Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School

Current Events Assignment RubricIt is very important to know and understand the events that are happening around the world. A requirement for this class is to do a weekly current event activity. The assignment is designed to have you read an article from a newspaper, magazine or website (not Wikipedia or blogs) and to analyze the article. Use only international or Trump-related articles. NO articles on: sports, crime – shootings, robberies, etc., entertainment, vehicle accidents of any kind, fires, advertisements, obituaries (death notices), new phones, inappropriate topics for school. current social issues/trends we can discuss, articles with a pro/con point of view, new technologies, new historical/archaeological discoveries and political/cultural/economic issues The original article cannot be more than one week old. You are to include the following points in your assignment.1 Topic = 1 point What is the topic of your article?2 Article Title = 1 pointWhat is the title of the article? Exact wording3 Article source = 1 pointWhere did you get the article? Name of newspaper/magazine, URL if from an online source.4 Summary = 2 points Briefly, and in your own words, summarize the content of the article. (Who, what, when, where)Five (5) sentence minimum.5 Reaction = 5 pointsTake a position on the issue contained in the article. How do you feel about this event? How does this event affect you? Why, how did this occur? Five (5) sentence minimum.Cut out, photocopy or print the article and attach it to your written thoughts. If the article is not attached, the assignment is worth half credit. This is not your opinion of whether the article was good or bad. The assignment is for you to explore your personal attitudes, thoughts and beliefs on various topics taking place throughout the world. You should make a commitment on the issue and your opinion should be thought out using the information in the article and your personal views.The value of the assignment is ten (10) points and is due at the beginning of class each block day. ................

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