Mature students officer report January 2019

Mature students officer report January 2019GoalsFirst aid courses No new news on this. Awaiting news from Shangyin regarding a NHS deal. ParkingRyan has managed to change the parking on-site to achieve weekend parking on-site, his own report will include more details.Nurseries Awaiting first MSA meeting. To be hosted by new MSA president. Regarding webpage ActionsCreated leaflets to welcome mature students into the university, as well so inform them of support services and avenues for mature students within the union. More focus on pointing out the MSA as a support network as most mature students when starting, feel they are the only one, or a small minority.Sign posting students, both online and whilst on campus.Actively engaging in networking during several refreshers’ events. Attended international Xmas meal (few attendees).Contacted the NUS to seek advise and support regarding a campaign for information about the NUS.Attended different societies and vsec groups and identified mature student friendly ones creating 12 days of societies, a spin off from 12 days of Xmas. ( note: not all of them are around anymore as some just got de-ratified as societies committee )MandatesNo current mandates ................

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