Lakeshore High School

2013-2014 Lakeshore High School World Geography (Honors) Summer AssignmentPart of the requirement for the Honors World Geography class is the completion of a summer assignment. Below you will find directions on how to access these assignments.What to do:Go to Coach Jones’ webpage to get the Chapter 1 reading. You may print off the reading, or read it on the computer. The files are in a pdf format, and some pages are upside down. You can rotate them by right clicking on the page and rotating the document.You may access Coach Jones’ webpage from the following web address: lhstitans.Make sure to complete all required parts of the summer assignment. Use the following checklist to ensure that this occurs:Read Chapter 1 – Provided OnlineTake detailed notes over Chapter 1 Reading (Use Unit 1 Overview for help)Complete World Map ActivityComplete Globalization Current Event ActivityIf at any point you are confused, or have a question, please make sure to contact me for clarification.Coach JonesWorld Geography (Honors)craig.jones@Unit 1 Overview—Thinking GeographicallyAs you read you need to take notes. Use the outline below to help organize your notes and to help you focus on what is important from the reading. Your notes will be collected on the first day of class.Vocabulary ● globalization● local diversity● place● region● cartography● scale● GIS● GPS● location● site● situation● meridian/longitude● parallel/latitude● formal region● functional region● vernacular region● culture● diffusion● hearthContent — When doing your reading focus on taking notes over the related information● What is Geography?● What do Geographers do?● Conflict between globalization and local diversity● Questions asked by those who study Human Geography● Purposes of Maps● Map Scale● Map Projections and distortion● Use of contemporary geographic tools● Place ○ Place names ○ Site ○ Situation ○ Mathematical Location (use of latitude and longitude, Time Zones)● Region ○ Cultural Landscape ○ Types of regions—formal, functional, vernacular● Culture ○ What people care about vs. what people take care of● Globalization ○ Impact on scale ○ Impact on economy ○ Impact on culture● Space ○ Where and why ○ Distribution (density, concentration, pattern)World Map ActivityGeographyCoach JonesYou need to be able to identify the following locations on the outline world map provided. We will have a map quiz over these the first week of class.Use blue to shade in and label the following:1. Atlantic Ocean2. Pacific Ocean3. Indian Ocean4. Arctic Ocean5. Caribbean Sea6. Gulf of MexicoUse green to draw and label the following:1. Equator2. Prime Meridian3. Arctic Circle4. Antarctic Circle5. Tropic of Capricorn6. Tropic of Cancer7. North Pole8. South PoleLabel each of the following continents and shade them in using different colors for each1. Africa2. Asia3. Europe4. Australia5. North America6. South America7. Central America and the Caribbean8. AntarcticaGlobalization Current Event ActivityHonors World GeographyThe purpose of this activity is to find two current events that are related to the idea of globalization. In selecting your current events you must use a reputable new source to find the news articles such as , , , The Denver Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, USA Today, ect...Also your article must have been written and published between June 1, 2013 and August 15, 2013. Prior to selecting articles make sure that you have read and taken notes over Chapter 1,and paid particular attention to pages 31-33. One of your articles must relate to the globalization of the economy, and one must relate to the globalization of culture.Make sure to complete your current event reviews using the following format:Must have a copy of the article in full. Articles you select should not be brief, but have substantial detail.Make sure to identify the date of the article, the source of the article, and page number if it is relevant.Each article should have a written response which addresses the following:A. Write a one-paragraph summary (minimum of 5 sentences) about the article. Make sure to address of a summary (who, what, when, where, why).Write a one-paragraph analysis which explains how the topic relates to globalization, and makes a prediction on what might occur in the future as it relates to the topic of the article. ................

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