WEEKTopicSummary of Resources and Activities1Introduction to American Government A: What are the historical foundations of the American SystemSenior ProjectFounding FathersSyllabusStudent Information, CARIPacing GuideIntroduce Senior Project, bring binderUnit 1: Lesson 1 Unit 1 VocabularyCrash Course2Senior ProjectCivic LifeHistorical DevelopmentsCurrent EventBegin senior project workday.Unit 1: Lesson 2Unit 1: Lesson 3Quiz 1 Lesson 1, 2, 3Current Event? page summary written; 30-60s spoken present3Senior Project British Origins of American ConstitutionalismFoundational DocumentsColonial America: Basic Ideas of RightsSenior Project Step 1Unit 1: Lesson 4Foundational DocumentsUnit 1: Lesson 5Quiz 2 Lesson 4, 54Senior ProjectWhy freedom?Basic Rights and State ConstitutionsCurrent EventSenior Project Step 2Unit 1: Lesson 6Unit 1: Lesson 7Quiz 3 Lesson 6, 7Current Event? page summary written; 30-60s spoken present5Senior ProjectUnit #1 ExamPortfolio #1Articles of ConfederationPhiladelphia Convention Senior Project Step 3Unit 1 Review (all quiz retakes due)Unit #1 Exam (portfolio #1 due)Unit 2: Lesson 8Unit 2 VocabularyUnit 2: Lesson 96Senior ProjectWhy was Representation an issue?Constitution Fact FinderDesigning the three branches Senior Project Step 3 - continuedQuiz 4: Lesson 8, 9Unit 2: Lesson 10Constitutional Fact FinderUnit 2: Lesson 117Senior ProjectFederal and State PowersBill of RightsAnti-FederalistsSenior Project Steps 4 & 5Quiz 5 Lesson 10, 11Unit 2: Lesson 12Bill of RightsUnit 2: Lesson 13Parent-Teacher Conferences8Senior ProjectFederalistsCrash CourseUnit #2 ExamPortfolio #2Senior Project Steps 4 & 5 - continuedUnit 2: Lesson 14Crash Course Constitution Quiz 6 Lesson 13 & 14 Unit 2 Review (all quiz retakes due)Unit #2 Exam (portfolio #2 due)9Senior ProjectJudicial ReviewSenior Project – Complete BinderCrash Course Emerging PoliticsUnit 3: Lesson 15Unit 3 Unit 3: Lesson 16Quiz 7 Lesson 15 & 1610Senior ProjectSenior Project - Presentations11Political PartiesCivil War and the Constitution Due Process of 14th AmendmentEqual Protection Clause of 14th AmendmentRight to votePlessy v. FergusonPolitical PartiesUnit 3: Lesson 17 Unit 3: Lesson 18Quiz 8 Lesson 17 & 18Unit 3: Lesson 19Unit 3: Lesson 20Plessy v. FergusonQuiz 9 Lesson 19 & 2012Unit 3 ExamUnit 3 PortfolioReview for FinalFinal ExamUnit 3 Review (all quiz retakes due) Unit 3 Exam (portfolio #3 due)Review for Final ExamFinal ExamEnd of Trimester: Return Books Helpful Information:All calendars, lectures notes and other information are available to you on my web site.Don’t be afraid to say.. ”I don’t get it.” Teaching is who I am and just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean you or I failed, it just means we need to spend more time on communication and sharing information.I don’t know everything and you don’t know everything… let’s work together and learn from each other! Come see me when you are getting behind, stressed out or worried. Hiding it won’t make it better, it will make it worse. So, come get help.I am here to help you find success! ................

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