JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

Application for Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme 2021Name in Full Family First MiddleGendermale / femaleDate of Birth (Day/Month/Year) Day Month YearAgeNationalityPlace of Birth Current Appointment (If you do not have a current appointment, type N/A in “Current Position or Status” and leave the other fields blank.)Title: Division/Department: Institution, Country/Region: Doctoral (or equivalent) Degree Expected Type: Date degree obtained/expected Field: Day Month Year Award granting institution: Country: PhD dissertation topic and name of supervisor(s)PhD Dissertation TopicPhD Dissertation SupervisorsField of SpecializationProposed Research Title (within 100 letters, including spaces and symbols) Please indicate which of these research areas are related to your research in Japan (multiple responses possible): Water and Resource Management Innovation and Education Biodiversity and Society Strategic ProgrammeAre you available to begin the fellowship on 1 September 2021? 20840701600200028384515938500 Yes NoEnglish proficiencyWas your PhD dissertation written in English? 20840701600200028384515938500 Yes No*If no, provide certificate of English proficiency (e.g., TOEFL score, certificate of proficiency)JSPS Fellowship(s) you were granted in the past (Put X in the box below and fill in the blanks.) N/A Postdoctoral Fellowship (Short-term) Postdoctoral Fellowship (Strategic) Postdoctoral Fellowship (Summer Program)JSPS Fellowship(s) you were granted in the past (Put X in the box below and fill in the blanks.) N/A JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Standard) application through Japanese host researchers/institutions JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-term) application through overseas nominating authorities JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short-term) application through Japanese host researchers/institutions Other Fellowships: Names ( ) Past Stay(s) in JapanLocationYearPurpose of StayMailing addresses (Please check Office or Home: unless otherwise stated, we will send documents to your office) Office: Home:Tel: Tel: Email: Email: Marital Status 20840701600200028384515938500 Single     MarriedWill you be accompanied by immediate family members? If so, please indicate their names and relationship to you.NameRelationshipPlease provide contact details for two referees.Name: Name: Address: Address: Tel: Tel: Email: Email: Please provide your reasons for applying and a brief explanation of how our qualifications and research proposal meet the requirements of the Fellowship.Please describe your academic goals and career aspirations following completion of the Fellowship.Have you applied for this fellowship previously?20840701600200028384515938500 Yes NoIf yes, when? (Years)How did you hear about this fellowship programme?Former UNU-IAS FellowSupervisor UNU-IAS Website Other Website Name:Email List Name:University DepartmentName:Other (please indicate)Name:I certify the above information to be accurate and correct.Date: Signature:Required documents:Required supporting documents (As one ZIP file format with .zip extension. Max 3MB in file size):Abstract of your PhD thesis (not to exceed 500 words) Include details regarding your objectives, methodology, and contribution to your research field.Curriculum Vitae and a scanned copy of doctoral degree certificate and certified copies of academic transcript (Masters and PhD courses if applicable)Your most significant publication as sole author and list of other publications (up to 10 most relevant) Authors (all), Title, Journal/Book, Vol. No., pp., Month, Year?? (If not available, please attach one chapter of your PhD dissertation. The list should include peer-reviewed studies that have been accepted for publication or are in the pre-publication stage.)Past Research and Achievements (1,000 words maximum) - Proposal for Research in Japan (1,000 words maximum)???? a)?Background of proposed research planb)?Purpose of proposed researchc)?Proposed pland)?Expected results and impactsContact:JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowship ProgrammeUnited Nations University Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability5-53-70 JingumaeShibuya-ku, Tokyo150-8925, Japanfellowships@unu.edu ................

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