Current Events Assignment Worksheet

Current Event: Chapters 3/4


Directions: Let’s connect our current study of the Middle East to today!

Find an article (cut from newspaper or print) that shows a current CONFLICT in the Middle East (Israel, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Kuwait, etc.). Do not use Wikipedia.

Please check SS website for CE links.

Please attach your entire article and staple to back.

Name(s):_______________________________ Date:___________________Period_____

Identify CONFLICT:____________________________________________

Name of Source:_______________________________________________

Website URL:_________________________________________________

Title of Article:________________________________________________

Summarize the background information of this topic in a few sentences.


Explain the IMPACT of this issue in a few sentences. What are some of the CONTRIBUTING factors?


Choose something included in the article that you think is the most interesting. Remember, put it in quotes.


Why did you choose these words? Was it the point it made? the feeling?….the person who said it?…..Explain in a few sentences.


What is your opinion or your reaction to this conflict? Did the article show you something you didn’t think or know before? Explain in a few sentences.________________________________



My child has met the above criteria.

Parent Signature_____________________________________________________________

Any comments:


Name/Date/other information properly filled out _____/1

Depth of Response _____/4

Attached article _____/1

Parent Signature _____/1

Total ______/7

On the due date: Now that you have completed this, please contribute to a class poster: Current Conflict in the Middle East. Using marker, write a catchy headline that expresses the issue.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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