Grade: 8th Subject: Social Studies

Week of: August 15-19, 2011

Teachers: Hendrix, St. Germaine, Oden, Nolder, Payne, Slater, Wills

|Monday |

|Key Vocabulary: archaeologist, artifact, shale, anthropologist, culture, horticulture, tribe, antiquities |

|Materials: Venn diagram, textbooks, interactive notebooks |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures |

|in Georgia. |

|Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact. |

| |

|Topics Covered: |

|The Prehistoric Period |

| |

|Essential Question: |

|How did various developments in the culture of prehistoric Native Americans mark their evolution from the Paleo Period through the Mississippian Period? |

|What impact did environment have on the development of the prehistoric Native American cultures? |

| |

|Prime Time: |

|Copy vocabulary in Interactive Notebook- discuss definitions (test Friday) |

|Modification: if your students can’t do all the vocab in a short time, you can have them do ½ today and ½ tomorrow. |

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|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: (2 days) |

|Read pages 68-71, discuss as an introduction to our topic…point out pics and maps (visual learners) |

|Page 72-73, point out the Population, Life Expectancy (we will compare/contrast these in every unit). You may review the other signs of the times as you see |

|interest. Also, have students view the timeline. |

|Read pgs. 74- 83—after each section, have students take notes on the important parts of the section. Write the notes in their Interactive notebook. (this can be |

|done in groups or as a whole group) |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Students may use a peer to assist in finding information about the four cultures. |

|Students may research more in-depth about each culture and bring in information for the class timeline. |

| |

|Summarization: |

|Use a VENN diagram- students compare Nomadic Living and Permanent Settlement (food, housing, etc) |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: |

|Students will write a “Dear Diary” entry. They will pretend they are a member of one of the clans studied in the lesson and tell about a day in their life. |


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|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Evaluation |

|Tuesday |

|Key Vocabulary: archaeologist, artifact, shale, anthropologist, culture, horticulture, tribe, antiquities |

|Materials: Venn diagram, textbooks, interactive notebooks |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures |

|in Georgia. |

|Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact. |

| |

|Topics Covered: |

|The Prehistoric Period |

| |

|Essential Question: |

|How did various developments in the culture of prehistoric Native Americans mark their evolution from the Paleo Period through the Mississippian Period? |

|What impact did environment have on the development of the prehistoric Native American cultures? |

| |

|Prime Time: |

|What does B.C. stand for? (pg 74) Answer: Before Christ |

|What does A.D. stand for? (pg. 74) Answer: Anno Domini (Latin for “in the year of our Lord”) |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: CONTINUE MONDAY’S LESSON PLANS |

|Copy vocabulary in Interactive Notebook- discuss definitions |

|Read pages 68-71, discuss as an introduction to our topic…point out pics and maps (visual learners) |

|Page 72-73, point out the Population, Life Expectancy (we will compare/contrast these in every unit). You may review the other signs of the times as you see |

|interest. Also, have students view the timeline. |

|Read pgs. 74- 83—after each section, have students take notes on the important parts of the section. Write the notes in their Interactive notebook. (this can be |

|done in groups or as a whole group) |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Students may use a peer to assist in finding information about the four cultures. |

|Students may research more in-depth about each culture and bring in information for the class timeline. |

| |

|Summarization: |

|Use a VENN diagram- students compare Nomadic Living and Permanent Settlement (food, housing, etc) |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: |

|Students will write a “Dear Diary” entry. They will pretend they are a member of one of the clans studied in the lesson and tell about a day in their life. |


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|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Evaluation |

|Wednesday |

|Key Vocabulary: archaeologist, artifact, shale, anthropologist, culture, horticulture, tribe, antiquities |

|Materials: paper or transparency per group, textbook, interactive notebook |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures |

|in Georgia. |

|Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact. |

| |

|Topics Covered: |

|The Prehistoric Period |

| |

|Essential Question: |

|How did various developments in the culture of prehistoric Native Americans mark their evolution from the Paleo Period through the Mississippian Period? |

|What impact did environment have on the development of the prehistoric Native American cultures? |

| |

|Prime Time: |

|What is the nation’s only marble elementary school? (pg. 52) Answer: The Tate School |

|What is the longest river in Georgia? (use map on pg 59 to help). Answer: The Chattahoochee –436 miles long |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: (2 DAYS) |

|Pages 84-96 |

|Read pages 84-85 together. Discuss the Creeks |

|Introduce the “other” group…the Cherokees. They mostly lived in the north Georgia mountains. |

|Divide students into groups. Assign each group a section from pages 86-96 (skip pg. 87, 90) to present to the class. |

|Students will present the information while the class writes in their notebooks |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Work in small groups, flexible grouping |

|Additional time as needed |

| |

|Summarization: |

|Students will explain their section of the Cherokee nation |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: Students will write one paragraph expressing what the Cherokee and Creek tribes can teach us today. |

| |

|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application |

|Thursday |

|Key Vocabulary: archaeologist, artifact, shale, anthropologist, culture, horticulture, tribe, antiquities |

|Materials: paper or transparency per group, textbook, interactive notebook, BLM 26, 29, |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures |

|in Georgia. |

|Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact. |

| |

|Topics Covered: |

|The Prehistoric Period |

| |

|Essential Question: |

|How did various developments in the culture of prehistoric Native Americans mark their evolution from the Paleo Period through the Mississippian Period? |

|What impact did environment have on the development of the prehistoric Native American cultures? |

| |

|Prime Time: |

|What are Georgia’s two major deep water seaports? (pg. 60) Answer: Savannah and Brunswick |

|What does the word “Chattahoochee” mean? (pg. 62) Answer: River of the painted rock. |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: (continuation of Wednesday) |

|Students will present the information while the class writes in their notebooks |

|Chapter Review pg.98-99 |

|BLM 26 “Pre-contact Indians” |

|BLM 29 “Which Clan” |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Work in small groups, flexible grouping |

|Additional time as needed |

| |

|Summarization: |

|Students will explain their section of the Cherokee nation |

| |

|Reading/ Writing Activity: Students will write one paragraph expressing what the Cherokee and Creek tribes can teach us today. |

| |

|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application |

|Friday |

|Key Vocabulary: archaeologist, artifact, shale, anthropologist, culture, horticulture, tribe, antiquities |

|Materials: BLM 34 and 35, Prime time quiz |

|Standards Addressed: |

|SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures |

|in Georgia. |

|Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact. |

| |

|Topics Covered: |

|The Prehistoric Period |

| |

|Essential Question: |

|How did various developments in the culture of prehistoric Native Americans mark their evolution from the Paleo Period through the Mississippian Period? |

|What impact did environment have on the development of the prehistoric Native American cultures? |

| |

|Prime Time: |

|Quiz |

| |

|Instructional Strategies/ Activities: |

|Assessment on SS8H1a--- use BLM pg. 34, 35 |

|Current events—have students share their current events with the class |

|Video from United Streaming “Woodland Indians”…use quiz questions |

| |

|Differentiated Strategies: |

|Extended time |

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|Summarization: |

|Students will explain how their current event applies to GA history. |

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|Reading/ Writing Activity: Students will write a summary of the Woodland Indians video. |

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|Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application |

Weekly Assessments:

• Quiz on Friday over SS8H1a

• Quiz on prime time

• Current Events

Performance Based Activities:

• Venn diagram, current events, group project

Learning Targets:

• The student will understand that the movement and migration of people and ideas affected all societies involved.

• The student will understand that location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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