Republican Party of Texas

left-278765Republican Party of Texas2014 Candidate Resource Committee Funding Application1. Candidate’s Last Name: FORMTEXT ?????2. Candidate’s First Name: FORMTEXT ?????3. Office/Position (include Pct./Place #): FORMTEXT ?????4. County: FORMTEXT ?????5. SD FORMTEXT ??Office Use Only6a. Home Phone # ( FORMTEXT ??? ) FORMTEXT ??? - FORMTEXT ???? 6b. Work Phone #( FORMTEXT ??? ) FORMTEXT ??? - FORMTEXT ???? ext. FORMTEXT ????7. Fax #( FORMTEXT ??? ) FORMTEXT ??? - FORMTEXT ???? 8. Email address &/or website FORMTEXT ?????3.9. Mailing Address: (Street, City, Zip) FORMTEXT ?????10. Cell Phone and/or Pager #( FORMTEXT ??? ) FORMTEXT ??? - FORMTEXT ???? 11. Opponent’s Name: FORMTEXT ?????4.12. Campaign Contribution should be made out to FORMTEXT ?????13. Name of Spouse, Name(s) and age(s) of Child(ren): FORMTEXT ????? 14.14. I am: FORMCHECKBOX the incumbent FORMCHECKBOX the challenger FORMCHECKBOX running for open seat 15. DOB FORMTEXT ?????16. Campaign Treasurer: FORMTEXT ?????17. ’12 Hecht % FORMTEXT ?? %17.18. Education, present job title, and responsibilities: FORMTEXT ?????19.19. Campaign Manager: FORMTEXT ?????20. Campaign Consultant: FORMTEXT ?????ALL PORTIONS OF SECTIONS 21-24 MUST BE COMPLETED TO EVEN BE CONSIDERED FOR FUNDING21a. Campaign Total Budget $ FORMTEXT ????? 21b. Funds Raised to Date $ FORMTEXT ?????22. FORMCHECKBOX I HAVE read the current Republican Party Platform OR FORMCHECKBOX I HAVE NOT read the current Republican Party Platform.23. The three platform planks or Republican issues that I most strongly identify with are:468439593980The Texas Republican Party Platform is available at 00The Texas Republican Party Platform is available at i. FORMTEXT ?????ii. FORMTEXT ?????iii. FORMTEXT ?????24. Platform planks or Republican issues that I have the most difficulty agreeing with are: FORMTEXT ????? Why are you running for this office? FORMTEXT ?????30.26. What civic, professional or charitable organizations are you a member of? FORMTEXT ?????IF YOUR RESPONSE TO ANY ITEM 27-33 REQUIRES AN EXPLANATION, PLEASE EXPLAIN IN ITEM 34.27. Have a criminal record? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No (If yes, see Item 34.)28. Run for public office before? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No29. What public offices have you held? FORMTEXT ?????30. Have you ever attended a campaign school? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No (If yes, taught by whom, where & when?) FORMTEXT ?????31. What other campaigns have you actively worked in? FORMTEXT ?????32. Have you formed a campaign committee (if required by law) FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX Not required33. Explanation of Items 27-32 FORMTEXT ?????34. Is there any other information you would like the Candidate Resource Committee to know that is not addressed above? FORMTEXT ?????ITEMS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION (Your application will NOT be reviewed until all of these items are received.)35. Check Items you are including: FORMCHECKBOX 35a. Funding Application 2014 FORMCHECKBOX 35b. Budget w/line item detail FORMCHECKBOX 35c. Time Line36. Check appropriate block(s):(A Referral Form from either your County Chair OR one of your SRECs is required.) FORMCHECKBOX 36a. I have given a Referral Form to my County Chair.Name: FORMTEXT ?????(The County Chair will submit form upon completion.) FORMCHECKBOX 36b. I have given a Referral Form to my SRECSREC Name: FORMTEXT ?????(The SREC will send the form in upon completion.)ADDITIONAL HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ITEMS TO ASSIST THE COMMITTEEOTHER ITEMS FORMCHECKBOX 37a. Professional/political resume/bio FORMCHECKBOX 37a. Sample Campaign Materials FORMCHECKBOX 37b. Letters of recommendation, personal or professional FORMCHECKBOX 37d. Photo (Will not be returned)38. Signature39. Date FORMTEXT ?????Instructions for 2014 Candidate Resource Committee Funding Application(Self-explanatory fields are not addressed)ITEM #COMMENTS3Specify the office or position for which you are running, not a current or past position. Example: Justice of the Peace, Precinct 8, Place 16What percent of the voters in your district, precinct, or place voted for Texas Supreme Court Justice, Place 6 Nathan Hecht in the General Election? If unsure, your Republican County Chair or SREC should be able to help you.8If you do not have email, please give us an email address of someone who can get messages to you quickly in the event questions arise that must be answered before your application can be processed.12List the official name of your campaign so that checks can be made payable to the correct account if the Candidate Resource Committee grants you funding.19, 20If you do not have a campaign manager or consultant, please enter N/A. 21This information is critical. Without information about your budget and funds raised to date, your application for funds will not be considered. Include personal funds that you have lent or have given to your campaign.22, 23, 24All three sections must be completed for your application to be considered for funding27-32If any of these items requires an explanation, please enter the explanation in Item 3335 a-cThese items are not optional. No candidate will be considered for funding until all three required items are received. 36a-bIt is the candidate's responsibility to follow up with the County Chairman and/or SREC members to be certain their Confidential Referral forms are submitted to the Candidate Resource Committee. 37a-dThese items help the committee prioritize funding. A candidate who does not submit these items will still be considered for funding. 38-39Do not forget to sign and date the form.REMEMBER THAT FUNDING IS NOT GUARANTEED! FUNDS ARE LIMITED. YOUR PRESENTATION OF YOUR RACE AND YOUR ABILITY AS A CANDIDATE WILL HELP US PRIORITIZE THOSE FUNDS APPROPRIATELY.Please address application questions to the CRC Chairman, Jane Cansino via email at: cansino@ ................

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