8th Grade Science Current Event Articles

8th Grade Science SNOTS! (Science News Of the world Today!)

Find an article about one Current Event in Science in a newspaper magazine, or Internet (see below for acceptable science news sources). Sources must be no more than 2 years old. You will staple a highlighted copy of the article to your summary. Write a minimum page double spaced ( or handwritten full page) summary of the current event. If you would like to type yours and you do not have access to a computer, you will be allowed to use mine during homeroom or RTI. Please proofread your work. Will count as Quiz Grade. The purpose of this assignment is to recognize the importance of science in everyday life, learn to write scientific summaries of information, and practice reading text about scientific topics. Find an article that INTERESTS you!!

Due Dates: Sept. 28, October 31, November 30, December 14, January 31, February 28, March 29, April 19, May 10

Your assignment should follow this format:

Your Name: Class Due Date

Title of Article


Source Name and Type (what newspaper, magazine, or website did you use?)

Date of Article Written


- Predict what the article will be about before reading it

- Brainstorm what you already know about the topic


- List the “clunk” words you find throughout the article (words that you don’t know what they mean)

- Define a minimum of three of those words (look up in the dictionary, use context clues and select the most appropriate definition)

Get the Gist:

Using complete sentences tell “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” “how.” Summarize the article. (AT LEAST 4 sentences)

YOUR reactions:

Answer: Why did you choose this article? What did you learn? Do you agree/disagree? How did you feel reading this? How will the main idea affect you/people around you? What do you still wonder/ what do you want to know now?

You can quote 2 sentences directly from the article but you must put quotation marks on them. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

Websites examples: (you may find resources other than these websites)

Time For Kids: TFK/

National Geographic Kids News: news.kids/

Popular Science:

Science News:

Science News for Kids:

Discovery for Kids: kids.

Science Daily:

DOGO News:

Headline Spot: for/kids


Your Name/Class/Due Date- 1 point

Title of Article/Author/Source/Date written- 3 points

Clunks- 3 points

Article Gist- 6 points

Your Reactions- 5 points

Copy of Article attached- 3 points

Highlight/Underline Main Ideas 3 points

Circled “Clunk” Words 1 point

TOTAL POINTS 25 points


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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