Article Reflection Assignment Format



HS.57. Define, research, and explain an event, issue, problem, or phenomenon and its significance to



1) Need to find 3 news articles/current events

2) Articles must be current – up to 1 year old. They can be in regards to politics or economics.

3) You may use magazines, newspapers, or the internet. Basically internet and must come from a reliable source. Try to avoid blogs.

• Attach the link to the articles

• Length:

o Typed: 1 page, double space, 12 pt. font, and 1” margins.

1. Article Information:

a. Title of Article, Author, Date of Article

b. Source

2. Body:  Brief Summary of the Article. Consider the following questions

o Who?, What?, When? Where?, Why?, How?

o It may not be possible to answer every one of these questions – use them as a general guideline when writing your summary.

3. Opinion/Reflection: Reflect on what you learned reading this article. Consider the following:

a. What is or are the issues at hand?

b. What are the different perspectives being presented regarding the given issue?

c. Most importantly what is your opinion on the given topic, which perspectives given in the article do you agree with more?

d. What would be the best compromise to resolve the issue?

4. Vocabulary Words: “Don’t do this Part”

o Choose 2 words from the article that are new to you.  Write the

▪ 1) word

▪ 2) part of speech

▪ 3) syllabication

▪ 4) the definition of the word as it is used in the article. 

For example:  

newspaper - (noun) -  news * pa * per - A publication usually issued daily or weekly containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising.  



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