Lake Orion High School

Lake Orion High School

Health Education Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Whitaker

Office: Boy’s Locker Room

Extension: 6019

Class: Health Requirement, one term, ½ credit

Textbook: Glencoe Health: McGraw Hill, Website:

Course Description:

This is a class designed to provide the student with knowledge and skills covering a wide range of health related topics. Areas to be studied: mental/emotional health, personal health, family life and health, nutrition, disease prevention and control, safety and first aid, substance use and abuse, (alcohol, drugs, tobacco), and human sexuality education. Where appropriate, issues dealing with consumer, community and environmental health will be included in the unit being studied. (Physical development sections of sexuality education are optional at the parent’s discretion).

Course Outcomes: The student will

1. Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

2. Analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

3. Demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.

4. Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.

5. Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.

6. Demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.

7. Demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid reduce risks.

8. Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.

General methodology used in teaching this course:

Small group presentations, lecture/discussion, projects, articles and periodicals, role-playing, videos, and guest speakers.

Course Outline:

1. Understanding Health and Wellness

A. Your Total Health

B. What Affects Your Health?

C. Health Risks and Behavior

D. Promoting Health and Wellness

2. Taking Charge of Your Health

A. Building Health Skills

B. Making Responsible Decisions and Setting Goals

C. Being a Health-Literate Consumer

D. Managing Consumer Problems

3. Achieving Mental and Emotional Health

A. Developing Your Self-Esteem

B. Developing Your Personal Identity and Character

C. Expressing Emotions in Healthful Ways

4. Managing Stress and Coping With Loss

A. Understanding Stress

B. Managing Stress

C. Coping with Loss and Grief

5. Mental and Emotional Problems

A. Dealing with Anxiety and Depression

B. Mental Disorders

C. Suicide Prevention

D. Getting Help

6. Skills for Healthy Relationships

A. Foundations of a Healthy Relationship

B. Respecting Yourself and Others

C. Communicating Effectively

7. Family Relationships

A. Healthy Family Relationships

B. Strengthening Family Relationships

C. Help For Families

8. Peer Relationships

A. Safe and Healthy Friendships

B. Peer Pressure and Relationships

C. Practicing Abstinence

9. Resolving Conflicts and Preventing Violence

A. Causes of Conflict

B. Resolving Conflicts

C. Understanding Violence

D. Preventing and Overcoming Abuse

10. Nutrition For Health

A. The Importance of Nutrition

B. Nutrients

C. Healthy Food Guidelines

D. Nutrition Labels and Food Safety

11. Managing Weight and Eating Behaviors

A. Maintaining Healthy Weight

B. Body Image and Eating Disorders

C. Lifelong Nutrition

16. Reproductive Health

A. The Male Reproductive System

B. The Female Reproductive System

17. The Beginning of the Life Cycle

A. Prenatal Development and Care

B. Heredity and Genetics

C. Birth Through Childhood

18. The Life Cycle Continues

A. Changes During Adolescence

B. Adulthood, Marriage, and Parenthood

C. Health Through the Life Cycle

19. Medicine and Drugs

A. The Role of Medicines

B. Using Medicines Safely

20. Tobacco

A. The Health Risks of Tobacco Use

B. Choosing to be Tobacco Free

C. Promoting a Smoke –Free Environment

21. Alcohol

A. The Health Risks of Alcohol

B. Choosing to Live Alcohol Free

C. The Impact of Alcohol Use Abuse

22. Illegal Drugs

A. Health Risks of Drug Use

B. Marijuana Inhalants and Steroids

C. Psychoactive Drugs

D. Living Drug Free

23. Communicable Disease

A. Understanding Communicable Diseases

B. Common Communicable Diseases

C. Fighting Communicable Diseases

D. Emerging Diseases and Pandemics

24. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS

A. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

B. Preventing and Treating STDS


D. Preventing Treating HIV/AIDS

25. Non Communicable Diseases and Disabilities

A. Cardiovascular Disease

B. Cancer

C. Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes, and Arthritis

D. Physical and Mental Challenges

26. First Aid and Emergencies

A. Providing First Aid

B. CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking

C. Responding to Other Common Emergencies

D. Emergency Preparedness

Assignments: Current Health Issues, (position papers based on articles); Group Poster Project; Individual Report, (topics; Weight Control, Fitness, Longevity, Heart and Artery Diseases, Cancer, Environment and Your Health, Accident and Injury Prevention, The Consumer and the Health Care System); must include current articles and computer research. Chapter Outcomes addressed in writing.

Evaluation based on:

Exams Group Projects Homework Assignments

Individual Reports Health Attitudes

Position Papers Quizzes

Grading Scale:

95-100 = A 73-76 = C

90-94 = A- 70-72 = C-

87-89 = B+ 67-69 = D+

83-86 = B 63-66 = D

80-82 = B- 60-62 = D-

77-79 = C+ 0-59 = E


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