VOL. XCIV, NO. 7 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2020 FREE Rockaway ...




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The Point Since 1925

BPC Youth Committee Abbracadabra Magic Show

At Colony Theater Sun., Apr. 14th 4PM


FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024


By Nature In Breezy Writer Ron Ellard I remember watching a partial solar eclipse with my friends back in the 70's. My father was an ironworker, and he had the perfect glass for us to use to observe the eclipse. We used that heavy square glass that the welders placed in their helmet. Over a year ago my son-in-law, James and I discussed the upcoming total solar eclipse that was going to be on a direct path right through Lake Placid. Over the last couple of months, I did some research on how to not only observe a solar eclipse in its totality, but how to photograph it as well. Like millions of others across the country we gathered together to observe the Great American Eclipse in its totality path. In our case it was quite natural to meet together in Lake Placid. Although we were worried about clouds, like so many other watchers would be across the country, it turned out perfect. We gathered on our lawn which has a spectacular view of the great range of the high peaks of the Adirondacks. Eleven of us, including the four grandkids, were in the ready. Adorned with our protective glasses, and me set up with my ancient tripod and camera equipment. At 2:15 the partial eclipse started, all was going well as we kept a watchful protected eye on the heavens. Even my two year old granddaughter watched as well. Lake Placid is a gathering place for skiers, hikers, boaters and many other outdoor enthusiasts. April can be the start of the `mud' season, but this year two late snow falls dumped a couple of feet on the area. It was great to get out x/c skiing two mornings on our weekend trip. On my trip up Saturday the car traffic was the heaviest I had ever seen in the area. The local Lake Placid airport which usually gets a few `two seater' planes here and there was extremely busy with hundreds of flights. The road into town I was told had vehicles all pulled up along the roadside and in makeshift parking lots with thousands of anticipated eclipse viewers. There were plates from every state

Eclipse Mania

from Florida to New England, it was `a happening', and we were in the middle of it. Like so many millions of Eclipse observers across America from Mexico to Canada the anticipation built. I was in contact with a cousin of mine that was visiting his brother in Cleveland, which was also on the direct totality path, he was about 15 minutes earlier than us. I had read that people were actually paying $300 hundred dollars a ticket to follow the eclipse from a plane ride. But even a jet's top speed couldn't keep up with the 1,500 MPH speed of this total eclipse while it went across America on a diagonal path. As

the moon covered the sun more and more the mid afternoon light started to change into a twilight, the wispy clouds and backdrop of the ice covered Adirondack peaks with a deep blue sky were intensely beautiful. I looked into my Nikon viewfinder, and observed the smallest sliver of the sun and then it happened. In a flash the entire area was consumed with darkness and a fiery white halo surrounded the dark moon. No photo, video or description can give it justice. The magnificent corona that sent flowing waves of light out from a dark center of the blackened moon was incredible. It just blew me away, all of

what I read and videos I observed didn't come close in preparing me for what I and millions of others witnessed. Even though the main road and airport were a mile away you could hear a choir of people who felt the same way you did!!!

If you missed the excitement and chance of a once in a lifetime event in our very own home state, there will be other chances. New York's previous total solar eclipse was 1925, the next one will be 2079. There will be another Total eclipse in 2044, but that will be in Montana. In August of 2026 there will be a total solar eclipse in Iceland. I hope to witness that one.




FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024

Welcome To The World Cillian!

Joe and Hillary Drennan, along with big brother, Trevor, are thrilled by the arrival of Cillian Patrick on March 10th 2024. Proud grandparents are Marge and Joe Drennan of Breezy Point and Sue and Steve Duffy of Riverdale.


Congratulations on #30!

Congratulations to Anita and Charlie McLoughlin of Fulton Walk! On March 5, 2024 both proudly welcomed grandchild number 30 James Michael McLoughlin into the world. The McLoughlin's are lifelong residents of Breezy who still spend their summers and winters on Fulton Walk. This October, Charlie and Anita will be celebrating 58 years of marriage. Grandchildren: Owen, Olivia (McLoughlin) Callie, Meaghan, Katie (Radday) Brian, Caitlin, Casie (Yorke) Bridget, Colleen, Charlotte, Shannon, Charlie (McLoughlin) Isabelle, Daniel, Julianna (McLoughlin) Seanie, Amelia, Annelise (O'Sullivan) Caroline, Lucy, Hank, Seamus (Brucella) Fiona, Will, Nuala, Mickey (Fitzgerald) Grace, Rose, James (McLoughlin).


Introducing Wednesday nights (Mat Yoga) At the Breezy Point Clubhouse 7pm

In addition to Saturdays at The Activity Center 9:30am Beginning Wednesday April 17th through Saturday, June 8th

Saturdays 9:30am at Activity Center (8-week series for $80) Wednesdays 7:00pm at Point Breeze Clubhouse (8-week series for $80)

Both Series for $150 or $15 per Walk-in junemarie.morgan@

Rarely Available! This stunning home boasts unobstructed ocean views from every room. Newly built, this 3-4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home has the ?QHVWRI?QLVKHVDQGPXOWLSOHRXWGRRUVSDFHVZKLFKLQFOXGHDURRI

deck that has 360 degree views. Too much to list, this home is a must see!


Newly sided this week, this home is back on the market and ready to be sold!

This three bedroom, one bathroom home has a large living room ZLWKYDXOWHGFHLOLQJVRSHQNLWFKHQZGVSOLWV\VWHPVLQHYHU\



Charming three bedroom in the wedge with newly renovated kitchen DQGSOHQW\RI RXWGRRUVSDFH


3 Years Young! Gorgeous three bedroom home with DQRSHQ?RRUSODQ EHDXWLIXO?QLVKHV and large back deck!



Rockaway Point three

bedroom, one and a KDOIEDWKGXSOH[7KLV renovated home is close WRSDUNLQJVWRUHVDQG the beach and has a large

front and back deck.

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024




By Michael Schramm

A Few Things

Once again as I sit down to write this week's editorial there is just too much happening to focus on just one topic, so I'm going to once again give you a few things...


Last week, I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I saw the headline that the MTA was going after the NYC Marathon to pay for tolls it misses out on each year as the run shuts down the Verrazano Bridge. The MTA had the chutzpah to demand $750,000 it says it loses yearly in tolls from the New York Road Runners Organization. Talk about cutting off your nose despite your face. The Marathon, as annoying as it can be if you have to drive anywhere in the city that day, brings in far more money to New York City than the paltry $750k the geniuses at the MTA Board were looking to be reimbursed. For them to cry poverty when we haven't seen their fully open books is absurd!

Folks, with the crammed down our throats congestion pricing, higher tolls on bridge and tunnel crossings and of course higher and higher subway and bus fares, it is high time the whole MTA Board as it currently sits should be scrapped and re-appointed with some sensible adults. The sheer amount of money that agency brings in through fares, tolls and tax subsidies, but then loses out on thanks to farebeating, construction over runs, and mismanagement begs for some type of oversight. You can't tell us that we need congestion pricing and fare and toll hikes to fix the system, but at the same time make some bus routes free and turn a blind eye to rampant farebeating. Enough is enough, Disband The Board!


This next topic is even more absurdity. Back a few years ago when we had Mensa candidate, and all time worst Mayor of New York City history Bill de Blasio at the helm of the City, someone in his administration had the bright idea to use former gang members and criminals to help quell rampant violence in some of New York City's worst neighborhoods. These former gang members in theory would inspire kids in these neighborhoods to give up their bad ways and become law abiding citizens, and of course they would be given generous financial grants from the City for their efforts. Predictably, there have been a few of these former bangers that have been caught slipping back into their former habits including a gentleman named Jermaine Greene who was arrested at the end of March. It turns out Mr. Greene a member of the taxpayer funded Bronx Rises Against Gun Violence was caught evading the fare at a Bronx subway station "allegedly" carrying a loaded 9mm ghost gun and a large bag of crack cocaine and a scale. It gets even better because he was also on parole for murder in Baltimore. What in the hell are we doing here folks? You don't make the Willie Sutton's of the world bank security guards, and you sure as hell don't use gang members to drive down gun violence, especially those previously convicted of murder.



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So, after yet another incident of illegal immigrants injuring members of the NYPD during an arrest, we still have the idiots in the New York City Council saying they will not remove their legal impediments of the NYPD working with the Customs and Immigration Enforcement Agency. What is it going to take before these people see the error of their wayward laws and acts, especially with regards to badly behaved immigrants? If you get a chance, take a look at the laundry list of offenses published by the NY Post that the illegals have racked up in just under a year of being in our once great country. You think if you went to one of their countries and acted in a similar way that you would be allowed to continue to live there? You'd most likely be shot before they spent the money on removing you from the country.

We really need to smarten up folks... and let ICE Do their jobs.



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FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024

Mayors Celebrate Final Four

Last Saturday evening the Mayors Committee of Roxbury celebrated the NCAA Final Four with an outstanding hoops themed party. Under the direction of Roxbury Mayor Michael Esposito and along with the help of F.L.O.R (the First Lady of Roxbury) Jen Esposito and F.F.O.R (the First Flunky of Roxbury) Rusty Riis the venerable Roxbury institution was expertly decorated for a festive night of hoops and comradery. Skillfully providing the music for the lively evening was Ricky Diffendale and Danny Ryan.

Just a quick save the date note -- the Mayors Committee is currently planning the annual Memorial Day Veteran's Organization's Fundraising Barbeque which will take place on Saturday, May 25th and will be here before we know it! Bring on Summer!


For Anyone Over The Age Of 18 Grieving The Loss Of A Loved One,

The Saint Francis de Sales Grief Share Support Group Will Meet

Tuesdays, April 16, 2024 ? June 25, 2024

7:00PM ? 8:30PM (11 Sessions)

At The SFDS Parish House 216 Beach 130th Street 2nd Floor

Belle Harbor, NY 11694

For More Information: Please Call The SFDS Rectory


FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2024




have some more details on it in Don't forget this coming

next week's Pointer.

Monday, April 15th is Tax Day.

"Heard around town that..."

On Sunday April 21st the Don't forget to send those ingood folks of the Swim Strong come taxes in folks, lots of new

Foundation, that have done so arrivals in our country are count-

much to educate New Yorkers ing on you!

Oh boy, what a week of nat- will be giving away plants to about water safety, will host a Unfortunately, we have quite

ural phenomenon! First a very help beautify our communi- film screening and panel dis- a few condolences to send out as

unsettling earthquake on Friday ty from 9am until as long as cussion of a documentary film our community lost a few great

afternoon and then a slightly the supply of plants lasts. If made about the organization's men this past week. We send our

underwhelming total eclipse (at you have a green thumb, stop work at the Rockaway Hotel. sincere condolences to the fami-

least here in Breezy). Have to say by, pick up a plant and cele- Tickets to the screening of the ly, friends and neighbors of John

at first, I thought the earthquake brate Mother Earth by planting short film made by Paul Frangi- Caravello, Sebastian Danese and

on Friday was a microburst of your new friend around your pane and Liliana Bernal are $25 Joe Ecock. All three of these

wind, it certainly seemed that home. The second event is a a piece and can be purchased at guys were outstanding gentle-

way as the windows and house Bay Beach Clean-Up set for the Foundation's website Swim- man that will be sorely missed

were shaking like it was a hurri- Saturday, April 27th from 9am . Under- by everyone that knew them. We

cane. Thank God it only lasted to noon. Volunteers and com- stand there will also be lite bites, pray they will rest in peace.

10 seconds or so, makes you re- munity service needing kids are refreshments and a 50/50 raffle

ally feel for the folks that get the needed to help out, we should as well.


real long drawn out "shakers".

As to the eclipse here in Breezy,

with only 90% of totality, it re-

ally didn't feel like much of an

event, but from the report of

our contributor Ron Ellard who

traveled up to 100% totality in

Lake Placid it certainly looked

like an event there! Thank you

Ron for your report and picture!

Hope to see a great turnout

for this Saturday's Blessed Trin-

ity "Shop The Point" to benefit

the Campaign For The Point at

Monsignor Connolly Hall. The

sale, which is yet another great

way to raise funds needed for the

new gymnasium and communi-

ty center for our Parish, will run

from 9am to 1pm. Local crafters

and vendors will be on hand to

sell their wares during the event,

and I'm sure there will be a raf-

fle to help raise money. Check

it out!

Speaking of Blessed Trinity,

congratulations to the teenagers

that made their Confirmation

this past Wednesday evening at

St. Thomas More! Use that gift

of the Holy Spirit wisely kids!

Just a reminder to all the par-

ents and grandparents that the

Cooperative Youth Committee,

in association with Plaza Theat-

rical Productions, will host the

Abbracadabra Magic Show at

the Colony Theater this Sunday,

April 14th beginning at 4pm.

The Plaza Theatrical Group

always puts on a great show

for us here when they come to

the Point, and this production

should be more of the same, at

$10 a person for the show you

should definitely check it out,

you won't be disappointed!

With one week and change

to go before the 54th annual

Earth Day, we just want to let

everyone know that the Coop-

erative Green Committee has

a couple of events coming up

to celebrate and give back to the Earth. The first event is

Member Andersen Dealer Service Network

their annual Earth Day Plant Giveaway on Saturday, April 20th out in front of the Activity Center, committee members

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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