Notebook Guidelines Mrs. HarenbergDuring this class you will need to keep an organized notebook. Not only will your notebook be worth a percentage of your grade, but having your work organized will help you study for exams, quizzes and finals. You will need a 1 ?”-2” tree ring binder and five section dividers. The dividers can be made at home or purchased, but they must have tabs to show where each section begins.Your biology notebook will be due at once per six week period and will count as much as a major exam. If you make a habit of putting your papers in the correct section as soon as they are returned to you, this is an easy way to boost your grade. If you wait until the last minute to organize your notebook, you may discover that you’ve lost some important papers.If you are absent, be sure to ask for handouts you missed, and ask a friend if you can copy any lecture notes that you missed. Don’t wait until the day before notebooks are due to ask for missing items! Under no circumstances will I give you copies of missing items weeks or months after we have covered a particular topic!!! Check the class calendar, be responsible, and keep track of what you’ve missed. Throughout the six week period, I will use the overhead to show you the exact order in which papers should be filed in your notebook. We will make a table of contents as we go through this process. When I hand papers back to you, it is to your advantage to file them immediately and write your grade in the table of contents. This table of contents is a portion of your grade. You must bring your notebook to class each day!!! Graffiti, scribbling and doodling will not be tolerated. Photocopies of another students work will not be accepted!Notebook Requirements: Word/Problem of the DayAssignment grade record.Section 1: Handouts—informational sheets like this oneSection 2: Lecture notes, review sheetsSection 3: Class work and homework.Section 4: Lab work—ANY lab work, lab handouts, drawings, observations, graphs, etc.Section 5: Current eventsEach section above will have a table of contents that we update together when I hand work back to you.I may ask to review your notebook in preparation for parent conferences, grade checks, progress reports, etc. Be prepared for a notebook check at any time.Current Event AssignmentsMrs. HarenbergYou will be required to complete one current event per six week period. Articles can be from any newspaper, magazine, scientific journal, or credible website. The article must have been news within the last 12 months. If you do not have access to periodicals or the internet at home, you may use the computers in the media center or in my classroom to find an article, but you must do this at least 2 days before the due date. The purpose of this assignment is to help you realize the importance of biology in our everyday lives and to relate the material we study in class to practical application in real-life issues.Requirements: Current event articles must be on a biological topic or a specific topic that I assign. Topics may include: animals, plants, microbiology, health, nutrition, genetics, ecology, etc. If you are unsure whether or not a topic is acceptable, check with me at least 2 days before the assignment is due.The article must be a minimum of 250 words long. Include the entire article, any pictures that go with it, and any continuations on other pages. A copy of the article will be accepted, as long as it is complete.You are required to read and understand the entire article and summarize it by hand on a lined piece of paper, before coming to class. If you prefer, you may type it, but if you do so, please use 12-point font and double-space with one inch margins. This summary must be at least one page, and should include the following information in paragraph form: Who did the study or who was the expert the author interviewed? If this is not given, then simply give the name of the author of the article. Where was the information gathered or where was the study done?What is the article about? What is the purpose of the article? Why was the study done?What is your reaction to the article? This should be the longest section of your summary. This is where you can tell me how you feel about this type of research or its implications. You can let me know if you agree with the results of the article, if you have any personal experience relating to it, why you chose it, etc.Current events are to be turned in at the beginning of class on the day they are due. No time will be given in class to work on them. They will be graded as follows: 5 points: You have attached the full article behind your written work. It is less than a year old and at least 250 words.5 points: The topic is on biology, or on the topic specifically assigned.5 points: You have included your detailed reaction. “I liked it.” or something similar is not enough. See the last bullet point above.10 points: You have addressed, in paragraph form, the first four bullet points above.5 points: You have included a complete, correct MLA reference after your written work. ................

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