systems With Applications , Volume 125, 1 July 2019, Pages 233-248 (impact factor : 3.768).R. Sengupta, M. Pal, S. Saha, S. Bandyopadhyay (2019): “NAEMO: Neighborhood-sensitive Archived Evolutionary Many-objective Optimization Algorithm”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Volume 46, May 2019, Pages 201-218 (impact factor: 3.893).S. Yadav, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, A. Kumar, P. Bhattacharyya (2019): “Feature Assisted bi- directional LSTM Model for Protein-Protein Interaction Identification from Biomedical Texts”, Knowledge Based Systems, Volume 166, Pages 18-29, (impact factor: 4.396), Elsevier.N. Saini, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2018), “Automatic Scientific Document Clustering using Self-Organized Multi-objective Differential Evolution Technique” , Cognitive Computation, Springer, 2018 (accepted) (Impact factor: 3.44).N. Saini, S. Saha, A. Harsh, P. Bhattacharyya (2018): “Sophisticated SOM based Genetic Operators in Multi-objective Clustering Framework”, Applied Intelligence, Springer, 2018 (accepted) (impact factor: 1.983).S. Acharya, S. Saha, P. Pradhan (2018): “Multi-factored gene-gene proximity measures ex- ploiting biological knowledge extracted from Gene Ontology : application in gene clustering”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (accepted) (DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2018.2849362)(impact factor: 1.955).S. Yadav, A. Ekbal, S. Saha (2018): “Information Theoretic-PSO based Feature Selection: An Application in Biomedical Entity Extraction”, Knowledge and Information Systems (ac- cepted) (impact factor: 2.004).S. Acharya, S. Saha, P. Sahoo (2018): “Bi-clustering of Microarray Data using a Symmetry based Multi-objective Optimization Framework”, Soft Computing (accepted) (impact factor: 2.472).S. Saha, M. Kaur (2018): “Identification of Topology Preserving, Class-Relevant Feature Sub- sets using Multiobjective Optimization”, Soft Computing (accepted)(impact factor: 2.472).Journal Papers (Published) (Arranged in reverse chronological order)N. Saini, S. Saha, A. Jangra, P. Bhattacharyya (2018): “ Extractive Single Document Summa- rization using Multi-objective Optimization: Exploring Self-organized Differential Evolution, Grey Wolf Optimizer and Water Cycle Algorithm”, Knowledge Based Systems, Elsevier, Vol- ume 164, January 2019, Pages 45-67 (impact factor: 4.396).(*)S. Saha, S. Mitra, S. Kramer (2018), “Exploring Multiobjective Optimization for Multi- view Clustering”, ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, Volume 12 Issue 4, July 2018, Article No. 44, (impact factor 1.98).(*) S. Saha, S. Acharya, Kavya K, Saisree (2018), “Simultaneous Clustering and Feature Weighting using Multiobjective Optimization for Identifying Functionally Similar miRNAs”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Volume: 22, Issue 5, Sept. 2018, Pages 1684 - 1690 (impact factor: 3.451).S. Saha, R. Das and P. Pakray (2018): “Aggregation of multi-objective fuzzy symmetry-based clustering techniques for improving gene and cancer classification”, Soft Computing, Springer, September 2018, Volume 22, Issue 18, Pages 5935–5954, DOI: 017-2865-3 (impact factor: 2.472, h5-index: 36).S. Yadav, A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2018): “Feature Selection for Entity Extraction from Multiple Biomedical Corpora: A PSO based Approach”, Soft Computing, October 2018, Volume 22, Issue 20, Pages 6881-6904, DOI: (impact factor: 2.472, h5-index: 36).S. Saha (2018): “A Line Symmetry Based Genetic Clustering Technique: Encoding Lines in Chromosomes”, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, December 2018, Volume 9, Issue 12, Pages 1963-1986 (impact factor: 1.110, h5-index: 20), DOI: 10.1007/s13042-017-0680-x.S. Saha and R. Das (2018): “Exploring Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Opti- mization to Develop Some Symmetry Based Automatic Clustering Techniques : Application to Gene Clustering”, Neural Computing and Applications, August 2018, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 735-757 (impact factor: 1.492, h5-index: 35), doi:10.1007/s00521-016-2710-0, Pages 1-23.R. Sengupta, S. Saha (2018): “Reference Point based Archived Many Objective Simulated Annealing”, Information Sciences, Volume 467, October 2018, Pages 725–749 (impact factor: 4.832).S. Mishra, S. Mondal, S. Saha and Carlos A. Coello Coello (2018): “GBOS: Generalized Best Order Sort Algorithm for Non-dominated Sorting”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Volume 43, December 2018, Pages 244–264 (impact factor: 3.893).S. Acharya, S. Saha(2018): “Novel symmetry-based gene-gene dissimilarity measures utilizing Gene Ontology: Application in gene clustering”, Gene, Volume 679, December 2018, Pages 341–351 (impact factor: 2.498).S. Mishra, S. Saha, S. Mondal, and Carlos A. Coello Coello (2019): “A Divide-and-Conquer based Efficient Non-dominated Sorting Approach”, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Volume 44, February 2019, Pages 748–773 (impact factor: 3.893).S. Mishra, S. Mondal, S. Saha (2018): “Towards Obtaining Upper Bound on Sensitivity Computation Process for Cluster Validity Measures”, Fundamenta Informaticae, vol. 163, no. 4, pp. 351–374, 2018 (impact factor: 0.725).S. Mitra, S. Saha, S. Acharya (2018):“Fusion of Stability and Multi-objective Optimization for Solving Cancer Tissue Classification Problem”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 113, December 2018, Pages 377–396 (impact factor: 3.928).R. Salgotra, U. Singh, S. Saha (2018), “New Cuckoo Search Algorithms with Enhanced Ex- ploration and Exploitation Properties”, Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier, Volume 95, 1 April 2018, Pages 384–420 (impact factor: 3.928, h5-index: 92).(*)S. Saha (2018): “Enhancing point symmetry-based distance for data clustering”, Soft Com- puting, Volume 22, Number 2 (January 2018), Pages 409–436. DOI: 016-2477-3 (impact factor: 1.630, h5-index: 36), doi:10.1007/s00500-016-2477-3.S. Saha, S. Mitra and R. K. Yadav (2017): “A Stack Based Ensemble Framework for Detect- ing Cancer-microRNA Biomarkers”, Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics, Volume 15, Number 6, Pages 381–388 (impact factor: 0.661, h5-index: 20).S. Mishra, S. Mondal and S. Saha (2017): “Improved Solution to the Non-Domination Level Update Problem”, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 60, Pages 336-362 (impact factor: 3.541, h5-index: 72).M. Pal, S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2018): “DECOR: Differential Evolution using Clus- tering based Objective Reduction for Many-Objective Optimization”, Information Sciences, Elsevier (impact factor= 4.832), h5-index: 82 , Volume 423, Pages 200–218.P. Dutta and S. Saha (2017): “Fusion of expression values and protein interaction information using multi-objective optimization for improving gene clustering”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier (impact factor=1.836), Volume 89, Pages 31–43.(*)S. Acharya and S. Saha (2016): “Importance of Proximity Measures in Clustering of Cancer and miRNA Datasets: Proposal of an Automated Framework”, Molecular BioSystems, Vol- ume 12, No. 11, Pages 3478-3501 (It is mentioned in the paper that authors equally contributed for the paper) (impact factor: 2.829, h5-index: 43, journal by Royal Society of Chemistry).S. Mishra, S. Saha and S. Mondal (2016): “GAEMTBD: Genetic Algorithm based Entity Matching Techniques for Bibliographic Databases”, Applied Intelligence, (impact factor: 1.904, h5-index: 28), doi:10.1007/s10489-016-0874-z, July 2017, Volume 47, Issue 1, Pages 197-230.U. Sikdar, A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2016): “A Generalized Framework for Anaphora Resolution in Indian Languages”, Knowledge-Based Systems, (impact factor 3.325, h5-index: 63), Volume 109, 1 October 2016, Pages 147–159.S. Mishra, S. Mondal, and S. Saha (2016): “Sensitivity- An Important Facet of Cluster Vali- dation Process for Entity Matching Technique”, LNCS Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems (TLDKS) Journal, XXIX Volume of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Pages 1–39.S. Mishra, S. Saha and S. Mondal (2016):“A Multiobjective Optimization based Entity Match- ing Technique for Bibliographic Databases”, Expert Systems With Applications, (impact factor 2.981; ranked #1 among Artificial Intelligence journals by Google Scholar, h5-index: 96), Volume 65, 15 December 2016, Pages 100–115.S. Saha, S. Mitra and R. K. Yadav (2016): “A Multiobjective Based Automatic Framework for Classifying Cancer-microRNA Biomarkers”, Gene Reports (expanded version of Gene), Volume 109, 1 October 2016, Pages 147–159 (impact factor: 2.319, h5-index: 49)[Total citations: 1].S. Saha, A. Alok and A. Ekbal (2016): “Brain Image Segmentation using Semi-supervised Clustering”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 52, 15 June 2016, Pages 50–63 (im- pact factor: 2.981, ranked #1 among Artificial Intelligence journals by Google Scholar, h5-index: 96) [Total citations: 5].(*)S. Saha, A. Alok and A. Ekbal (2016): “Use of Semisupervised Clustering and Feature- Selection Techniques for Identification of Co-expressed Genes”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (Retitled from the IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (T-ITB)), Volume 20, July 2016, Number 4, Pages 1171–1177 (impact factor: 2.093, h5-index: 69, ranked as one of the top 3 (out of 69) Health Information Management Journals according to H-index) [Total citations: 1].A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2016): “Simultaneous Feature and Parameter Selection Using Mul- tiobjective Optimization: Application to Named Entity Recognition”, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Volume 7, 1 August 2016, Number 4, Pages 597–611 (impact factor: 1.699, h5-index: 24) [Total citations: 1].A. Ekbal, S. Saha and U. Sikdar (2016): “On Active Annotation for Named Entity Recog- nition from Indian Languages and Biomedical Domain”, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Volume 7, 1 August 2016, Number 4, Pages 623–640 (impact factor: 1.6990, h5-index: 24)[Total citations: 2].S. Saha, K. Kuldeep, A. Alok and S. Acharya (2016): “Multi-objective semi-supervised clus- tering of tissue samples for cancer diagnosis”, Soft Computing, Volume 20, 1 September 2016, Number 9, Pages 3381–3392 (impact factor: 1.630, h5-index: 36).S. Acharya, S. Saha and Y. Thadisina (2016): “Multiobjective Simulated Annealing based Clustering of Tissue Samples for Cancer Diagnosis”, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI) (Retitled from the IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (T-ITB)), Volume 20, March 2016, Issue 2, Pages 691–698 (impact factor: 2.093, h5-index: 69, ranked as one of the top 3 (out of 69) Health Information Management Journals according to H-index) [Total citations: 2].A. Alok, S. Saha and A. Ekbal (2016):“Multi-objective semi-supervised clustering for auto- matic pixel classification from remote sensing imagery”, Soft Computing, Vol 20, 1 December 2016, No. 12, Pages 4733–4751 (impact factor: 1.630, h5-index: 36) [Total citations: 3].A. Alok, S. Saha and A. Ekbal (2016): “A New Semi-supervised Clustering Technique using Multi-objective Optimization”, Applied Intelligence, Volume 43, 1 October 2016, Issue 3, Pages 633–661 (impact factor: 1.215, h5-index: 28) [Total citations: 5].S. Acharya, S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2016): “Use of Line Based Symmetry for Devel- oping Cluster Validity Indices”, Soft Computing, Volume 20, 1 September 2016, Number 9, Pages 3461–3474 (impact factor: 1.630, h5-index: 36.S. Saha, R. Spandana, A. Ekbal and S. Bandyopadhyay (2015): “Simultaneous Feature Selec- tion and Symmetry Based Clustering using Multiobjective Framework”, Applied Soft Com- puting, Volume 29, 30 April 2015, Pages 479–486, ISSN 1568-4946 (impact Factor: 2.857, h5-index: 72) [Total citations: 6].S. Saha, A. Ekbal and U. Sikdar (2015): “Named Entity Recognition and Classification in Biomedical Text Using Classifier Ensemble”, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioin- formatics, Vol. 11, 1 January 2015, No. 4, 2015 (impact factor: 0.681, h5-index: 11) [Total citations: 4].A. Alok, S. Saha and A. Ekbal (2017): “Semi-Supervised Clustering for Gene-Expression Data in Multiobjective Optimization Framework”, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, April 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 421-439 (impact factor: 1.699, h5-index:24) [Total citations: 4].A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2015): “Joint Model for Feature Selection and Parameter Optimization Coupled with Classifier Ensemble in Chemical Mention Recognition”, Knowledge-Based Sys- tems, Volume 85, 30 September 2015, Pages 37–51 (impact factor: 3.325, h5-index:60) [Total citations: 3].U. Sikdar, A. Ekbal, S. Saha (2015): “MODE: Multiobjective Differential Evolution for Fea- ture Selection and Classifier Ensemble”, Soft Computing, Springer, Volume 19, 1 December 2015, Number 12, Pages 3529–3549 (impact Factor 1.630, h5-index: 36) [Total citations: 2].U. Sikdar, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, O. Uryupina, M. Poesio (2015): “Differential Evolution Based Feature Selection Technique for Anaphora Resolution System”, Soft Computing, Volume 19, 1 August 2015, Number 8, Pages 2149–2161 (impact Factor 1.630, h5-index: 36)[Total citations: 6].U. Sikdar, A. Ekbal, S. Saha (2014): “Entity Extraction in Biochemical Text using Mul- tiobjective Optimization”, Computaci?on y Sistemas. Volume 18, September 2014, Issue 3 (h5-index: 8).S. Saha, A. Ekbal, K. Gupta and S. Bandyopadhyay (2013): “Gene Expression Data Cluster- ing Using A Multiobjective Symmetry Based Clustering Technique”, Computers in Biology and Medicine. Volume 43, 30 November 2013, Issue 11, Pages 1965–1977 (impact factor: 1.521, h5-index: 32) [Total citations: 11].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2013): “A Generalized Automatic Clustering Algorithm in a Multiobjective Framework”, Applied Soft Computing Journal. Volume 13, 31 Jan 2013, No. 1, Pages 89–108 (impact factor: 2.857, h5-index: 72) [Total citations: 53].S. Saha, A. Ekbal (2013): “Combining Multiple Classifiers Using Vote Based Classifier En- semble Technique for Named Entity Recognition”. Data & Knowledge Engineering, Volume 85, May, 2013, Pages 15–39 (impact factor: 1.500, h5-index: 25) [Total citations: 46; Most Downloaded article].A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2013): “Stacked Ensemble Coupled with Feature Selection for Biomed- ical Entity Extraction”, Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 46, 31 July 2013, Pages 22–32 (It is mentioned in the paper that “authors equally contributed for the work”) (im- pact factor: 3.325, h5-index: 60) [Total citations: 9].A. Ekbal, S. Saha (2013): “Combining feature selection and classifier ensemble using a multi- objective simulated annealing approach: application to named entity recognition”, Soft Com- puting. Volume 17, 1 January 2013, Issue 1, Pages 1–16 (It is mentioned in the paper that “authors equally contributed for the work”) (impact factor: 1.630, h5-index:36) [Total citations: 9].A. Ekbal, S. Saha (2013): “Simulated Annealing Based Classifier Ensemble Techniques: Ap- plication to Part of Speech Tagging”, Information Fusion. Volume 14, 31 July 2013, Issue 3, Pages 288–300 (It is mentioned in the paper that “authors equally contributed for the work”) (impact factor: 4.353, h5-index: 34) [Total citations: 11].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2012): “Some connectivity based cluster validity indices”, Applied Soft Computing Journal. Volume 12, 31 May 2012, Issue 5, Pages 1555–1565 (impact factor: 2.857, h5-index: 72) [Total citations: 28].A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2012): “Multiobjective optimization for classifier ensemble and feature selection: an application to named entity recognition”, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR). Volume 15, 1 June 2012, Issue 2, Pages 143–166 (It is mentioned in the paper that “authors equally contributed for the work”) (impact factor: 0.885, h5-index: 21) [Total citations: 17].A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2011): “A multiobjective simulated annealing approach for classifier ensemble: Named entity recognition in Indian languages as case studies”, Expert Systems with Applications. Volume 38, 31 Dec 2011, Issue 12, Pages 14760–14772, Elsevier (It is mentioned in the paper that “authors equally contributed for the work”) (impact factor: 2.981, h5-index: 96) [Total citations: 16].PAPERS BEFORE JOINING IIT PATNA AS A FACULTY MEMBERA. Ekbal, S. Saha (2011): “Weighted Vote-Based Classifier Ensemble for Named Entity Recog- nition: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach”, ACM Transactions on Asian Language In- formation Processing (TALIP). Volume 10, 1 June 2011, Issue 2, Pages 9:1–9:37 (It is men- tioned in the paper that “authors equally contributed for the work”) (h5-index:13) [Total citations: 29].S. Saha and U. Maulik (2011): “A New Line Symmetry Distance Based Automatic Clustering Technique : Application to Image Segmentation”, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. Volume 21, 1 Mar 2011, Issue 1, Pages 86–100 (impact factor: 0.571, h5-index: 12) [Total citations: 11].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2011): “Automatic MR brain image segmentation using a multiseed based multiobjective clustering approach”, Applied Intelligence. Volume 35, 1 Dec 2011, Issue 3, Pages 411–427 (impact factor: 1.215, h5-index: 28) [Total citations: 18].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2011): “On Principle Axis Based Line Symmetry Based Clustering Techniques”, Memetic Computing. Volume 3, 1 Jul 2011, Issue 2, Pages 129–144 (h5-index: 10) [Total citations: 8].A. Ekbal, F. Bonin, S. Saha, E. Stemle, E. Barbu, F. Cavulli, C. Girardi, F. Nardelli and M. Poesio (2011): “Rapid Adaptation of NE Resolvers for Humanities Domains using Active An- notation”, Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (JLCL). Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 39–51. [Total citations: 7].S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Saha and W. Pedrycz (2011): “Use of a fuzzy granulation-degranulation criterion for assessing cluster validity”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Volume 170, 1 May 2011, Issue 1, Pages 22–42 (impact factor: 2.098, h5-index: 40) [Total citations: 14].S. Saha, S. Bandyopadhyay (2010): “A symmetry based multiobjective clustering technique for automatic evolution of clusters”, Pattern Recognition. Volume 43, 31 Mar 2010, Issue 3, Pages 738–751 (impact factor: 3.399, h5-index: 67) [Total citations: 83].S. Saha and U. Maulik (2010): “Use of Symmetry and Stability for Data Clustering”, Evo- lutionary Intelligence. Volume 3(3-4), 1 Dec 2010, Pages 103–122 (h5-index: 9) [Total citations: 7].A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2010): “Classifier Ensemble Selection Using Genetic Algorithm for Named Entity Recognition”, Research on Language and Computation Journal, Springer. Vol- ume 8, 1 Mar 2010, Pages 73–99 (It is mentioned in the paper that “authors equally contributed for the work”.) (h5-index: 8) [Total citations: 11].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2010), “Use of different forms of symmetry and multi- objective optimization for automatic pixel classification in remote-sensing satellite imagery”, International Journal of Remote Sensing. Volume 31, 6 Dec 2010, Issue 22, Pages 5751–5775 (impact factor: 1.640, h5-index: 40) [Total citations: 7].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2010): “Application of a Multiseed Based Clustering Tech- nique for Automatic Satellite Image Segmentation”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. Volume 7, 7 Apr 2010, Issue 2, Pages 306–308 (impact factor: 2.228, h5-index:42) [Total citations: 11].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2010): “A New Multiobjective Clustering Technique Based on the Concepts of Stability and Symmetry”, Knowledge and Information Systems. Volume 23, 1 Apr 2010, Issue 1, Pages 1–27 (impact factor: 1.702, h5-index: 38) [Total citations: 35].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2009): “Semi-GAPS: A Semi-supervised Clustering Tech- nique Using a Point Symmetry Based Distance”, Fundamenta Informaticae. Volume 96, 1 Jan, 2009, Issue 1-2, Pages 195–209 (impact factor: 0.658, h5-index: 23) [Total citations: 1].S. Saha, S. Bandyopadhyay (2009): “A New Multiobjective Simulated Annealing Based Clus- tering Technique Using Symmetry”, Pattern Recognition Letters. Volume 30, 1 Nov 2009, Issue 15, Pages 1392–1403 (impact factor: 1.586, h5-index: 48) [Total citations: 19].S. Saha, S. Sur-Kolay, P. Dasgupta and S. Bandyopadhyay (2009): “MAkE: Multiobjective Algorithm for k-way Equipartitioning of a Point Set”, Applied Soft Computing. Volume 9, 31 Mar 2009, Pages 711–724 (impact factor: 2.857, h5-index: 72) [Total citations: 4].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2009): “Some Symmetry Based Classifiers”, Fundamenta Informaticae. Volume 90, 1 Jan 2009, Issue 1-2, Pages 107–123 (impact factor: 0.658, h5-index: 23) [Total citations: 1].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2009): “Performance Evaluation of Some Symmetry Based Cluster Validity Indices”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C. Volume 39, Jul 2009, Issue 4, Pages 420–425 (impact factor: 2.171, h5-index: 45) [Total citations: 27].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2009): “A New Line Symmetry Distance and its Application to Data Clustering”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology. Volume 24, 1 May 2009, Issue 3, Pages 544–556 (impact factor: 0.475, h5-index: 31) [Total citations: 14].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2009): “A New Point Symmetry Based Fuzzy Genetic Clus- tering Technique for Automatic Evolution of Clusters”, Information Sciences. Volume 179, 9 Sep 2009, Issue 19, Pages 3230–3246 (impact factor: 3.364, h5-index: 81) [Total cita- tions: 45].S. Bandyopadhyay, S. Saha, U. Maulik and K. Deb (2008): “A Simulated Annealing Based Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm: AMOSA”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 269–283, June 2008 (impact factor: 5.545, h5- index: 131) [Total citations: 485].S. Bandyopadhyay and S. Saha (2008): “A Point Symmetry Based Clustering Technique for Automatic Evolution of Clusters”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Volume 20, Nov 2008, Issue 11, Pages 1–17 (impact factor: 2.476, h5-index: 66) [Total citations: 126].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2008): “Application of a New Symmetry Based Cluster Va- lidity Index for Satellite Image Segmentation”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. Volume 5, Apr 2008, Issue 2, Pages 166–170 (impact factor:2.228, h5-index: 42) [Total citations: 65].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2008): “Fuzzy Symmetry Based Real-Coded Genetic Cluster- ing Technique for Automatic Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing Imagery”, Fundamenta Informaticae. Volume 84, 1 Jan 2008, Issue 3-4, Pages 471–492 (impact factor: 0.658, h5-index: 23) [Total citations: 5].S. Bandyopadhyay and S. Saha (2007): “GAPS: A New Symmetry Based Genetic Clustering Technique”, Pattern Recognition. Volume 40, Issue 12, Pages 3430–3451 (impact factor: 3.399, h5-index: 67) [Total citations: 167].LIST OF CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS OF SRIPARNA SAHAIn Conference Proceedings (Published) (arranged in reverse chronological order)A. Jangra, S. Saha, A. Jatowt and M. Hasanuzzaman (2020), “Multi-Modal Summary Generation using Multi-objective Optimization”, in SIGIR 2020, July 25-30, 2020 (Xi’an, China) (accepted)(Category A*).T. Saha, A. Patra, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2020), “ Towards Emotion-aided Multi-modal Dialogue Act Classification”, In ACL 2020, July 5-10, 2020, Seattle, Wash- ington (accepted) (Category A*).P. Dutta and S. Saha (2020), “Amalgamation of protein sequence, structure and textual information for improving protein-protein interaction identification”, In ACL 2020, July 5-10, 2020, Seattle, Washington (accepted) (Category A*).T. Saha, A. P. Patra, S. Saha, and P. Bhattacharyya (2020), “A Transformer based Approach for Identification of Tweet Acts”, IJCNN 2020, 19 –24th July, 2020, Glasgow (UK) (accepted) (Category A).T. Saha, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2020), “ Transfer Learning-based Task-oriented Dialogue Policy for Multiple Domains using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning”, IJCNN 2020, 19 –24th July, 2020, Glasgow (UK) (accepted)(Category A).C. S. Kanani, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2020), “Improving Diversity and Reducing Redundancy in Paragraph Captions”, IJCNN 2020, 19 –24th July, 2020, Glasgow (UK) (accepted)(Category A).S. Sridhar, S. Saha, A. Shaikh, R. Yedida and S. Saha (2020), “Parsimonious Computing: A Minority Training Regime for Effective Prediction in Large Microarray Expression Data Sets”, IJCNN 2020, 19 –24th July, 2020, Glasgow (UK) (accepted)(Category A).N. Saini, S. Kumar, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2020), “Mining Graph-based Features in Multi-objective Framework for Microblog Summarization”, IEEE-CEC 2020, 19 –24th July, 2020, Glasgow (UK) (accepted) (h5 index: 66).S. J. Giri and S. Saha (2020), “Multi-View Gene Clustering using Gene Ontology and Expression-based Similarities”, IEEE-CEC 2020, 19 –24th July, 2020, Glasgow (UK) (accepted) (h5 index: 66).R. Salgotra, U. Singh, S. Saha and A. H. Gandomi (2020), “Improving Cuckoo Search: Incorporating Changes for CEC 2017 and CEC 2020 Benchmark Problems”, IEEE-CEC 2020, 19 –24th July, 2020, Glasgow (UK) (accepted) (h5 index: 66).A. Jangra, A. Jatowt, M. Hasanuzzaman and S. Saha (2019), “Text-Image-Video Sum- mary Generation using Joint Integer Linear Programming”, ECIR 2020, 14th–17th April, 2020, Lisbon (accepted).N. Saini, S. Saha, A. Kumar, P. Bhattacharyya (2019), “Multi-document summarization using adaptive composite differential evolution”, ICONIP 2019, Sydney, Australia from December 12-December 15, 2019 (accepted).N. Saini, R. Grover, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2019), “Scientific document clustering using granular self-organizing map”, ICONIP 2019, Sydney, Australia from December 12-December 15, 2019 (accepted).D. Paul, A. Kumar, S. Saha, J. Mathew (2019), “Evolutionary based subspace cluster- ing in multi-objective optimization framework”, ICONIP 2019, Sydney, Australia from December 12-December 15, 2019 (accepted).D. Paul, R. Kumar, S. Saha, J. Mathew (2019): “Online Feature Selection for Multi- label Classification in Multiobjective Optimization Framework”, IEEE/ACM Interna- tional Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2019), Vancouver, Canada from August 27- August 30, 2019 ( poster paper accepted) .S. Yadav, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2019): “A Unified Multi-task Adversar- ial Learning Framework for Pharmacovigilance Mining”, Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019), Florence (Italy) at the ‘Fortezza da Basso’ from July 28th to August 2nd, 2019 (full paper accepted) (Core ranking: A*).T. Ghosal, D. Dey, A. Dutta, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2019): “A Multiview Clustering Approach To Identify Out-of-Scope Submissions in Peer Review”, ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2019, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, June 2-6, 2019 (Poster paper accepted) (Core ranking: A*).T. Ghosal, A. Chakraborty, R. Sonam, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2019): “Incorporating Full Text and Bibliographic Features to Improve Scholarly Journal Rec- ommendation”, ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2019, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, June 2-6, 2019 (Poster paper accepted)(Core ranking: A*).T. Ghosal, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya and R. Sonam (2019): “Is the Paper Within Scope? Are You Fishing in the Right Pond?”, ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2019, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, June 2-6, 2019 (Short paper accepted) (Core ranking: A*).T. Ghosal, A. Raj, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2019): “A Deep Mul- timodal Investigation To Determine the Appropriateness of a Scholarly Submission”, ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2019, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, June 2-6, 2019 (accepted) (Core ranking: A*).T. Saha, S. Srivastava, M. Firdaus, S. Saha, A. Ekbal and P. Bhattacharyya (2019): “Ex- ploring Machine Learning and Deep Learning Frameworks for Task-Oriented Dialogue Act Classification”, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2019, Budapest, Hungary, July 14-19, 2019 (accepted) (Core ranking: A).T. Saha, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2019): “Tweet Act Classification : A Deep Learning based Classifier for Recognizing Speech Acts in Twitter”, IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2019, Budapest, Hungary, July 14-19, 2019 (accepted) (Core ranking: A).R. Salgotra, U. Singh, S. Saha and A. Nagar (2019): “New Improved SALSHADE- cnEpSin Algorithm with Adaptive Parameters”, In the proceedings of IEEE CEC 2019, New Zealand, June 10-13, 2019 (accepted) (h5 index: 66).K. Maity, R. Sengupta and S. Saha (2019): “MM-NAEMO : Multimodal Neighborhood- sensitive Archived Evolutionary Many-objective Optimization Algorithm”, In the pro- ceedings of IEEE CEC 2019, New Zealand, June 10-13, 2019 (accepted) (h5 index: 66).S. Saha, D. Sarkar and S. Kramer (2019): “Exploring Multi-Objective Optimization for Multi-Label Classifier Ensembles”, In the proceedings of IEEE CEC 2019, New Zealand, June 10-13, 2019 (accepted) (h5 index: 66).P. Dutta and S. Saha (2019): “A Weak Supervision Technique with a Generative Model for Improved Gene Clustering”, In the proceedings of IEEE CEC 2019, New Zealand, June 10-13, 2019 (accepted) (h5 index: 66).R. K. Sanodiya, S. Saha, J. Mathew, M. D. Thalakottur and U. Aadya (2019): “Multi- objective Approach for Semi-Supervised Discriminant Analysis with Relative Distance”, In the proceedings of IEEE CEC 2019, New Zealand, June 10-13, 2019 (accepted) (h5 index: 66).R. Dhir, S. K. Mishra, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2019), “A Deep Attention based Framework for Image Caption Generation in Hindi Language”, In the proceedings of 20th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing 2019, to be held on April 7–13, 2019 in La Rochelle, France (Core ranking:(accepted).P. Dutta, S. Saha, A. B. Chauhan (2018): “Predicting Degree of Relevance of Pathway Markers from Gene Expression Data: A PSO Based Approach”, In the proceedings of 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2018), held in Siem Reap, Cambodia on December 13-16, 2018 (Core ranking: A).R. K. Sanodiya, S. Saha, J. Mathew (2018): “A Multi-Kernel Semi-Supervised Metric Learning using Multi-objective Optimization Approach”, In the proceedings of 25th In- ternational Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2018), held in Siem Reap, Cambodia on December 13-16, 2018 (Core ranking: A).R. K. Sanodiya, S. Saha, J. Mathew, A. Raj (2018): “Supervised and Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Binary Classification”, In the proceedings of 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2018), held in Siem Reap, Cambodia on December 13-16, 2018 (Core ranking: A).T. Saha, D. Gupta, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2018): “Reinforcement Learning based Dialogue Management Strategy”, In the proceedings of 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2018), held in Siem Reap, Cambodia on December 13-16, 2018(Core ranking: A).T. Saha, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2018): “Exploring Deep Learning Architectures coupled with CRF based Prediction for Slot-Filling”, In the proceedings of 25th Interna- tional Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2018), held in Siem Reap, Cambodia on December 13-16, 2018 (Core ranking: A).R. K. Sanodiya, S. Saha, J. Mathew and P. Bangwal (2018): “Semi-Supervised Transfer Metric Learning with Relative Constraints”, In the proceedings of 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2018) held in Siem Reap, Cam- bodia during December 13–16, 2018 (Core Ranking: A).S. Mitra, M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Saha (2018): “Incorporating Deep Visual Features into Multiobjective based Multi-view Search Result Clustering”, In the proceedings of 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018) to be held in Santa Fe, New-Mexico, USA from August 20th–26th 2018 (accepted) (Core Ranking: A).D. Paul, S. Saha and J. Mathew (2018): “Multiobjective Optimization based Subspace Clustering using Evolvable Genome structure”, In the proceedings of GECCO 2018, Japan (accepted as poster paper) (Core ranking: A).T. Ghosal, R. Verma, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2018): “Investigating Impact Features in Editorial Pre-Screening of Research Papers”, In the proceedings of JCDL 2018, Texas (accepted as poster paper) (Core ranking: A*).T. Ghosal, R. Sonam, S. Saha, A. Ekbal and P. Bhattacharyya (2018) : “Investigating Domain Features For Scope Detection and Classification of Scientific Articles”, In the proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications held in conjunction with LREC 2018, Japan.R. Salgotra, U. Singh and S. Saha (2018): “Improved Cuckoo Search With Better Search Capabilities For Solving CEC2017 Benchmark Problems”, In the proceedings of IEEE CEC 2018, Brazil (Core ranking: B), (h5-index: 60).S. Mishra, S. Saha, S. Mondal (2018): “MBOS: Modified Best Order Sort Algorithm for Performing Non-dominated Sorting”, In the proceedings of IEEE CEC 2018, Brazil (Core ranking: B), (h5-index: 60)N. Saini, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2018): “Cascaded SOM: An Improved Tech- nique for Automatic Email Classification”, In the proceedings of IJCNN 2018, Brazil (Core Ranking: A), (h5-index=31).S. Yadav, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya, “Multi-task Learning Framework for Mining Crowd Intelligence towards Clinical Treatment”, In the proceedings of 16thAnnual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL HLT 2018) going to be held in New Orleans, June 1 to June 6, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans hotel (Core Ranking: A) (h5-index: 47).S. Yadav, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya, “Medical Sentiment Analysis using Social Media: Towards building a Patient Assisted System”, In the proceedings of 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018) going to be held at Miyazaki (Japan), 7–12 May 2018 (Core Ranking: C) (h5-index: 43).N. Saini, S. Chourasia, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya, “A Self Organizing Map based Multi-objective Framework for Automatic Evolution of Clusters”, In the proceedings of 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing held in Guangzhou, China, November 14-18, 2017 (Core Ranking: A) (h5-index: 17), Volume 6, Pages 672–682 .M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Kamila, M. Kaur, S. Saha and A. Ekbal (2017): “Temporal Orien- tation of Tweets for Predicting Income of User”, In the Proceedigs of 55th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) held in Vancouver, Canada dur- ing July 30–August 4, 2017 (accepted in short paper category) (Core Ranking: A*) (h5-index: 51), Volume 2, Pages 659-665.S. Mishra, S. Saha, S. Mondal (2017): “Unsupervised Method to Ensemble Results of Multiple Clustering Solutions for Bibliographic Data”, In Proceedings of 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2017) held in June 5-8, 2017 at Spain (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 51).S. Yadav, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2017): “Entity Extraction in Biomedical Corpora: An Approach to Evaluate Word Embedding Features with PSO based Feature Selection”, In Proceedings of EACL 2017 in April 3-7, 2017 at Valencia, Spain (Core Ranking: A) (h5-index: 26), Volume 1, Pages 1159-1170.S. Yadav, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, P. Bhattacharyya (2016): “A Deep Learning Architecture for Protein-Protein Interaction Article Identification”. In Proceedings of 23rd Interna- tional Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), held at Cancun, Mexico, December 2016 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 26).P. Sahoo, S. Acharya, S. Saha (2016): “Automatic Generation of Biclusters from Gene Expression Data Using Multi-objective Simulated Annealing Approach”. In Proceed- ings of 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), held at Cancun, Mexico, December 4-8, 2016 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 26).P. Sahoo, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, D. Molla and K. Nandan (2016): “Semi-supervised Clus- tering of Medical Text”, In the Proceedings of Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop at COLING 2016 in Osaka, Japan, December 2016, Pages 23–31 Received the best paper award in long paper category.S. Yadav, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2016): “Deep Learning Architecture for Patient Data De-identification in Clinical Records”, In the Proceedings of Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop at COLING 2016 in Osaka, Japan, December 2016.S. Yadav, A. Kumar, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2016): “A Recurrent Neural Network Architecture for De-identifying Clinical Records”, In the Proceedings of Thirteenth International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2016), held at IIT BHU, Varanasi during December 17-20, 2016.S. Kumar, A. Sinha Ray, A. Ekbal, S. Saha and P. Bhattacharyya (2016): “Improv- ing Document Ranking using Query Expansion and Classification Techniques for Mixed Script Information Retrieval”, In the Proceedings of Thirteenth International Confer- ence on Natural Language Processing (ICON-2016) held at IIT (BHU), Varanasi during December 17-20, 2016.R. Das and S. Saha (2016): “Evidence Accumulation from some clustering algorithms to improve gene expression data classification”, In the Proceedings of 3rd Intl. Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2016), held at Dubai, November 23-25, 2016.S. Acharya, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, P. Santhanam, J. Moreno, and G. Dias (2016): “Multi- Objective Word Sense Induction based on Content and Interlink Connections”. In Pro- ceedings of NLDB 2016 - 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Lan- guage to Information Systems, 22-24 June 2016, University of Salford, MediaCity UK Campus, LNCS publication, Pages 366–375 (Core Ranking: C) (h5-index: 13)[Total citations: 1].S. Mishra, S. Saha and S. Mondal (2016): “An Automatic Framework for Entity Match- ing in Bibliographic Databases”. In Proceedings of IEEE CEC 2016, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-29, 2016 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 51).S. Mishra, S. Saha and S. Mondal (2016): “Divide and Conquer Based Non-dominated Sorting for Parallel Environment”. In Proceedings of IEEE CEC 2016, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-29, 2016 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 51)[Total citations: 1].S. Mishra, S. Mondal and S. Saha (2016): “Fast Implementation of Steady State NSGA- II”. In Proceedings of IEEE CEC 2016, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-29, 2016 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 51).M. Pal, S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2016): “Clustering based Online Automatic Objective Reduction to aid Many-Objective Optimization”, In Proceedings of IEEE CEC 2016, Vancouver, Canada, July 24-29, 2016 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 51).R. Das and S. Saha (2015): “Microarray Gene Expression Data classification Using Modified Differential Evolution Based Algorithm”, IEEE INDICON-2015, held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India from 17-20 December 2015 (Received the best paper award) (h5-index: 14)[Total citations: 1].M. Hasanuzzaman, S. Saha, G. Dias, S. Ferrari (2015): “Understanding Temporal Query Intent”, In Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 823-826. DOI= (Core Ranking: A*) (h5- index: 50).U. K. Sikdar, A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2015):“Feature Selection in Anaphora Resolution for Bengali: A Multiobjective Approach”, 16th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2015), April 14-20, 2015, Cairo, Egypt, (Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 9041), Pages 252–263 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 21).S. Acharya, S. Saha, J. G. Moreno and G. Dias (2014): “Multi-Objective Search Results Clustering”, In the Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Computational Lin- guistics (COLING 2014), Dublin, August 23-29, 2014, Pages 99–108 (Core Ranking:(h5-index: 26) [Total citations: 3].S. Mishra, S. Saha, S. Mondal (2014): “On Validation of Clustering Techniques for Bib- liographic Databases”, In the Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2014), Stockholm, August 24-28, 2014, Pages 314–318 (Core Rank- ing: B) (h5-index: 26) [Total citations: 3].U. K. Sikdar, A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2014): “IITP: A Supervised Approach for Disorder Mention Detection and Disambiguation”, In the Proceedings of SemEval-2014 : Semantic Evaluation Exercises International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2014), Dublin, Ireland, August 23-24, 2014.U. K. Sikdar, A. Ekbal, S. Saha (2014): “Modified Differential Evolution for Biochem- ical Name Recognizer”, In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Com- putational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing - Volume 8403 (CICLing 2014), Alexander Gelbukh (Ed.), Vol. 8403. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., New York, NY, USA, Pages 225–236 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 21) [Total citations: 2].A. Alghamdi, F. Bonin, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, F. Cavulli, S. Tonelli, and M. Poesio (2014): “Active Expert Learning for the Digital Humanities”, In the Proceedings of Workshop on semantic technologies for research in the humanities and social sciences (STRiX), Gothenburg, Sweden, on November 24-25, 2014.S. Mishra, S. Saha and S. Mondal (2014): “Cluster Validation Techniques for Bibli- ographic Databases”, IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium, IIT Kharagpur, India, 28th February-2nd March, 2014, Pages 93–98 (h5-index: 9) [Total citations: 4].U. K. Sikdar, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, O. Uryupina, and M. Poesio (2013): “Adapting a State- of-the-art Anaphora Resolution System for Resource-poor Language”, In the Proceedings of 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, organized by the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing, Nagoya, Japan, October 14-18, 2013, Pages 815–821 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 23) [Total citations: 5].S. Mishra, S. Mondal, S. Saha (2013): “Entity Matching Technique for Bibliographic Database”, Database and Expert Systems Applications Lecture Notes in Computer Sci- ence, Volume 8056, Aug 26, 2013, Pages 34–41 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 13) [Total citations: 5].A. Ekbal, S. Saha, D. Molla and K Ravikumar (2013): “Multi-Objective Optimization for Clustering of Medical Publications”, In the Proceedings of Eleventh Annual Work- shop of the Australasia Language Technology Association, December 4–6, 2013, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Pages 53–61 [Total citations: 3].A. Sairam, S. Saha, A. Ekbal and G. Ravi Teja Reddy (2013): “Improved Multobjective Algorithm for Dynamic Load Balancing of Network Traffic”, In the proceedings of 2013 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), December 13-15, 2013, IIT Bombay, India (h5-index: 14).U. K. Sikdar, A. Ekbal, S. Saha (2013): “Domain-independent Model for Chemical Com- pound and Drug Name Recognition”, In the Proceeding of the Fourth BioCreative Chal- lenge Evaluation Workshop, Volume 2, October 8, 2013, Washington, DC USA, Pages 158–161 [Total citations: 3].A. Ekbal, S. Saha, S. Girdhar (2013): “Evolutionary Approach for Classifier Ensemble: An Application to Bio-molecular Event Extraction”, In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 182, 2013, Pages 9–15.S. Saha, A. Ekbal, S. Sharma, S. Bandyopadhyay, U. Maulik (2013): “Protein Secondary Structure Prediction using Machine Learning”, In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 182, 2013, Pages 57–63.U. K. Sikdar, A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2012): “Differential Evolutionary Approach for Fea- ture Selection and Classifier Ensemble in Named Entity Recognition”, In the Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2012), Decem- ber 8-15, 2012, IIT Mumbai, India, Pages 2475–2490 (Core Ranking: A) (h5-index:26) [Total citations: 12].A. Ekbal, S. Saha, and D. Singh (2012): “Active machine learning technique for named entity recognition”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Com- puting, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI ’12), ACM, New York, NY, USA, Pages 180–186 (Received the best paper award) (h5-index: 13)[Total citations: 1].S. Saha, A. Ekbal, O. Uryupina, M. Poesio (2011): “Single and multi-objective optimiza- tion for feature selection in anaphora resolution”, In the Proceedings of 5th InternationalJoint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP 2011), November 8-13, 2011, Thailand, Pages 93–101 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 23) [Total citations: 10].A. Ekbal, S. Saha, O. Uryupina, M. Poesio (2011): “Multiobjective Simulated Annealing Based Approach for Feature Selection in Anaphora Resolution”, In the Proceedings of 8th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphora Resolution Colloquium (DAARC 2011), October 6-7, 2011, Portugal, Pages 47–58, LNCS (Core Ranking: C) [Total citations: 12].M. Poesio, E. Barbu, F. Bonin, F. Cavulli, E. W. Stemle, A. Ekbal, S. Saha, C. Girardi,F. Nardelli (2011): “THE HUMANITIES RESEARCH PORTAL: Human Language Technology Meets Humanities Publication Repositories”, In the Proceedings of SDH 2011, Denmark, November 17-18, 2011 [Total citations: 4].O. Uryupina, S. Saha, A. Ekbal and M. Poesio (2011): “Multi-metric optimization for coreference: The UniTN / IITP / Essex submission to the 2011 CONLL Shared Task”, In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learn- ing: Shared Task (CONLL Shared Task ’11), Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, June 23-24, 2011, Pages 61–65 [Total citations: 12].S. Saha, A. S. Sairam, A. Yadav, and A. Ekbal (2012): “Genetic algorithm combined with support vector machine for building an intrusion detection system”, In the Proceed- ings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI ’12), ACM, New York, NY, USA, Pages 566-572 [Total citations: 6].S. Saha, A. S. Sairam, A. Ekbal, and S. Zakir Hussain (2012): “Dynamic Load Balancing of Network Traffic Using Multiobjective Optimization”, In the Proceedings of 2012 Third International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2012), November 30-December 01, 2012, Kolkata, India.A. Majumder, Md. hadanuzzaman, A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2012): “Machine Learning Approach for Argument Extraction of Bio-molecular Events”, In the Proceedings of 2012 National Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (NCCCS), November 21-22, 2012, Durgapur, India, Pages 1 - 5.A. Ekbal, S. Saha, G. Choudhary (2012): “Plagiarism Detection in Text using Vector Space Model”, In the Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2012), December 04-07, 2012, Pune, India, Pages 366 - 371 [Total citations: 11].S. Saha, A. Ekbal, S. Saha (2011): “A Supervised Approach for Gene Mention Detec- tion”, SEMCCO, Volume 1, 2011, Pages 425-432, LNCS [Total citations: 4].S. Saha, Md. hadanuzzaman, A. Majumder, A. Ekbal (2011): “Bio-molecular Event Extraction using Support Vector Machine”, In the Proceedings of 3rd International Con- ference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC 2011), December 14-16, 2011, Chennai, India, Pages 298 - 303.A. Ekbal, A. Majumder, Md. hadanuzzaman, S. Saha (2011): “Supervised Machine Learning Approach for Bio-molecular Event Extraction”, SEMCCO (2) 2011, Pages 231-238, LNCS.PAPERS ACCEPTED BEFORE JOINING IIT PATNAA. Ekbal, S. Saha, U. K. Sikdar and Md. Hasanuzzaman (2010): “A Genetic Approach for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition”, In the Proceedings of 22th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, France, October 27–29, 2010, Pages 354–355 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 17).A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2010): “Maximum Entropy Classifier Ensembling using Genetic Algorithm for NER in Bengali”, In the Proceedings of 7th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Malta, May 19-21, 2010, Pages 3606–3613 (Core Ranking: C) (h5-index: 35) [Total citations: 5].A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2010): “Weighted Vote Based Classifier Ensemble Selection Using Genetic Algorithm for Named Entity Recognition”, In the Proceedings of 15th Interna- tional Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, June 23-25, 2010, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, Pages 256–267 (Core Ranking:(h5-index: 13) [Total citations: 9] (It is mentioned in the paper that “au- thors equally contributed for the work”).A. Ekbal, S. Saha and C. S. Garbe (2010): “Feature Selection Using Multiobjective Optimization for Named Entity Recognition”, In the Proceedings of ICPR 2010, August 23-26, 2010, Turkey, Pages 1937–1940 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 26) [Total citations: 17] (It is mentioned in the paper that “First two authors are the joint first authors”) .A. Ekbal and S. Saha (2010): “Classifier Ensemble using Multiobjective Optimization for Named Entity Recognition”, In the Proceedings of 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - ECAI 2010, August 16-20, 2010, Portugal, Pages 783–788 (Core Ranking: A) (h5-index: 23) [Total citations: 2] (It is mentioned in the paper that “authors equally contributed for the work”) .S. Saha, S. Bandyopadhyay and C. T. Singh (2008): “A New Line Symmetry Dis- tance Based Pattern Classifier”, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2008) as part of 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2008), Hongkong, June 1-6, 2008, Pages 1426–1433 (Core Ranking: B) (h5- index: 27) [Total citations: 5].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2008): “A New Multiobjective Simulated Annealing Based Clustering Technique Using Stability and Symmetry”, In the Proceedings of ICPR 2008, December 8-11, 2008, Florida, Pages 1-4 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 26) [Total citations: 4].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2008): “New Multiobjective Simulated Annealing based Fuzzy-Clustering Technique for Pixel Classification in Remote Sensing Imagery”, In the Proceedings of ICPR 2008, December 8-11, 2008, Florida, Pages 1-4 (Core Ranking:B) (h5-index: 26).S. Bandyopadhyay and S. Saha (2008): “A New Principal Axis Based Line Symme- try Measurement and its Application to Clustering”, In the Proceedings of ICONIP 2008, November 25-28, 2008, New Zealand, Pages 179–180 (Core Ranking: A) (h5- index:16) [Total citations: 1].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2008): “Unsupervised Pixel Classification in Satellite Imagery Using a New Multiobjective Symmetry Based Clustering Approach”, In the Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2008, November 19-21, 2008, Hyderabad, Pages 1–6 (Core Ranking: C) (h5-index: 8) [Total citations: 16].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2008): “Application of a New Line Symmetry Distance Based Genetic Clustering Technique for Automatic MR Brain Image Segmentation”, In the Proceedings of IEEE TENCON 2008, November 19-21, 2008, Hyderabad, Pages 1–6 (Core Ranking: C) (h5-index: 8) [Total citations: 1].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2007): “On Some Symmetry Based Validity Indices”, In the Proceedings of IEEE International Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Septem- ber 25-28, 2007, Singapore, Pages 697–704, 2007 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 51).S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2007): “MRI Brain Image Segmentation by Fuzzy Sym- metry Based Genetic Clustering Technique”, In the Proceedings of IEEE International Congress on Evolutionary Computation, September 25-28, 2007, Singapore, Pages 4417– 4424, 2007 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 51) [Total citations: 67].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2007): “A Validity Index Based on Cluster Symmetry”,In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference SMC 2007, October 7-10, 2007,Montreal, Pages 462–467, 2007 (Core Ranking: B) (h5-index: 23) [Total citations: 2].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2007): “A Symmetry Based Face Detection Tech- nique”, In the Proceedings of IEEE WIE National Symposium on Emerging Technologies (WieNSET 2007), (CD proceedings), June 29-30, 2007, Kolkata, India. (available online: ) [Total citations: 15].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2007): “Performance Assessment of Some Clustering Algorithms Based on A Fuzzy Granulation-degranulation Criterion”, In the Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology, ICIT 2007, December 17-20, 2007, Rourkela, India, Pages 62–67, DOI 10.1109/ICIT.2007.35 (IEEE CS Press).S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2007): “A Genetic Clustering Technique Using a New Line Symmetry Based Distance Measure”, In the Proceedings of 15th International Con- ference on Advanced Computing & Communication (ADCOM 2007), December 18 - 21, 2007, Guwahati, India, Pages 365–370 (IEEE CS Press) [Total citations: 9].S. Saha and S. Bandyopadhyay (2007): “A New Cluster Validity Index Based on Fuzzy Granulation-degranulation Criterion”, In the Proceedings of 15th International Confer- ence on Advanced Computing & Communication (ADCOM 2007), December 18 - 21, 2007, Guwahati, India, Pages 353–358 (IEEE CS Press) [Total citations: 5].S. Saha, S. Sur-Koley, S. Bandyopadhyay and P. Dasgupta (2006): “Multiobjective Ge- netic Algorithm for k-way Equipartitioning of a Point Set with Application to CAD- VLSI”, In the Proceedings of IEEE 9th International Conference on Information Tech- nology (ICIT), December 15-17, 2006, Bhubaneswar, India, Pages 281–284 [Total cita- tions: 4].S. Bandyopadhyay and S. Saha (2005): “Simultaneous Optimization of Multiple Objec- tives: New Methods and Applications”, In the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Human and Computers, University of Aizu, Japan, Pages 159–165, 2005. ................

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