Current Events

Current Events

Keeping up with events going on around the world is very important. Each month you will need to find an article dealing with the physical or human geography of another country and complete the following packet. When choosing an article for the current events assignment, please keep in mind the following!!

➢ Article must relate to a foreign nation- not USA*

➢ Article cannot date back more than a month from when it is due

➢ Must be typed-(handwritten assignments will NOT be accepted)

➢ Must deal with Physical or Human geography

➢ Complete sentences must be used

➢ A hard copy of the assignment must be turned in on the due date

➢ Assignment must be set up correctly (the example I used in class)

Physical Geography

▪ Global warming

▪ Hurricanes/typhoons

▪ Tropical storm

▪ Wind storms

▪ Volcanoes

▪ Famine

▪ Tsunami’s

▪ Erosion/weathering

▪ Human/environment interaction

▪ Deforestation

▪ Desertification

▪ Tornados

▪ Landslides

▪ Avalanches

▪ Mudslides/creep

▪ Drought

▪ Flood

▪ Water pollution

▪ Etc.

Human Geography

▪ politics/elections

▪ economy

▪ war

▪ starvation

▪ survival stories*

▪ ethnic groups

▪ gender discrimination

▪ age discrimination

▪ education

▪ art

▪ religious events/ celebrations

▪ language

▪ daily life

▪ etc.

Where do I find an article?

• In a newspaper (Boston Globe, Patriot Ledger, USA today, etc.)

• On television news

• An on-line news source (, Social Studies for Kids, etc.)

Write complete sentences.

1. What kind of event did you read about? 5 pts.

2. Is the event considered human geography or physical geography or both? 5pts.

3. What was the source of your information? (Name of the newspaper, television station, or URL) 5 pts.

4. What is the “title” of the story that you read? 5 pts.

5. When-what date- was the story reported? (not printed out but reported) 5 pts.

6. Where did the event take place? 5 pts.

7. Where is the place located? 10 pts.

Be as specific as possible, start with continent and narrow down as much as possible. Include relative location and absolute location.

8. Summarize the story in a complete paragraph, telling what has happened, why it has happened, how it happened. Write complete sentences. Complete paragraphs need an opening & closing sentence and should be no less than 5 sentences!!! 25 pts.

9. What important facts that a reader might want to know are not yet known? What questions might a reader have that are still not answered by the news article? 10 pts.

* You must paraphrase!!!

10. (Infer/Predict) If you read about a physical geography event please explain how this event can change the geography (the land or body of water) of the region where it has happened. 10pts.

11. (Infer/Predict) Explain how this event may affect people living in the region. 10 pts.

12. Draw the events as it took place according to the details in the news story (3-4 pictures showing the order of events). Do this on a blank sheet of paper. Give the drawing a title. Make sure your name appears in the bottom right-hand corner of the paper. The drawing must also be in color!!! 10 pts.

13. Attach the story you have read from the newspaper or Internet news source. (if you first saw the story on television, you can go to the station’s website and print out the news story.) 5pts.

Total points possible = 110

|Article must relate to a foreign nation- not USA* |

|Article cannot date back more than a month from when it is due |

|Must be typed-(handwritten assignments will NOT be accepted) |

|Must deal with Physical or Human geography |

|Complete sentences must be used |

|A hard copy of the assignment must be turned in on the due date |

|Assignment must be set up correctly (like the example I used in class) |

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|-If the above criteria are not followed the Current Events assignment will only receive half credit!!! |

Current Events Due Dates

November 26

December 17

January 14

February 11

March 11

April 8

May 6

June 3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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