How to prepare for your current event presentationChoose an issue from current news, either domestic or international. Domestic issue does not have to be limited to Korea but may be expanded to other countries if that is where you are from or have lived before. The issue may NOT be solely related to sports, entertainment, food and travel. When in doubt, ASK. When you choose an issue, search for the news source. You may find it either from the Internet, newspaper, magazines, etc., but remember, we are talking about “current” event. You may not choose an issue that was on the news a month ago and forgotten by people afterwards. You need to find at least sources on the issue.Make sure that your presentation has all of the parts of a presentation that were listed in the lecture:Background information – introduce the topic with thesis statement (who, what, when, where) – shouldn’t be too long [about 30 sec.]Describe the current situation or idea – break it down into three or four categories based on the information gathered at the research [about 2 – 2.5 minutes]Give some implications for the future or the needs or opportunities currently – use the research to tell what needs to be done or what can be done [about 1 minute]The overall presentation should be about 4 minutes, and allow some extra time for Q & A. Not only the instructor but also your fellow classmates may ask questions. The presentation cannot be more than 5 minutes!You need at least 3 sources for this presentation. Don’t forget to have a reference page at the end.If you come up with any additional questions while preparing for this, feel free to send me an email at aarongjones2018@. Good luck! ONLINE CLASS NOTES: This will be a pre-recorded presentation. Please send the YouTube link to my email by Wednesday, October 28, by 11:59 p.m. Make sure I can clearly see your face and upper body as well as the PPT. Also don’t forget to wear professional clothing and include SLEEP. ................

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