Science Current event - Rm. E-8 Scientists

Every Quarter you will be presenting a current event. This is to be informed about what is going on in science and we want to be aware of what is going on around the world. For this assignment, you will have to choose an article from any reliable resources (ex. Newspaper, magazine, or online resources). You may go to , Fox news, or any other website to search for articles relating to science. You cannot choose anything from Wikipedia. Remember articles are news about recent or important events. The article you choose has to be a science related article (ex. Technology, medicine, catastrophic events, space/universe, weather, etc.).For this assignment you will have to write three paragraphs. Your current event assignment may be typed. If you cannot type your reflection, you may handwrite your reflection. The format is as follow:On the upper right hand corner of your page, write your name, date, and class period.On the center of the page is the title of the article.The font size should be size 12 and should be Times New Roman.Everything has to be double spaced.If you can’t type your assignment, you may handwrite it. Make sure you skip a line. Please make sure you write neatly.There should be three paragraphs total. Each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences. You may write more than 4 sentences. Your reflection should have a total of 16 sentences.Each paragraph must be indented. If you are handwriting your reflection, use your thumb to measure the indentation. For the first paragraph, you will summarize you article. Remember that you cannot plagiarize, this means copy word for word from the article. You will have to paraphrase, this means putting it in your own words. If you cannot paraphrase, then make sure you “quote” the “word”, “phrase”, or “sentence”. This is where you tell us what the article is about.For the second paragraph, you will write your personal reflection about the article. Here you will write what you think and feel. You may include whether you agree or disagree.For the third paragraph, you will write how the article your chose relates to science and why it is important to us to know about your article. When you submit your assignment, be sure to provide a copy of the article. If you got it from an online source, copy the link and paste/write it on the bottom of your reflection. Everyone must sign-up for a date to present their reflection. Presentations will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Dates may change depending on the availability of time. This will be counted as a classwork assignment (25%) and a homework assignment (10%). You are required to have two questions for your classmates to answer at the end of your presentation.1123950206082002943225190500This rubric will be a scoring guide for your presentation. Categories4321SummaryStudent fully summarized the article using his or her words. Students used more than 4 sentences.Student summarized article his or her words. Student used 4 sentences.Students somewhat summarized the article. Student used 3 sentences.Student did not summarize the article and was not paraphrased. Student used less than 3 sentences.KnowledgeableStudent was very knowledgeable and very familiar about his or her topic.Student was knowledgeable and familiar about his or her topic.Student was somewhat knowledgeable and somewhat familiar about his or her topic.Student does not know what he or she is presenting about.VolumeStudent is very loud and clear. Student is loud and clear.Student is somewhat loud and clear.Student is not loud and not clear.ClarityStudent was very clear, pacing was excellent, and did not mispronounce a word/did not stutter during presentation.Student was clear, pacing was great, mispronounce a word or two/there was very little stuttering.Student was somewhat clear, pacing was good enough, mispronounced a few words/stuttered a few times.Student was not clear, presenter was reading too slow or too fast, mispronounced a lot of words, stuttered a lot during presentation.Presentation Student stood still during presentation. Student was very confident and established eye-contact.Student stood still during presentation. Student was confident and established eye-contact.Student moved around a little during presentation. Student was somewhat confident and established a good amount of eye-contact.Student was moving around a lot (swaying) during presentation. Student was not confident and established very little to no eye-contact at all.FormatStudent followed the exact format that was asked of.Student followed the format with very minor errors.Student somewhat followed the format, there were a few errors.Student did not follow the format. There were many errors. Total:________________/24Comments: ................

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