Grade: 8th Subject: Social Studies

Week of: September 19-23, 2011

Teachers: Hendrix, St. Germaine, Oden, Nolder, Payne, Slater, Wills

|Monday |

|Key Vocabulary: parish, proprietary colony, royal colony, French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, palisades, crackers, independence, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, |

|boycott, Tories, Patriots, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Liberty Boys, Townshend Acts, Quartering Acts |

|Materials: textbook, 6 pieces of poster sized paper (one per group) |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H2: The Student will analyze the colonial period of GA’s history. |

| |

|Topics Covered: The American Revolution |

| |

|Essential Questions: |

|What were the causes, both immediate and long term, of the American Revolution against England? (H3a) |

|What persons/groups/events were significant to the development of the new government? (H3b) |

| |

|Prime Time: |

|Students will write questions in interactive notebook, then find the answers by researching in their textbooks. |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Students may use a peer tutor, small flexible groups based on learning style, large group |

|Students will use graphic organizers, interactive notebook |

|Presentation –styles vary based on learning style |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: |

|Review SS8H2: The Student will analyze the colonial period of GA’s history. |

|Tell students that we have talked about how we settled and explored this land, today we are going to talk about what life was like at that time. This will give |

|students a picture of what GA (and the colonies) looked like and how it led to other issues/war. |

|Textbook pages 136-141 |

|Divide students into 6 groups based on their learning style. Each group will be assigned a section on these pages. They are responsible for teaching the class |

|their section. Give class 15 minutes to read their section and come up with a visual to share with the class. |

|Students will present to the class (5 minutes max). |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: |

|Students will have to read and write in order to present their information. It is intertwined in the activity. |

| |

|Summarization: |

|Ticket out the door: Students will use the sheet provided to write one sentence about each area. |

| |

|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis |

|Tuesday |

|Key Vocabulary: parish, proprietary colony, royal colony, French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, palisades, crackers, independence, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, |

|boycott, Tories, Patriots, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Liberty Boys, Townshend Acts, Quartering Acts |

|Materials: textbook, BLM pages, political cartoons, technology carts (if available) |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H3 The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution. |

|a. Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the American Revolution and their impact on Georgia; include the French and Indian War (Seven Years War), |

|Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, and the Declaration of Independence. |

|b. Analyze the significance of people and events in Georgia on the Revolutionary War; include Loyalists, patriots, Elijah Clarke, Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, |

|Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, Battle of Kettle Creek, and siege of Savannah. |

|Topics Covered: The American Revolution |

| |

|Essential Questions: |

|What were the causes, both immediate and long term, of the American Revolution against England? (H3a) |

|What persons/groups/events were significant to the development of the new government? (H3b) |

| |

|Prime Time: Students will write questions in interactive notebook, then find the answers by researching in their textbooks. |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Students may use a peer tutor, small flexible groups, large group |

|Students will use graphic organizers, use an interactive notebook |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: |

|Go over new standards with students- have students write the standard SS8H3a in their Interactive Notebooks. |

|Vocabulary activity (Students write vocab/definitions in their notebooks) |

|Read pages 142-148 |

|Technology activity: Students will research the French and Indian War. Students will prepare a chart/map identifying where the major battles took place. Mark |

|Georgia’s boundaries during the war. |

|Role play activity: Have students role-play a newspaper interview with each GA royal governor. One student can play the part of the governor, the others can play |

|the part of the journalists from GA newspapers. |

|Questions/Answers pg. 148 |

|CRCT pract book pg. 39-49 #92-126 |

|Notes |

|Read pages 149-152 |

|Read pages 153-165. |

|Hand out the graphic organizer with the people listed. Put students in groups and have them identify each person. |

|Analyze political cartoon- Why were these used? Were they effective? |

|Have students create a crossword puzzle using the names from SS8H2b. Then they will swap papers and have their partner complete the puzzle. |

|Blackline Masters pg 45-52 |

|Formative Assessment (BLM 53-54) |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: |

|Have students imagine that they lived in one of the southern colonies during the French and Indian War. Ask them to write a personal letter to a friend back in |

|Great Britain describing the war and its impact on them. |

|Have students write the newspaper article, complete with headlines, announcing the arrival of the new royal governor for GA. Include the imaginary interview. |

| |

|Summarization: Ticket out the door |

|Students will write: 3 things they learned today and 1 question they have for the teacher regarding topic |

| |

|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation |

|Wednesday |

|Key Vocabulary: parish, proprietary colony, royal colony, French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, palisades, crackers, independence, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, |

|boycott, Tories, Patriots, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Liberty Boys, Townshend Acts, Quartering Acts |

|Materials: textbook, BLM pages, political cartoons, technology carts (if available) |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H3 The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution. |

|a. Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the American Revolution and their impact on Georgia; include the French and Indian War (Seven Years War), |

|Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, and the Declaration of Independence. |

|b. Analyze the significance of people and events in Georgia on the Revolutionary War; include Loyalists, patriots, Elijah Clarke, Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, |

|Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, Battle of Kettle Creek, and siege of Savannah. |

|Topics Covered: The American Revolution |

| |

|Essential Questions: |

|What were the causes, both immediate and long term, of the American Revolution against England? (H3a) |

|What persons/groups/events were significant to the development of the new government? (H3b) |

| |

|Prime Time: Students will write questions in interactive notebook, then find the answers by researching in their textbooks. |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Students may use a peer tutor, small flexible groups, large group |

|Students will use graphic organizers, use an interactive notebook |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: |

|Go over new standards with students- have students write the standard SS8H3a in their Interactive Notebooks. |

|Vocabulary activity (Students write vocab/definitions in their notebooks) |

|Read pages 142-148 |

|Technology activity: Students will research the French and Indian War. Students will prepare a chart/map identifying where the major battles took place. Mark |

|Georgia’s boundaries during the war. |

|Role play activity: Have students role-play a newspaper interview with each GA royal governor. One student can play the part of the governor, the others can play |

|the part of the journalists from GA newspapers. |

|Questions/Answers pg. 148 |

|CRCT pract book pg. 39-49 #92-126 |

|Notes |

|Read pages 149-152 |

|Read pages 153-165. |

|Hand out the graphic organizer with the people listed. Put students in groups and have them identify each person. |

|Analyze political cartoon- Why were these used? Were they effective? |

|Have students create a crossword puzzle using the names from SS8H2b. Then they will swap papers and have their partner complete the puzzle. |

|Blackline Masters pg 45-52 |

|Formative Assessment (BLM 53-54) |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: |

|Have students imagine that they lived in one of the southern colonies during the French and Indian War. Ask them to write a personal letter to a friend back in |

|Great Britain describing the war and its impact on them. |

|Have students write the newspaper article, complete with headlines, announcing the arrival of the new royal governor for GA. Include the imaginary interview. |

| |

|Summarization: Ticket out the door |

|Students will write: 3 things they learned today and 1 question they have for the teacher regarding topic |

| |

|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation |

|Thursday |

|Key Vocabulary: parish, proprietary colony, royal colony, French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, palisades, crackers, independence, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, |

|boycott, Tories, Patriots, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Liberty Boys, Townshend Acts, Quartering Acts |

|Materials: textbook, BLM pages, political cartoons, technology carts (if available) |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H3 The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution. |

|a. Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the American Revolution and their impact on Georgia; include the French and Indian War (Seven Years War), |

|Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, and the Declaration of Independence. |

|b. Analyze the significance of people and events in Georgia on the Revolutionary War; include Loyalists, patriots, Elijah Clarke, Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, |

|Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, Battle of Kettle Creek, and siege of Savannah. |

|Topics Covered: The American Revolution |

| |

|Essential Questions: |

|What were the causes, both immediate and long term, of the American Revolution against England? (H3a) |

|What persons/groups/events were significant to the development of the new government? (H3b) |

| |

|Prime Time: Students will write questions in interactive notebook, then find the answers by researching in their textbooks. |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Students may use a peer tutor, small flexible groups, large group |

|Students will use graphic organizers, use an interactive notebook |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: |

|Go over new standards with students- have students write the standard SS8H3a in their Interactive Notebooks. |

|Vocabulary activity (Students write vocab/definitions in their notebooks) |

|Read pages 142-148 |

|Technology activity: Students will research the French and Indian War. Students will prepare a chart/map identifying where the major battles took place. Mark |

|Georgia’s boundaries during the war. |

|Role play activity: Have students role-play a newspaper interview with each GA royal governor. One student can play the part of the governor, the others can play |

|the part of the journalists from GA newspapers. |

|Questions/Answers pg. 148 |

|CRCT pract book pg. 39-49 #92-126 |

|Notes |

|Read pages 149-152 |

|Read pages 153-165. |

|Hand out the graphic organizer with the people listed. Put students in groups and have them identify each person. |

|Analyze political cartoon- Why were these used? Were they effective? |

|Have students create a crossword puzzle using the names from SS8H2b. Then they will swap papers and have their partner complete the puzzle. |

|Blackline Masters pg 45-52 |

|Formative Assessment (BLM 53-54) |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: |

|Have students imagine that they lived in one of the southern colonies during the French and Indian War. Ask them to write a personal letter to a friend back in |

|Great Britain describing the war and its impact on them. |

|Have students write the newspaper article, complete with headlines, announcing the arrival of the new royal governor for GA. Include the imaginary interview. |

| |

|Summarization: Ticket out the door |

|Students will write: 3 things they learned today and 1 question they have for the teacher regarding topic |

| |

|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation |

|Friday |

|Key Vocabulary: parish, proprietary colony, royal colony, French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, palisades, crackers, independence, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, |

|boycott, Tories, Patriots, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Liberty Boys, Townshend Acts, Quartering Acts |

|Materials: Prime time quiz |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H3 The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution. |

|a. Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the American Revolution and their impact on Georgia; include the French and Indian War (Seven Years War), |

|Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, and the Declaration of Independence. |

|b. Analyze the significance of people and events in Georgia on the Revolutionary War; include Loyalists, patriots, Elijah Clarke, Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, |

|Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, Battle of Kettle Creek, and siege of Savannah. |

|Topics Covered: The American Revolution |

| |

|Essential Questions: |

|What were the causes, both immediate and long term, of the American Revolution against England? (H3a) |

|What persons/groups/events were significant to the development of the new government? (H3b) |

| |

|Prime Time: |


| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Oral presentations, group response, independent research |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: |


|Review Current Event requirements with students. |

|Continue yesterdays lesson plan |

| |

|Summarization: |

|Students will present their current events. |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: Current Event- write two paragraphs about event |

| |

|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Evaluation |

Weekly Assessments:

• Formative test

• Quiz on Prime Time

Performance Based Activities:

• Current Events

• Political Cartoon Assessments

Learning Targets:

The students will understand:

• when there is conflict between or within societies, change is the result.

• That as a society increases in complexity and interacts with other societies, the complexity of the government also increases

• the movement or migration of people and ideas affects all societies involved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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