Current Event Format - Howard D. McMillan Middle School

Current Event Format

Currents events are due the last week of every month usually on Tuesday's but this can change so be sure to check your agendas. Current events should pertain to science and the student should look for articles that relate to the areas being studied to tie the real world to what is being studied in science class. The student knows these are due every month and can do them ahead of time as to not put them off until the last minute when there is more of a chance of the student not being able to find an appropriate article. The following format should be used. You may either rewrite this or input it into you computer.

This article is titled ______________________________________. I found it _______________________________________________________. It relates to science because ________________________________________ _________________________________. Three areas of interest were ______________________________, ___________________________, and _________________________________. The reason(s) I chose this article is because_______________________________________________.

2. Write a summary of the article (a summary is in your own words and should be no LESS than five sentences).

3. On the back of the paper should be five words these five words should be words you did not know OR words that were important in the article and the definitions should be provided. Furthermore, these words should be highlighted in the article and the article should be provided stapled to the BACK of your paper.

You can use magazines, newspapers, and even web sites (but the original or a copy must be provided.) As with all assignments there should be a team heading and title on each paper.

NO WEATHER PAGES. NO SPORTS PAGES. Web sites that might help may include , , , , , , and


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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