10th Grade Social Studies

9th Grade Social Studies

Current Events Assignment

By studying the past we can better understand our present, and by studying our present we may be able to more accurately predict our future. In order to achieve this understanding, you have been assigned to research current events from a variety of media: newspapers, journals, and the internet. You will analyze them for their historical ties to topics we study in class during this school year.

This assignment will reflect our studies in US History from the mid-1800s through 1930. Below are the units that we will be covering this year. Below are some suggested current events topics related to our units of study:

|Unit List for 9th Grade Social Studies |

|Unit |Unit Title |Suggested Current Events Topics for Research |

|1 |Civil War |Re-enactments of battles, race relations, confederate flag issues, civil wars in other |

| | |countries |

|2 |Reconstruction |Race relations, rebuilding of countries torn apart by war |

|3 |Westward Expansion |Native American issues (reservations, casinos), mining industry, water conservation, |

| | |federal government involvement (Bureau of Land Management - BLM) |

|4 |Industrial Revolution |Industrial pollution, corporate buyouts, union issues, government regulations, |

| | |philanthropy |

|5 |Immigration |Contemporary immigrants, illegal/legal aliens, border patrol concerns, ethical issues |

|6 |Imperialism/Spanish American War |Tabloid writing, global influences of other countries, war hype and propaganda |

|7 |Progressive Era |Government regulations, food/drug laws, industry watchdogs, societal problems and |

| | |possible solutions |

|8 |World War I |Foreign wars, militarism, weapons of war, causes/results of war |


1. Search any print-based media source to locate current event articles (i.e.: newspapers, magazines/journals, online news sources). Below are some suggested sources for your to search:

|Newspapers |Magazines/Journals* |Internet Sites |

|Wilmington News Journal |Newsweek | |

|Philadelphia Inquirer |US News and World Report | |

|Washington Post |National Geographic | |

|USA Today |American Heritage | |

|New York Times |American History | |

* All are available in the school library

2. Clip, copy, or print out the articles. All articles selected must be dated within the current school year: August through May.

3. Read the articles.

4. Type the following information for each article. Points will be deducted for information that is handwritten. An example of a form is attached to these directions:

Title of the article

Date of the article

Source of the article (complete website must be included if applicable)

Unit of study to which the article is related (per the unit list)

Summary of the article (one paragraph)

Historical relationship between the article and the unit (one paragraph)

Impact on society and/or individual (one paragraph)

Unit Presentations

The day following every unit test will be current events presentation day. You will need to have two articles related to the unit that was just studied. Your grade for this assignment will be based on the information you provide and for your presentation of the article to the class. It will be a product grade.

Current Events Form - SAMPLE

Title of the Article:

Date of Article Publication:

Source of the Article (website/newspaper/magazine):

Unit of Study that the Article is Related:

Summary of the Article (one paragraph):

Historical Relationship Between the Article and Unit of Study (one paragraph):

Impact on Society and/or Individual (one paragraph):


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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