CURRENT EVENT - Loudoun County Public Schools


50 points

Science is the discovery of new information. Many things, including values of society, personal beliefs, laws, politics and economics can determine how new information is used. In this assignment you will explore printed media and discover new scientific data and see how that data is being used and interpreted.

▪ Choose an article from a scientific journal or the internet that relates to EARTH SCIENCE. An excellent source of scientific articles is Science Daily.

▪ Write a one paragraph summary of the article in your own words.

▪ Write one paragraph stating your opinion or reaction to the article. See the rubric below for suggested discussion topics. Do NOT answer the questions – they are guidelines only.

▪ Include the title of the article, the source, and the date.

▪ Your current event must be submitted to by the DUE DATE (see table below). Papers must be submitted no later than 8:59 am on the due date. Do not wait until the last minute to submit! You may submit at any time during the month.

▪ Papers not submitted to by the due date and time should be turned in the next block for a late penalty of 40%. You must turn in a hard copy in order to receive late credit. No articles can be turned in after the late block, therefore, a zero will be recorded. You have one month to complete this assignment so do not wait until the last minute to submit!! Computer issues are not an excuse for late papers. Computers are available before and after school and in your study hall. Plan ahead if you do not have access to a computer at home.

▪ You will present your article to the class when time permits.



|September |25 |

|October |30 |

|November |27 |

|December |11 |

|January |29 |

|February |26 |

|March |19 |

|April |30 |

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Grades are determined by: USE THIS RUBRIC TO CHECK YOUR WORK!!!

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|Name and block number (1), title of article (1), source (1), and date (1) = (5 points) |

|Credit the Author! Use a reference citation for the article similar to a bibliography. The web address is not a proper citation! |

|Example: |

|Author (date of publication) Title of the Article, Source, Volume, page number. |

|Jones, K. (1997) Discrimination of Two Aspects of Cognitive-Social Intelligence from Academic Intelligence, Journal of Educational Psychology. 89, 486-497 |

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|If you find an article online this is how you would cite the author: |

|Benton Foundation (1998). Losing ground bit by bit: Low-income communities in the information age [Electronic version]. Retrieved June 27, 2001, from |

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| plagiarism < 20% = (5 points) – you must summarize in your own words!! |

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|Oral presentation: topic fully explained, spoke loud enough, knowledge of article (5) |

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|Summary explains key details of article (minimum of 7 sentences) = (15) ( ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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