World History II

[pic] Current Events

Coach Chad Long

Teacher Education: Pre-Law/Social Studies, B.S.; Southern Nazarene University, 1997 Secondary Education, B.S.; Southern Nazarene University, 1998. Minors in Sports Management/Coaching and Musical Performance. Teaching and Leadership Studies; Kanakuk Institute. 1999

The following information will provide you with the expectations of the class. In an effort to avoid any future misunderstandings, the class requirements, policies, rules, and procedures have been outlined in detail. Please read carefully and feel free to ask any questions.

Course Description

Current Events offers students the opportunity to explore and analyze a number of political, social, economic, and environmental issues that affect Americans today and have implications for our futures. The course will focus on a number of major themes with flexibility to accommodate students’ interests and current events. Students will be encouraged to examine their own thoughts and beliefs as well as the thoughts and beliefs of others. The course will stress research analysis, group process, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making skills, community involvement, and community service.

Some learner outcomes include:

◦Pursue learning independently

◦Consults a variety of resources in research

◦Critiques own work

•Provides evidence of process (documentation!)

◦Manages time well and meets deadlines

◦Demonstrate an understanding and responsibility for local, national and global issues


◦5 Current Event Response papers: 2 pages in length, double spaced, 10 or 12 font, with standard 1 inch margins. You are not expected to include a bibliography, as your bibliographical data should be given within your paper. However, you are expected to properly footnote the quotations and ideas of others. Papers are due at the beginning of class in printed form.

◦Evaluation of Political Beliefs Paper: 2 page paper evaluating of your personal beliefs

◦Letter to a Political Official: 1 page letter to any political official on a topic of interest to you.

◦Socratic Seminar Project: Includes selection of relevant topic, location of credible sources; annotated bibliography; in-depth question creation; leadership of in-class Socratic seminar discussion.

◦Muckraker Project: Exploring what muckrakers do and applying knowledge to a contemporary issue.

◦Final Project: 4-5 page paper and power point presentation identifying and applying a logical solution to a world problem.

◦Class Participation: Positive involvement in class and group discussions. This will be numerically evaluated each week.

◦Demonstration of knowledge of current events and contemporary issues though papers, projects and class participation

Class Rules and Expectations:

◦Respect. You are expected to respect everyone in the classroom. Be considerate of the beliefs of others. Treat others with the same respect that you wish to receive from others. Respect includes use of appropriate language and content.

◦Come prepared for class. Bring your notebook, writing implements, paper and all work that is due every day.

◦Be at class on time. Promptness to class and attendance is expected. If you are late, have a pass. If you are late without a pass expect a detention. If you are absent contact a classmate or the office for your assignments. You are responsible for all work missed during an absence.

◦Submit work on time. If your work is late you will lose one letter grade per day until the work is no longer accepted.

Materials and Content: Current Events is designed to expand students’ understanding of the larger world around them. Students are encouraged to ask difficult questions and search for answers through research and discussion. World topics are increasingly difficult including war, poverty, health care, politics, and cultural diversity to name just a few. This necessitates study of a variety of print and media sources in which students will be asked to question both the content and source. Documentary Sources will be used in full and partial form including:

◦Why We Fight


◦Bowling for Columbine

◦When the Levees Broke

•50 Years of War: Israel and the Arabs

Class Supplies:

◦Writing Utensil

◦70 page spiral notebook

◦1 – 2 pocket folder


•Flashdrive/Portable Storage

Current Events Semester Time Line

Week 1-2

◦Current Event Paper #1: Local

◦Muckraker Project

Week 3-4

◦Current Event Paper # 2:

◦State Begin Socratic Seminar Projects

Week 5-6

◦Current Event Paper #3: National

◦Socratic Seminars

Week 7-8

◦Evaluation paper of political beliefs (your response to America’s political climate)

◦Socratic Seminars

Week 9-10

◦Reaction Paper # 4: World

◦Socratic Seminars

Week 11-12

◦Letter to Political Official

◦Socratic Seminars

Week 13-14

◦Reaction Paper #5: Topic of Your Choice

◦Socratic Seminars

Week 15-16

◦Begin Research on Final Projects

Week 17-18

◦Final Project: Solutions to World Problems Core Assignment (identify and offer a solution to a world problem)




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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