Directions for Current Event Responses

Directions for Current Event Responses

7th Grade Health-Miss Holzman

Three, 1 page health article responses will be completed by each student. One of the responses will be done in class. The other two will be completed by the student as homework. Each response will be worth 50 points, and all three will contribute 150 points to your grade during the quarter. Due dates for the responses can be found below. Articles turned in after the due date will have 10 points taken off for every day they are late. After 3 days of being late, articles will not be accepted.


1. Find a current health article from a newspaper or magazine. TIP: Pick topics and issues that you find interesting!

2. On a separate sheet of paper write or type a 1-Page response using the format below:

Name: Date:

Title of Article:

Source: (where the article came from)

1. Summarize the article. DO NOT restate what the article says. DO summarize the article in YOUR OWN WORDS. (Approximately 1-2 paragraphs)


2. What was your opinion of the article? What was surprising, interesting, etc. about the article TO YOU? BE HONEST! (Approximately 1 paragraph)


3. How does this article relate to YOUR personal health, OR how could it relate to YOUR health. (Approximately 1-2 paragraphs)


3. Staple the actual article to your response. (Unless it came from classroom magazine)


Current Event Response #1:___________________________________________

Current Event Response #2:___________________________________________

Current Event Response #3:___________________________________________

Current Event Response Rubric

All 3 current health responses will be graded using the following criteria:

|Detail of Response |Answers all 3 questions in |Answers 2 of the required |Answers 1 question. Does not |Answers none of the required |

| |detail. Is at least 1 page. |questions in detail. Is at least|give much detail. Less than 1 |questions. Gives no detail. ½ a |

|25 points | |1 page. |page. |page or less. |

| | | | | |

| |25-21 points |20-16 points |15-11 points |10-0 points |

|Title and Source |Title and source are written on |Either the title or source is |Title and source are not on the |Title and source are not on the |

| |the response, and appear on the |not written on the response, but|response, but are on the |response or the article. |

|5 points |article. |appear on the article. |article. | |

| | |4-3 points | | |

| |5 points | | |1-0 points |

| | | |3-2 points | |

|Proper Grammar and punctuation |There are 1 or less grammatical |Most of the response is |There are 5-10 grammatical |There are more than 10 grammar |

| |errors. |grammatically correct. 2-3 |errors in the response. |errors in the response. |

|10 points | |errors. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |8-7 points |6-3 points |2-0 points |

| |10-9 points | | | |

|Spelling |There are 1 or less spelling |There are 2-3 spelling errors. |There are 5-10 spelling errors. |There are more than 10 spelling |

| |errors. | | |errors throughout the response. |

|5 points | | | | |

| | | | |1-0 points |

| | | | | |

| |5 points |4-3 points |3-2 points | |

|Neatly typed or written in blue |Response is neatly typed or |Response is neatly written in a |Part of the response is written |Most of the summary is |

|or black ink |written in blue or black ink. |different color ink that is |in a sloppy, unreadable way |unreadable. |

| | |still readable. |and/or written in pencil. | |

|5 points | | |3-2 points | |

| | | | | |

| |5 points |4-3 points | | |

| | | | |1-0 points |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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