Current Events Curriculum - Northeast Middle School

Current Problems, Issues, and Events


Course Description

Current Problems, Issues, and Events gives students the opportunity to apply investigative and inquiry techniques to the study of significant problems or issues. Using the current news and events in the world students will learn to look critically at news coverage for bias and political slant. Also investigate trends and how stories relate to their lives, family and community. Problems or issues selected will have contemporary historical significance and will be studies from the viewpoint of the social science disciplines. Community service programs and internships within the community may be included

Course Objectives

1 Students will develop competence in recognizing cause and effect relationships. 2 Students will develop competence in recognizing fallacies in reasoning and

propaganda devices. 3 Students will develop competence in synthesizing knowledge into useful patterns. 4 Students will develop competence in stating and testing hypotheses. 5 Students will develop competence in generalizing based on evidence.

Essential Questions

1. How does knowledge of the past influence us and help us understand the present and the future?

2. How do economic, historic, environmental, social, and technological forces cause change?

3. How does conflict develop and how is it resolved among diverse groups? 4. What methods do people/historians use to interpret and communicate current and

historical events? 5. How do different political, cultural, or economic perspectives affect the view,

interpretation, and communication of current and historical events?


Standard 1 -- History

Students will examine the relationship and significance of themes, concepts, and movements in the development of Current Events.

Standard 2 -- Civics and Government

Students will explain the major principles, values and institutions of constitutional government and citizenship, which are based on the founding documents of the United

States and how three branches of government share and check power within our federal system of government.

Standard 3 -- Geography

Students will identify the major geographic characteristics of the World and its regions. They will name and locate the major physical features of the World. Students will use geographic skills and technology to examine the influence of geographic factors on international development.

Standard 4 -- Economics

Students will identify, describe and evaluate the influence of economic factors on international developments.

Course Assessments

Written Exams Participation Homework In-Class Work Classpoints

Sample Timeline

Monday ? Weekly Exam Tuesday ? Weekly Assignment (example news articles) Wednesday ? Weekly Assignment Thursday ? Discussion of Assignment Friday ? Hand out Newspapers & Discussion on News Topics

Course Materials: Major Text, Principle Materials and Films

Major Text: Weekly Newpapers

Supplement Materials: Internet Other material provided by Teacher

Commercial Films/Videos:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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